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File: 62 KB, 580x720, GAY AGENDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20548238 No.20548238 [Reply] [Original]

To be exact, the "politically incorrect" ones that explain in detail the negative sides of it.
For example their effect on the society, what exactly causes it (ik it's psychological and no, not every single person suffers with worms, but it's true that some do), how childhood traumas affect one's development later on in life and how homosexuality is related to it, why some fags act so feminine when others don't and what are the poitical implications of it. Should they be allowed to adopt homeless kids or not? Everything related to the matter is valued
I have lots of redpills and all that, but just wanted to read some actual books regarding this issue, any recommendations?

picrel is a meme, don't take it seriously lol

Hurry up before the jannies delete this thread, they are too busy watching troon porn so we have some time

>> No.20548427

Guillaume Faye's Sex and Deviance has a little about it.

>> No.20548433
File: 43 KB, 318x469, symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Greeks

>> No.20548444

>picrel is a meme, don't take it seriously lol
Yeah because it shows the gays as a normally functioning unit of society, virtually no different from a normal nuclear family
And we all know that's not the case

In fact the very word "heterosexuality" juxtaposed with "homosexuality" is designed to make the two feel like equivalences. "You see, some people are heterosexual, others are homosexual, and that's okay!"
No. That's not how it is.
There's the NORMAL PEOPLE (99.99%) and there's the 0.01% of BRAIN-DAMAGED PERVERTS.

>> No.20548449

found ze troon

snoozefest (and I read it)

will check it out, thnx goy

>> No.20548452

Seems like you have hour ideas already set and you are looking for a book which reinforces them because you are a little insecure, pathetic

>> No.20548460
File: 162 KB, 1020x625, gay-parents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what exactly causes it (ik it's psychological and no, not every single person suffers with worms, but it's true that some do), how childhood traumas affect one's development later on in life and how homosexuality is related to it, why some fags act so feminine when others don't and what are the poitical implications of it.
You might like to read books like 'Gay, Straight and the Reason Why' by Simon LeVay and 'The Man Who Would be Queen' by J. Michael Bailey (cancelled by trannies back in the early 2000s). The scientific consensus at this point is that homosexual orientation is the result of genetic and foetal-hormonal factors. Behavioural femininity (which is only extreme in a few cases) seems to be a result of feminisation in the womb. In many mental and physical respects, gay men and lesbians occupy a middle ground between heterosexual males and females. For instance, gay men are shifted in a feminine direction in things like verbal IQ (higher than straight men, hence number of gay writers), height, spatial skill, index-ring finger ratio, occupational preferences, etc. but are usually not *as feminine* as women in these respects. There are also certain areas in which gay men exhibit hypermasculinisation. Gay male sexuality is completely different to female sexuality behaviourally, for instance.

>> No.20548462
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As long as we're on the subject, anyone have a source for this?

>> No.20548468
File: 221 KB, 961x944, Groomers at a childs club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pack it up skittles squad, go back to /lgbt/ or whatever and leave my thread if you don't have any books to recommend

>> No.20548473
File: 13 KB, 530x492, 1654838442927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommended you books. Sorry but /lit/ is a board where masculine love is praised. We all started with the Greeks

>> No.20548503

The bible

>> No.20548511
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>muh greece
No it was not

>> No.20548516
File: 593 KB, 872x1642, debunking the gay greeks myth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This!! tell those faggots!!

>> No.20548517

preferably scientific ones

>> No.20548523
File: 720 KB, 1680x950, 1654222567586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We both know, king

>> No.20548533
File: 65 KB, 625x768, az.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly as detailed as you are looking for
Carl Jung's essay The Love Problem of A Student

Homosexuality is a developmental stage that pretty much everyone experiences but it has to be moved on from. If someone gets stuck in that stage, there's no reason to assume that they are somehow as developed as those that are not. It's a bit of a different story with females though.

>> No.20548543

>herodotus spoke about the life of alexander

>> No.20548546
File: 71 KB, 735x640, 1655462075667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found ze troon
Are you fucking retarded or do you just not read the text that you're replying to

- "gays are perverts and mentally ill and bad"
- "wow are you a tranny?"

>> No.20548547

>literature of the minoan
Who makes this shit bro? The greeks were not anti faggots but these images are terribble at demonstrating it

>> No.20548566
File: 63 KB, 498x437, crying pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry omg, but yes I stopped reading-

>> No.20548574

found ze troon

>> No.20548577
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>> No.20548582
File: 1.02 MB, 883x543, 1604933139983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinaidos refers to an adult male who gets fucked, not an adult man who likes males.

Andreiotatoi has nothing to do with homosexuality *or* brotherly love. It means manliness. Ironically, Aristophanes uses this word to describe pederasts in the Symposium (191e-192c).

Neither of these images addresses the etymology of the word 'paiderastia'. Pais (boy) + eran (erotic love).

