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/lit/ - Literature

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20536181 No.20536181 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some book YouTube channels or podcasts. I like Backlisted and (unironically) like Better Than Food. I dislike Waldun.

>> No.20536188

>I like Backlisted and (unironically) like Better Than Food
So basically you enjoy watching retarded grifters and pseudo-intellectuals take needlessly long pauses for 10 minutes without saying a single thing of substance?

>> No.20536223

Yeah yeah exactly, I am dumb and not as smart as you. I know.

>> No.20536229

Same anon. You’re probably smarter than both of those morons. Just spend more time reading than watching retards who copy/paste from goodreads reviews

>> No.20536468

Leaf by Leaf; he is a lot more in depth than better than food and even better imo, chill STEM dude who gets hard for books. He did a great video with Better than Food.

Also while influences are cancerous shit, I found a few good books I wouldnt have otherwise known about such as Epitaph of a Winner and Serotonin by watching these two guys so I am thankful for that


>> No.20536488

Just the check charts you insufferable e-celeb worshipping faggot. They get all their books from /lit/

>> No.20536508

Fiction or non-fiction?

For fiction, I enjoy Orpheus because he has a very smooth and appealing voice.

For non-fiction (and sometimes fiction), I like Ebert (kinda) and Sadler. Kane B is also good for Analytic philosophy when he's not being a libertarian sperg.

For channels that focus more on ideas than the books they're contained in, but still do talk about books, there's guys like Keith Woods, Joel Davis (the ImperiumCast is pretty underrated), and Aarvol. Heads up, they are third way thinkers though if that's not your thing.

As a bonus, Not Realted! is great when Luke actually does episodes.

>> No.20536514

I like this guy’s videos. He reviews books from /lit/


>> No.20536526

kys phone poster.

>> No.20536529

I do and have read most of them faggot; Epitaph of a Small Winner and Serotonin have not been on any charts I usually see

There's a difference from eceleb worshipping and tuning into a channel every now and then that talks about books you like, chill the fuck out

>> No.20536540

3 Arrows

>> No.20536545

Perfect. These are actually /lit/ based books. Not just Reddit booktubers talking about the same old books they read in high school

>> No.20536585

Cliff is incredibly obnoxious but based on a brief overview of the video titles of the channel in the post you're replying to, that guy has a more deep and serious interest in fiction than 95% of this board, and there are definitely books in there that aren't on the wiki. You can hate everyone who makes youtube videos if you want but don't act like this site is some sort of superior authority by comparison.

>> No.20536619

> brief overview of the video titles of the channel in the post you're replying to, that guy has a more deep and serious interest in fiction than 95% of this board
All the books on his channel are literally from charts we have made, you newfag. He’s also a retard whose incapable of forming a substantive and meaningful thought about any books he has read unless he is talking about himself. He just reads the synopsis, some reviews from goodreads, and some professional reviews. He plagiarized portions of his Pessoa review. Take his cock out of your mouth

>> No.20536731


>> No.20536762

You may very well be right but no one on /lit/ even tries to talk about literary fiction in depth, the only somewhat serious posts are on philosophy/religion stuff. He may be retarded but comparing him to this site is setting the bar extremely low.

>> No.20536819

Hermitix is the only literature related YouTube channel that I’ve ever appreciated and even then it has its cringe moments.

>> No.20536826

So much this. I watch them during my daily dilating session.

>> No.20536991

Find lectures on youtube, find the syllabus and get required books from libgen

>> No.20537018
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>leftists all childless above the age of 30

>> No.20537035

He was talking about Leaf by Leaf retard. Not Clifford Lee Sargent.

>> No.20537037

I like Leaf by Leaf. He does a fair bit of secondary reading so he adds some insights to the reviews
My guilty pleasure is Emmi, I guess. Young girl that reads some classics and some trash. Has a taste of her own. It's fun

>> No.20537045

Read the room, retard, he was literally talking about Cliff

>> No.20537049

Reread the post retard, and maybe click on the link in the post he was replying to.

