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/lit/ - Literature

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20548888 No.20548888 [Reply] [Original]

prev >>20545564

>> No.20548889
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>> No.20548894

I want to access the literary/intellectual circles of my country, how do I do this?

>> No.20548899 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20548903

I eat boredom away.

>> No.20548907

First you need to transition then you make a Twitter account and celebrate LGBT month. Then just write some free verse about sexual identity, submit it to magazines, and you joined the litarary/intellectual world of your country. Rejoice.

>> No.20548910

Gay sex is not cute and valid, it’s fucking disgusting.
Gays look nothing like the girls with dicks from the doujins, it’s all propaganda to lure straights into becoming gay.

>> No.20548912

^ Bot post.

>> No.20548914


>> No.20548918

God's will is eternal.

>> No.20548934

Seeing that God is eternal, it follows that his will should be eternal too.

>> No.20548992

which BLACKED episode is this the intro to?

>> No.20549007

it's the third bottle of wine I drank today

>> No.20549013
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>reading picrel to learn more about the genre, 60 pages in
>half of it (not kidding) has been just yapping about misogyny, classism, racism and colonialism
Is every nonfiction book written in the past few years like this? No wonder zoomers are fucked in the head.

>> No.20549109

Black dicks will rule the world

>> No.20549114

All I ever watch is BNWO hypno now

>> No.20549134

>God is eternal
That's true. What's also true is that He's almighty.

>> No.20549199
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The average person started to see lefties as evil too. The chuds won. It's over for us. We should have never went with the LGBT card because normal people are disgusted by trannies. It's fucked. Fuck.

>> No.20549203

recompressing files

>> No.20549219

lmao baste

>> No.20549244

I sincerely want all of you to commit suicide

>> No.20549270

we know, that's what makes it more fun

>> No.20549271

>college experience sucked
>I was a honors student in high school but the difficulty of some classes hit me like a truck, revealed I was a midwit
>ended up with mediocre grades with a shit degree and landed a mediocre job
>didn't make any friends or connections as I was too scared, didn't talk to girls at all
>still have a weird sense of nostalgia before it
I don't know if it's because it happened before covid or because I think about all the missed opportunities and self inflected mistakes.

>> No.20549287 [SPOILER] 
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Things will get better anon, but first they will get much worse

>> No.20549304

it is not funny anymore where these shit is happening in front of our eyes, unless you want the destruction of everything good/beautiful or something like that idk

>> No.20549314

yes it is. it's funny, because you get mad. in terms of sheer bait, bbcposting has an effort-to-rage ratio that nothing else can match. people will write whole essays of rage because of a single .jpg. it's the most cost efficient method of trolling ever invented. so long as you keep falling for it and reacting and seething, the glorious BBCpost will reign supreme

>> No.20549333

You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.20549357

good thing i am! but i'm guessing that's your passive aggressive way of seething to even a text post about it. so easy

>> No.20549384

The problem is not the posts in themselves but the bad effects that they have on people which used to be normal. Just go on /gif/ and see how many people admit that they are new to this shit. There was even a person on a black male on white male thread who asked if he should try bbc and more than 10 posters said yes, now imagine if that was your child..

>> No.20549464

sensitive faggots

>> No.20549513

i dont know

>> No.20549607

My online memories are so powerful, it almost makes me cry when I look back at all these years, the ideologies that I supported, the enthusiasm with which I found new ideas, the people from 4chan, discord, telegram, etc. that I interacter with, the times when we used to talk on discord vc, all of the shitpost that we made, staying up all night, listening to music in vc while drunk, everytime I went somewhere with my family I used to send them images and felt like they were real friends next to me. All of this and I am left with nothing, all of these people don't talk with eachother anymore, they seem to have grown up, I recently texted one of these guys of which I had the phone number and he told me that he is going to become a christian monk. Do you think that I should also try to fix my real life and grow out of this? My mind thinks so but my heart keeps coming back to these good old days wasted online.

>> No.20549637

this isn't /lit/ related, but ever since i was around 15 i've slowly been teaching myself to play the guitar and piano, trying to understand music theory, and composing songs in DAWs. but it's been many years and i'm still shit. this is going to sound retarded, but i've been re-listening to the undertale ost recently, studying the melodies, rhythm, etc.
it's fucking soul crushing. i can't make songs that good, toby fox is just naturally better; he just "gets ideas for melodies in the shower." i don't want to give up, but it's just so depressing when i listen to other people's music and realize that i have no talent.
kind of a cringe blogpost but whatever, i need to say it somewhere

>> No.20549649

Don’t compare yourself to others. Play music because you enjoy it

>> No.20549650

>now imagine if that was your child..
how in the sweet fucking christ did your mind go to that? you've got issues dude

>> No.20549672

Also have to wonder what he was doing in a gay interracial sex thread in the first place.

>> No.20549678

I’m come to believe that the very existence of BBC porn refutes any claims by Black men that they suffer from oppression. You can’t be oppressed if the media is encouraging women of all races to fuck you. (It’s not just porn either, look at ads and stuff like TikTok: all BMWF couples). Simple as that.

>> No.20549703

>how in the sweet fucking christ did your mind go to that?
those young people have actual parents, you know? this is a real situation, just like having a trans child is

>> No.20549717

He's not the one posting about nigger dick to own da ebul nazis like a fucking FAGGOT

>> No.20549722

He's probably white so he has the ability to think ahead

>> No.20549724

Plus i'm pretty fucking sure you're grooming dumb lonely guys into that shit

>> No.20549730

yeah, he was just browsing.

>> No.20549758
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did xi die?

>> No.20549767
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But what a ghastly general so far.

>> No.20549810
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>have mentally ill friend
>haven't seen him in a couple years
>turns out he's going down the troon hole
>wearing programmer socks, short shorts, fishnets, skirt, and heels
>says gender is all performative
>it's entirely disconnected from biology
>says he's a man but if he was wearing a dress with makeup and long hair he would be a woman
He's a good guy but talking to him is like walking on eggshells.

>> No.20549822


>> No.20549831

i dont know

>> No.20549835
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Would you have a girlfriend who's incredibly cute and kind but borderline mentally retarded?

Let's say she looks like this

>> No.20549839

Is it an annoying kind of retarded or a sweet kind?

>> No.20549845

The girls I've dated only used their intelligence to manipulate, lie, cheat and weren't kind at all so yeah a cute retard would be considerable upgrade.

>> No.20549847

I used to date a girl that had borderline disorder. It was the opposite of fun and happy.

