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20548185 No.20548185 [Reply] [Original]

You are buy too much unread book…
Now we are homeress….

>> No.20548202

Gommenasai, ore no kawaii waifu desu. Demo, watashi wa basedo desu. Dakara nakanaide. If you are basedo you always find a way to achieve shori.

>> No.20548260

First of all it's 'des'. Second of all, it makes no sense at the end of that first sentence.

>> No.20548261

Stale memes...
Downstream from Twitter...
4chan is a graveyard for content...

>> No.20548323

Ironic, since it used to be the cradle of all content. But that was 15 years ago

>> No.20548324

wife stands in the snow
how softly the flakes fall down
paper burns warmly

>> No.20548326


>> No.20548332

Pretty gay now. Now we only have Pepe, Jaks, Gigachad which are extremely stale but since insecure zoomers love this Mickey mouse shit, they'll never die.

>> No.20548342

Omae wa baka desu, demo ore wa tottemo sugoi desu. So desu! Ore wa nipponjin desu. Nippon banzai! Nippon daisuki desu!

>> No.20548348


Fuck you

>> No.20548637

Nihongo jouzu!

>> No.20548707

I liked Mr. Incredible a lot, desu

>> No.20548832

Urusai, baka. Samui yo… shinitaku nai… yuki ga futte iru…

>> No.20548878

I kno I shourd notto have married hakujin piggu…

>> No.20548922
File: 111 KB, 959x959, cowardstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading about a novel a week on top of short stories and poetry. Honestly just want to fill my bookshelves with stuff I know I'm gonna read, and used books are pretty cheap.

>> No.20548939


>> No.20549094
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>> No.20549118

What's the problem here? would you rather that the woman remained ugly?

>> No.20549120
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>> No.20549167

It's called Tsundoku you philistine whore

>> No.20549197

left better

>> No.20549208

It’s pronounced des but spelt desu

>> No.20549213

shut up woman

>> No.20549216

left: girls with short hair
right: girls with long hair

>> No.20549220

Yes but he's transliterating it, not transcribing it.

>> No.20549228

First of all it's です and it can technically be placed at the end of any sentence whatsoever, animefag

>> No.20549230

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I need to fill a cute Japanese girl with my rich mediterranean seed before I lose my fucking mind

>> No.20549239

Rent: $2500
Paperback: $9.99

>> No.20549240

No it cannot. There's rules for placing it for one thing. Ironically it's the animefags that believe it can be placed anywhere thanks to Rozen Maiden memes.

>> No.20549265

Literally my wife (she's japanese).

>> No.20549796

Is that a Yuki-onna?

>> No.20549855

What a stale meme.

>> No.20549893

Post feet with timestamp or not true.

>> No.20550583

Hello Tokyo "Standard" Japanese speaker. Enjoying your sardine can public transport and capsule hotels?

>> No.20550593

Not all are going to make it.

>> No.20550595

‘Jak saved 4channel

>> No.20550597
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>> No.20550600
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Jus kirring ror

>> No.20550601

It’s so over for Wmafshills

>> No.20550608

Looks aren't everything. My friend has a Korean gf who literally does everything without being asked - cooks, cleans etc

>> No.20550617
File: 42 KB, 800x505, 8D618FFC-4DC0-4435-AB5A-9710F4D6719B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s your asian gf bro

>> No.20550627

Eh long as she does the above

>> No.20550630
File: 44 KB, 960x914, CECD24EB-D612-4E47-9C9E-30D94948F2B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Eh long as she does the above
Quite confident you look exactly like this

>> No.20550631

Chuds aren’t territorial enough with their women.

>> No.20550634

god i wish

>> No.20550635

i'd rather hire a maid. free household help is not worth the indignity of raising half-gook children

>> No.20550639

I jawmog him so hard it’s not even funny
>hiring a maid
Decadent as fuck

>> No.20550649

That's also possible as long as she willingly submits to molestation by yours truly.

>> No.20550682

oh nooo an individual person who is a certain ethnicity is ugly... that means all individuals of the same ethnicity are ugly too.... nooooooooo

>> No.20550689
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>> No.20550867

What’s wrong with the placement? です can be placed after 形容詞 to make it polite. Is it weird to say that to a wife? Yes, but it’s not against a rule.

