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/lit/ - Literature

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20536420 No.20536420 [Reply] [Original]

The Writing General

NonVandalized Edition

You will make it if you persevere

Previous thread: >>20528795
For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Traditional Publishing
>you get to focus mostly on writing
>you must write a proposal to the publishers and sell your story to them
>you make 10-15% profit max, but they also eat all the risk and the costs
>self publishing is basically like running your own company
>you only need to do some simple marketing and reach out to readers

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To
>risky, but much more profitable
>you must pay for everything yourself
>if you do, you will spend more time on running a business than writing, but can be worth it

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)
>A higher form of Literary Fiction

For advertising

AI-generated book covers

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

Other forums

>> No.20536448
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Proper good thread OP.
I wish I had some work to share but I'm waging this week and probably next.

>> No.20536464

Wrong, this is a terrible OP. Absolutely awful.

>> No.20536479

Kenji. You are the ass clown

>> No.20536557
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Based thread.

>> No.20536573
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>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte
Will this help me with prose? I've been learning how free verse poetry works but still when it comes to prose I don't know what's really going on besides varying the structure and trusting myself. I'd like to be a bit more intentional.

>> No.20536792
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>writes book
>refuses to advertise
>surprised book fails and gets 9 sales first 100 days
Lol, you guys are funny.

>> No.20536827

My story takes place in a fictional world. Long ago, before the sun rose in the sky, a sub-race of humans ruled the endless night. When the Goddess birthed the Sun, this race is similar to the idea of vampires, they became weakened by the new sun and integrated into society, but became known as a "weaker race" of subhumans. They are persecuted, systematically mistreated, and are mostly in poverty.

I want to name this race after an ancient human race of people. I'm of South Indian descent, so my first thought was naming them Aryans, as in like the proto-Iranian/Indian race, but I don't want to confuse them for the Hitler Aryan race, because that's controversial and not my intention. My other idea was naming them after the Emishi, but that's a japanese group and my story doesn't involve japanese names. Any other proto races I could name them after?

>> No.20536844

Best Velvet Room attendant. She also names the jew.

>> No.20536851

>Write book
>Spend $100 on Amazon advertising
>Post on Twitter and Instagram
>Run free promotions
>Shill on 4chan, reddit, Goodreads, and royal road
>Make a YouTube video
>Still have 0 sales
>F Gardner still sells more than me

>> No.20536882

>hurr durr advertise
Anyone with half a brain runs ad-blocking software in their web browser.
You expect me to court people too dumb to do that?

>> No.20536887

Just don’t cal then Aryans

>> No.20536893

>doesn’t run ads to people who don’t want them
>ad block never loads ads and costs you a dime
>literally increases advertiser profits by being more efficient
Honestly, I couldn’t do it without them. Thank you ad block!

>> No.20536896

>My story takes place in a fictional world.
You don't say.
>ancient human race
I thought of the Eloi from H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine".
Sort of reminds me of Elohim, a Hebrew word for God.
I dunno...Elihu? Also a Biblical name.

>> No.20536901

F Gardner is one of those one in a million irregularities. He’s apparently a literal lunatic based on posts I’ve read in the past here. That makes me suspect it was a combination of him being memed to fame and his books just being really strange. He also seems to have an inexplicably high budget for his books. I think I’ve seen his ads for years now.

>> No.20536938

>literal lunatic

I’ve seen him on discord. He’s a Sedevacantist Flat Earther. He also believes in all sorts of Asian sorcery that seems straight out of Naruto. I don’t know if I’d say “lunatic.” But he has some very unique beliefs. His ego is also massive and he leaves discord servers if anyone says anything bad about his books.

>> No.20537043

Is there a need to name them after a real proto race? Perhaps you should pick a suitably ancient and special name that people call themselves, read up on how civilizations decided on these names first.

>> No.20537089

I didnt ask

>> No.20537090
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how can I sharpen my dialogue skills?

>> No.20537103

How would you tackle having a young protagonist who has attachment issues because he woke up to find himself being orphaned?

>> No.20537105
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Do people unironically believe this?

>> No.20537130

100% this general thinks being white is a handicap as an author.
Lol idk why these morons even want to be trad published. It’s restricting, it doesn’t pay much, and some contracts they’ll own the rights to even future books.
It’s such a scam!

>> No.20537163

This is why I’m going to take the F Gardner pill for when I finally finish my book. Self publishing sounds better.

>> No.20537179

It’s not even remotely close which is the better option.
People trad publish because they’re boomers and believe in some prestige crap (which no one else does)
When was the last time someone picked up a book and checked the publisher???
I’m here for the author and book, not who fucking printed it.

>> No.20537251

>main character is a leather wearing thief
son i am dissapoint

>> No.20537320
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What, you didn't like the Thief video-game series?

>> No.20537599 [DELETED] 

I’m trans. I want to write fantasy from the perspective of someone with dysphoria and who transitions. Any tips?

>> No.20537606

Try method writing. So live through that experience yourself.

>> No.20537617 [DELETED] 

I was joking. I’m not trans, nor do I want to write fantasy about it.

>> No.20537660

You sound pretty trans to me. You know, penis, testicles, but society doesn't consider you a man.

>> No.20537689

When did the writing general turn to shit?

>> No.20537748

Day 1, thread 1.

>> No.20537787

when we got a tons of people actually wanting to make a living off of this instead of writing things as a hobby.

So we got threads and threads of trying to find ways to scam people. Then there are some people that are posting their "successes" and it snowballed from there. Now everyone seems to want to write a litRPG to earn patreon dollars. Literary conventions and standards be damned. Write to the masses and earn bucks. Sweet sweet bucks

>> No.20538143

Jokes on you, I'm writing a lit-rpg for no money at all!
>Character has an option to choose a magical class.
>chooses a rogue instead
Son, fucking neck yourself!

>> No.20538327 [DELETED] 

Want to see my girl dick? It's like a little button

>> No.20538330 [DELETED] 

Just post in /crit/ instead. It has more chance of getting critiqued anyway.

>> No.20538359

>Sedevacantist Flat Earther

HOLY SHIT BASED. I'm going to read his stuff now knowing that. Unironically what a chad.

t. Sedevacantist (semi-flat earther)

>> No.20538409

Today I didn't feel like writing so I wrote 0 words, but it's a workday so I watched Malibu Express (1985) and Savage Beach (1989) and wrote complete plot synopsis of both. Writing plot synopsis for movies as you watch them is a great way to learn about plotting.

>> No.20538448

No, it's just a roundabout way of saying you don't like whites. It's akin to saying "God doesn't exist."

>> No.20538588
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Yeah, just like when plumbers and dentists went professional.
Before that when plumber hobbyists and dentist hobbyists were doing it for free, life was better and the quality of work was better.
Now these faggots try and scam us by “doing it for a living” and charging us for “the quality of their professional work.”
Shit really is cancerous..
I agree with you fellow faggot.

>> No.20538598

What's the most depressing quote you've ever written?

>> No.20538602
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What are you reading anon?

I'm rereading Brave New World and I'll be damned if the intro isn't the same kind of lore dump that people told me speculative fiction shouldn't start with. It's all dry math and scientific jargon. Reminds me of when I have toured people at my own job trying to explain stuff to people they are clueless about. It throws you right into bizarre and the only thing remotely normal is the sycophantic students writing like mad. I'll keep reading it though, and I'm almost done with all of Faulkner's short stories. Gonna start Hemingway soon.

>> No.20538608 [DELETED] 

I’m reading Journey to the West and epic poetry. Don’t worry about the conventional wisdom spouted here. You can bend the rules quite often if you execute it well. Aldous Huxley was kinda writing to petty bourgeois sensibilities though, so he was put on a pedestal in Adorno’s estimation. It’s been a while since I’ve read BNW though (last time was probably 9 years ago).

>> No.20538653 [DELETED] 
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Trying my hand at poesy more.

>> No.20538658

"Once upon a time I dreamed that I would defeat Death and save the world, that I would do so with my companions and always be victorious to the end.
That dream did not lie, or perhaps I think so to console myself. I kneel before you now with the blood of my companions on my hands, vanquished by my sword. I made the world my enemy, and I won. The Chosen One is no more, his shining legacy cursed by the dying.
What a foolish boy he was. How can anyone who chooses to protect a single child save the world? Why did he think he had any friends, when in truth he knew they sought only to be the heroes of their own story? If the world called for him to save it, why did it condemn him? Please tell me Death, was my dream meaningless!?"

