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/lit/ - Literature

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20536335 No.20536335 [Reply] [Original]

Dorothy Parker edition. Thread Question: If someone made a drinking game to play while reading your writing, what would the first three rules be?

Previous thread: >>20528795

For General Writing>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Note to anyone posting a sample of your writing for critique:

Traditional Publishing
>you get to focus mostly on writing
>you must write a proposal to the publishers and sell your story to them
>you make 10-15% profit max, but they also eat all the risk and the costs
>self publishing is basically like running your own company
>you only need to do some simple marketing and reach out to readers
>you make 10-15% profit max
>self publishing you make 70%+
>they’ll still require you to do all the leg work of a self published author anyways

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To
>risky, but much more profitable
>you must pay for everything yourself
>if you do, you will spend more time on running a business than writing, but can be worth it

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)

For advertising

AI-generated book covers

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin
>https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ (embed)

Other forums

>> No.20536350 [DELETED] 

Ask gene wolfe

>> No.20536351

>Intentionally makes their MC a mental potato just to explain world law.

>> No.20536359

Ask gene Wolfe it just works

>> No.20536378
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Cute book.

>> No.20536416

I tried to warn you guys. This fucking retard is intentionally vandalizing the threads

>> No.20536427

NonVandalized Thread here - Use this instead

>> No.20536444

What's vandalized about it?
Anon set the name to "/wg/ Writing General" instead of the subject, and neglected to add a newline after "For General Writing".
The other thread claims anime is a higher form of literary fiction, and has duplicate advertising YouTube videos.
Seems like they both have issues, but only minor ones.

>> No.20536450

The lack of a subject is a big glaring issue and the bigger problem is that Anon is doing it intentionally. This is the third time.

>> No.20536462
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Tell me it's terrible

>> No.20536466

Not enough to qualify as vandalism IMHO.
If you can't withstand criticism, you have no business being a writer.
My advice...blow off that critic. Cancel culture is dead anyway.
Dave Chappelle and Joe Rogan managed to slay it.
Oh, you wrote it for a girl? Definitely not your type. Stop thinking with your dick.

>> No.20536480

This is only the second time I've created this thread. I fucked up the subject line because I'm a moron. At least this time I didn't fuck up the youtube links. I'm definitely not doing it deliberately or trying to "vandalize" anything. I'm just trying to be a good anon and failing.

>> No.20536505

Tell us all about your tradpubbed works, then.
Just remember your incredibly low emotional IQ.

>> No.20536562

I love this chick. If elegance had name, she's it.

>> No.20536575
File: 140 KB, 713x664, 94FBD230-C4AE-4B00-8379-1D0F3169C7DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two threads? Cool

>> No.20536602

>What’s vandalized about it

Not enough F Gardner memes.

>> No.20536620

I can't even comprehend the level of pseudness and insecurity it would take to repeatedly commit that sort of vandalism.

>> No.20536633

Blurbs are tough. How do you capture the insanity of your book in just two paragraphs? Catch-22 did it.

>> No.20536643

it's not terrible. it's an interesting concept.

>unfolding like origami paper
not really sure if this visual is working. origami paper makes me think of something being folded, not unfolded.
>unraveling vs unfolding / spaghetti strings vs origami paper
which one is it? i think you need to do a better job describing what is actually happening to Asuka's body. unfolding and unraveling are different visuals. also if it's coming apart like spaghetti that's different than coming apart like paper.

i think you need to make the sentences a bit shorter and just explain bit by bit what is actually visually happening to this girl's body because the imagery isn't making sense right now.

>one morning Asuka's skin [...] vs loud gusts had been bellowing every night
kinda confusing, just stick to what is happening during this moment. instead of talking about how winds had been bellowing every night

>probably her father had taken an axe to the door
we should "hear" the sound of the axe bashing the door, right? why would it be "probably"?

i think overall you just need to break things down into smaller sentences. and really try to paint a picture of what is going on for the reader. like break each visual down into 5 more sentences because as of now it's kinda confusing. and just try to keep it all in the moment rather than saying things like "probably an axe" or "loud gusts had been bellowing almost every night" etc.