>> No.20537056

>I can't read

>> No.20537062

And my comment is still applicable to both, you dullard. Learn to follow a conversation, you IQ-30 tard

>> No.20537067

>Cliff is incredibly obnoxious BUT based on a brief overview of the video titles of the channel (LEAF BY LEAF, follow the posts, retard) in the post you're replying to (let me help you R E T A R D by linking the post >>20536468) that guy has a more deep and serious interest in fiction than 95% of this board

>> No.20537072


>> No.20537080

Genuine retard who cannot stop slurping Cliff’s cock

>> No.20537087

> He [pseud by pseud] did a great video with Better than Food.
>they’re both grifters
>retards with an IQ of 20 think he was strictly talking about lead by leaf
Sure is summer in here

>> No.20537099

My wording was possibly ambiguous, sorry, I did mean Leaf by Leaf though. What I said about being better than /lit/ probably still applies in some sense to Better Than Food but the guy is so annoying that it's just not worth it. Leaf by Leaf doesn't have the whole "aesthetic" poser thing going on like Cliff or Waldun so I would imagine his content is easier to stomach. However, I'm not gonna vouch too hard for the taste of a guy who seems to be a big Murakami fan, but then I only know Murakami by reputation so I suppose I should reserve judgment on that front.

I (the person replying to the reply to the original recommendation of Leaf by Leaf) was indeed not intending to refer to Better Than Food, but as I said my wording might have been unclear. Working with Cliff is certainly another strike against him, but to reiterate my main point, I've spent enough time on /lit/ that my standards for literary discussion are extremely low and anything with the slightest appearance of seriousness and/or sincerity is refreshing to me.

>> No.20537106
File: 93 KB, 326x326, 4679b0b80f930c69d0fee3e47db470a3.326x326x1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going to come back... Right bros?

>> No.20537249

He did. You just have a life. No. I won't "drop a link". Find it yourself.

>> No.20537272

I was a chartfag for a long while, Leaf by Leaf reads almost nothing from them

>> No.20537279

He deleted his channel.

>> No.20537305


>> No.20537314 [DELETED] 

Jigoku by F Gardner
Reptilian Odyssey by F Gardner

>> No.20537401

delete this

>> No.20537408

>He plagiarized portions of his Pessoa review.
Can you link me to some evidence of this? I haven't watched that video.

>> No.20537409


Get ready for the most autistic and schizo interview of all time

>> No.20537427
File: 2.52 MB, 1872x1079, MerphyNapier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she is wonderful.

>> No.20537709

Can't tell if Gardner was trolling or not at the end when he starts talking about flat Earth.

>> No.20537785

Holy shit.

>> No.20537879


>> No.20537970

Happened to see a couple videos, they are useless as the rest but I liked her as a person because she came off as a genuine enthusiast

>> No.20537980

That goes a long way

>> No.20538708

He has another channel. Get with the times. No. I won't "drop a link". Find it yourself.

>> No.20538739
File: 495 KB, 1125x2435, 9B7639EA-2722-4C3F-BBC8-943C234B595B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.20538812

>wake up the next day and delete your post because you realized that it wasn't aggressive enough to properly project the superiority you want to feel based on the "privileged knowledge" you possess
>felt the need to imply instead that keeping tabs on the activities of an edgy youtuber is somehow important because it shows that you are "with the times"
>edit your screenshot in order to prove that your seekrit club is real while still maintaining its secrecy

Really putting a lot of thought into your attempt at gatekeeping a 7 minute "epic random schizo xd" shitpost building up to a painfully unfunny pun, aren't you? You're like a child who gets a toy and brags about it to his friends but won't let them play with it, except instead of a toy it's just a piece of dog shit. Not any more than I would expect from someone who'd be a fan of his though.


Here you go, for what it's worth (i.e. nothing).

>> No.20538834

I like rgsdevilship. Sometimes she has good recommendations but I mainly like hearing her accent (irish) and seeing her face (qt redhead/half-irish and iranian). She had a side channel were she talks about playing video games, which she thankfuly abandoned to read more books.

>> No.20538843

>>wake up the next day and delete your post because you realized that it wasn't aggressive enough to properly project the superiority you want to feel based on the "privileged knowledge" you possess
Why would you admit to being retarded in a post to show you're superior, you inferior mutt?

>> No.20538848

>Not any more than I would expect from someone who'd be a fan of his though.
Says the man who has a link to his channel.

>> No.20538885

If you replied to your original post and said "hey actually I wanted to let you know that it's not because you 'have a life' that you don't know about this, it's because you're not 'with the times'", that would be an admission. But instead you delete it because to do it the other way would reveal too much about the thought process behind your posts.

Because, as was correctly implied by the deleted post, not having a life is conducive to knowing these sorts of things, and I haven't one so I spend enough time on here to be aware of it. To say it's not something to be proud of is a massive understatement.

>> No.20538911

Discovered this youtube channel recently and have been enjoying his content.


While John David Bert and Greg Sadler both produce mostly great content, they'll occasionally release like one real cringe-y video.

This. Yale's open courses for literature in particular is great. Watched the entire Dante and Divine Comedy course recently.

>> No.20538929

This is probably the dumbest comment ITT

>> No.20539809

It's not deleted. You literally can't read.

