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20541713 No.20541713 [Reply] [Original]

Is it actually over? It's not right? The world isn't ending right? Is capitalism actually ending? Is Zizek a hack? In 40-60 years my city and it's social order isn't just going to terminally break down and raider chads will raid my house and shoot me will it? Isn't it still ok to go to graduate school and do science or scholarship?

>> No.20541727

There has never been the perfect time to get on with your life and there never will be.

>> No.20541739

Zizek is a hack,
The world is not ending, it’s changing.
We are in the middle of a transition between the national model of the world to a globalist one.
In a globalized there will Ben no more political borders, and nomadic lifestyles will be the norm again.
Capitalism will be replaced by something else since private property won’t make much sense when everyone lives like a nomad.
But change never comes without pain, and that’s why the transition period we are in right now is causing so much disorder.

>> No.20541758


>> No.20542140

He is not claiming that the world is ending. I'm paraphrasing from memory here (I read the book like 10 years ago), somewhere he says something like: "We're living in the end times, the question is "the end of what?""

It's not about the end of the world, but rather about the end as such.

>> No.20542158

Le science wins again

>> No.20542311

This is it; and in this sense, every time is an "end time." People in 1666 thought, accurately enough, that they were living through the end of "the world" - meaning their world, the world of feudal fiefdoms. "Revolution" means simply a turning of the wheel.

>> No.20543145
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As Zizeik says, "it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism"

Capitalism being over doesn't necessarily mean Mad Max instead. That's a false dichotomy. There are many ways industrial societies can organize that aren't capitalist.

Reminder that everything in this book was implemented and worked splendidly. Three major world powers had to wage total war just to put an end to this anti-capitalist order.

>> No.20543153
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>We are in the middle of a transition between the national model of the world to a globalist one.

>> No.20543207

I mean it literally does

>> No.20543264

Yes. Well, maybe, in that there's a crisis causing a cascade of system failures spelling the end of the neoliberal order along with the ripening of the climate crisis. The capitalist contradictions are unironically exploding in a way they haven't in a century.

Western civilization? You mean the inexorably yet centuries-long decline of a bankrupt civilization? The desperate attempt to hold the postcard pictures together while you seep away anything energetic on your societies at all? Lol..

>> No.20543283

Climate change is the final test for capitalism. Endure through it, and capitalism will be eternal. Fall, and we return to feudalism.

>> No.20543702