>> No.20549851

tell him the truth: YWNBAW

>> No.20549861

I'd date anything at this point, as long as she isn't a fat ass or 90 years old

>> No.20549864

no, stupid people make me feel lonely

>> No.20549867

>billions of deaths in the next couple years
Deagel is in the same business as Jane’s—which has been in the business of analyzing weapons systems for many decades.
A look at the Deagel website, which is quite sophisticated, makes it clear we’re not dealing with some blogger concocting outrageous clickbait. It seems to be well-connected with defense contractors and government agencies like the CIA.

If it's just a conspiracy theory, it's certainly a well-placed one.

>> No.20549876

You commit 3 felonies per day.

>> No.20549888
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Deagal also predicted the US population would drop to ~250 million by 2020. They have no clue what they are talking about.

>> No.20549908
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This made me laugh. The world is so fucking gay.

>> No.20549931
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>> No.20549974

I don't get it

>> No.20549984

Any of you lads read Colin Wilson's The Outsider?

>> No.20549992

You're already here, faggot.

>> No.20549994

Reading about the Algerian war makes me depressed yet I can't stop doing it

>> No.20550009
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>> No.20550019

stfu chud

>> No.20550088

Is there a reason for the drinking?

>> No.20550101

I dunno if I have grown softer over time, but stuff like war and people being hurt/tortured/killed bothers me a lot more than it used to. Back in the day I'd read about wars like WWII or the 30 Years War and it'd be cool, you know? The grand collision of states and of armies, military strategies, etc.

Somewhere along the line that changed. Now when I think of WWII, I imagine being a Chinese man killed by the Japanese, or a Jewish kid gassed in the Holocaust, or a German kid whose mom gets raped by Soviets, etc. And WWII stopped being cool to me, it turned into this nightmarish cacophony of human suffering.

It's not just WWII. The Persian Gulf War is something where America unleashed its might. In military terms it was a total victory. But there's this photo of an Iraqi soldier in a tank burnt alive by American weaponry. And I saw that and I thought, "That was someone's baby boy". You get what I'm saying? Someone gave birth to him, fed him, clothed him, cheered on his first steps and words, sent him to school, and so forth. And at the end of it, because of political factors decided by others he didn't even know him, he died in agony.

I don't know my point here, beyond "war and violence is bad". On a personal note, I think I expected not to feel this way, to get harder with age, but the opposite happened.

>> No.20550102


>> No.20550107


>> No.20550111
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>drink two bottles
>good buzz but thinking clearly
>drink the third
>blackout drunk, sleeping on couch

>> No.20550115

Why do you do it?

>> No.20550117


>> No.20550124

I stopped drinking a year and half ago but I spent most of my twenties drunk because of traumatic failed relationship and no direction in life. I'm much better now, kratom saved me.

>> No.20550125
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>> No.20550129

it's just your narcissism making you think you're being sensitive, that you progressed to a new height of human consciousness

>> No.20550131

>his reflection is just a mushy shadow
sad, really

>> No.20550135

its called growing up. good on you

>> No.20550145

Pulvis et umbra sumus

>> No.20550172

you get "women" when you rearrange the letters in the word "oh"

>> No.20550189 [DELETED] 

Nine Inch Nailsis the best band in the world?

>> No.20550192 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20550213

I wonder if the Nazis would have banned my novel

>> No.20550248

Hmm that's good. I'm glad to hear you've improved. Did your life improve in general after you cut down?

>> No.20550265

is there a connection between (chicken) eggs and lesbians? I've now had several experiences of lesbians whom I know from an art scene using the egg as a symbol in their art or just casually on their social media. clearly this has some connection to their impotent, unfertilized senses of self.

>> No.20550278

Massively - regular exercise, good sleep, lot of reading, finally settling for ambitions and pursuing them with discipline and motivation. Booze addiction crippled every area of my life, kratom on the other hand is just harmless pseudo-opiate reward I give myself in the evening after getting shit done during the day. I wholeheartedly recommend this sort of change to every alcoholic on /lit/.

>> No.20550292

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20550303


>> No.20550311

I'd really like to get back to that place too. I stopped drinking since I got put on ADs and medicinal THC oil but I don't have the energy to be who I was before. I doubt kratom is legal here otherwise I'd try it. What effects do you personally get when you use it?

>> No.20550335

Nine Inch Nails is the best band of all times

>> No.20550337

Post it again you fucking weirdo

>> No.20550349
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Yeah, those are common symptoms of AD medication - no energy, flat personality. Kratom affects your opiate receptors so the high is euphoric sedation, comfy and relaxing. Something like those two bottles of wine I mentioned but you don't get stupid and don't crave more, it's just peaceful sleep afterwards and no hangover. It's illegal in my country too, I order it online from abroad to alternating delivery drop points on fake contact info. Do your research and try it, ADs aren't as bad as boozing but you don't have to suffer those side effects.

>> No.20550350

hello wwoym, i recently enterd the world of books but only finished sombe webnovels so far cause they were easy to get into, mother of learning, perfect run and worth the candle.

I wanted to ask if anyone knows a good magic/fantasy novel that's completed and focuses on an protagonist that grows in power. I want someone who goes full autismo on his magic and finds out stuff everyone should have but are just too lazy. I alwas hear rational/litgrpg/progression with that description from google but here are just too many books for me to decide. any recommendations please?
Also I tried bakker's book in audio form but that was really really hard. too many names in too little time. Maybe I'll try it again in the future once I have some references under my belt.

>> No.20550362

>bought books for my brother's birthday
>didn't get the best deal
I'm upset about it. I've been pretty loose with money lately, and I don't like it.

>> No.20550371

Ah, I get it. We should fuck snakes.

>> No.20550372

>full autismo
Maybe try Raymond E Feist's Magician series

>> No.20550380

The side effects from my ADs are absolutely shocking right now to the point where I don't want to take them. The THC oil just makes me sleep, which I don't hate, but I can't do anything else. Did you ever end up finding another relationship? My reasons for being fucked up are also the same as yours were.

>> No.20550384
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why are we here, just to suffer?

>> No.20550391

no, to live

>> No.20550393

the concept of the unreliable narrator was the death of all analysis of literature

>> No.20550431

Any Irish /lit/bros here? I'm currently visiting Ireland from Australia, seriously loving it and am considering moving over to do a semester of uni here. Would you recommend or is it actually a shit place to live?