Is is true that Xenophon says the Spartan constitution forbids pederasty, however in the same paragraph he also says: "It does not, however, surprise me that certain people do not believe this: in most of the Greek cities the laws do not oppose men’s desire for boys." (Xenophon, Constitution of the Lacedaemonians 2.14)

Plato's Laws is not an actual political constitution, nor is it reflective of Greek attitudes. Plato's opinions were often vastly subversive of Greek norms (for instance, advocating having children be communally raised without knowing the identities of their fathers). In fact Plato's condemnation of homosexuality doesn't make sense without the context of it being a widely accepted Greek practice, since he says acceptance of homosexuality is a product of the "lawmakers" rather than of nature, and says he has to plot a way to make it as taboo as "incest currently is".

The penalties described in Against Timarchos are not penalties against homosexuality, but penalties for prostitution (hetairese). Aeschines even says "[Solon] did not forbid the free man from being a boy’s lover or associating with and following him, and he did not envisage that this would prove harmful to the boy but would be testimony to his chastity." (Against Timarchos 139). Aeschines also says that he has been involved in homosexual love disputes (135-6) and even argues that Achilles and Patroclus had a sexual relationship (142-3).

Aristotle writes that the founder of Crete sanctioned homosexuality (Politics 2.10), and Plutarch that the Theban lawmakers did also (Pelopidas 19.1).

Regarding Alexander, there's no very great evidence, but there are several ancient sources that claim he had homosexual amours, including Plutarch:
>When Alexander arrived at the palace of Gedrosia, he restored the army with a festival. It is said that he got drunk and watched choral competitions. His eromenos Bagoas won in the dancing and he traversed the theater in his costume and sat down beside him. Seeing this, the Macedonians applauded and shouted out, bidding Alexander kiss him, until he embraced him and kissed him deeply
Plutarch, Alexander 67.8
Other sources imputing homosexuality to Alexander include Athenaeus' 'Deipnosophistae' (13.602), Aelian's 'Varia Historia' (12.7), Curtius' 'History of Alexander' (7.9.19), Epictetus 'Discourses' (2.22.17) and an alleged letter by Diogenes to Alexander, in which he writes "you are held by Hephaestion's thighs."

The notion that Greek homosexuality is a modern invention is easily refuted as well. Pic related

>> No.20548593

Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.
Although Oscar Wilde himself was not just a fag, he was a pedophile. And his lover, the same Dorian Gray, Marquis of Queensberry, became a normal person, married a woman and began to publish a newspaper where he published "conspiracy theories" that have now become mainstream.

>> No.20548627
File: 51 KB, 250x180, 85c3441b5d67a18c0ab59bcb29dd8c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Greeks had a masculine culture.
If someone fucked your son, then you would kill this bugger.
A knife in the heart is the most reliable argument, which is why jokes about pederasty were so popular among the ancient peoples.
Knife in the heart for motherfuckers, fist in the eye of a whore. The Greeks knew a lot about justice.

You're just now digging up the culture of rich noble lords. A real Greek would kill for a sodomy charge.
Yes, you have never seen real Greeks.
At most you have seen the Sicilians or the 'Ndrangheta.
This is what real Greeks look like.

>> No.20548635

Nietzsche says that Greek masculinity was the result of its homoerotic education:
>he erotic relation of men to youths was the necessary and sole preparation, to a degree unattainable to our comprehension, of all manly education (pretty much as for a long time all higher education of women was only attainable through love and marriage). All idealism of the strength of the Greek nature threw itself into that relation, and it is probable that never since have young men been treated so attentively, so lovingly so entirely with a view to their welfare (virtus) as in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C. (Human All Too Human 259)
Is he right?

>> No.20548644
File: 126 KB, 482x620, jews destroying nations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Nietzsche))) puts homosexual behaviour where it does not belong, oy fucking vey!
Kike lies

>> No.20548650

Why are you denying ancient Greek homosexuality? Can you find any ancient sources supporting your claim that it was disapproved of by the "non-elites"? (notice the goalpost change)

>> No.20548659

the ancient greek homosexuality is a myth, anon, read the room

>> No.20548671

Let them start asking modern people about their homosexuality.
They learn a lot of new things, but they won't tell anyone about it.
Because they will actually be killed.

Fuck, the Greeks are great people. The Sicilian mafia was created by the Greeks, then Sitsia is the island of Magna Graecia, Archimedes lived there, "mafia" is a Greek word. The 'Ndrangheta is an ethnic Greek mafia. Even the Camorra is a Greek organization.
The Greeks conquered half the world, they gave the whole world the principles of cooking (more meat and sauce), they created the Neapolitan pizza from the oven (Naples is a Greek city!), they created the principle of European sexuality, when a woman's tanned body and big boobs are sexy.
Heron's steam mechanism is the Greeks.
Constitution (Napoleon's Code, aka Justinian's Digestas) - Greeks.
Everything was created by the Greeks, Mexican people with the vero of the Mexicans, with the skin of the Mexicans and with the tastes of the Mexicans, but only with big eyes, like metisos.
And you hate them simply for the skin that does not turn red in the sun, but becomes even more swarthy.
You are like Turks. It was the same people, black-eyed and white-skinned, who hated the Greeks and Slavs because of their swarthy skin, and who also hated the Arabs.
Yes, fuck you.
Fuck you, fagots.