>> No.20538659

I'm reading Ulysses with lit and I'm reading Anna Karenina on the side. The Sun Also Rises was my favorite Hemingway book. A perfect example of expatriate life at the time.

>> No.20538705

Good timing, I'm deciding between one of these but they all sound cliche
“I never felt alive more so when I died.”
“The world was no stranger to me, than I was to it.”
“My body feels wrong and I've forgotten how to die.”

>> No.20538714

You lack a vivid contrast in my opinion, that and the context as to why it's depressing.

>> No.20538750

I’m rereading the dumbass comments in this thread trying to realize how people even got to these kinds of levels.

>> No.20538761

Truth be told I write a lot about horrid situations being good (whether that be for the benefit of others or personal satisfaction) so I have no idea how to depict a horrid situation as being sad. I've already read through end-of-life quotes, death penalty final words, suicide notes, miscarriage forum posts, the works.

>> No.20538774

Those are their thoughts though, not your own. How does your character perceive this to be depressing? Perhaps they don't, or they're so broken they say something weird instead?

>> No.20538784

I give you evidence A. He actually thinks his writing is as necessary as a plumber or dentist.

Go back

>> No.20538817

"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do a job, wait until you hire an amateur." -Red Adair

>> No.20538821

They've just lost everything and everyone so there's an immense feeling of worthlessness.

>> No.20538822

Srsly? Are you a beatnik too? Grow up.
Nothing wrong with wanting to make money at writing.
What's your alternative...endless soul-sucking day-jobbery?
Or being a parasite on the body public?

>> No.20538832

You begin dying the moment you are born.

>> No.20538842

>Case #2
>Hurr durr grow up. I'm gonna make it just find my bullshit for me and gib neet bux
>Cuz I can't smell my own farts and my writing so good I dun need to have a day job

>> No.20538846

>Not a parasite
We make fun of "journalists" with 100k debt in student loans for a reason

>> No.20538865
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Is it rape if a person doesn't know what sex is and is tricked into it?

I wrote a story about a person god made called adam who did not know about sex but satan tricked him into having it with him adam being naive and unknowing of it just thought it was some sort of game. (Adam is an adult in this story)

Given I edited this out but what kinda fucked up rape is this?

>> No.20538878

>Is it rape if a person doesn't know what sex is and is tricked into it?
No officer, it's not rape if that 4 year old doesn't know what sex is

>> No.20538880

Yeah, that really doesn't come through in the lines that you posted. I have this same situation happen to a major character of mine and he engages himself in mental gymnastics about how everything is already lost to begin with, so he lost nothing and there was nothing he could do yet the very act of persuading himself of that line of thought shows that he clearly does acknowledge that loss.
That's not necessarily how you should go about it, but if you want to make it personal and for it to stick try thinking of some imagery that makes the profound loss clear.

>> No.20538897

if you need books or guides to tell you how to write

you will never make it as a writer

you are not a writer

you will never be a good writer

all you have to do is have a deep, complex imagination and figure out how to translate it in text form.

If you lack the imagination, or don't know how to convey it, you shouldn't write.

not everyone was born to be a writer, same way not everyone was born to be a physicist or a musician

stop coping so hard you retards, just give up or git gud

>> No.20538900

Thanks anon, that's some pretty good insight. I'll look into the tangibility of their loss instead of emotionally since "I so sad, I cry" isn't working out for me. I can see my character reverting into a statistical mindset to rationalize the outcome as a sort of broken machine.

>> No.20538939
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>> No.20538946

You're welcome. Another way to look at it is that sadness can be a sentiment that's more poignant when the reader can see how it's the opposite of your character's expectations (See tragic heroes for example).
https://youtu.be/aQSYrjIisP4?t=541 This is an example that always comes to mind when I think of a depressing line. The girl talks about her expectations, but notice that she elaborates about the things she has and has little to say about people because of her situation.

>> No.20538948

>Calls himself an author
>Bad sentence structure and missing a comma

>> No.20538955


the only thing depressing about those is how fucking bad they are

>> No.20539021

Might as well not read at all while youre at it. If learning is for pseuds and all artists are naturally endowed with genius I'm afraid that I am never going to make it.

>> No.20539029

Today I've written a page already
pretty good

>> No.20539031

post your material. i'd like to see this

>> No.20539035


>> No.20539047

Books that tell you how to write contain a lot of good advice regarding syntax, sentence structure and specific uses of language etc. Also, it warns of a lot of pitfalls new writers go through and helps people get the basics down, especially if they're only just starting to write. A deep complex imagination is worth jack shit if you're illiterate or never learn from your superiors. The reason you read any book, instructional or not, is to get better, that's the bottom line. There's no 'bad book' to read, reading anything can help you become better by either showing you what to do, showing you what not to do, and if you're lucky, both.

>> No.20539050
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hlo I m Ilterate

>> No.20539064

I wrote a poem for a girl.
She said it was cute
Read it for a good minute
I waited with baited breath
Hoping for any sign of approval
Then she threw it away

>> No.20539069

where's the rhymes you hack?

>> No.20539073

Post something you've written, because otherwise, you literally have no business being here.
Your demotivational pseuding is worthless.

>> No.20539075

>character changes identity down to their gender
>this seems to be justified by unbereable amounts of mindbreak
Do it or not? Sci fi is hard and I dont want to fuck up, i just like that brand of horror

>> No.20539100

Tangentially related, but I wrote a poem for a girl back in High School and she had the same reaction. Come Senior year, she told my best friend it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her, and she asked where I had gone (My family moved). I still wonder if she was chatting him up because she was making small talk, or because she legitimately felt that way. Either way, professions of love aren't easily forgotten. The girl who threw your paper away will likely remember you for the rest of her life, for good or bad.

>> No.20539101

I wouldn't even give him the time of day anon. His shitposting is subpar and reeks of "failed crab".

>> No.20539120


>> No.20539131

I am also half-train, on my father's side

>> No.20539138

>Identifying Rape
Yep, that's rape.

>> No.20539141

Rape is the violation of another man's property
Not rape

>> No.20539142

but do it complex doe

>> No.20539153

>Sci fi is hard and I dont want to fuck up
Just do it, bro. Have you seen the hacky tropeshit on Love Death and Robots that Netflix churns out? Shameful. I don't know you and I know you can do better than that.

>> No.20539162

Going to start writing a journal. Don't care if it's not good, I need to get my thoughts down. I struggle to express myself. Perhaps this will be my outlet for expression. My thoughts, who cares about the 'quality' of my writing. I'm not writing to impress anyone.

>> No.20539163

The crab one could have been good but I agree, I thought it being a gender thing made it hacky by default, I just like Giger too much tb h.
Anyways, thank you anon!

>> No.20539181

I had a journal once. Devolved into autistic sociological deconstructions of all human interaction

>> No.20539185

Do a wikipedia read on prehistoric cultures in Asia and pick the name from either the culture name itself or the region they found their remains. like Saka, Yamnaya, Alans and Yuezhi etc. There are many names like that I'm sure you will find that sounds suitable.

>> No.20539190

The iambic pentameter restricts
A cope for inferior pseuds
Forcing a rhythm with their tricks
Only for their face to turn red

I need not write this longer
For my cock filled with destest
It clearly sees a man seething with anger
Trying to one of the fairer sex

Maybe one day you'll trick someone
Sliding his dick in your open wound
He might even cum
But truth is revealed when your bones are exhumed

You'll never be a woman.

>> No.20539204

Are these Sanderson guy's lectures good? I've watched a few of them and the example he gives are kinda cringe like "Star Wars" or other pop culture movies. It sounds like advice for dnd writing or whatever.
Is he good writer?
Are the lectures worth listening?

>> No.20539205

I called the twists on at least half of the episodes in the first season within five minutes of watching them. Not to belabor the point, but I don't think sci-fi is particularly difficult. We effectively live in a sci-fi reality. I'm curious why you think it is difficult to write.
Another point I want to share is something I'm dealing with at the moment. Perhaps I'm wrong in this, but I'm going to throw it out there: I think a lot of beginning writers struggle to finish things because the idea they began writing changes shape during the process, and by the conclusion of the story, the author may have ended up in a completely different territory than he began.
I'm working on my first novel, and I set out to write a fantasy/sci-fi end of the world scenario. I'm almost 60k words in, and it's been shaping into a metaphysical wilderness survival story, sort of like Jack London meets Carlos Castenada.
I don't know, because I'm not finished, but I think you have to follow the muse where it takes you, even if takes you outside the boundaries of the story you set out to write.
I don't know if that helps, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. It has helped me overcome plot hurdles, and fix problems I thought were untenable.