>> No.20550456

Everyday is exactly the same

>> No.20550459

For a week-long period last year, I couldn't have coffee without getting insane heart palpitations. But then everything went back to normal. Now I back to drink my many daily cups of coffee

I wonder why my body did that for that one week

>> No.20550471

Try researching alternatives to ADs, kratom is just one of the options, one that works for me. I know a guy in real life who pretty much turned into wagie zombie because of his medication, he's "stable" and "reliable" but there's no life behind those dull eyes; internet is full of such stories and experiences. Chemical lobotomy.
>another relationship
Honestly I've turned down several relationship opportunities while drinking in college and one recently in sobriety, fucked up romance triggered my misery but no life goals is what really held me down, so I'm working on myself rather than looking for a woman. As I've started heading towards my ideal self-actualized self, the past relationship bullshit becomes increasingly irrelevant in hindsight. There's no point telling you not to dwell it though, it takes its natural course. Took me a fucking decade, good luck Anon

>> No.20550513

A woman that minds is superior to a woman with mind.

>> No.20550555

I dread becoming rentcuck but there's simply no other way.

>> No.20550619

There are far too many who aggressively and persistently insist on their recommendations.

>> No.20550667

Solitudes unite those society separates. . ., and destinies tend to repeat each other.

>> No.20550683

I really need to move to a new country or a new city

>> No.20550684

Most people, as they age, gain experience with other people, and end up completely losing faith in the human race.
Somehow, you missed that.

>> No.20550693
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As would the other extreme.

>> No.20550702
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Trent Reznor isn't fit to sniff Ministry's shit.

>> No.20550705

I wish I never lost my faith as a teenager in this wretched society. I fell for the hedonism bait and everything around me encouraged me. I didn't know any better. What a hollow and cursed lie.

>> No.20550712
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To provide experiences for The One.
He sure seems to have a dark sense of humor, though.

>> No.20550722
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Why? People suck no matter where you are.
Don't be fooled by a change in location.

>> No.20550739

Stand in a graveyard and listen to the dead. Speak only of what they say.

>> No.20550743

The human race is the only thing I have faith in.

>> No.20550752
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Humans will not save you. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can.

>> No.20550759
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I'm going to tell you a story.
Wait until I'm done.

He was born on December 25th, in a manger, to a virgin.
His birth fulfilled an ancient prophecy.
The local ruler had all the male children under the age of 2 put to death in an effort to stop him.
His birth was attended by angels and shepherds.
He was visited by 3 wise men, who followed a star, and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
He had 12 followers.
He was crucified between 2 thieves.
3 days after he died, he was resurrected, and went to go live with his father, God, up in Heaven.

OK, that's my story. Who am I talking about?
Actually, it's the story of the Egyptian god Horus, and dates back to 1500 BC.
Similar origin stories are claimed for Mercury (Romans), Dionysus (Greeks), Krishna (Hindu), and Quetzalcoatl (Aztecs).
But Horus is the earliest version of the story I know of.

>> No.20550760

Ministry IS shit

>> No.20550763

It's basically Australia 1.0, sun.exe not found
If you like it for a holiday, you'll probably like it for a semester. Depending on where you're from and where you plan on attending you might find it expensive/cheap. Travel (esp taxis and cars) and rent are a bit more expensive here, but food and other things are a bit cheaper, so swings and roundabouts. Different cities have different vibes obviously.

>> No.20550770

This is pretty one dimensional thinking

>> No.20550774

I see a lot of zoomerphobia on here. Just goes to show you, as it's from millennials, that every generation is jealous they're not a part of the prior generation generation whilst simultaneously blaming them for all their problems. Ironically, it's the other way around. Adults like to blame the current youth for all the world's problems while indulging in the same products that kids enjoy. Whenever people talk about moral decay, they always blame the youth. Despite the fact that adults have been creating and indulging vices for years, painting the world in their own flavors of degeneracy, and when the current generation grows up and has to live with the new youth I'm sure they will blame the kids of "today" rather than accepting responsibility for their part, too. Moral decay is the result of not accepting responsibility for one's own actions. And unfortunately it is the youth who must act to reverse, but they never do; and that's why I laugh when I see faggots on here whining about "kids these days," when they seem to sweep under the rug that Millennials were the ones who were caught into bullshit like reality TV, mirroring degenerate personified minstrel act rappers/popstars, hyperconsumerism, hedonism and shit that (seemed) more callous and indulgent than what I've witnessed from the Boomers and Zoomers that I've personally known. It was millennials that pioneered the woke shit, it's always a millennial who goes around shooting up schools and yoga studios, it's always a millennial who comes up with the try-est of tryhard hot takes about (insert group here) to justify doing nothing with their lives. It's also the millennials who killed pop culture and the internet, turning everything into a milquetoast at best retread or reboot and turning the internet into an insane asylum where, unless you want sports highlights, there's literally nothing to do anymore unless you prefer the company of batshit insane retards sperging out over the stupidest shit imaginable. And it's funny that millennials insist they never had it good; motherfucker, you at least grew up when the going was even somewhat good (the nineties that you'd later take credit for from Gen X/boomers who created everything you loved about it - seriously, what have millennials created?); what does Gen Z get? They get you telling them how bad THEY are. Lay off the kids, faggots. If people just chilled out, stopped letting their feelings be hurt and in general lived and let live then this wouldn't be a problem; there are haters tho. even for folks who have never experienced oppression or real trauma based on who/what they are, a lot join stupid political movements because it's acceptance and social elevation of some kind; I'd say it's less of a youth problem and more of a human problem.

>> No.20550785

>Actually, it's the story of the Egyptian god Horus, and dates back to 1500 BC.
Debunked a long time ago sweaty, you need new cringe material https://reasonsforjesus.com/debunking-the-jesushorus-connection/

>> No.20550792


>> No.20550796


Then again, people are addicted to indignation. Why else do crimes and scandals make the front page or are the general TV discussion? Most adult entertainment is just fictional characters creating problems before the world and the other characters have to stop them. People are so addicted to indignation, that they think conflict/suffering is the fundamental key to character.
>Hard times makes strong.mem >No pain no gain >When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

People often forget that conflict/suffering does alot of damage. They only look at the very few success stories about celebrities whom were born and raised in ghettos or survived cancer. What people don't understand is that conflict/suffering doesn't make people golden. People whom mature from suffering had a strong support system. Most victims of conflict end up as shut-ins or bitter sociopaths.

>> No.20550798

I'm a pantheist. We are all God and God is us, and so the human, and humanity, has the potential to be Godly in its accomplishments.

>> No.20550806

Millennials didn't give birth to zoomers idiot, it's not our fault you're this retarded

>> No.20550808

my brother in christ spittin fax here fr fr

>> No.20550817

Two threads late but holy fuck incredible post anon. If you're still here, you've put into words something I could never express.

>> No.20550824


>Millennials didn't give birth to zoomers idiot, it's not our fault you're this retarded

You could've just said tldr instead of pretending you read the post, anon.

