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/lit/ - Literature

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20535852 No.20535852 [Reply] [Original]


previously >>20529337

>> No.20535855
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Lefties went so insane they made me look for alternatives and found Christ again. Thanks for your autism leftybros.

>> No.20535864

Is there anything cringier than japs appropriating South American culture? They just have to ape every aspect of American culture, don't they?

>> No.20535883

I dont know how to be happy. I let my past to define me.

>> No.20535893

>nooo not my pure jap waifu it cannot be

>> No.20535897

Got any examples?

>> No.20535905

I'm so lonely I don't want to live anymore. The pain won't go away even with all the prescriptions. I'm scared all the time. I see no reason to wake up in the morning or do anything. I can barely shower or eat. All I do is read, fall asleep and repeat. I've lost tons of weight because I don't eat. I'm so tired.

>> No.20535908
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>> No.20535911
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I'd hug you if I were there

>> No.20535913

I always feel for the last few posts of the previous thread that end up being ignored.
Where you a leftist before? I don’t know why, but everyone bellow their forties who gets involved with politics defends absolutely insane shit. They are authoritarian as hell, too. Made me think I was a centrist for years, since I didn’t identify with the shit people from both sides were spewing. Getting closer to boomers made me realize that young people are just insane, although not all boomers are immune to it.
>Is there anything cringier than japs appropriating South American culture?
Never knew they did it. At least if it’s brazilian culture it kind of makes sense, since Brazil is full of japs.

>> No.20535935

I was in the exact same situation years ago. You have to force yourself to regularly do something outside of your home that involves other people, since that’s the only way to jumpstart a somewhat functional life and start to exorcise the depression.
I recommend enrolling into a college or taking some lessons about a subject/skill you think is cool.

>> No.20535938

Didn't know that. Why so many of them in Brazil specifically?

>> No.20535942

drinking and crying.
how pathetic of me.

>> No.20535955

Yeah me too. Its hard being a convert in a church where everyone was born and raised into the faith though

>> No.20535964

You know whats weird is I dont feel depressed until after I start drinking. I think I need to quit

>> No.20535969

Examples of what? There's two clauses in my thread you mouth-breathing faggot.

>> No.20535982

So I can get an ameriboo japaense waifu who fetishizes me? Guess my next trip is down to Little Tokyo.

>> No.20535986

I feel pathetic but drinking just bring my emotional side out. I been crying for the last 15 mins.

>> No.20535994

This guy is an idiot.
Indios have Asian admixture and slanted eyes are a common feature.
Many Japanese immigrated to Latin America.
Japan maintains especially good relations with Brazil and Peru because a lot of Japs emigrated there.
The OP is a based attempt at cultural rapprochement, not appropriation.

>> No.20535997

Alcohol induced depression is real. Stop drinking alone.

>> No.20536023

I cant anon. its now like alcohol induces depression but it brings out the depression to the surface.

>> No.20536031

Well if you're gonna spend all your time alone and drinking then of course you'll have mounting depression. You need to get out of the negative feedback loop.

>> No.20536039

how do you deal with the negative effects the next day? I would drink every night if I could, but as I get older the side effects get worse and worse (even if I drink a lot of water, snack, etc.). Poor sleep, reduced cognitive function, nausea, headache, etc. Even just a few beers is noticeable. What gives?

>> No.20536045

My whole life is a negative loop, even if a good thing to happen, I'd just write it off as an exception of the rule.

>> No.20536054

I dont need THAT much to get extremely drunk.

>> No.20536059

Feeling kind of crappy, not sure if this is depression or whatever but what sucks it's not just being sad, stomach pains and migraine all the time for the last week, pretty annoying.

>> No.20536068

This made me cry, I would do anything
I've tried, whenever I go out I actually get heaps worse because of "reminders". Even the places I felt safe or happy in the past only bring me misery. Had to take a valium today just to cope with visiting my grandma for the first time in months. I've done some meditation but now the intrusive thoughts and memories completely overwhelm me when I attempt it. Like waves crashing against my brain and I can't stop them. I found a career I am interested in but I see no point in doing anything if I'm going to be alone. I don't want to live life without someone with me, it's tormenting.

>> No.20536097

I have to finish my draft before X and I could do it easily if I just turned my brain off and wrote the kind of bullshit that others in my department are clearly writing but it is physically painful for me to write something I know is stupid and made-up, which at this point is the entire project

>> No.20536098
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>> No.20536102

I misgendered a bear today

>> No.20536106

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20536128

think about it dude, brazilian jiu jitsu? ufc?