>> No.20539206

Reminds me of that urban fantasy/scifi movie Push someone made me watch. There were no consequences to the protag going deaf because the next scene he was cured. The character motivations cant even be believed because one character was being paid thousands of dollars a day to stand with a distance of a girl but he conveniently leaves a room so the protag can have sex with her. If shit like that gets movies and some established authors publish stuff like Water World entries full of plotholes then just write. The aspects that pull in readers arent always the details that writers wrack their brain over.

>> No.20539218

Same lmfao
I watched about three or four of them and tuned out pretty quickly. Most of it is self-evident if you're writing for the modern pop sci-fi/fantasy respecter crowd.
>Dude just rip off Marvel and Star Wars lmoa
We know, Brandon. We know.

>> No.20539221

Hmm, unironically I think I am autistic. Perhaps that is precisely what this journal will become, though I do hope it will be somewhat more imaginative. I say imaginative, but who am I trying to impress. Maybe I don't want to just write for myself. But I guess a journal won't be interesting for others to read.
I was thinking about writing a story called, 'nofap superman' - about a man who gains superpowers when he isn't fapping, but fapping is his kryptonite and causes him to become weak. A strange idea for a story I know, but at least it's original.

>> No.20539235

Yep. It seems creative types hold themselves to higher standards than consumers. Consumers often can't even explain the subtext of the movie they just watched.
I remember reading something on the IMDB comments section about the ending of the BSG reboot being a big long parable about how Jimi Hendrix is God.

>> No.20539246

Don't know about the other guy, but my story started out as some vague revenge in a fantasy setting and somewhere along the line it's become a story set in a world that's already dead. It's fun but unnerving, especially if your muse leads you places where you might end up with plot holes.

>> No.20539316

Not really outside of basic stuff and shitty information that applies 15 years ago but certainly not today. Stay away from any involving the parrot, it's not the animal itself but rather Brando who acts VERY anxious in them specifically.

>> No.20539329

>Stay away from any involving the parrot, it's not the animal itself but rather Brando who acts VERY anxious in them specifically.
what does this even mean?

>> No.20539360

Maybe I should lurk moar, but what the fuck is failed crab?

>> No.20539370

oof you're beyond new

>> No.20539375

Look up crab mentality. When crabs are in a bucket if one tries to crawl out the others pull it back in. Misery loves company. So crabs that never made it hate to see you try.

>> No.20539393

Been here since around last October, so yeah, I'm green as grass.

Ah right, didn't know that's what it was referring to. Cheers.

>> No.20539419

Here's the first page of my story, is it too info-dumpy?

"Welcome back Luther."
I awoke to the sound of Dr. Rochline greeting me once again. As always my primary care provider has not changed one bit. Still the cheery morose physician that he's always been.
"Hey Yarep. Still looking good. When was the last time I've seen you? Seventy years ago?"
"According to your profile, this would be your eight rebirth. So that sounds about right. How's your new body?"
"Still feels a little stiff. I think blood is still flowing toward my toes."
"Good, then the transfer was successful. I have to go see another coming out in about ten minutes. Rest up, and I'll talk to you later."

There I laid in bed with my new body. raised my hand to see the color, and of course, it was white. Perfect. There was no reason to have another pigment.

I made the mistake of choosing a darker pigment lives before. It was not necessarily more difficult, and there were certainly benefits having the black shade, but it was not me. I could only choose the color I was born with eight hundred years ago, when I was known as Michael. Those were simple days. I still remember Cassandra after all these years. Her hair was black like the raven, and eyes as green as jade. I wonder what her name is now? It's been so long.

>> No.20539420

>plot holes
Yeah, it seems like that's a concern. Personally, it fixed a few of my plot holes, so ymmv, as always.

>> No.20539421

Sanderson isn't a great writer in my opinion (although he is wildly successful) but he's a good teacher and put out several years of his entire lecture series for free so I like it because it's an A to Z summary of his thoughts/processes. A lot of his advice very actionable even though he's biased towards outlines and simpler prose/plot heavy stories.

His earlier classes are better too, avoid the parrot as the other anon says. Sandersneed was more frank with his advice in the old videos than the latest where he's started to put on the "king of the nerds" persona.

ShaelinWrites' recent craft advice vids (within last 2 years) are also good. Also read Steering the Craft.

>> No.20539437
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>have to compress 8 pages of manuscipt into 4 pages
ah sweet this shit again

>> No.20539446

Absolutely. One of the big things in my story is 'Who actually killed the protagonist's father?' and initially this was supposed to be a character close to the protagonist but it didn't quite sit right to me. Now I've changed it to the true killer (Metaphorically speaking) being the child he tried to save and it flows much better, but the character from before is still necessary to drive the plot so now I have to be careful to make sure the exact order of events makes sense.

>> No.20539462

I want to write a novella inspired by Alex Jones' "they all live before" webm. About a Man's journey to uncover the source of his weird visions. turns out the visions are things that happened in his tribe's ancient past.

>> No.20539476

That's something I've experienced as well: shifting roles and actions to other characters, creating new characters to fill gaps, etc. I had to throw out about 10k words and push characters to later parts of the story to make the narrative flow properly. I simply don't understand how some people can write serials/periodicals without writing themselves into a corner.

>> No.20539487

>i'm going to write this
>i'm going to write that
>my story is about this
>my story is about that
>what do you think of my world building shit
>What do i do if i can't figure out my plot
>Nah check out sanderson
>nobody posts any writing
Is anyone writing here?

>> No.20539495

Based on my experience in reading weekly manga, the best ones have a solid understanding of the direction they should take so they keep some things vague to expand on it in future but they don't deviate from how the ending should follow the beginning.
The good news to me at least is that my conclusion now follows the goal of the protagonist when I had fucking nothing before.

>> No.20539499

I am but I ain't postin shit nigga >>20539437 (Me)

>> No.20539530

I post regularly but not posting every damn chapter for your pet on the head. If you need that much feedback you got problems. This isn't just a critique thread, it's also a writing shitposting thread.

>> No.20539560

10k for a good ghost story

>> No.20539576

>critique thread
nobody critiques anyone's shit in here.

>> No.20539581

Not true, I posted once and got pretty decent feedback

>> No.20539583

Can I enter this with a VPN? I don't have stripe in my country.

>> No.20539584

Shouldn’t that be eighth?
>There I laid in…
Omit “there,” it adds nothing and obscures the meaning.
>. raised
What is that full stop doing? Is it supposed to be a comma?
>I wonder what her name is now?
Add a colon between “wonder” and “what” to make the question more explicit.
Overall, it doesn’t have much to pull me in but the concept is novel enough. Maybe work on characterisation rather than telling us all this.

>> No.20539644

Had a chapter where one of my characters hunts and skins squirrels. Watched 30 minutes of southern dudes skinning squirrels to get a good feel of how to skin squirrels so that my character can skin his squirrels the way squirrels were meant to be skinned.

>> No.20539654

>Overall, it doesn’t have much to pull me in but the concept is novel enough. Maybe work on characterisation rather than telling us all this.
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.20539658

You know what, that's probably better than reading up on how it'd feel like being impaled by a blunt bar and the kind of infections that can come from it.

>> No.20539698

Ah, a fellow rebar skewering afficionado. Call me a larper, but a guy that lived not far from my house got his leg run through by a rebar pole from a construction site cus of a bad car crash. Heard him talk about it maybe once saying he got pumped with tetanus shots, but not sure about more than that.

>> No.20539713

Interesting. It's weirdly relieving that I only need my protagonist to be stabbed to death this time around, in my mind reading it and writing it out was torture.

>> No.20539719

I havent listened to him in the past year, I used to every day for years but got busy. What's the rant you're referring to?
>t. first novel is partially inspired by one of his rants on the singularity

>> No.20539733

I wrote 1000 words yesterday in a short story. Today I am trying to finish a first draft and I think I can do 3000 words tonight. I shared a bit last week and only one anon made a quippy comment on why my protag claims that all women are fat.

