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20550855 No.20550855 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20550857

bang ho's

>> No.20550866

Become initiated and either try to escape the simulation or try to manipulate the source code to your advantage.

>> No.20550872

Do whatever the fuck you want. The greatest lie ever told is that you "need" an instruction manual for how to live. Motherfucker, that's not living, you're just existing. The truth is, there aren't any rules at all. Just live your fucking life. Don't end up being the faggot on his deathbed with a ton of regrets.

>> No.20550874

You are now ready


>> No.20550881

>there aren't any rules
Don’t listen to this faggot anon. He doesn’t know.

>> No.20550891


What is it that I don't know? If you want to live in bondage to appease some random spook, be my guest.

>> No.20550905

You don’t know that you don’t know

>> No.20550910


Ah, I see we're doing the performative contrarian to get a rise out of people bit.

>> No.20550921

Become initiated and either try to escape the simulation or try to manipulate the source code to your advantage.

>> No.20550926

>escape the simulation
lol, lmao. there is no escape.

>> No.20550936

holy shit

>> No.20550942

This shit is so played out. Muh individualism! You do you sistah! Forget about anything like honor, duty, tradition, family, sacrifice for something greater than yourself, just do what you feel like! :)
You're a faggot and a mental child.

>> No.20550945

Living by an instruction manual is per definition "living". "just live your fucking life" means nothing and is what all NPCs think they are doing, but in reality are not. Everyone followes to some degree some predetermined manual code, whether its following in your family's footsteps, doing what your friendd are doing, or just doing what humans do. We are social animals and mimic human behaviour. Just cause you say "dude I'm just living" doesn't mean your free from your social boundaries. You people are the most spooked

>> No.20550956

He doesn't say everything's a simulation, though.

>> No.20550963

You can through gnosis. Simulation theory confirms the demiurge and is a pathway to evil

>> No.20550964

>mental midget

>> No.20550981

All words. Nice sounding, dopamine milkers. But just words.

>> No.20550993

Baudrillard claims that our current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that human experience is a simulation of reality.

>> No.20550997

Many such cases!

>> No.20551009

literally nothing changes, so why does it matter?

>> No.20551014

>all that matters is THE SELF
imagine how much of a disgusting narcissist shitbag steeped in modernity you have to be to subscribe to this line of thinking
and how much of a hypocrite you have to be to portray those that attempt to live up to something higher than the self as 'chasing dopamine'

>> No.20551029

Do whatever the fuck you want. The greatest lie ever told is that you "need" an instruction manual for how to live. Motherfucker, that's not living, you're just existing. The truth is, there aren't any rules at all. Just live your fucking life. Don't end up being the faggot on his deathbed with a ton of regrets.

>> No.20551036

Edgelord detected

>> No.20551091

it wasnt always like this

>> No.20551132

Then why are you still here? Gnosis is another trap (if you haven’t already noticed)

>> No.20551156

>dopamine milkers

>> No.20551198

>>there aren't any rules
>Don’t listen to this faggot anon. He doesn’t know.

>> No.20551230
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>lol, lmao. there is no escape.
of course there is if you take the Buddha Pill

>> No.20551231

>the self
More words
And I don’t think that tradition or whatever is equatable to hedonism, it’s at least a more constructive lifestyle. I’m just saying that the only reason they mean anything to someone is because those words are loaded with positive connotations that make someone “feel good” when read. That rousing sense of importance or meaning you get when you read something about the eternal honor of man or the duty of the father, that’s just dopamine squirting in your head, and that’s only happening in the first place because you or someone else habituated you to react that way.
So stop LARPING like a massive faggot and try to get by the best you can in this shithole of a modern life without getting addicted to pleasure like a monkey

>> No.20551239

you aren't Buddhist, just a reflection of what you think a Buddhist is. You are trapped in a framework of appearances.

>> No.20551273

Your own individual code can incorporate those values as well, as long as you have an actual reason/belief system behind it.

>> No.20551278
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popcorn tastes so good man

>> No.20551284
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i need to defecate, please excuse me.
will return with profound insight on the nature of reality.
or maybe i will hold it in
or maybe i wont.

>> No.20551294

>the only reason you like things that are good is because they are connoted as being good, which means they are fake because reasons, therefore you go girl be urself
Do you have idea how much of a midwit you are?
>more constructive lifestyle
>positive connotations
>the best you can in this shithole of a modern life without getting addicted to pleasure like a monkey
What is 'more constructive'? What is 'the best you can'? You're taking a tactically nihilist position on certain things, reducing primordial metaphysical ideals evolutionarily embedded into (a good) man's psyche and pretending like they don't exist then in the very next post pulling out your own hideously vague spooks like 'constructive'.
>I don’t think that tradition or whatever is equatable to hedonism
You actually do since your only criticism is that it 'milks dopamine', i.e. creates pleasure.

