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20545744 No.20545744 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20545748

Just an illusion like any other addiction or belief in 'the self'

>> No.20545750

Easy, CHEESY baked potatoes

>> No.20545997


>> No.20546072

Just have sex lol

>> No.20546184

this, also preferably get a gf

>> No.20546211

t. Coomcel agents of Satan

>> No.20546224
File: 613 KB, 2048x1152, MV5BMTg5MTIxOTgyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTg1NDc3MTE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw personally knew a girl who started doing porn in college who said she was doing it to pay for school
>she lost like 20 lbs and got implants before dropping out in our sophomore year
>watched her become a drug addicted tattoo covered shell of herself in what was basically human trafficking TV
>stopped talking to her with the rest of our peer group because she kept asking people for money
If you take a good hard look at porn just once you'll never want to see it again.

>> No.20546257

How is porn addiction even a real thing like nigga just look away from the screen hahahahahhahah

>> No.20546277

> wake up
>shit, shower
>take my goypills
>have my goyslop
>get in my goymobile
>do spreadsheets in my goycage all day
>come home
>watch my goyvideos
>sleep, repeat
How do I break the cycle?

>> No.20546280


Is this some kind of american trend man ? I mean, you guys had hipsters & rocknroll... then it was the wave of "emos/geeks/".. THEN it was transsexuals / lgbt / pornography at its fullest

I mean, what will be next.. legalization of child porn and sodomy ?

>> No.20546284

>How is porn addiction even a real thing like nigga just look away from the screen hahahahahhahah
This, but unironically.
Captcha: PM0TW

>> No.20546286

I consume pornography precisely because I don't want sex or even to want to want sex
If I weren't married I'd swear off and avoid women entirely with the aid of libidinally stimulating material

>> No.20546288
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>> No.20546292

stop waking up

>> No.20546341

Buy a goyrope and put it around your goyneck

>> No.20546577


>> No.20546597

I have no interest in having sex that doesn't involve intimacy, and there's no one I've found who I want to be intimate with / who wants to be intimate with me. So, masturbating works for now.

>> No.20546669

Didn't work. What worked for me was vowing on my mother's life that I wouldn't voluntarily look at porn (softcore included) for a lustful purpose.

>> No.20546672

turn that goy into $ 0 ¥

>> No.20546675

I don’t want to quit porn.

>> No.20546856

can you tell me what step one is to this method?

>> No.20546870

Quitting porn entirely is impossible. It's so dependent upon moods and whims. I had a nice 40-50 day streak recently and on some bad day, for some reason I can't even remember, I decided to coom.

>> No.20546881

Couldn't you have just coomed to your imagination instead of using porn?

>> No.20546906

As long as you didn't go back to abusing it I don't think it matters that much. You did spend those 40-50 productively right? Porn is bad mostly because it's such a gigantic time waster.

>> No.20546923

In my view they were fairly productive.
>As long as you didn't go back to abusing it I don't think it matters that much.
Meh, I still felt like an idiot the second I coomed, as you can well imagine.

>> No.20546962
File: 26 KB, 500x349, Stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I stop clicking on pornhub and touching my ween!? This is such a complicated process of not clicking and not touching my ween. I can't even comprehend how I would not put my hand on my ween. There must be some sort of book that explains how I can subvert this highly complicated process...

>> No.20547231

>If you take a good hard look at porn just once you'll never want to see it again.
Actually the reverse happens most of the time. People seek out worse and more extreme pornography.
Before I quit porn I was part of a forum where people organized and shared their collections...one of the most popular parts of the site was where people would post videos where the woman clearly wasn't enjoying it or even in pain, a lot of them looked like outright rapes if I'm honest but it was all professional scenes and 'special extra footage'. I wish I could forget all the memories and especially the names of women and scenes I have from porn, I have one where Lexi Belle starts crying that I end up thinking about it randomly at times.
In earlier civilizations like the Greeks or Romans the word "shameless" had a lot more weight to it, and I now both understand why, and why it doesn't anymore. A shameless person can regulate their behavior but chooses not to, in many ways I think indifference to evil is worse than evil.

>> No.20547245

Anyone that posts shit like this is guaranteed to be a “I could quit but I don’t want to” type

>> No.20547310

I really like watching porn and jerking off. It's a fun hobby

>> No.20547353

Why do you faggots all think that porn/jerking off is so horrible? Are you all like that fucking cook John Kellogg who thought cum was generated from blood cells and cumming is literally killing you or what?