>> No.20539735
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>took too late to start writing my novel/comic
>now society is about to collapse for fucking real
This sucks.

>> No.20539761

We've been on the verge of collapse for my entire life. I dont want to say it cant happen but temper your expectations on what it will look like. I had to deal with one utopia story that started as a dystopia similar to 1984 and because I dragged my feet writing it the corona happened and a beta reader asked me
>is this about covid???
I almost choked him and then I cut the first chapter entirely for that and other reasons so people know its not a thriller. Anyways what I mean is just because your story might be happening already doesnt mean you cant write it. Being prophetic isnt the only reason people read scifi and if anything this was all play out again and you might be seen as prophetic anyways.

>> No.20539766

It only takes about 3 months to write a novel. You have time.

>> No.20539779

>I almost choked him and then I cut the first chapter entirely for that and other reasons so people know its not a thriller.
No one really gives a shit about your book that much. Stop taking yourself so seriously. You shouldn’t even get angry over feedback.

>> No.20539782
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Not enough for people to read it though.

>> No.20539798

I wasnt mad at him as I was upset that I presented the story entirely wrong. People told me a lot to show cool scenes so I showed it but every time I did people ask why the rest of the book isnt a violent dystopia. Trust me I dont think that highly of my writing but the pandemic was annoying because it was all everyone wanted to think about.

>> No.20539808

I know but fuck, I'm anxious and sad, I don't want to sound delusional but I actually believe I've created a very compelling setting, a winner, you know, Dune, Middle Earth, AM. So it pisses me off it dies with me and global society.

>> No.20539826

Going to try and write a short piece about one moth warning another moth to stay away from the danger of the lights based on that one meme

>> No.20539829

Sounds like a good exercise but I tend to try and stop myself from writing rehashed jokes. I just think you should work on your muscles for originality if and when you can.

>> No.20539914

>member exclusive
>two white women judges
Sorry, I don't think this is the path for me.

>> No.20539922

I'm going to write it. Worth a shot and it's only 2 pages

>> No.20540058

Ive feared that too and it's a possibility but that's one reason my speculative fiction tries to imagine we stabilize not in some ideal swing of the pendulum but a half-measure where influence dies partially and agendas retreat and people ignore eachother and the days march on for most people. Except a few cities go to hell and people lose a lot of money or go hungry. But even me believing strongly that the world will one day end it wont be by our own doing, it ends for select people and everything else is alright. So try to imagine that reckoning and what comes after because humanity has survived incredible things. Maybe people will read the Greeks again like they did in the 1500s, maybe the West gets influence from Russia. Who knows? It could get so much worse you know. Something about the age we live in just feels too sloppy to be the beginning of the end. We don't even have wide scale nanoweapons yet. I feel like no confidence is a more likely result and we just have to wait until the end of our lives to see humanity get a real reckoning.

>> No.20540071
File: 89 KB, 640x480, 751F20A7-2BDD-4261-925B-21468AAD1306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this because anons here said it was good. You guys better not have been fucking with me, I really want to enjoy this.

>> No.20540090

post a sample then so we can tell you if you're right. your whining is very irritating. I think that your thought process is a defense mechanism that you're using to protect your delusions of being a real writer without having to be tested.

>> No.20540095
File: 4 KB, 473x621, the implication of a merchant jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there an abstract jew on the cover

>> No.20540188

I didn't have the time and I'm a pretty slow writer.

>> No.20540265

It is good, I was skeptical because LA art scene didnt sound interesting, me being so square and all. However I found it quite interesting.
The cover and title dont make sense thematically until you finish the book.

>> No.20540299

The reason I love Tolkien is the straightforward prose. Good lord do people like to waste time with filler words and inane details. Tolkien overdoes it with descriptions of trees, but at least when he does it the words feel precise and not like they're wasting my time.

>> No.20540309

who are you replying to nigga

>> No.20540326

While it's true that people often fall for that mistake, most don't have a dream of surpassing Tolkien.

>> No.20540352
File: 592 KB, 1024x1024, 1BF64ABF-79AD-4F26-BCD5-A4F54F1940DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one create charming dialogue while being an NPC? I’m not charming or interesting but I know it when I read it. I just want it to sound undeniably human. I also feel like imitating an author of that’s convincing is cheating and disingenuous.

>> No.20540426

Idea in one sentence; Opaque horror story in broad day light theme | Girl meets boy and over the course of years he enables her bad habits to social isolate her so he can kill her and steal her face/identity to become trans.

How hot garbage dumpster fire is it.

>> No.20540445

Read more.

>> No.20540463

If you know when you read it, you can probably do it. There's not really some secret a writer can tell you to unlock it. You have to try and fail/succeed with it.

That said, if you can make it distinct to the character, interesting, and linked to something about that character's motivation (even subtly or unspoken), that's a good set of items to consider.

>> No.20540473

>steal her face

>> No.20540476

I follow the "are they fuckable to someone/myself else rule.

>> No.20540482

yes and he tries to have it graphed on, and plastic on plastic surgery to mimic it. So he can return to her work after "vacation" , he is also a voice actor.

>> No.20540483
File: 51 KB, 579x499, charming_dialogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't write charming dialogue then. There's a kind of forced 'character banter' that's omnipresent in bad writing, and it's not necessary, and especially not if it doesn't come naturally to you. Being a good writer means inventing a style/voice that works with your limitations. Compare picrel with the Kafka dialogue below. Kafka characters basically speak like NPCs, but it's ultimately way more 'charming' than anything in, eg, a hack like Richard Laymon.

> ‘Then I’d better go back up right away,’ said Karl and tried to see how he might leave.
>‘You’re staying put,’ said the man, and gave him a push in the chest, that sent him sprawling back on the bed.
>‘But why?’ asked Karl angrily.
>‘There’s no point,’ said the man, ‘in a little while I’ll be going up myself, and we can go together. Either your suitcase will have been stolen and that’s too bad and you can mourn its loss till the end of your days, or else the fellow’s still minding it, in which case he’s a fool and he might as well go on minding it, or he’s an honest man and just left it there, and we’ll find it more easily when the ship’s emptied. Same thing with your umbrella.’
>‘Do you know your way around the ship?’ asked Karl suspiciously, and it seemed to him that the otherwise attractive idea that his belongings would be more easily found on the empty ship had some kind of hidden catch.
>‘I’m the ship’s stoker,’ said the man.
>‘You’re the ship’s stoker,’ cried Karl joyfully, as though that surpassed all expectations, and propped himself up on his elbow to take a closer look at the man. ‘Just outside the room where I slept with the Slovak there was a little porthole, and through it we could see into the engine-room.’
>‘Yes, that’s where I was working,’ said the stoker.
>‘I’ve always been terribly interested in machinery,’ said Karl, still following a particular line of thought, ‘and I’m sure I would have become an engineer if I hadn’t had to go to America.’
>‘Why did you have to go to America?’
>‘Ah, never mind!’ said Karl, dismissing the whole story with a wave of his hand

>> No.20540505

Could be good. Are his desires a secret/twist or will the narrative involve his plans from the beginning?

>> No.20540533

The one in the picture was painful to read, it sounds like what people would sound like if they were trying to force a conversation.

>> No.20540538

just random thoughts for a good story, I dont have a good perspective of why he would, I can see how a woman can be trapped in that role however, hence why i was trying do it from her perspective .

If I ever wanted to dilate, I would buy a wig and a dildo with the amount of needs to silence the microwave from the tainted sinusoidal ac waves from becoming Terry Davis reincarnated.

>> No.20540622

Thank you. Especially >>20540483
That made it quite noticeable.

>> No.20540636

>said Karl angrily
>asked Karl suspiciously
>cried Karl joyfully

Not that you can never do this, but it's generally considered hack these days. The dialogue itself as well as context and embedded action should do the work of characterizing it rather than clunky adverbs.

Much to learn from Kafka, but this example is maybe not such a fantastic performance.

>> No.20540695

Careful. I heard they held a Fantasy competition with a 10K prize and they didn't pick a winner. No proof of this, heard it on Instagram though.

>> No.20540743

When people asked Elmore Leonard how he wrote women so well, he replied that he took more time to write women. He might two weeks to write women's dialogue when the same dialogue would've taken him a day if it were men's dialogue.

>> No.20540836


Does this sort of writing style work? Is it enjoyable to read?