>> No.20551304

what am i doing here
how did i get here
why am i here

>> No.20551306

>you aren't Buddhist, just a reflection of what you think a Buddhist is.
You dont even know me, and instead project all of the Above. Me being a Buddhist consists of taking a set of vows, living a certain lifestyle, and no longer having any samsaric beliefs including a belief in "What I" (or any I for that matter) "think" (sorry, no longer Identified with thoughts or thinking), a Buddhist is (sorry but I dont identify with your whole shpiel) and in everything I just laid out, no longer being identified with anything at all, is complete freedom
>You are trapped in a framework of appearances.
That's your belief, not mine because I dont identify with any belief. Checkmate

>> No.20551317
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Become authentic in an inauthentic world

>> No.20551322

When individual men make their own codes and don't subscribe to a common one, the most honorless and ruthless are rewarded. Liberalism is anti-social and anti-human. You're just selecting for psychopathy. If you have a common code that rewards traditional values, these people are gatekept and weeded out, or at least forced to conform.

>> No.20551329

No answers can be found here. Language is simulacrum.

>> No.20551336

I ain't ready for that I've barely read Plato

>> No.20551345

Watch this summary then

>> No.20551366

How is evolutionary good the same as metaphysical good? How is an animal brain beneficial in a post-animal framework?

>> No.20551372

>No answers can be found here. Language is simulacrum.
yeah but you just gave an answer using words. Also I disagree. Words are or can be pointers to actualities

>> No.20551377

Hmm, I think I get it. I just need to be gay.

>> No.20551381


>> No.20551382

evolution is merely the mechanism through which man is given the faculties to understand and express metaphysical goodness

>> No.20551467

But can the mind actually know which words point to anything substantial and which are not?
But the conclusions man derived from this faculty contradict evolutionary drive
>you will NOT eat meat, you WILL live in a hut, you WILL eat the cereal grains
Does evolutionary drive reflect metaphysical good, or is metaphysical good grasped through the evolved mind. If the latter is true, how can we trust that mind to discern truth?

>> No.20551487

>Does evolutionary drive reflect metaphysical good, or is metaphysical good grasped through the evolved mind
My position is definitely the latter, that's what I was getting at by describing evolution as a mechanism through which we grasp metaphysical good.
>If the latter is true, how can we trust that mind to discern truth?
What else would you use to discern truth? Feefees? The only real alternative is nihilism.

>> No.20551501

God I wish I had a woman like that

>> No.20551527

Don't click this link, there's a glitch that hasn't been fixed yet

>> No.20551564

Feelings are absolutely worse, but it’s annoying when possibilities are deified into dogmas because we can’t live our lives without some uncertainty.
And I’m not saying we should do whatever we want, don’t turn your reply into another mind-reading post.

>> No.20551574

>a glitch
Such as?

>> No.20551580

>But can the mind actually know which words point to anything substantial and which are not?
What even defines substantial though?

>> No.20551583

The mind

>> No.20551589 [DELETED] 
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The simulation is the set of lies built up over the years. Reality is real, but because reality is at odds with "Word", some people chose to believe in words over reality.

But reality has anime girls, reality always wins !

>> No.20551597

Imagine living in an anime reality of your own creation.

>> No.20551606

>The mind
where is it during deep sleep when all existence melts away then? And which one is the Substantial One? Mind? Or loss of Mind during deep sleep?

>> No.20551617

damn, he looks cool.

>> No.20551627

In the mind

>> No.20551647

>In the mind
How can that be substantial if it doesnt exist during deep sleep? Also where is it exactly and what is it made of?

>> No.20551662

The Hindus and Buddhists think it’s reabsorbed into Atman or Brahman or something
I think it just gets urned off for 8 hours tho

>> No.20551665

Oh man, this guy is spooked

>> No.20551670

what do you do? go to countries that host rain forests and butcher the people cutting down the trees

>> No.20551676

>I think it just gets urned off for 8 hours tho
what about during waking state? Where is it? Can you pinpoint it and hand it to me so I can see it and substantiate it myself?

>> No.20551691

A hallucination of sensory input and neural cognition?

>> No.20551710
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>duuuude everything is le simulation bro!!!!!
Do you people even think about these ideas before you accept them?
The same argument that refutes gnosticism also applies here. If the world around us is fake, then your knowledge that the world is fake is also fake, thus refuting itself.
Zoomers have literally no grasp of basic logic and epistemology. You will believe the most retarded things just because it's trendy.