>> No.20550835

People blaming the youth for every major societal ill has been a thing since at least the sumerians (there are written records that attest to this). You're absolutely right of course but trying to stop the older generations from being retards by trying to make them reason is like trying to stop the course of a river by standing in the middle of it.

>> No.20550843


Oh, I don't try to stop them. I just like to poke fun at them and remind them about how much they sound like their parents. It's pretty fun to show people that underneath all the "woke/redpilled" shit is just some scrawny ass faggot desperate to be hip and cool, so they can fuck and have a social life. Once you strip away the wingcuck melodrama and just tell them straight up that they need to grow up, people see that all this "WE'RE ALL DIVIDED" shit is just a marketing gimmick. And that's what I'd like to write some day. A story that really drives that point home. We are not as fucked up as we like to make ourselves think we are.

>> No.20550852

>snake ets it’s own tale
It is clearly autofellatio

>> No.20550868

Millennials are bad but zoomers as worse. Simple as. Deal with the cards you've been dealt.

>> No.20550870

I think the elites may have been right all along.

>> No.20550879

They are the only group winning these days, so probably

>> No.20550882

>Millennials are bad but zoomers as worse. Simple as. Deal with the cards you've been dealt.

Typical projection. You'll never live a fulfilled life doing this, anon. Maybe you need to look at your cards a little more, realize they're not so different from everyone else's. There is no better or worse generation. They're only people. Ever read Thornton Wilder? He said it himself. It's all human beings are, just blind people.

>> No.20550900
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To be the hunter, or the hunted

>> No.20550904

Retarded zoomer post.

>> No.20550918


Typical millennial response. Everyone I don't like is X, everyone else is worse, we dindu nuffin, we wuz a good generation! At least zoomers didn't coin words like adulting.

>> No.20550943

Why does he want to see me suffering?

>> No.20550949

>we wuz a good generation!
I literally said millennials are bad you TikTok-adled tranny monkey

>> No.20550950
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Im always indecisive
I dont have my own passions, hobbies or whatever. Not even something that id love to do if it wasnt for this or that, or that i think people would dissaprove.
I dont get where people find the energy and willpower to develop their own 'things'.
should i do shrooms as some last resort?

>> No.20550965
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Tfw no ass burgers gf

>> No.20550971
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I read the supplied URL.
Nothing but hysterical gaslighting from someone whose entire world and self-image would fall apart if they accepted reality.
At the bottom is a link to an article called "Proof The Ascended Masters Are Demons In Disguise". Now that's cringe.

>> No.20550979

It comes from years and years of experience in the real world.
It wasn't what I wanted to conclude.
But the data left me with no choice.

>> No.20550982

>posts debunked image
Not a great look for le epic reddit atheists https://yttribune.com/2021/05/14/debunking-the-heru-horus-jesus-connection/

>> No.20550999

For the same reason you watch TV/movie dramas.

>> No.20551007

Never said I was an atheist.
Just that faith-based religions, involving invisible sky-daddies, are fairy tales for timid children.

>> No.20551021

Don't care, your image was debunked and your paganism is retarded

>> No.20551026
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, pigeon-god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see how much you know about your own religion.
Is it your understanding that, when Satan was cast out of Heaven, 1/3 of the angels were cast out with him?
It is? Where is that in the Bible?
Go ahead, find it, and come back.

The answer, as you just learned...it's not.
It's from "Paradise Lost" by John Milton.
You have incorporated a known work of fiction into your religion.

>> No.20551066

Not pagan either.
Not that anon but >>20550798 is closer to the truth than your larping.

>> No.20551075

>i found the truth but i still spend all my time posting fake anti-christian memes on 4chan

>> No.20551077

I challenge you to find a single NINny song that kicks as much ass as this Ministry song:

>> No.20551080

>I literally said millennials are bad you TikTok-adled tranny monkey

You said millennials are bad, but zoomers are worse.

>Millennials are bad but zoomers as worse. Simple as.

THAT is what I was talking about, you Cuckchan-addled tranny derangement syndrome ridden goof. Millennials like you love to bash TikTok, yet you gave us Reddit, 4chan AND Tumblr. Keep seething that you're getting older, though.

>> No.20551084
File: 23 KB, 736x736, demon-cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trying to wake up the children.
But you're right...I shouldn't care about them.
Let them burn in a Hell of their own making.
Thanks for setting me straight.

>> No.20551087

we all live in the devils den

>> No.20551121
File: 47 KB, 537x525, 1643221183723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
>Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’
>Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’

>> No.20551141

Been reading Luke with my church lately. Oh boy theres so many warnings like this one. Seriously thinking I need to quit 4channel and get serious

>> No.20551161

I’ll be honest.

I am really just finding life to be totally miserable.

>> No.20551167

It is. Yet I don't know what to do to make it non-miserable. Everything that could solve my problems involves money, it seems.

>> No.20551177

Aw, didn't suck up to the invisible sky-daddy enough?
Then He'll cast you into the pits of Hell, where you'll burn for eternity in unendurable agony!
...but He loves you.

>> No.20551184
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>> No.20551189
File: 10 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it going going gay for pay /lit/?

>> No.20551193
File: 176 KB, 504x381, Billy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I meant
>Is it worth going gay for pay, /lit/?

>> No.20551195

being in the creative fields as a poor person is utterly demoralizing beyond belief. all these people who seem pleasant, who will parrot the latest moral restriction are all unmasked as relentless, status anxious opportunists. for me it hurts because I genuinely enjoy their company since many are genetically gifted and at least on the surface maintain a much more interesting face than much of the people in my own class but since I present them with no way of advancing their own place in society (at the moment at least) they treat me like shit when I'm not in their presence. they all gain and lose friends at a moments notice and could give less of a shit about the quality of company for the most part. anyway im tired of these people.

>> No.20551204
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>> No.20551205

What did you think babe x

>> No.20551211
File: 114 KB, 598x796, chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One balkanized memetic hero sandwich, coming right up

>> No.20551214
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>> No.20551216

Fucking janny banned me for making a peterson thread while tranny youtuber threads remained in the gatalog for more than 3 days

>> No.20551217

I do. I just can’t seem to actually do it.

>> No.20551228
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>> No.20551234

Is it normal to feel cultural and historical alienation as an American? If I go and look at Western culture and history before 1800 I think it’s cool but I never feel like that’s mine.

>> No.20551240

I feel that way sometimes. It's like visiting a museum in a way. 1900s (post 1960s really) Western culture is where I feel at home, like "these are my people".

>> No.20551252

I don’t feel that either.