>> No.20540910

It's preferable to having a long-winded infodump. So it's not bad. As a snippet its okay. Less is more. It does feel however that you're trying to avoid being straightforward with the reader.

Like you're trying to be cool or to push for a certain tone/style. What you're going for is brevity and that's good, BUT understand that you can have brevity and have sentences have impact without feeling the need to cut everything down until it loses its flavour.

Look into phonetic words. Learn about those and you'll gain a lot in terms of writing sentences that are clear and push the story along.

>> No.20540947


>> No.20541090


it's fine for a short scene. but you have to drop the number of "i saids" (or all of them) because it's not necessary. obviously you're the one saying all that nasty stuff and there's no confusion about who's saying what.

>> No.20541200
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As I want to go back to uni I will have to write some essays for my applications. The problem is that I haven't written an essay (or anything really) in a few years at least and even when I was writing them in school I absolutely sucked.
Any tips to improve? Obviously "write more" is the most important one but is there anything other than that? Any books on writing theory? How are the ones in the OP?

>> No.20541248

based and realistic

>> No.20541284

Every time I try to write something original I realize halfway through that I'm just blatantly ripping off my favorite stories.

>> No.20541315

Honestly the level of creepy comments I've gotten from trannies, especially ones that knew me before transitioning makes me think at least a third of them are deranged killers alluding to serial killers and sex. I've met some that seem like incredibly competent and emotionally stable church-goers but the rest I don't even want them to know where I live. I've even heard one start hitting on his siblings.

>> No.20541334

my GF is one of the church goers, she stable and has a sane mind, works stable jobs provides for herself(bought own titties and such)

I think it more how you internalize and outwardly approach things, is my gf the best looking? No but she signed a prenup(no bitching or whining), treats my dick like a god when others women treat it as a chore, I get to knock up her BF for a bio baby.

IDK roll of the dice.

>> No.20541341

Where do you live? I've never met a tranny in my entire life
>I've even heard one start hitting on his siblings.
Incest is /lit/ approved

>> No.20541344

I spoke to a tranny on discord, they really want nothing but validation and will do anything to get it.

>> No.20541348

If Joyce can rip off the Odyssey and the Bible can rip off pagan religious stories and Epic of Gilgamesh can rip off real life events, you can rip off your favorite stories. No one will know.

>> No.20541396

Southeast US. I did meet an actually rich one when traveling. The tranny had mansion in the mountains and top tier makeup but squarish face. Shame because the tranny was really fun to be around but I just can't marry someone like that. Some others like that I've met that were not as well off but incredibly talented. Worth writing about at some point because it must suck trying to find a traditional guy that way.

>> No.20541406


Are there any programs/websites that allow you to create a visual timeline with multiple concurrent timeline outlines? I want a good organization method for the lives of multiple characters without just writing paragraphs on a single doc or having my eyes bleed or turning my house into an irl conspiracy board.

>> No.20541489

brando sando's "mistborn" is a mix of a lot of things
"ocean's 11" or the "italian job" for the heist
magneto for the magic system
"my fair lady" for the rags to riches story
"all american" for the underdog sports story
"lord of the rings" where sauron wins
but when it's mixed all up, nobody notices. it becomes it's own original work

>> No.20541553

bro every story is a mix of other stories, that's how it works.

>> No.20541626

The seething pseud never posts his own material.
He doesn't write.
He just comes here to seethe ineffectually, still trying to be the coolest kid in 7th grade.
And it doesn't work.

>> No.20541634

The journal is a good idea for one very important reason...
It's purgative.
You need to get your thoughts out of your head, to make room for new ideas.
And yeah, you might come up with seeds for a story, and have a record of them.
But writing a journal is valuable for the mental purging alone.

>> No.20541791

The more I study the craft, the more ambivalent I feel about this. On the one hand, I know from direct experience that reading these kinds of craft manuals helps to create abstractions for fictional patterns (stuff like the composition of scenes, the reversal, dramatic irony etc.). On the other hand, when I look back at the work I did five or six years ago, when I didn't know any of these things explicitly, I can still see that I utilized them unconsciously.

I suppose that knowing these abstractions does help with fixing problems since you can pinpoint exactly what the issue is. It can make you a better editor (to an extent), but this knowledge doesn't make you a better writer. That's not to say that you cannot become a better writer. I think if you use some kind of drill that gradually changes your ability at an unconscious level, it can work. I know of such drills for things like chess or math or even reading, but not for writing. The closest thing I've found is the

>> No.20541830

>Reddit spacing

>> No.20541966

>lit-rpg for no money at all
Same here! I tried to pick a popular genre, figuring it'd be a way to get some readers...and it turned out to be much less than that!
High five!

>> No.20541989

>defining a world and plot for a story
>by last year only have it in the form of notes and bullet points
>started writing it out but decided I wasn't satisfied with it
>left it in the back of my mind and kept adding to the notes when I had ideas
>managed to add so much depth and layers in the meantime through the ideas that popped up that I actually love it now
>managed to keep it within the same scope without adding anything unnecessary

Damn, how do I know when to actually start because I know this is a bad practice, but it's really addictive

>> No.20541997

if you're having fun, there's nothing wrong with that.
make up a couple of characters
have them interact with the world

>> No.20542030

Start writing and open the lens to the wider story. You dont have to reveal every part in the first draft unless its actionable info, fill in detail as you edit.

>> No.20542067

Do an outline. One chapter = one page. Start compiling your notes by chapter. Before you know it your outline will become your first draft.

>> No.20542088

WHAT bad practice? That's how it's done!
I just keep adding notes and details to my existing notes and details (organized nicely in my outline editor).
At some point, I hit a critical mass, and then I just write.

>> No.20542256
File: 153 KB, 1088x704, nightcafe-new-york-city-ominous-dread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used NightCafe to evolve a photo of New York City's skyline with the phrase "ominous dread".
I rather like the result...very book-cover worthy.

>> No.20542347

Wagies, I need some advice. I recently got a part time job, and even though I'm only there for 5 hours, I'm exhausted when I get home to the point where I have no energy or desire to write anymore like I did when I was a NEET. What do I do?

>> No.20542359

Toughen up.
Imbibe caffeine.
Take vitamins, e.g. B vitamins, maybe even CoQ10.
Tried and true methods.

>> No.20542363

EASY. I Died and Reincarnated as a Woman or some variation of that. Fantasy version of "transitioning"

>> No.20542368

Start exercising and eating right. 5 hours of work shouldn't make you all that tired

>> No.20542442


>> No.20542575

The fuck do I even write about

>> No.20542592

Are you serious?
I have so many ideas, I have to beat them back with a stick.
I only want for time and energy to write.
Just read, talk to people, and live life.

>> No.20542615 [DELETED] 

>The fuck do I even write about
The tears rolling down a babe's cheek, the wind blowing through the trees, the smile on a wisened mother's face, the daisies glowing under the sun, the bees going about their busy work, the slamming of a hammer upon an anvil, the warmth of a summertime swim in the river, the peaks of mountains covered in flossy clouds, the singing maid cleaning a house, the rainbow after a slight shower, the trysts that took maidenhood, the war cries and horns pealing o'er the sky, the da-DUM beat of every heart.

>> No.20542720

I was begged to write more. It seems I have 1+ "fans". The crushing sense of obligation makes me want to kill myself even harder.

>> No.20542723 [DELETED] 

You're not obliged to do anything. Don't put their comfort in front of yours. Writing and reading is important but not as important as your wellbeing and life.

>> No.20542733

not him, but the sense of obligation to my readers is one of the things that helps me push past procrastination/writer's block/depressive episodes

>> No.20542754

>seems I have 1+ "fans"
Awesome! I hope to have that many fans one day.
Right now, I have...nearly 1.
But I write anyway, because it's not like a faucet. I can't turn it on and off.

>> No.20542768
File: 63 KB, 848x480, Panty and Stocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had hundreds of fans when I wrote pony greentext stories. In the end, I abandoned them to focus on my mental health. Thanks to that, I realized I only wrote pony shit because I was depressed and didn't have the confidence to write non-pony stuff. Now here I am, writing lackluster stories with nobody who wants to read what I write.

So, do you want fans or do you want to write what you like when you like? You can't have both. Talented people could, but talented people don't come to /lit/.

>> No.20542802
File: 75 KB, 736x736, dakota-warren-lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write something popular so I can cash in in a big way, then when I can afford to, I will write what I want.