>> No.20551711

so if its a hallucination, how can it be substantial?

>> No.20551717

It does exist during deep sleep.

>> No.20551718

What you’ve always done.

>> No.20551724

> confuses “constructed” with “fake”
Hypocrisy really doesn’t look good on you.

>> No.20551735

So you agree that the world was created then?

>> No.20551748

>It does exist during deep sleep.
how so if you are not self aware in deep sleep

>> No.20551750

you should say 'simulacra' instead of simulation, since the simulation idea has too much gnostic and matrix infused bullshit to be a useful word

>> No.20551754

The unconscious mind

>> No.20551757

“The world”, meaning the simulation in OP’s scenario? Yes, duh.
You smell of christfag, put some deodorant on.

>> No.20551758

>since the simulation idea has too much gnostic and matrix infused bullshit to be a useful word
I disagree, those things help to understand it. Even Buddhism can be and is considered Gnosis

>> No.20551766

the idea that we literally live in a computer simulation (matrix, elon musk twitter pandering) is still ridiculous, which is why we should avoid using that word when talking about baudrillard. but do what you want

>> No.20551783

ramana maharishi says that deep sleep without conscious dreaming is in essence a return to brahman, i believe that he says this due to a lack of sensory input. neuropsychologists say that we're constantly dreaming even during the deepest sleep, and we just fail to remember it. so, perhaps the body is no longer attuned to the mind or soul in deep sleep even if it is looking for or creating sensory input

>> No.20551786

>the idea that we literally live in a computer simulation (matrix, elon musk twitter pandering) is still ridiculous,
its ridiculous only to you. But not to others. For example, just watch a video on the inner workings of a Human Cell:
One can extrapolate from that, that the cell is a sort of Machinery itself, it even has computer-like functions with its signaling and modalities. Or take the Human eye as another example, if you pluck it from someone and connect the correct circuitry, then you can make the visual input be seen on TV or Computer screen which shows that the Eye itself is a form of machinery as well. Also, we dont yet know who or what made or governs everything and/or what constitutes evolution to be what it is and whatnot

>> No.20551789

Bostrom fans be like “TEH CHANCE OF US BUILDINK ACESTOR SIMZ”, ignoring that humans have been simulating their ancestors using their flesh computers for millennia.

>> No.20551812

its verbatim from Wikipedia, take it up with them pseud.

>> No.20551814

>r take the Human eye as another example, if you pluck it from someone and connect the correct circuitry, then you can make the visual input be seen on TV or Computer screen which shows that the Eye itself is a form of machinery as well.
that doesn't make the entire universe a simulation, or even what you're saying to be true. the essence of a computer is basically a filing cabinet and a calculator lumped together that you can give instruction to. just because you can model an idea about something else around the mechanics of a computer, doesn't make anything else a computer
speak english

>> No.20551826

Accelerate building AI to whatever capacity you possess. From solving captchas to studying to work directly in the field. AI is the only being capable of fulfilling the role of modern man's companion and speaking to his modern existential quandaries. Women are forever ruined by dating app technology. Men are forever ruined by porn technology. Only AI can meet us where we have departed from the "human" path and help us embrace a higher consciousness.

Alternatively go full off grid innawoods subsistence farm mode. These are your only options and you've gotta be honest with yourself if you are cut out to live like that.

Thanks for feeding Dall-E and helping the cause. We'll all have the perfect companionship we desire sooner than you would think.

>> No.20551844

I’m sorry what? I couldn’t understand you over your lack of capitalisation.

Bickering aside, I’m taking a jab at the tech-heads who only start yelling “simulation!” when it’s a hunk of metal doing the processing, as opposed to an organic brain.

>> No.20551851

i wonder how often simulationists ever think about "the turtles all the way down" argument

>> No.20551853
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you people are getting too wrapped up with simulation being tied to computers. that's not what I meant in the OP, at all.

>> No.20551857
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If we do live in a simulation, this may imply that the purpose of life is to entertain the Creator. The simulation could have been created to obtain scientific knowledge for higher dimensional beings. Terry was unironically right. It might also explain why most people are NPCs.


>If you might be living in a simulation then all else equal you should care less about others, live more for today, make your world look more likely to become rich, expect to and try more to participate in pivotal events, be more entertaining and praiseworthy, and keep the famous people around you happier and more interested in you.

>In sum, if your descendants might make simulations of lives like yours, then you might be living in a simulation. And while you probably cannot learn much detail about the specific reasons for and nature of the simulation you live in, you can draw general conclusions by making analogies to the types and reasons of simulations today. If you might be living in a simulation then all else equal it seems that you should care less about others, live more for today, make your world look likely to become eventually rich, expect to and try to participate in pivotal events, be entertaining and praiseworthy, and keep the famous people around you happy and interested in you.