>> No.20551298
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>> No.20551303
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>> No.20551313
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>> No.20551318

Same but with anything post 1789

>> No.20551319
File: 6 KB, 225x225, indexw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gib noises*

>> No.20551323

who doesn't?

>> No.20551330

I meant I feel alienation when seeing it. Well I feel nothing.

>> No.20551332
File: 258 KB, 649x470, HORSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking astounding how /gif/ turned into exclusively black/tranny porn since the last time I visited it a few years ago. All other types of threads have been completely erased and exchange for 24/7 interracial and ugly transexual webms.
I used to think BBC posters were just doing it to get a rise out of people but now I'm convinced they are psychotically obsessed.

>> No.20551352

Me. I love my life.

>> No.20551353

Sexual intercourse is bad and we should die because god wills it.

>> No.20551356

Being Black in the modern West must be glorious
>White women falling over each other to fuck you
>Corporations, government, and media all support you
>White men literally spam porn promoting you and your racial/political interests
Genuinely a blessed existence

>> No.20551361

They went from slaves to actual gods, worshipped while white people are born looked upon as disgusting cretins for sharing blood with the people who once did bad things to the african people.
I'm not sure what to make of such an extreme switch, I think it's a bit excessive.

>> No.20551385

Shooting an arrow straight up into the air is beautiful.

>> No.20551388

Maybe it's just karma at work. Jesus said the meek would inherit the Earth or something like that.

Anyway, what pisses me off is that Black guys still complain about this stuff. Occasionally on /adv/ some Black guy will post about being an incel, much to my astonishment. Your average white woman would eagerly fuck a Black guy if asked, it's literally impossible to have romantic struggles as a Black dude. But somehow they pull it off.

>> No.20551389 [DELETED] 
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das rite

>> No.20551394

meanwhile in reality
>they keep killing each other and going to prison
>normal people avoid them, growing more racist daily
>all the BLM shit didn't help them improve their economic or education situation

>> No.20551408
File: 10 KB, 256x256, gigachad13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday i saw a two legged dog, she lost her back legs and yet she manages to move around. She learned how to walk using only her front legs by balancing her body weight on them. It got me thinking how humans always complain about tragedy and sink into a hole with depression and drugs and whatever "helps" them cope with the pain, and remain there hopeless... but not that dog, she was able to get back on her feet and explore the world again, and she's seems happy to still be able to experience. I gave her something to eat and while she was enjoying her food i was just thinking about how sometimes i blame the world for my suffering, while i still can walk and hear and move freely and think. And the two legged dog was just happy to be around i dont know if i found her or she found me but she taught me a lesson.

>> No.20551422

>jewish propaganda = karma/god did it

And no they wouldn't "eagerly fuck them", it doesn't seem like dating preferences for race change that much

>> No.20551433

Have you never seen a human in a wheelchair?

>> No.20551497

Thanks for response. Got any recs for any towns/cities/landmarks/hikes? Here for another 2 weeks

>> No.20551540

I've been searching desperately for a link to tea time, a chan I used to go on years ago but can't find it at all now. I'm going to cry out of frustration.

>> No.20551545

4chan is for everyone (some, yes)

I've always been slightly obsessed with internet culture. I didn't really know any of it existed, it was just something I knew of. I lived in a completely different country. I remember trying to find out more about one guy on a website that I had seen about but didn't really get it. So I decided to search for more information on him. And found this community.

I found it to be so different from any other community I had ever seen before. There were things that I really liked about it, and there were things that made me dislike it. I began to learn more about its history, and I learned about how many of the problems with the internet are attributed to how it was created.

I learned about 4chan, a place that had almost no legal restrictions placed on it. Its creators didn't care if the content they made was controversial, because no one would be offended. It was anonymous and meant for people to share the most outrageous things they were thinking. It allowed people to make fun of the things that they wouldn't dare say in public.

There was something about the anonymity of 4chan that allowed them to get away with saying things that I would never dare say in public. The things that were posted to the website that you would never say, and have never heard of ever being posted anywhere else on the internet. The results of which were so much different than anything else you'd ever see on the internet.

They might be a little dated, but they're still hilarious

In the latest issue of Polygon, we released a video featuring the founders of 4chan. It went over how the website was created, what it's for, and how 4chan has helped shape the internet.

Check out the video below.

Have you seen anything that you absolutely love about 4chan? Maybe you have a YouTube channel that you love that has gotten a lot of traction on 4chan? Let us know what you think about the video and what you think about the site.

More gaming news and updates

Check out more video

>> No.20551560

I'll never forget the first time I went to 4chan in 2008 and saw people using the word 'nigger' in common speech for the first time. I was instantly hooked.

>> No.20551565

I like this genre of painting.

>> No.20551602


>> No.20551610
File: 1.43 MB, 6230x4148, ymkb3n8fegk81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been reaching out to me. They sense I'm on the precipice. They fear the fall more than I do.

>> No.20551624

ich bin verlassen

>> No.20551636

Get gefunded

>> No.20551646

Ive been drinking for over a week straight and I desperately need to stop but its fathers day and I have to have a beer with my dad.

>> No.20551651
File: 1.07 MB, 720x406, NihilistPenguin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every post I've made on this godforsaken website, and all of my internet activity is linked to my IP address. I was never under any illusion of anonymity. To posterity, I meant every word I wrote. You'll never know me.

>> No.20551657
File: 91 KB, 640x853, 1654739121002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually in Revelation it talks about the dragon sweeping one third of the stars out of the sky with his tail.

>> No.20551666

What have you been drinking? I assume you're American because it's not father's day where I am

>> No.20551669
File: 128 KB, 1000x667, photo-1616869736824-58279011056a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pantheism is false. If we were God, then we would know it because God is omniscient. If a person is God but doesn't know it, then he has fallen into delusion and incorrect thinking, which is contradictory to the nature of God and impossible; therefore this person is not and never was God.

>> No.20551672

A lot of beer. Some tequila. One day I tried some selzer because it was cheap. Had a couple IPAs the orher day because I was running low on normal beer and desperately needed some high abv beverage to compensate

>> No.20551698

the deadline for my translation job is 6 hours ago and I haven't even started

>> No.20551745

I’ll read the book in the first reply to this post I came here because I didn’t know what to read next but the rest if the board isn’t helpful someone just tell my literally anything I don’t care as long as it has lots of words and proper grammar

>> No.20551749

God is defined to be nature by pantheism. The God of pantheism is not omniscient or omnipotent and in fact those are notions that are only found in semitic religions

>> No.20551765

Yeah, but Revelations covers events that haven't happened yet.