>> No.20547364

It's an aberration before God.

>> No.20547382

>stop pills
>stop eating slop
>new career
>stop videos
>get invigorating hobbies and interests

>> No.20547393

Haven't watched porn in almost 2 years. Cope

>> No.20547402

You heard me right. All addictions are based on chemicals and fantasies, nothing to do with your identity or character. Just merely a bad habit you keep repeating

No reason to write a book about it. Especially shaming people morally or socially. Who the fuck needs a lifestyle for this kind of thing anyway

>> No.20547403


>> No.20547428

Yes you do

>> No.20547464

That's why I fap to cartoons or erotica. Literally the only ethical form of pornography. It's just a guy drawing titties in his room, no harm done to anybody in reality besides a few coom addicts but they were fucked from the start anyway.

>> No.20547474

Somewhere in another dimension, there is a version of yourself who was never exposed to pornography. He wants me to tell you that you are a disappointing loser.

>> No.20547480

I just coomed.
It felt amazing, I only coom once or twice a week.
30 tabs, edging for 30-40 minutes, scrunches as improvised cock rings for maximum pleasure, I bust big loads to my favorite hentai from /d/ and elsewhere.
>That's why I fap to cartoons or erotica. Literally the only ethical form of pornography. It's just a guy drawing titties in his room, no harm done to anybody in reality
I agree

>> No.20547519

Day 20 here. My libido has basically disappeared since quitting porn so it hasn't exactly been challenging. Does it get harder?

>> No.20547539

How dramatic have the improvements been to your life? I've lost count of the amount of times I've tried to quit

>> No.20547618

Dramatic improvements? What do you think happens, angels fly down and lift you to the sky?
I don't waste countless hours browsing porn any more. No more searching for just the right scene for the day. When I do jerk off it is more satisfying. Suppose mental and self discipline are better too.
Think of quitting porn as going along with eating healthier, exercising, reading more, getting more sunlight, sleeping enough. Better overall for your mental and physical state. Not some magical panacea that will change your entire life. That kind of change comes slowly and as a result of living properly

>> No.20547623

Although of course now he spends hours posting nofap threads on /lit/

>> No.20547638


>> No.20547651

I read Anna Karenina in the past 4 days. What did you read?

>> No.20547659

I empathize with your wanting to forget porn. I feel like it takes up space in my mind that I would rather use on better things, and I have had a handful of bad dreams where tons of porn was replayed to me from my memories. This thread couldn't have come at a better time really cause I am quitting porn (and taking quitting seriously) for the first time since getting hooked at age 11. I think this phase will eventually pass and our minds can be pure again. God willing.

>> No.20547704

Quitting porn is also about self mastery.

>> No.20547765

This. I suggest crushing 0.5 kilos Apple seeds into a fine powder and ingesting them.

>> No.20547769

Look, everyone. A cooonsoomer.

>> No.20547771

>I don't want sex or even to want to want sex

>> No.20548014

Quit what exactly? Unlike you I don't jerk off every single day of the week.

>> No.20548021

might as well quit reading too cause it's the same shit

>> No.20548062

Sauce for the Lexi Belle crying?

>> No.20548070

Intercourse and masturbation and all sexual releases and stimulation incur negative side effects. Some people are happier without either. Sex doesn't solve anything and you're still a slave to your dick. That's no way to live.

>> No.20548088

>Some people
Very few. Most of us are happier when we have a bit of cuddling and smooching in our lives.
Though I'm sure we all enjoyed those articles by female journalists during the lockdowns
>nobody has hugged me for three whole weeks, I'm going insaaaaaane

>> No.20548102

>Porn is bad mostly because it's such a gigantic time waster.
that's irrelevant if you waste it browsing this site, watching anime, social media etc., for most people quitting porn wouldn't make a difference they would just find another way to waste their time consooming something else

>> No.20548150

Internet porn and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.20548154

have sex incel

>> No.20548158

will you fight? or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.20548163

I did this morning. Gonna cry about it?

>> No.20548167
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>> No.20548191

lying sack of shit

>> No.20548512

W-what does this result in?