>> No.20536838

Which one should I use to organize my notes if I'm too cheap for one of those meme subscription programs for genreniggers like me?
Zim, Scrivener, or Obsidian?

>> No.20536858


>> No.20536861

Google docs
Pen and paper

>> No.20536871

>Google docs
What if I don't want to have my characters' pronouns forcibly changed at random?

>> No.20536877

I use an outline editor called TreeLine.
It allows me to organize my notes hierarchically, making it easy to expand on ideas randomly.
It's also free and open-source.

>> No.20536895

That doesn't happen. Go use libre office then.

>> No.20536909
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Wish me luck, bros.

>> No.20537797


>> No.20538805

Can't you think of a more creative way to bump a thread?
This is /wg/, after all.

>> No.20540155

I didn't have the time and I'm a pretty slow writer.

>> No.20540228

You better be sorry, Mr Martin. Do you know how many people are waiting for the next release of your book?

A lot less since you let J.J. Abrams jew your show into Daenerys water diarrhea shit stream.

>> No.20540371

I feel just the same way.

>> No.20540378

Best of fortune to you!

>> No.20540553

>tfw no matter what concept for a story i come up with, it always finds a way to require me to finally read the bible start to finish

>> No.20540577

>reading the jew book about the jew god
I'll sum it up for you. The jew god is the best. the jew god's enemies are bad. The jew god's slaves should be poor. The jew god's chosen go to heaven or wherever after suffering a miserable existence here.

>> No.20540596

Anon, every classic author read the Bible, don't be dumb.

>> No.20540611

the number of people who've read the entirety of the bible is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of those who had no choice but to be subjected to a pastor droning every sunday. my summation of the flesh eating god of abraham is more than sufficient. be poor goy, you'll inherit the earth! a perfect religion for slaves

>> No.20541601

Someone write a LitRPG based on F.A.T.A.L. already!
I would, but I'm busy.

>> No.20541662
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And no wonder. Saklas couldn't come up with a better persona for himself, being a Kenomaic entity.

>> No.20542351

Don't miss the thread of literary waifus, while supplies last: >>20518631

>> No.20543822


>> No.20545121
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>> No.20545362


>this is the most famous writer from all of 4chan

Literally how? Is he LARPing with this Flat Earth shit? Or does F Gardner actually believe in all of this? Also how can I get on this podcast for when I finish my book. I know you guys are in this thread.

>> No.20545584

This op is /biz/ tier propaganda filled with disinformation, low quality resources, and trying to make it all about self-promotion. Despicable.

>> No.20545600
File: 52 KB, 1200x675, beavis-butthead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to what, all the other /wg/ threads?
Have any high-quality resources you'd like to share?
Or are you only capable of complaining?

>> No.20545674

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Mike Ma is more famous, wealthy, and successful than F Gardner.

>> No.20545792

You're even worse.

>> No.20545814

I don’t think MA is actually from here. Gardner’s whole shtick seems to be based around being a “4chan author.”

>> No.20545821

F Gardner seems to be wealthy somehow. I’ve seen posts about how he lives in a literal mansion.

>> No.20545850

His parents' mansion.
He comes across as a NEET.

>> No.20545856
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>no i can only complain
Big surprise there.

>> No.20545872

You're welcome.

>> No.20545909

After all, if there's one thing 4chan doesn't have enough of, it's seething complaints.
Our cup truly doth runneth over...th.

>> No.20545917

I know who F Gardner is but I don’t know the other guy.

>> No.20545927

His gimmick is twists. People eat that up. That’s the reason horror writers do it. Except with Gardner the twists are bafflingly retarded. Which is kind of the appeal I guess.

>> No.20546358

New thread
Let this title-free thread die.