Having said that...the third angel blowing his trumpet heralded a star named Wormwood, that led to widespread poisoning.
The Ukrainian word for "wormwood" is...chernobyl.
Depending on your interpretation of events, we may be living in the era of the third trumpet.

>> No.20551767

If you want to see some weird hippy shit at remote locations with mythic backgrounds, search for summer solstice celebrations. There's plenty of bonfires across the country for the night, but the weird pagan shit is usually more out of the way locations like Ail na Mireann, Newgrange, Tara, or the west coast. Newgrange is worth a visit even if you don't want hippies, but it will probably be packed with hippies and tourists on the solstice even though you can't get in without being on a waiting list and the chamber only lighting up during the winter solstice.
Galway has a few events on around now, mostly trad music and dance and boat racing, but I think you'll be gone by the time their arts festival or horse racing festival kicks off next month which are the internationally renowned ones. You might make the oyster festival though.
Cork has a midsummer arts festival running for about another week if you want to see weird theatre and performances.
Both are university towns with good nightlife and kind of hipster second city vibes, so they're worth checking out if you're planning on moving for a semester and don't want to be in Dublin.
There's lots to do for tourists everywhere so tourism sites will probably be more help than I could be. Just if you're anywhere on the 21st and you see bonfires, it's just pagan tradition and an excuse for kids to burn tyres and schoolbooks, not some revolution happening.
I should mention the Aran Islands or Dingle peninsula or coastal Donegal if you want to see Irish speaking areas. I listed them in order of how easy they are to get to, and the islands are the easiest to get to and hear Irish on. They're also near Galway and the Burren which is a limestone moonscape, and it's pretty easy to find tours of all three if you want to condense as much in as possible.

>> No.20551771

God wanted to experience, but was omnipotent and omniscient.
To accomplish this, he created a playing field (the universe), then players (us), formed by separated/contracted parts of himself.
We are God, but don't know it, because then God couldn't experience the universe through us.

>> No.20551792


>> No.20551796

>let's just make words totally meaningless!! That will prove my point!

>> No.20551799 [DELETED] 

i'm so tired all the time. i don't want to sound paranoid but the first time i felt tired like this was after i took the jnj vax. took like a month to get any energy back. but even then it comes and goes. i'm so tired. not sleepy, tired like gravity is 2x and something is pressing me down into my chair. i tried changing my diet a bunch of different ways, i tried sleeping more, sleeping less, nothing does anything. i just want to sit or lay down at all times.

>> No.20551817 [DELETED] 

4chan sucks but it will always be better than real life.

>> No.20551824 [DELETED] 

wow the there's an amazon music festival being broadcast on twitch and the band rn is david matthews band lol

>> No.20551825
File: 358 KB, 1024x717, 1612464425429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice 8s
did well on my financial accounting quiz.

>> No.20551852

weed is legal in my state but there's no where to buy any. i think if i blazed some trees it might improve my mood.

>> No.20551897

dildo from carthage really be shakin her titties for aeneas fr fr

>> No.20552029

"Proof" is a mathematical concept.
I think you mean "evidence".
To find that, you have to turn inward, e.g. meditation. There are other techniques, most of them in the ballpark of meditation.
You'll find the truth of what I speak if you look in the direction of God, i.e. inside yourself.
It may be a lot of work to get there, and you may not make it, but that doesn't mean it's not there.
Think of it as climbing a mountain; there are many routes to the top, and even more ways to tumble gracelessly to the bottom, but the top is there.

>> No.20552037

Drugs are a crutch.
They may make you feel better at first, but even with weed, that's followed by a crash.
Pretty soon you're taking drugs in an attempt to get back up to normal.
This is called "chasing the dragon".
Better to just be sober & deal with life.
You'll be more motivated to solve your problems if you're not using chemicals to hidie from them.

>> No.20552118
File: 377 KB, 566x478, 62118774(6625313)_ログ_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have quantum tunneling devices in your pocket and philosophers still haven't figured out whether killing basketball pipo and babies are good or not

>> No.20552124

I need to take action, do more, be more
I'm stuck, my life is stuck, I need to get out this hole
But how?

>> No.20552134

They are not related at all. Man knew he needed to eat to survive, but it doesn't mean he knew what happened to the food he ingested. Ethics should not advance with technology, but technology should advance with ethics. It's weird that even before we can conclude if killing babies is good or not we already have the tools to kill them.

>> No.20552167

It depends on why you're stuck.

>> No.20552175
File: 1.54 MB, 480x270, kids-in-the-hall-crushing-your-head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Methinks you'll be out of a translation job anon.

>> No.20552182
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I have a guess what you might look like.

>> No.20552184

Too bad God's will is apparently for us to suffer and be humiliated.

>> No.20552199

>"Proof" is a mathematical concept

>> No.20552210

What makes something poetic? Words, specifically. Does anybody have any good essays about aesthetic views on poetry or fiction worth reading?

>> No.20552225

Fine with me.
Keep believing in gibberish.
See where it gets you.
Actually, you already know where it gets you.

>> No.20552252
File: 202 KB, 400x400, tumblr_pqfcnscjOO1x61oego7_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm losing my mind, over my fear of death, I'm getting mindbrokennfuck, my mind is going, im sleepy, dizzy and the headaches fuck, I dont want to die I dont want todie my brain isnfoggy I have been puking all over for a week now
When I think about death, aboitu how ill forget my life, im scarrd

>> No.20552289
File: 83 KB, 500x500, 0015 - rUHFbjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to remember your crappy life?
Wouldn't amnesia be a gift?

>> No.20552354

>What makes something poetic? Words, specifically.
Performativity of style. Like where the style draws attention to itself.
>Does anybody have any good essays about aesthetic views on poetry or fiction worth reading?
Aristotle's Poetics? Honestly, his systematization of metaphor is perhaps the most important exploration of metaphor ever done, and it's not even that long.

>> No.20552360

Be very clear and specific about: What needs to be done? Why it needs to be done (i.e. goals, values, ambitions etc.)? Why aren't you doing it already? What's the easiest/most expedient way of changing whatever is stopping your from doing it already?
Then implement that, and review, then implement better.

>> No.20552398
File: 81 KB, 240x240, peper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody tried to date rape me while I was asleep and I think I'm getting sick of this fucking life bros

>> No.20552401
File: 23 KB, 220x220, nervous-sweating-sweating-bullets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to realize that white nationalist movements in Europe are equivalent to 20th century decolonization movements in Africa and Asia. And worse, if they ever win, we (immigrants and their descendants) will get the Rhodesian treatment.

>> No.20552411
File: 74 KB, 680x954, mutts-law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should stop forming grooming-gangs to rape little girls, and shitting in the street.
That might go a long way toward staving off white nationalist movements.