>> No.20550884
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>> No.20550909

actual haiku, bravo

>> No.20550917

but all of them look unnatural in the after and can't compete with naturally cute asian girls
also I guess I know why the idol industry is so fixed into debuting people very young, they know she looks like that since ever.
Anyways, these pictures are cherrypicked of extremely ugly women who were made to become passable with surgery, most people are not that ugly.

>> No.20550946

Do dentists not exist in Japan?

>> No.20550975


>> No.20550985

>faces too small
>dentist too expensive
>somehow it became an attractive trait in japan
it's a mix

>> No.20550989

A strange rule of the universe is that islanders cannot have good dental care. Doesn't matter how big the island is, their teeth just sucks. Had a Flip gf once, her entire family looked worse than that.

>> No.20551005

Plastic surgery cam cure down syndrome now?

>> No.20551034

We would like to dowse her face, if you understand.

>> No.20551040

Fuck off racist poltard

>> No.20551049

Sex sex sex

>> No.20551050
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Should have stolen them from a library, OP.

>> No.20551053
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>> No.20551078

Put 10 years on them and they look like the 110$/hour asian whores I go to.

>> No.20551150

oh nooo a person who doesn't know how to argue posted a photo of a young boy with a small jaw and said that it was me... oh nooo i am now a young boy with a small jaw noooooooo

>> No.20551160
File: 6 KB, 111x199, E5AD94E8-8E27-43D2-8A76-7D4F9E8A1985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh nooo a person who doesn't know how to argue posted a photo of a young boy with a small jaw and said that it was me... oh nooo i am now a young boy with a small jaw noooooooo

>> No.20551183

oh nooo a person who doesn't know how to argue, and who also doesn't have the ability to generate new jokes, insults, or comebacks, utilized the old cliched 4chan meme of posting a photo of an unattractive young man with a small jaw and glasses and quoted what i'd said as though to imply i were the unattractive young man with a small jaw and glasses --- repeating the use of the joke that they copied as though to imply engaging with me in any real way was beneath them -- ohh nooo i am now the new photo of the unattractive young man with a small jaw and glasses---- nooooo

but seriously, what do you get out of copying someone else's joke? do you imagine that you came up with it in the moment? you might as well be doing data entry or something.

>> No.20551215
File: 23 KB, 400x244, 69560724-384A-45B5-AF61-4EBAC4A99E29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but seriously, what do you get out of copying someone else's joke? do you imagine that you came up with it in the moment? you might as well be doing data entry or something

>> No.20551221

post a pic of yourself so we can all laugh.

>> No.20551280

Funnily enough the blog post that photo was attached to was her announcing that she had been to the orthodontist and is going to get braces.

>> No.20551373


I've heard plenty of nips emphasize the す sound (usually women)

>> No.20551399

this except anglo yankee seed

>> No.20551401


>> No.20551414

I'm enjoying fucking ur mom faggot

>> No.20551429

This is POWER. This is WILL.

>> No.20551431

Asian genes are shit-tier, close to spics, i reckon

>> No.20551434


post your pic

>> No.20551445

>receding chin loser seething while simping for his little bugs
O i am lauffin

>> No.20551450

Some of them are butterflies tho.

>> No.20551614

I like how you were too cowardly to even reply to any of the posts you're referring to. Post your picture to prove you aren't projecting.

>> No.20551992

Please expand on this concept.

>> No.20552008
File: 134 KB, 974x998, D65BB82D-9FFB-496B-AFE5-A12C89F6E784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like how you were too cowardly to even reply to any of the posts you're referring to. Post your picture to prove you aren't projecting

>> No.20552071

As a black man, I find it so incredibly funny that a race of people as ugly as this hates me. The ugliest bug looking Asian girls have the nerve to look at me like I’m a sub-human. Even funnier is the fact that they’re all slaves to white cock.

>> No.20552075

glad you finally found the courage to post your picture, even if you could only post a drawn one.

>> No.20552163

Desu is a copula but also a politeness marker. You can put it at the end of nearly, if not literally, every sentence. The OP could be rewritten as 俺のかわいいワイフ、ごめなさいです。And while the order as written in OP is weird, it is not literally wrong. It's possible to see something like that in literature or poetry.

>> No.20552177

I want to breed her

>> No.20552196

The vocative is an exception, because you need to use the vocative particle よ. So you wouldn't be able to write よです

O ごめなさい、俺のかわいいワイフよ。
O 俺のかわいいワイフよ、ごめなさいです。
X ごめなさい、俺のかわいいワイフよです。