>> No.20548529

I'm 28 and I feel as though porn has severely poisoned my life. Of course it's not porn that's to blame, but my own weakness. Luckily I never became a disgusting coomer enjoying fetish shit but I did find that porn utterly eroded my ability to form coherent sentences, to work hard, to be confident in social situations, and to be energetic. I'm not sure if I'm of a sensitive disposition but I find that fapping to porn utterly erodes my ability to even stay awake or be proactive about anything. The amount of times I've 'quit for the last time' is comical at this point.

Did any of you fellas quit porn for good? How did your journey go?

>> No.20548532

>just quit it
uh.. based?

>> No.20548541

>30 tabs
Imagine how much damage you're doing to your dopamine receptors

>> No.20548545


>> No.20548599

You escape the samsara and you won't have to feel bad about your shitty self and bureaucracy anymore.

>> No.20548733
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>bro just have amazing sex with your girlfriend you don't really need to jerk off and watch porn trust me bro
We all know pulling on your worm and watching porn is bad. I don't need some Chad who never had to go more than two weeks without pussy to tell me how to quit porn.

>> No.20548822

Nothing wrong with jerking off, its the porn that messes with you
Go ahead, try to whack without porn. Bet you can't do it. That's how fried your brain is

>> No.20548840

I haven't watched porn or whacked in the past 60 days. I know I can't whack it without porn, that's why I abstain from both.
This book is still for turbo normies who have regular sex.

>> No.20548849

>reading more
Fucking cringe. Read for pleasure, not because of the self improoovment meme. Imagine saying "I eat healthier, I work out more and I watch more films and I look at more paintings". That's how fucking dumb you sound when you talk about /lit/erature in that context.

>> No.20548853 [DELETED] 

waaay too fucking long did not read

>> No.20548864

... not him but it's pretty clear that reading can improve your life and mental wellbeing; so I don't know why mongs like you sperg about it so much.

>> No.20548869

Yeah, okay. Fag

>> No.20548876

Sex with your hand doesn't count, loser.

>> No.20548879

What do you mean? Don't most people find reading therapeutic?

>> No.20549161

Because it's a fucking protestant perversion of something beautiful. Imagine taking ART and turning into yet another thinking to optimally consume you can feel good about being productive.
Yes, but that's a different thing.

>> No.20549291

have a real intelligence agency mi6

>> No.20549299

Your self is ego, your true nature doesn't require or presuppose belief but introduction and pointing out.

>> No.20549484

have sex nigger

>> No.20549807

don't let your queen hear you using that language young man

>> No.20549964

Why is it kino?

>> No.20549981

>leaps to the defense of porn
>mocks the idea of masturbation 1 second later
liberals are schizos

>> No.20550099

Okay, but why?

>> No.20550128
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For those asking how to quit:

Reading "the easy peasy way to quit porn" unironically worked for me. It's strange because it doesn't really say anything I didn't already know. It didn't work instantly either, but it ingrained some ideas that grew slowly over time in my mind. Link here.


>> No.20550159

>gigantic time waster
I don't get this. Literally who the fuck spends more than a couple minutes or so watching porn.

>> No.20550246

cyanide poisoning

>> No.20550351 [DELETED] 

personally i think streaming music is worse than porn. i used to walk around listening to audiobooks for hours, but ever since i got apple music i just listen to some dopamine triggering trendy music. how can some book about the bretton woods conference or whatever compete with basically the entire catalog of the world's commercially released music?

>> No.20550569

No, it only gets easier, but you should still be watchful. I did a year of nofap and then became a coomer again.

>> No.20550610


>> No.20550616

>he doesn’t monkmaxx
Ngmi. Now you’re a sexless coomer who isn’t even spiritually superior to coomcels.

>> No.20550637
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>> No.20550652

The schools teaching kids about gay sex would happen though, and potentially the terrorists winning too.

>> No.20550669

it all happened That's the point

>> No.20551339

when i quit porn about a year ago, i had a "peek" after a few weeks after quitting and was blown away at how lame it really was. that is honestly the book's best point. if you can go even a week or two and look at porn again, and actually see it for what it really is, you'll quit. if you look at it and say to yourself "THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN MISSSING I'M GONNA FREAKIN COOOOOOOOOMMMM", then you're fucked in the head and you'll be a coomer for life. realize what porn really is, or be a coomer forever

>> No.20551461

yeah it's literally cuckoldry. you're just watching other people have sex instead of doing it yourself. think about that and you'll want to stop

>> No.20551466

This. All it takes is a week

>> No.20551600

Who even watches conventional pornography?