>> No.20552418
File: 492 KB, 499x499, 0151 - Wso1sFs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it you didn't wake up quickly?
Heavy drug use, maybe?

>> No.20552435

If whites had more kids then this wouldn't be a problem. Have more kids and white nationalism will go away.

>> No.20552444

I don't want to die anon, I want to remember, I cant take it, I was taking a shower and I closed my eyes and it kept going, I felt so small, and it kept going, and I realized that I exist just fine right now but one day it will all stop and I will never ever live again and I wondered why the fuck am I then here in the meantime like here living, shouldnt I already be over why am I alive? A billion years shoudl have passed already why can I exist if its all going to be over forever
I started puking all over when my brain kept going and I realized what it will look like

One day I'll die and I want to cry again
I'll die and I'll never feel anything ever again
Eternity, and I will never even know I existed oh god I feel so bad about it I want to exist

>> No.20552458
File: 224 KB, 2048x1365, pigsah-national-forest-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never ever live again
Then I guess I have good news for you...
...reincarnation is real.
You'll lose your memory, but you'll start over in a new body.
Even respectable, credentialed professional acknowledge this is for real:
So stop fearing death. It's not forever.

>> No.20552461


>> No.20552469

I was laying in bed late one night, when I lost my fear of death. I imagined myself from conception to death, beginning as a cell, growing, dying, eventually disintegrating into nothing. I saw myself as I truly was, an undulating snake dancing in the fabric of spacetime. And I was at peace with my death, because my existence will echo here forever, because this roiling, undulating ribbon that is me is not bound by time or by space. I existed long before I was born and I will exist after I am dead. In fact I have always existed and I will always exist. And so will you.

>> No.20552498

Today I'm pondering the connection between the dry economic concept of 'Information Asymmetry', the phenomenological idea of 'Intentionality' and how it relates to Farces. Particularly Fawlty Towers or Bedroom type Farces where deception is a driving force of the plot. The 4D chess games of double bluffs, a character suspects they are being lied to so feigns ignorance which creates a game of chicken. The postmodernist will mention that the true information asymmetry is with the audience, for the audience knows what both characters know and suspect, creating a complex theory of mind chain "(the Cleese and Booth know) the audience knows that Sybil is calling Basil's bluff because Basil doesn't know that Sybil saw the O'Reily van outside...".
I once read that the different between a 'cue' and a 'signal', is that a signal is intentional and a cue is involuntary or unconscious: a dilettante may try to signal they are urbane and sophisticated by using the word 'elan' but they cue by mispronouncing it. If their interlocutor (or in the dramatic arts, the audience) picks up on this cue, then an Information Asymmetry is created. Mostly people rightfully think of body language in the cue signal distinction, which creates these bullshit theories that if someone scratches their eyebrow you can tell if they are a liar or not - skilled liars know this bullshit and will exploit it by giving fake-cue (countersignals) to deceive. Personally I find regional accents are great source of Information Asymmetry: I instantly know where you grew up, where you were educated, and depending on the context I meet you in I can make a lot of inferences about your journey in life to get here. But my accent is very unusual for someone with my upbringing, which means they can't make the same inferences about me (but they might identify other shibboleths).
If the Information that is asymmetrical is valued by the party that doesn't have it, then you have an asymmetry of power. Blackmail is a common dramatic trope that serves as a good example of this. In real life, expertise and "doing your homework" helps change this power dynamic, the stereotypical example is the young woman who takes her car to a mechanic: her youth and femininity cue to the mechanic she doesn't know much bout cars, so he upsells her on work the car doesn't need. But if she brings in her boyfriend, and especially if her boyfriend signals or cues that he knows something about the car (or better yet - accurately describes the source of the concerning sound), the mechanic doesn't upsell as aggressively. Information here is worth money. And money is power.
I wonder if the method of finding Information Asymmetries which are worth money in real life are the same as finding those that work for dramas?

>> No.20552501

I'm sorry but I can't cope with it, thanks for your replies but I'm a hardcore materialist, I can't believe in anything rlse other than, PC turns off forever.

>> No.20552509

>...reincarnation is real.
Is this supposed to be good? What if the pajeets are right and samsara is real? Hindus didnt see it as something positive but more like hell or eternal suffering in the cycles of birtg and rebirth in the material dimension. Maybe im wrong and dont know what the hell im saying, lol

>> No.20552526
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I looked into it, I've read some occult things.
Some would think reincarnation, was sadly, just an allegory.

>> No.20552541

>Some people say something therefore it must be true
Imagine saying that you know or dont or dont know what happens after death, lol

>> No.20552587
File: 685 KB, 680x478, 1630292452502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you grew up and realized your parents were not very smart, how did you cope with it?

>> No.20552601

This is the worst time to be alive. I really believe it.

>> No.20552608

I forgave them.

>> No.20552659
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>> No.20552660

This is always the cowards refrain

>> No.20552666

If you say so

>> No.20552685

At least the glasses are props

>> No.20552686

i go to a lot of parties. ive started to notice that my memory is biased toward remembering women's names + details about conversations than men. and of course the hotter the women, the stronger the memory. but i will say that if the man is exceptional enough they stick out just the same. though this is rare and it has only happened maybe 5 times not including 'famous' people ive met.

>> No.20552751


>> No.20552841

It appears that I have given up.

>> No.20552866

Dont give up

>> No.20552868

but seriously who rapes people in their sleep?

>> No.20552870

not me

>> No.20552901

Nasty thirsty mothafuckas. So rapists.

>> No.20552903


>> No.20552904

Stupid wigger.

>> No.20552912

Some of em are wiggers, yeah.

>> No.20552917

tfw Henry Miller was such a sucker for pussy

>> No.20552922

Ecclesiastes 2:22-25
Ecclesiastes 3:12-13
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20
Ecclesiastes 8:15

>> No.20552959

The worst thing about the internet is that it's too safe. No matter what you do, you know that nobody can stick a knife in the screen and end your life. So every cowardly little shit can LARP and be annoying as he pleases. What's the worst that can happen? The possibility of volence is such a great deterrent IRL, it filters pussies and it filters liars. As soon as humanity transfered its social interactions on the internet our society has become dysfunctional.
I'm not violent so I'd be at the bottom of the ladder anyway but I'd rather have to be under a hierarchy of actual power than a rrule of LARPers and petty gossip. I hate this gay shit.

>> No.20552969

I never had the support I needed

>> No.20552972

Definitely me

>> No.20552988

How can I survive the great Reset?