>> No.20542830

Write clopfic. Get popular on /mlp/. Get a Patreon. Make money from horny horsefuckers after you collab with the drawfag thread to turn your fic into comics. It worked for the Fallout Equestria fags. There's your tip for quick bucks.

Now the question is, would you want to write THAT sort of popular stuff to cash in? Or would you prefer to write with dignity? Focus on being popular or focus on writing what you like when you like. If you'll throw yourself under the bus for 1 fan, why not throw it all away for hundreds to thousands?

Personally, I recommend just writing what you like and hoping it becomes popular from the quality + the marketing you put into a novel you have pride in creating.

>> No.20542873

A word tomorrow, good /wg/. Envigorated by a motion picture to continue on my novel path. Also the Godfather theme is stuck in my head and I hate Italy. Tomorrow also a new flash ficcion. Weekends are for the page.

>> No.20543089
File: 39 KB, 768x510, 11597710547596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been writing a novel for years set in the bowels of the earth, where giant drills house lots of people/machines. Anyone have any interest in this or info on how such communities might exist. Closest irl comparison I can think of is South African diamond mines.

>> No.20543090

It's easy to see that the stuff I was asked to write more wasn't conducive to my mental health. To make an attempt at recovery, I've been trying to write a "proper" novel, one which I wouldn't be embarrassed to publish under my own name. I still have the mad dream of being traditionally published, but writing something half-decent is hard. And besides, I have no drive to write anything even remotely marketable.

>> No.20543140

I fell off the wagon again. It'll be at least a week before I can write anything worthwhile, but at least the voices are quite now.

>> No.20543162

A good one is the sci-novel about people living in a giant underground silo. It's called "Wool" I believe.

>> No.20543213
File: 1.90 MB, 953x939, 1634254482444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All fiction rips off other fiction or real life. A trick I've used to come up with original ideas in the past is to take something I wouldn't normally be interested in as a base topic for a story, then add on and massage the concept/setting enough that it would be something I could read and enjoy without having to force myself.
>character study of a sheltered man learning important life lessons like "sometimes you want to do something you just aren't good at and it's okay to give up" and "success and recognition have little to do with hard work beyond hard work being a baseline prerequisite"
>>what if it was actually a first contact story on an alien planet populated by a weird race of unisexed rat people in the bronze age?
>story about how the existence of entities with even limited omniscience destroys any semblance of free will anywhere where they have power (if such a thing even exists), and how if such beings exist humanity literally cannot help but be slaves to them due to being lesser, even if their intentions are good
>>What if it was also a story about a psychotic murderer being conscripted by such a god in a shell game against another such god, and killing his way across a whole continent like some kind of man-shaped violence hurricane?
And so on. Sure, these ideas aren't really wholly original, but their influences are much more hidden because half of the premise is something that you probably don't know shit about and thus can't rip off ideas from contemporaries for. It also helps to always, always put a spin on anything you put in that's "inspired" by something else. Never should a plot or setting element be able to be described as "It's like X". What you want is "It's like X BUT Y".

>> No.20543221 [DELETED] 

Isn't that similar to Metro 2033?

>> No.20543238

Yeah, I can easily see the influences in my story but the end sum of it is something that none of those stories have done so it's fine.

>> No.20543295

see in /sffg/
Anyone interested in worldbuilding sf mining colony type worlds? And their geopolitics

>> No.20543320
File: 228 KB, 750x731, 1611027756281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hung up on making a badass closing sentence for one chapter
>It's been 4 days now
Fucking kill me

>> No.20543345

>Day 6 of editing.
>Just finished 2nd pass of near 5k chapter.
WTF i hate writing now?!

>> No.20543465

I will probably revisit this chapter after I've posted a few more. It's okay for now though.


>> No.20543466

Ideas maybe. But rarely I find these solidify into something that I can write about.
There just shit ideas swimming around disconnected.
I wonder if there are any simple exercises I can do to practice putting something out to the finish.
Idk shortstories?

>> No.20543710

>Idk shortstories?
Yes, or novelettes if you don't have the narrative efficiency in you. Getting your first first drafts done will introduce you to the joys of rewriting and editing, which should hopefully discourage you from ever writing any more.

>> No.20543725


>> No.20543747

Wrong sort of writing for this general.

>> No.20543773
File: 145 KB, 640x976, lazarus dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work full time and here are some things I do:
>sleep 6 hours sometimes 5 a night
>diligent, fast routine to clean up and make a proper breakfast, train yourself to jump out of bed
>read a short story with coffee takes approximately an hour before work
>work, read part of a novel during lunch, make notes whenever I can if I think of something that I will write
>take care of any chores as I come home or during lunch if there's time
>get home and read a bit more, another cup of coffee, avoiding too heavy of a meal so I wont get sleepy
>turn on some music and write at least 1000 words a day but try to do as much as I can
Other than that maybe get a balanced diet making sure you get enough nutrients, stay hydrated and do light exercises when you get home to get the blood flowing. Sure I fail sometimes but try to hype yourself up during work as you mentally prepare to write and even if you are really tired you can beat writer's block by asking questions about where you are. You know the answers, just lay out some options, visually if you have to, and you will know what to do.

>> No.20543797

Maybe try working around a literary device that emphasizes like diacope. Just learn whatever those rhetorical tricks are that make people think something's badass and use it. Maybe use a form of wit. Maybe try hypophora so suddenly you have changed the subject and got the reader interested in something that leads into the next chapter. It can be awesome if you answer to the hypophora is surprising.

>> No.20543803

I have some nice ideas to write about but my prose is awful, any novels to improve my prose by reading them? or should i just keep reading all kinds of novels to learn more
this webm. https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1654959034510.webm

>> No.20543814
File: 197 KB, 748x748, l7Pl0EI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're over 27 and in the US remember to apply for grants because you are legally independent now no matter what. If you have low income that dramatically reduces what you have to pay.
The /lit/ charts recommend Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student 4th Edition. I don't have it yet, I'm actually trying to find out if that was meant more to help with technical writing or if it helps with prose in fiction too. At any rate the reviews on it indicate it could help you a lot. Also read. The more you know you can develop nuanced opinions and universities will notice that you are educated already.

>> No.20544252

i've been working on my prose
i take a novel i like and study the prose
for practice, you can take sentences, reduce the sentence to simple sentences, and then try to restore the simple sentences to the original sentence
another exercise is to remove all the paragraph breaks and then try to restore the paragraph breaks so that they match the original work

>> No.20544422

I finished the second chapter of the rite of passage story

>> No.20544425

ill have to try that out

>> No.20544441

Oh I remember that. Well good luck with your story. I want to write about ancestors of a sort but it will be straight historical fiction. Also I'll be damned half of historic fiction these days is
>so there's this woman in Nazi Germany
Do people ever get tired of this premise? There's this laser focus on it and history is so vast with lots of things to learn from.

>> No.20544478

It's the only popular oppression story people care about anymore. Imagine if someone wrote about a Protestant woman dealing with the English civil war in the 1600s. Now that I'd read.

>> No.20544553


I wrote a prologue. My first time writing mecha and action. Tell me if it feels exciting or not. Just a rough draft, ignore the grammar.

>> No.20544581

I want to run a bazzar/service type job, I am looking for a title beside jack of all an hnadyman.

>> No.20544623

I want to write a non-fiction book but I don't know what about.

>> No.20544642

You don't need a prologue, and the writing isn't all that exciting. There's a lot of telling going on and the action feels very flat. I'm not sensing the speed or adrenaline

>> No.20544699

I should write a book about never apologizing to twitter crowds, just need to figure out how to bloat it, maybe with thousands of examples.

>> No.20544756

How many commas are too many? I find myself, despite the tempo, using many commas, the sentence must go on, and it would seem that just can't stop using them; everytime I think the sentence is going to end, an event perpetually reoccurring, I simply lay down a comma, a pause, a non-ent thought, and continue the thought as if it never stopped, on and on I ramble along, going nowhere and yet to the point, the end, the crux, the consumation of the syntactical telos; as if at each stop I wished merely to ask, quo vadis?

>> No.20544776

I think F Gardner proves that readers don’t even notice excessive commas. Just make sure the story is good.

>> No.20544782

find a book you like and check and see how often the author uses a sentence with commas

>> No.20544790

Milton uses quite a few commas

>> No.20544806

hey. i've got a tremendous exam coming up in my situation, bro i needs help if you can tells me some thing?

imagine you are sitting exam XD
no cheet.
i learn blender 3d but before i was not very make good money in engineering can you help me learn english with some online teaching?