>> No.20551603

honestly? all it takes is a second

>> No.20551618

Bros what about ED. I can't get an erection hard enough for sex. Yesterday was my first time with a girl and I couldn't get it up, which so absurdly tragic. I've stopped porn/masturbation for exactly one week so far.
Any insights? Do I just need more time to "rewire"?

>> No.20551752

Quit a couple weeks ago and my dick has been dead and libido non existent ever since. This does pass.. right? I looked at a porn video yesterday to see if I would fe anything but it didn't make me feel anything.

>> No.20551770

Yeah keep it going man. It took me like 2 months before I could sustain a 70% boner through sex. It sounds grim but you don't realise how deep the damage goes until you're free of it.

>> No.20551834

Thank you anon.

>> No.20551863

How is a 20 minute fap before sleep such a time waste?
Also are all of you NEETs? If you go to work you will spend 8 hours there anyway.

>> No.20551876

I can easily do it

>> No.20551885

yes it will pass. you might have to go through a few half-mast sexual encounters till you are fixed too.

>> No.20551889

I deleted the apps that lead me to coomershit. I stop associating with things related to coomer culture. 99% of it didn't bring anything meaningful and that which did bring anything of value, that value could be found in non-coomer places.
Literally just stop looking at it and you're free. Stop looking at degeneracy and going "but I won't touch my dick." That's a lie to yourself. The answer isn't just have sex either. I only want to have sex with someone I want to raise kids with and that I'm prepared to do so. There's no beed to get your rocks off.

>> No.20551907

If I don't cum I will get wet dreams after a few weeks anyway. I wonder how low test you guys must be.

>> No.20551908

This. For a while after quitting, once the porn from memory faded it was way harder to fap. That's good. Once you start recovery your natural libido returns.

>> No.20551912

Btw your brain on porn isn't that scientific. It's a collection of already known facts or obvious statements and a bunch if reddit posts. Easypeasy is all ypu need to quit

>> No.20551918

Lmao at the coomers seething at this

>> No.20551920

My thing is I’m not necessarily trying to quit cooming, I’d just like to get off the videos that drag it out for extended periods of time

>> No.20551923

That's exactly my point. There is no need or benefit to self induced orgasm. Your body sorts itself out with wet dreams so that myth of "cleaning the pipes" or old sperm is wrong. That cancer study is bullshit btw. Unused sperm is either expelled or reabsorbed by your body and it thanks you.

>> No.20551932


>Ukraine, nearing 3rd world war. Fears of grain shortage.
>Plagues such as Coronavirus and Monkeypox
>Schools are indeed teaching children how to have gay sex
>Terrorists won in Afghanistan.


>> No.20551934

well i'd rather not wake up to my dick randomly pumping my sheets full of cum when i could just wack it in a predictable and orderly fashion a few times a week

>> No.20551937

Shit makes me tired man. Like, “I should go work out later” but then I bleed the dragon and suddenly I’m exhausted, don’t feel like doing shit, etc.
And I won’t even know why I did it. Plus it takes too long for me. I envy the guys who can just pop off in a couple minutes. To me it’s just a waste of time and leaves me feeling more tired, not less stressed. Plus it’s probably not helping my view of women any (those filthy whores).

>> No.20551951

You should be washing the underwear you sleep in anyway. Wet dreams are good bro. When you start wacking it yourself you're more susceptible to fall back to coomerism. You could start doibg it too much or too hard. It's bad for your penis's skin. If you really don't want to wash your dick in the morning have sex with your wife.

>> No.20551955

For me, it became like a stress release mechanism. Sometimes I'd do it even when I wasn't horny. I'd be just torturing my dick at that point for a few seconds of release.

>> No.20551982

Quitting porn won't change the facts about women, what do change is your attitude towards them. You stop hating them. You can still be critical and complain "why aren't they normal like guys" but the obvious answer is men and women aren't the same and it's ultimately a man's world. Women are always going to be a certain way and they're going to be influenced by the times heavily. It's why modern women suck compared to trad women. But what people don't get is that women are extremely malleable by the men they're partnered with. This is good and bad. Good when's it's used to foster a healthier person alongside yourself, bad when it's used to abuse them and keep them abused (that's why those "stupid women" keep going back to their abusers) I reccomend checking out that one married anon's series of posts that involve "women are like dogs" (in a good way I swear) i think it's called how to tame women or something. I don't rember which board it's from though.