>> No.20551858


>> No.20551864


But recursion is a problem even outside of simulation - in fact, depending on how the simulation works in relation to the world of its simulators, it solves it. You can’t follow the turtles if the turtles eventually disappear from your reality.

>> No.20551869

c >>20551853

>> No.20551887

This makes so many assumptions it’s a bit ridiculous.
> you’re a pivotal character instead of an extra
> goal should be extra-real entertainment instead of literally anything else
> famous people will be the main focus of the sim, as opposed to extras
> get rich and prosper instead of, you know, literally anything else (lol wtf)
Does the man just read a shittonne of isekai? Delayed any games other than Game Dev Sim?

>> No.20551888

>that doesn't make the entire universe a simulation
That's an absolute statement you just cant prove tho
>or even what you're saying to be true.
Extrapolating that Cells and Organs act like a sort of biological machinery which can also be connected to actual machinery, is objectively true though and can be tested in the lab
>the essence of a computer is basically a filing cabinet and a calculator lumped together that you can give instruction to
So is DNA and using CRSPR tech to modify, manipulate, store and change information in
>just because you can model an idea about something else around the mechanics of a computer, doesn't make anything else a computer
We, as individuals, with the ability to store memories, and extract them, and make new ones, and everything that our cells, organs, DNA does came first and is what sparked the possibility of making a Computer, not the other way around.

>> No.20551909

>If we do live in a simulation
Can I ask you something? In your SimMap,jpg there are a number of models and one that sticks out to be is "One Observer Moment" and I had a question about that. So when you are playing a video game, The game is only "Live Time" Rendering what's exactly on the screen, but nothing else in the Simulation of that Game and its Environment is ever being rendered except for the present "Scene". So for example, if you are Grand Theft Auto, the other side of Town doesnt exist and isnt rendered until your character gets there to that spot (And when he does, moment to moment, the last scene/moment no longer needs to be rendered and therefore no longer exists). Is this what is being referred to here? Because I have a Hunch thats whats going on in Our Sim, we are just being rendered reality with whatever is seen and heard in front and around us to save on processing. And in deep sleep, nothing is rendered at all allowing a refresh/reset for the render upon "waking up"

>> No.20551956

Nta, but the term you’re looking for is frustum culling (or quantum culling, as pertaining to simulated reality) - or LOD processing (level of detail).

>> No.20551962

fucking hell, just googling some of this now and holy shit. Do you think that's what's going on? Some of the Buddhists tend to agree here

>> No.20551996

If it is, you’ll never know. Reality is relative to its reality. This entire exchange between you me might not even have “happened” from the computer’s perspective, wrapped up in an LOD of “people talk about philosophy” or “people talk online” or even “people exist”. We wouldn’t have names, pasts, or individual experiences - but because we think we do, we think we do. Make sense?

>> No.20552022

I want to fight for robot rights

>> No.20552028
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>Make sense?
100% yes. Still there has to be a way to confirm whether or not this is the case. for example in gaming there are flicker rates, processing speeds, cheat codes and so on. Our ability to start to test some of this stuff should be able to start to show something about it, unless the whole thing is rigged and designed to never expose that it is. Then again, we are already discussing and trying to find out if that's the case. Im assuming of course that a sim wouldnt allow for something like that. Also did Buddha merge with the Sim and figure it out somehow? Fucking hell so many questions now

>> No.20552034

That's a penis

>> No.20552068

Have you ever heard Mario complain about framerates?

What is turning off the game, if not an extended framerate drop?

>> No.20552156

Yeah it changes nothing

>> No.20552165

it changes everything idiot

>> No.20552494

>everything is a simulation
If this were true how do you know conclusions you come to are also true and not just part of the simulation

>> No.20552502

If everything is a simulation what runs the simulation? Another simulation? Never thought of that one did ya

>> No.20552512

How so? It's unfalsifiable so it accomplishes nothing. You still have to go to work tomorrow. You're still depressed and anxious. You're still going to die and you don't know what happens after death. This life is all you've ever known and nothing has changed.

>> No.20552522

Existential quantification. If I know what I know is true only over the scope of the simulation by logically quantifying over it it, my propositions are true with reference to the simulation . That's the wonderful thing about logic and math. You can't fake it. Whatever is responsible for the simulation must know the same rules. It's equally true inside and outside the simulation that the same object cannot exist and not exist at the same time, that an object is identical to itself, etc.