>> No.20544826

yessss bro, i know what you are goings through and we can help you cheat in exam XD one love.

>> No.20544881

Delve deep into a psycho-political dissertation on the metaphysics of public discourse, in which you prove, Boethius-style, that apologizing for something said only proves yourself a liar and hypocrite, that free speech requires the dignity to endure the censure of the filthy masses, that despite the wailing of untermenschen it is better to stand erect and be hanged, than to bend low and be shamed. Show that to be a foundation one must become a stone rather than sand.

>> No.20544957
File: 2.47 MB, 4539x6939, Shen_of_the_Mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm today my flash fiction will be based on pic related

>> No.20544987

The fact that public violence in Europe was so common not that long ago still shocks me. I know there's been plenty of violence and horror in all ages but just to have torture and execution on display in some societies is frightening.
I've got no shortage of ideas right now but I'd like your take on some of the more pressing topics you think literature should tackle this century. Something about the state of lit right now feels stagnant and I don't know if it's just no one can put feelings into words or if the zeitgeist, something beyond post-modernism, is simply being ignored. I personally feel that I'm onto something with my own writing but wanted to see what you thought.

>> No.20545006

man children and incels. That's where the next great western cannon will come from.

>> No.20545034
File: 323 KB, 892x277, hanny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay well I am incel but I look at a variety of characters just all with some degree of dysfunction. I do plan on doing a novel about a schizoposter but that's down the line so I might only touch on those frustrations with side characters of short stories. I wanna share all my feelings about it, believe me I remember a lot. Seems like there's so much of inceldom that most people are totally ignorant of yet they see "those weird people" every now and then and think it's not for real or only get the stereotypes.

>> No.20545043

>like your take on some of the more pressing topics you think literature should tackle this century. Something about the state of lit right now feels stagnant and I don't know if it's just no one can put feelings into words or if the zeitgeist, something beyond post-modernism, is simply being ignored. I personally feel that I'm onto something with my own writing but wanted to see what you thought.
We had a discussion about this either earlier this thread or in the last one, but I think a book that touches on searching for realism and vulnerability in a sardonic and escapist society would be very good to read. I don't know if it would be considered "historically important" since the big push in society right now is to reject anything that tries to reach for the sincere, but I think it would be notable by people who read enough.

>> No.20545047

Makes sense. F Gardner definitely seems to be a manchild with his autistic love of Pokemon.

>> No.20545060

What is the average threshold for "protagonist is too unlikable" for a reader to stop? I don't mean meta-unlikable like annoying or sueish, I mean genuinely negative traits.

>> No.20545064

When you give it to your crush and she hates it.

>> No.20545073


>> No.20545076

To go beyond is to see beyond. The current zeitgeist is Eternal Recurrence, thus what has been is simply rehashed and presented anew, not unlike variations on a theme akin to music. The intellectual fancy of the civilized. The stagnation you mention is none other than the complete exhaustion of Western themes given the context of the past few centuries, nothing is new under the sun, all that could be said has been said already. To go beyond one must integrate these experiences, to see past the variations and posit the unity of these fluxions in absolute terms, a context beyond the current context in which all western context is subsumed. Imho, literature must push past the perspective of the appearance of destiny to the fluxion-within-the-manifold. It will be difficult with literature alone, Wagner saw the wisdom in wedding it to music, but to go beyond Causality will require the will to see the face of Faust. I am not sure literature can do it, but then I continue to write. One must ask the West, quo vadis? Wither? The answer can only be: to infinity. Like a logarithmic function perpetually approaching zero, never reaching it, yet continuing toward it into the horizon, the only place it ever meets, despite our knowing that beyond that illusion, it continues toward it... Perpetuum Mobile. In order to bring the future the present must be engineered to make it certain. To quote Boethius:
Shoulder now your burden,
Now without delay, for the earth, once conquered,
Gives you the fixed stars.

What is being ignored is the fact that the West IS, and to be is to be without remorse (farewell remorse, all hope of good to me is lost, evil be thou my good). The desert of the real encroaches, men become more like the desert every day, become like the scorpion hidden within unchecked boots, seeping venom which starts the Man unto action or death: Evolve or Die.

Tl;Dr: Imperial politics, music become statues, men become gods. quod vidas? To be or not to be.... Etc.

>> No.20545077

you heard me. You write your character, let your crush read it, and if she hates your protagonist, then the protag is too unlikable.

>> No.20545086

>character that doesn't love others and isn't loved by anyone
>not competent either
>not even proactive on anything they care about
So basically, a rock. Even if a character is cruel if you get a character that people like take interest in the wicked character, readers might gain interest too. If a character is awful but they are really good at something, or maybe they just try really hard to get something, readers might take interest. Watching characters suffer also make readers sympathize but context for it is important.

>> No.20545091

I don't have a crush. And if I did, I doubt she'd be a good litmus.

>> No.20545103

hey. can anyone help me with learning some english for my exam that i have to sit this year. can you help me that much? it would be aweosme and i would be of the utmost humble in your wake.

>> No.20545106

That's rough, considering you just described the very character I have in mind.

Similar to the other ongoing conversation, the concept would be a character that lacks meaning and lacks the will to find any. Maybe with cruelty, incompetence, hatred, and suffering on top. I want to write such a character because an archetype like that is closest to the modern zeitgeist, but there's irony in that I want them to continue reading instead of giving up like they might on another person or themselves.

>> No.20545111

Interesting that you quote Paradise Lost, because his insights on peace and war propelled me to my current stance on what the zeitgeist is. We obsess over things that are bad prima facie but not peace which corrupts us in such a startling way. But even in acknowledging that I try to jump far past that of what is the zeitgeist that beats even that. So for one I want to look at men who are disillusioned with both peace and war, but also a future where peace supposedly has no corrupting force. There's a number of angles and certainly I could get more educated to have comprehensive views on some fundamentals of human experience. It's just for me today I'm very obsessed with where humanity as a culture is headed and the cycle between Peace and War seems like a nice way to look at it.

>> No.20545117

Oh no.

>> No.20545119

Ye seek the Lich of Faust. The necromantic rituals are the single come about. A man who despite dead continues to guard the gates. The Absolute beyond dialectics. Fellaheen and sneering imperialist all in one. A moving statue.

>> No.20545134

I would say a character that is reflective is considered a form of proactivity. You don't want to rely on navel-gazing but readers do respect a character that from time to time is aware that something is wrong with them. That is when readers gain interest because there's a possibility that a character will change. And I think self-consciousness should be par for the course because post-modernism was mostly irony and vitriol directed at others in my view but you see how well that has served us.

>> No.20545136

like home lander on "the boys?"

>> No.20545147

Why do you let your crush have so much power over you?
Doesn't sound healthy.

>> No.20545151

Tripled checked and indeed it is. Between war and Peace is the becoming: consider the sinusoid which continuously beats between 1 and -1, the singularity of Becoming is one of suffering. The eternal motion of Western man is one of eternal becoming, the line must continue into infinity, by hook or crook. Beyond peace and war is life, under which we live in peace and bleed in war, beyond the two? You see farther than me. You mention humanity, and I must admit, I doubt the absolute beyond the West, if ye seek beyond, may you become as a god. I for one can't see past my kin.
It sounds like Physiognomy, but that is only study, not internalization, I abide by mutual incomprehension. I cannot see the Absolute least it be the West.

>> No.20545162

No. Just read a variety of good literature and pay attention. Then steal what you like and use it.

>> No.20545170

Write in the morning before work.

>> No.20545174

>So basically a rock
Western Stoicism?

>> No.20545182

I get the sense that would be very insightful and encouraging if I could fully decipher is, so thank you.

>> No.20545192

Sorry, too often I speak to myself. I lose the context of other perspectives. Seek the Future, beyond the present paradigm.

>> No.20545197

>write ~1,000 words
>know I'm creatively spent for the day
>have to wait until tomorrow
Feeling like there's nothing left to write is one of the worst parts of my day. I've tried so many times to overcome the 1k-2k words/day hurdle, but I just end up burning myself out. I've read multiple accounts on daily word counts from multiple authors/people online, and it seems like everyone has their own daily cap ranging from ~500-2.5k (Sanderson is an anomaly, so I'm not including him). Anyways, what I'm trying to say is: I just think it's annoying that my brain conveniently taps away until something clicks and I can't go any further than ~900-1200 words.