>> No.20551997

I also remember he uses boat analogies and talks about the creativity inside women

>> No.20552017

Yeah honestly the women part is (mostly) memeing. I just wanna snag some free time and energy back so I can take better care of myself. Might even be able to get out of bed earlier.
That anon does sound kind of like ol uncle Patrice though. But probably with less swinging.

>> No.20552042
File: 44 KB, 640x427, SF-Rucking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bros what about ED. I can't get an erection hard enough for sex.
Ever tried rucking?

>> No.20552056

Maybe a dumb question, but did you ask her to help, like giving you a tuggy or using her mouth? Cuz if you were too embarrassed you should probably just ask her and see if that helps. Especially if you’re close enough that she’s willing to give it an honest go rather than just get annoyed after a little bit.

>> No.20552099

Can you elaborate? Do you mean physical exercise in general?

She's a sweetheart, she definitely tried. When I actually got hard, she started sucking on it, but then I lost the erection in her mouth. I wasn't feeling anything basically. Feels bad man.
I've been on nofap before and once after around 20 days it felt like wanking for 3 seconds would've been enough. I'd much prefer that over feeling like an old man at fucking 25. I technically didn't even lose my virginity.

>> No.20552114

Take med

>> No.20552117

Anyone have it?

>> No.20552120

>Do you mean physical exercise in general?
Yes. It's a literal ED-killer.

>> No.20552131

Ok thanks anon.

>> No.20552146

>porn utterly eroded my ability to form coherent sentences, to work hard, to be confident in social situations, and to be energetic
Anon, porn didn’t make you an awkward sperg, you’re just an awkward sperg. Chads jerk it to porn and go on with their lives. You can’t form coherent sentences because you are a bundle of raw nerves and insecurities

>> No.20552172

>Chads jerk it to porn
if chad jerks it to porn then i don't want to be chad.

>> No.20552178

True, but it's also a vicious cycle.

>> No.20552183

Kinda sounds like you're projecting there buddy

>> No.20552222

I could have saved her

>> No.20552236

if you're fat or out of shape it makes it hard to get hard
try consuming crushed garlic to improve blood quality, it gives you stronger erections
also things like supplementing zinc can help

or you could just buy some Cialis, although it's a risky thing to directly medicate something that is probably mostly psychological

>> No.20552327

>Find Christ
>Do a whole year of NoFap
>Wake up at 6:00 AM daily to a cold shower
>Go to the gym nearly every day
>Get rid of acne by eating healthy and fasting
>Read a book roughly every 2 weeks
>Do my first full marathon for 3 hours
>Some nurse tells me I’m mentally ill
>The state forces me to take meds
>They check my blood levels all the time
>The police are to drag me from my home and inject me if it’s too low
I now can’t go for more than 2-3 without wanking because this poison directly targets the hormones associated with willpower.

>> No.20552334

2-3 days*

>> No.20552414

Why would I want to quit porn? Not really sure what this obsession is with stressing yourself out through life, just wank mate and do what you want. You'll build a state of repression and stress otherwise.

>> No.20552491

It is in fact the opposite of what you say is true.

>> No.20552527

Only if you don't have a girlfriend and you are a perpetual virgin. Go get a misses, that's your solution, I wank to porn when she's in bed and I can fuck when I want, no stress and repression here, that shit only exists when you can't get any pussy mate, go find a babe and fuck her silly.

>> No.20552540

So I take it you don’t believe in free-will.

>> No.20552599

Shut the fuck up normalfag

>> No.20552638

Based. Living a healthy life is such a waste.

>> No.20552670

I’ve basically always jerked off to erotica. It’s embarrassing because it’s effeminate, but at least I activate my imagination during it and dont expose myself to the cuck shit of watching another man fuck a woman

>> No.20552678

Is lesbian porn bad? It's all I've ever watched

>> No.20552689

It’s all acting.
Who the hell moans when a dildo goes between her breasts?

>> No.20552719

Tbh lesbian porn is at least usually sensual and erotic. ooga booga hetero shit with cocks being rammed down every orifice and cum shots and whatnot has never done anything for me. No idea how people get turned on by that shit

>> No.20552784

No I don't lack belief in free will, it simply doesn't exist.

>> No.20552789

I had a gf and sex and I was still jerking it to porn. It's an addiction and should be treated as such.