>> No.20539827


>> No.20539999

None of those are good.

>> No.20540720

Why? He said they all get the books they read from charts. I said Leaf by Leaf doesn't. What's wrong?

>> No.20540729

Because it’s categorically wrong

>> No.20540755

Alright, show me a chart where a book reviewed in any of his past ten videos appear. I've got the wiki open and I can't see any

>> No.20540767
File: 567 KB, 750x1040, 6377E7EA-3345-43AA-85F7-CC8E9E15F4B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a fragment of you being full shit, you fat sack of shit (just like your obese e-celeb)

>> No.20540772
File: 678 KB, 750x1231, 3E8D4778-0C55-4537-B1DA-D620E6C39A6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, more books that ate in /lit/ charts, you corpulent faggot

>> No.20540782
File: 731 KB, 750x1344, 9E11B661-7F23-4F0E-8BFC-0A611188AD1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More books that are in charts.
Simply because you are a recessed chin newfag like your e-celeb, does not mean everyone else is a retard like you

>> No.20540784

The pessoa review was pathetic. He smoked a cigarette and drank coffee while reading pessoas wiki page.

>> No.20540795

how's that pathetic?

>> No.20540796
File: 683 KB, 750x1335, B11C78E9-1C26-4A29-97E0-EADC8AA2C633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOOOOOOOO not my heckin obese e-celebrinoooooo

>> No.20540816

>seething and making up reasons to hate him
at least learn to roast better

>> No.20540826

Cry more to your little fat butt buddy

>> No.20540831

You take that back. Luke is a light in a dark world.

>> No.20540838

Post the charts though, lol. Obviously Rilke, Cortázar, Pynchon etc are going to be in charts because they are everywhere.

>> No.20540851

Blanchot, Krasz, Margurite Young, and William T. Vollman are all in charts. You made the point they’re not, yet you conceded writers were, you’re just a newfag who should have lurked before defending your boyfriend e-celeb

>> No.20540921

>literary fiction popular with a young male age demographic is both on /lit/ and on booktube
no shit, sherlock

>> No.20540939

>young male demographic

>> No.20540956

I don't remember seeing Blanchot, but alright. I would've thought maybe Tokarczuk was in one.
I made the point of the last ten not being in charts, not every single one. Otherwise it's obviously not true. Popular/notable works get in charts, Youtuber reads popular/notable works, as they do. Note that this doesn't mean they get it from charts, though.
My point was about the ratio of books that are known/unknown here.
I doubt the average age in both sites goes over like, 26-ish.

>> No.20540980

go outside, touch grass, visit a good bookshop

>> No.20540992

>go outside, touch grass, visit a good bookshop
HAHAHAHAH the absolute state of this concession and damage control

>> No.20541094

I doubt it's young girls starting the Guenon threads or whatever here.
Noone's calling leaf young if that's what got you worried

>> No.20541099

Pathetic in the sense that he put absolutely no effort into his work. Props to him since the marks still ate up that feces.

>> No.20541842

Well it's not there anymore, you can pretend if you really care that much but I saw it and now it's gone.

He's huffing gasoline while posting or something, not worth attempting communication.

>> No.20541912
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>He's huffing gasoline while posting or something, not worth attempting communication.
>I don't remember seeing Blanchot, but alright.
Maybe newfags like you should spend more time lurking and reading the books in the wiki than slurping the cock of some obese pseud on JewTube

>> No.20542090

Yea I was wrong anon, I was conflating your point in this discussion with your original reply to me when you thought I was talking about BTF, my bad. I agree that it's inaccurate to say he reads almost nothing that's on lit charts. I agree that they give lots of recommendations and I appreciate the people who make them; however if you are interested in contemporary stuff then I would imagine something like Leaf by Leaf is good for that.

And of course besides that I would posit that the youtube channels, however much you might find them lacking in depth of discussion, probably go deeper than the usually nonexistent discussion of fiction that exists on /lit/ for most novels outside the top 100. Obviously you have some kind of problem with him, but I really don't know what about this random nobody is so offensive to you.

>> No.20543121
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>> No.20543148

Luke is peak dilettante. He has had zero original thoughts in his life.

>> No.20543165

Contrapoints is an abomination. Statistics say that it will commit suicide within five years.

>> No.20543169

Vaush is 28

>> No.20544871

I like pewdiepies book videos

>> No.20545529


>> No.20545533
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, 8f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. He just seems so genuinely enthusiastic about it without a hint of pretentiousness.

>> No.20546453

>He uses memes!!! He is based!!!

>> No.20548474