>> No.20545202

Interesting that you say this, because the idea is that the character is such a person precisely because he's reflected on his own character, the world and his place within it, and found both to be unsatisfying and hopeless. I think a lot of people reach such a state through that same process, of reflecting deeply and hating what they see, so they hide behind insincerity since anything real is too easily broken down.

>> No.20545218

Never seen the boys, but from what I know he's a character the viewer is meant to root for the downfall of? As in his pompous and heinous actions and pathetic personality are intended to be mocked and hated? If so, that's not really the idea, no.

>> No.20545225

that's so cool i wish i speak english this well. unfortanely i am from India but i'm speaking some good english but not quite there yet. hey maybe one day you know? can't wait to sit this exam and show my peers my skills.

>> No.20545233
File: 8 KB, 202x165, Screenshot 2022-06-18 133158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first decline ever bros. They don't know what they're missing.

>> No.20545239

>beyond the two?
I almost hesitate to call what we know today as peace. To me it is corruption and it's leading to war, another way to see it is that it's war also. "Peace, peace, when there is no peace." We call it peace because we want to believe that peace can last forever but until mankind's nature changes I don't think it's possible. It's just this interlude to bloodshed. I do know Orwell's idea of "War is Peace" meaning the stabilization of a society, creating peace (eternal power to the Upper class) through perpetual war, but that is not what I fear.
But what I fear, beyond the next zeitgeist, is that humanity exalts itself to reach an eternal peace. Actual happiness.
Real fulfillment and the restoration of borders, heritage, and the final frontier. Eternal peace is so foreign, so amazing to us that I think most would pay any price for it. The anxiety comes in that human hubris seems so axiomatic to our existence that no matter how much we change, the hubris to become better remains a constant and something out there will destroy us for it.

>> No.20545245

Does Google docs erase things in the document? I swear I lost 10 pages.....

>> No.20545252

homelander would be at one end of the spectrum and superman at the other
do you want a character that's in the middle? or more towards homelander
the punisher basically murders criminals. this makes him an anti-hero
beta readers can help tell you when you've gone too far. if your character makes them set your book aside, it might be something you want to fix

>> No.20545261

it saves all of your revisions
file>version history

>> No.20545265

Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it
If I please
The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
So this is all I have to say
Suicide is painless (suicide)
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it
If I please

>> No.20545268

Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.
That is the nature of Faust, that he reaches for what he cannot achieve: there is always something else. What life is there in stones? If we die we die, but to have LIVED, that no incident can deny.

>> No.20545269
File: 13 KB, 474x315, trent reznor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20545273

Like I said, I don't know Homelander, so I'm not aware of where he'd lie.

>> No.20545274

Based mash enjoyer

>> No.20545315

Alright, I did it. Published my first book on Amazon. It is trash erotica but it's well written. Hopefully I make some money off of it.
Does anyone here have experience writing porn for amazon?

>> No.20545318

Nice job. I hope you become the next F Gardner and become a /wg/ success story!

>> No.20545320
File: 643 KB, 2048x1536, India-cheating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't try to cheat your way through it.

>> No.20545327

yeah i know, the only cheat i need is some big milf titties like milena velba to get me through.
imagine when i sit exam i'm cheating by having a picture of milena velba? maybe i pass it around XD? what do you think? bro one day, one day... i'm going to be skilled at english.

>> No.20545335
File: 170 KB, 1088x704, nightcafe-new-york-city-urban-decay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder...when this thread gets full...
>>20536335 is waiting

>> No.20545354

Based milker enjoyer. I havent seen Milena in a while because I'm trying to court a true blue big tiddy gf and I hope it works out. Finding a girl that actually appreciates writing is rare. Girls like the esteem but not at the expense of you being busy. Anyways I hope you get a busty muse ESLbro.

>> No.20545374

Why make a new thread 50 posts early? are you retarded?

>> No.20545377

>trash erotica
>but it's well written

>> No.20545398

Are you?

>> No.20545467

It's an existing post. Did you not look at the dates?
And I didn't make either of these threads.

>> No.20545471

Just let this one die. It unsearchable in the catalog

>> No.20545475

one day i will catch up bro i'm going to speak english and make it out of my country hehe

>> No.20545660

you know, if you would have mentioned your goal, we might have warned you

>> No.20545781

he i am leanring to speak english can someone tell me if this sentence is correct?

the vile breath of sven after all employees have left makes me sad.

>> No.20545843

Why not take this up in a forum more suited to people learning to speak/write English?

>> No.20545878

Weary inside, now our heart's lost forever
Can't replace the fear, or the thrill of the chase
Each ritual showed up the door for our wanderings
Open then shut, then slammed in our face

Where have they been?
Where have they been?
Where have they been?
Where have they been?

>> No.20545883


>> No.20545888

But enough about your sex life - what about his post?

>> No.20545893

There's too much repetition
An entire stanza's worth
Why would anyone read this creation
It's worse than Chis Collinsworth

I see nothing worth a praise
Maybe you should try another poem
Perhaps a long winded essay
Stop your mouth, there's too much foam

>> No.20545899

what's the turnaround time?

>> No.20545904

The Silo series by Hugh Howey according to wikipedia: "Humanity clings to survival in the Silo, a subterranean city extending 144 stories beneath the surface." Very interesting, ill look into it (although it is post-apocalyptic)
similar concept. im looking for more of a terraforming of the inner core/mantle though, not necessarily post-apocalyptic nuclear war we must live underground now settign

>> No.20545922

based subject changer

>> No.20545936


>> No.20545945

Why bother posting a youtube link?
Do you honestly think your poem doesn't stink?
Ever open a book of poetry?
Or even a Webster's Dictionary?

Are you an undiscovered genius?
How do you not find your stanza tedious?
Can I offer you some advice?
Perhaps you can visit another site?

>> No.20545949

The writer is dead genius

>> No.20545960

So you decided to plagiarize someone else?
Why are you even here then? go back to /mu/.

>> No.20545968

hi friend says this is a cool place to learn english.

>> No.20545970

you heard wrong.

>> No.20545993

yo why?
i'm moving to USA soon. says this is the place to learn english

>> No.20546005
File: 5 KB, 256x256, my-little-phony-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. Stop being stupid.
Go to https://ell.stackexchange.com/ before you learn some English that'll get you ejected from any building you're in.

>> No.20546018

y do u want to move there?
the country is about to fall over like its klutzy president:
once the currency collapses, roving gangs of native-borns will roam the streets, searching for anyone foreign-looking, and hacking them to death with machetes.
it's over.

>> No.20546028

That's wrong though. Machetes? Wrong country entirely. It's guns, guns, guns. Nothing else.

>> No.20546029

Boswell, my god man, this monstrosity of yours. You fucking owe me money, brother.

>> No.20546031


>> No.20546033

It's not possible to be excited without being proofread.

>> No.20546034

hey guys my friend posted this website for inspection for exam period. can you teach how to imrpove levels of english skill?

>> No.20546038

It depends on the context.

>> No.20546040

It always amuses what random forms of trolling arise in generals.

>> No.20546045

The End

>> No.20546046

How did you release a book in this state? Genuinely, what is your process? I just know so I can avoid it.

>> No.20546074 [DELETED] 

If only the trolling was usually so BORING.

>> No.20546083

If only the trolling wasn't so boring.

>> No.20546096

post your trolling. oh wait you don't have any.

u mad?

>> No.20546107

>post your trolling
>oh wait you don't have any
pathetic, even by 4chan standards

>> No.20546114

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.20546116

yawn, a cover-up that a 5 yo would try. try harder.

>> No.20546117

cover up of what?

>> No.20546122

>of what
lmao ESL retard.

>> No.20546123

Its porn. But well-produced porn.

>> No.20546129


>> No.20546136


>> No.20546244

Did anyone make a new thread?

>> No.20546259

Existing thread >>20536335
Fill 'er up!

>> No.20546263

New Thread

>> No.20546710

Enjoy your LARPing, pseud.
>I just know
I'm guessing you meant "I just want to know", but your usual illiteracy shines through.
Failed crab, indeed.

>> No.20547198

Where do you go for short stories?

>> No.20547219

There's no end of short-fiction-oriented subs on Reddit.