>> No.20548672

are we determining if homosexuality was accepted in ancient Greece by historical facts or by room temperature?

P.S. don't google Greek love

>> No.20548678

nigga it was not accepted in ancient Greece, did you read the whole thread??

>> No.20548704

I don’t hate Greeks I love Ancient Greece. You are just coping because you have been brainwashed by Jewish sexual morals and so have to say pretend your ancestors didn’t practice homosexuality, despite the overwhelming evidence. The Byzantine Greeks acknowledged it, so why can’t modern Greek nationalists

>> No.20548724

Nietzsche was a crazy Pole who drank his own urine from his boot.
I am also a Slav, but I see that Nietzsche was cursed and possessed by the Forces of Darkness.

No Human wants to fuck with a guy. No man wants to plunge his dick into a hairy butthole that's pouring shit out.
All people bow before female beauty.
The Greeks erected Temples for this beauty and built Statues.
Yet in ancient times, women suffered from Thrush (Vaginal Discharge), women had hairy legs, and women had hairy backs, hairy armpits, but still! Across all cultures, WE MEN WERE GLORIOUS OF WOMEN AND WE WANTED THEM!
Only love for women created chivalry. Only love for women saved us men from exterminating each other.
It is not for nothing that Catholics have a cult of the Virgin Mary!
Women who are no better than us, but who are better than us - and we worship them! Even the demons in Hell have women!
Women are our mirror through which we see ourselves!
Even lesbians understand this, but buggers evaluate everything and their sexuality from the standpoint of femininity.
Femininity rules this world!
I do not believe that the Virgin Mary was infallible, I am a Trinitarian, but when I look at the flowers and grasses under my feet, I sing, and mine rush to Women, beautiful or ugly, but still they rush to Women.
Jesus is great, he is our King, he is the Logos.
But he was born of our woman, who survived under the claws of orcs, ogres, nephilim, mad creatures of death. When these monsters gnawed a tree with their teeth, trying to get onto the ark of the Jewish Noah (we call him Manus), his daughters hit the monsters on the heads, and they drowned, they died so that humanity would survive!
Salve Yehoshua, salve Mariam!

>> No.20548725
File: 180 KB, 750x963, IMG_20220619_131132_138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of truth
The talented mr. Ripley, the faggotism is subtle and did get in the way of the story. I was alright with the book and the movie.

But also: Muh gays so normal is such fucking bullshit. Look at the numbers and you'll find the reason why gays get so much aids, male on male high sex-drive combined with tons of hedonism, narcisissim blablabla. Most of them are perverts and got molested as children. Thats how gays reproduce.

But i know the time for arguments is over. Righteous fury will cleanse the world sooner than any faggots and pro faggot retards comprehend.

Lets see if jannies will delete my individual post again or just kill the entire thread, as per usual.

>> No.20548729
File: 476 KB, 1299x1206, 2E05F027-C1BC-4FC2-B611-609185C7B686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight bros.., not like this…

>> No.20548732

ahahahhaahha this image is the funniest shit. its all a bnuch of "nuh-uh"

>> No.20548739

Damn, saved.

>> No.20548755

Its current year +7 sjw trolling. They cant engage in arguments so they just spam bullshit and (you) each other, its like a retarded version of consensus cracking. In the end its just cringe like everything else they say and do.

>> No.20549708

Hello gayfags, I've a question: Does Whitman have gay poems?

Need to know whether to avoid him or not.

>> No.20549725

I loveee him.
There is this song by Lana Del Rey called "Body Electric", that's how I found Whitman.
He has a poem named "I Sing the Body Electric", you should check it out

>> No.20549741
File: 504 KB, 1864x2126, 1649399265199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WE two boys together clinging,
One the other never leaving,
Up and down the roads going, North and South excursions
Power enjoying, elbows stretching, fingers clutching,
Arm'd and fearless, eating, drinking, sleeping, loving,
No law less than ourselves owning, sailing, soldiering, thieving,
Misers, menials, priests alarming, air breathing, water drinking, on
the turf or the sea-beach dancing,
Cities wrenching, ease scorning, statutes mocking, feebleness chas-
Fulfilling our foray.

>> No.20549751

some pseud's anal cavity from the looks of it

>> No.20549763

that's a very detailed description, had any experience with some weird pseud's anal cavities, anon?

>> No.20549776

no wonder you are easily impressed by pseud-writing if you think that was detailed

>> No.20549881

But, if I buy House of leaves, is it going to be one fag poem out of a hundred? I'm not so interested in faggy pantheism and hippy bollocks as I am with bumming.

>> No.20549968

The bible.

>> No.20550288

The Bible