>> No.20553003

What is the obsession Americans have with "freedom"? What do they mean exactly by that? How are the USA more free than like Canada, France or Germany? I've always wondered but never bothered to try to understand.

>> No.20553007

I have this funny feeling that 18 to 22 were supposed to be fun, exciting years where I first come into the great big world and exit the vestiges of chidhood. Instead those years were lonely and angry and unsure. In short, wasted. And now adulthood nd the all the responsibility approaches. Is fun gone forever? Is youth at an end? Are my best years wasted?

>> No.20553011

Well we can actually say what we want without going to prison

>> No.20553012

if you don't get it you're ngmi

>> No.20553015

that's not true, a lot of things you can say can get you in prison. try making a death threat and see how it goes for you.

>> No.20553016

it has nothing to do with you, the times are just shit. the last 20 years have been a disaster

>> No.20553019

Okay now you try denying the holocaust in public

>> No.20553029

holy seethe

>> No.20553032

So even they don't know. I guess this is some kind of child indoctrination or something? Like the belief that circumcision is actually good for your dick.

>> No.20553043

What? My post you quoted said exactly what I can do that you can't.

>> No.20553049

How do I stop suffering from gifted kid burnout?

>> No.20553050

Stop being a kid.
You also need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.20553057

Burgers are subhuman, don't try to understand them

>> No.20553062

i wish i could but they're everywhere.

>> No.20553064

You will go to prison for criticizing islam

>> No.20553065

Short answer: money and to choose your own cult.
>What is the obsession Americans have with "freedom"?
I'm going to point out the obvious, the United States is populated by the descendants of people who crossed an ocean to roll the dice on a materially better life than the one they had, and victimized puritan minorities whom form cringey cults. Their entire culture is built on being exiled from extant social hierarchies, that doesn't mean there is no classism, but this is precisely where the "American Dream" that a person comes from.
>What do they mean exactly by that?
The American Dream: that a person can through their own volition change their circumstance in life, especially financially. This is so ingrained that even Scarface, a psychopathic drug dealer, can be identified as being the embodiment of the American Dream, but obviously less so than Steve Jobs, Frank Sinatra, Oprah, Hamdi Ulukaya and others who became fabulously successful despite not being born into the "elite".
>How are the USA more free than like Canada, France or Germany?
America has more first-generation multi-multi-millionaires per capita.
Wealth is much more generational outside of the United States.
Many would argue it is easier to set up a new business in the United States than in all those other countries because there is a lower threshold of regulation, however the most important actual difference is that there it is substantially easier to "raise capital" in the United States than most other countries. Silicon Valley venture capitalism can be seen as a highly abstracted version of the same "pioneering spirit" of the early settlers - or in other words: the willingness to take a chance.

>> No.20553068

We also have free speech, gun rights, privacy, and legal rights. Something you dont have

>> No.20553077

I can't even tell anymore when you guys are baiting or being actual retards.

>> No.20553079

What country are you from?

>> No.20553082

are you actually fucking retarded?

>> No.20553083

>legal rights
do you even know what that means?

>> No.20553084

>free speech,
Nope, Hate Crime laws. Active prosecution of people who reveal state secrets, even worse when someone gets "Epsteined" or "Hillaried". "Ahh yes we'll rule it a suicide... by 5 bullets in the back of the head"
>gun rights
Yes... but also more gun violence than Switzerland
Nope, Obama took away what the Patriot Act didn't take away with PRISM
>and legal rights
Like what?
>Something you dont have
And thankfully so, I'm glad we don't live under a country where revealling that soldiers killed unarmed Afgani civilians, where you can get killed for asking the cops for help like Justine Diamond, or get all your personal data downloaded onto NSA servers in perpetuity.
I will give you one thing though: The true evidence of American Superiority is the fact that there were George Floyd protests internationally, why the fuck Germans or Bongs or Australians care about this unarmed fenatyl addict is beyond me. But it doesn't matter because America's influence is hegemonous. You should be proud of that.

>> No.20553085

Lol get a load of this retard. Nothing can be used against you that isnt legally collected. Lol you're a European homosexual with no rights lol.

>> No.20553090

So what country are you from?

>> No.20553092

I don't know man, what do you want me to say to please you?

>> No.20553096

>Nothing can be used against you that isnt legally collected
that doesn't mean privacy though

>> No.20553097

I just want to know what country you're from. That's a simple question right? English is the international standard. Try learning it. Are you really from yemen?

>> No.20553099

Read the 4th amendment, retard. I thought this was a literature board.

>> No.20553101

>I thought this was a literature board.
understandable rookie mistake, must be your first time on /lit/.

>> No.20553102

I can't take this anymore /lit/. hopelessness is all-consuming

>> No.20553103

Ah, so you don't read. Explains why you're so retarded.

>> No.20553107

short breaths
your porcelain tits
stains on my bedsheets:
paint on a canvas
your midnight wails
and my tephra-stained cheeks
sprinkled with your brine

>> No.20553109

Hilarious how people will criticize America all day but are too insecure to say what their home country is, even anonymously.

>> No.20553138

I didn't have any musical creative prowess until I took acid. Completely rewired me. Also a lot of the musical process is just thievery

>> No.20553144

Anthony Bourdain was such a based guy, sucks that the best have to go

>> No.20553146

My life is completely devoid of meaning. The poetry I used to write as a teenager gained quite a bit of traction on the small island I'm from, but since then it's been like 8 years and I've grown more depressed and find poetry cringe.

I'm trying to write stories and shit, I'd love to have a couple books to my name, but every time I go over my writing I find it so fucking cringe and poor. I adore reading, and aesthetically pleasing sentences etc, but writing makes me cringe and feel like a failure.
The realization that I'll probably end up a wagecuck is driving me towards suicide, since my life never had and never will have any meaning that feels meaningful to me.

>> No.20553148


>> No.20553166

So what country are you from?

>> No.20553175

this kid is obsessed.

>> No.20553179

What country are you from? Are you ashamed of it?

>> No.20553181


>> No.20553182

If a service is hosted in the US it isn't considered private. Your privacy laws are shit compared to the shittiest European country.

>> No.20553184

Lel the shittiest eurooean countries will put you in prisom for edgy facebook posts. Try again, europoor.

>> No.20553186

I'm ashamed of sharing a board with someone like you. If I were an American I'd be voting to kick people like you out.

>> No.20553187

But you're too embarrassed to say what your nationality is. Opinion discarded.

>> No.20553202

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20553203

Americans rule the world

>> No.20553205

same for me, but the only country where citizens can vote is america (even though they only have 2 choices)

>> No.20553229

Next thread

>> No.20553286

with big dicks