>> No.20536130

holy shit i can't believe that wasn't a dude lmao

>> No.20536143

Brazil has the highest number of Japanese people outside Japan.

>> No.20536152

i'd hug you too but i'd probably get a half-chub doing it

>> No.20536159

Wall of text. I'm passionate about explaining how fucking easy it is to stay fit, apologies :P

Staying fit is SUPER easy. Losing weight is harder, but people act like you have to eat super clean to stay fit. I eat like shit half the time. I meal prep one big protein meal, (like a pot of 5lbs ground turkey Manwhich... super easy. Eat with keto buns.) then I just eat frozen food/fast food the rest of the time. I eat what I want at restaurants for the most part. I buy myself some candy at registers a few times a week. I let myself indulge in munchies when I smoke.

I don't drink alcohol or sugar drinks, and I lift weights 4-6 times a week + yardwork, that's the bulk of what I do to remain successful. If I notice my weight has creeped up a few lbs unexpectedly, then I'll restrict a bit on a few items (heavy carb items) and I usually am back to normal in a month or two. It doesn't feel like much, I feel like I'm taking the easy way, but I'm in better shape than 90% of my peers.

There is a learning curve to lifting weights and eating well, but it isn't THAT hard. I started with just two dumbbells and a fucking floor. ALLLL the info is on the internet. Just take it bit by bit, and don't get upset if you fuck something up, just make it a learning moment and get back at it. There are a lot of lifting programs out there - if you want to be lazy-ish but effective, pick up a PPL program or make your own. And lifting consistently becomes WAYYYY easier once you get past the heavy DOMs phase.

>> No.20536172

I onl read the first 3 sentences and I know this must be a leddit pasta

>> No.20536182

People like us get so heavy and so lost sometimes
So lost and so heavy that the bottom is the only place we can find
You get dragged down, down to the same spot enough times in a row
The bottom begins to feel like the only safe place that you know

>> No.20536193

Does gender matter?

>> No.20536198

half-chub if you're a guy, full zircon strength hard on if you're a female (female)

>> No.20536215

i think i'm getting sick. it's not like covid or a cold or a flu. maybe an infection or something. idk though like i feel maybe 90% health, but there's something off. i feel kind of tired, and my cardiovascular system just seems slightly strained, like my whole body is running hot.

>> No.20536235

Girlfriend is a damned fool for loving me. She's headed towards hurt she cant imagine

>> No.20536238

I finally know what I want to do with my life but I feel like I keep running into setbacks and hurdles. This is like banging my head against a wall.

>> No.20536240

Why will you hurt her?

>> No.20536242

I'm at the end of a liquor binge and happy, which is why I do it about every 3 weeks. White vinca just outside my door are almost too bright to look at, yet pleasantly eerie as the sun inside the blue Heaven overhead, Nothing else in nature is so perfect. Portulaca look unbelievable, in this tremendous heat and light, and I marvel,more than usually, at the excellence of the species.

>> No.20536245

Latter, but isn't it massively gross to guys when foids are lonely/not confident?
Green tea, honey, oranges and lozenges.
I had this said to me and it ended up with the person abusing me and being a violent alcoholic. Please leave her if you're going to hurt her.
What do you want to do and what are the hurdles in your path?

>> No.20536246

Shitty and criminal past l cant hide forever.

>> No.20536260
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I ate this pajeet snack called poha chiwda that gave me severe constipation. Even after being reduced to a sweaty shuddering husk I couldn't get that shit out of my ass. Took two big doses of milk of magnesium. Still nothing. Except blood. Had to shove an enema tube up my ass and then I finally shat it all out in one explosive instant. Among the regular turds it looked like the chiwda had clumped up into a ball that was covered in blood. This happened over 12 hours ago but my body is still in shock

>> No.20536273

Should have eaten tikka masala to give yourself diarrhea

>> No.20536275 [DELETED] 

i know that feel, i thought if i marry this chick i'll have to tell her, but then she ditched me before i could pop the question, problem solved. now i'm done with relationships. rollin dolo from here on out. fuck this civilization and fuck myself.

>> No.20536287

dude, i've been eating bagels and cream cheese all week trying to save money on buying lunch at work, i haven't had a decent shit all week, maybe that's part of my problem. gonna eat a big ass burrito for dinner and since i have tomorrow off i can just chill in the can until i get it done.

>> No.20536291

Can i still depict trannies as a bunch of mentally ill clowns in my book who glue wings to their arms and leap off buildings because groomers told them this will turn them into real birds, if the story starts with a deity of fantasy land teleporting a human named Tim into fantasy land as a bird man? How can a book say "fantasies won't let you fly" when the book itself is fantasy?

>> No.20536296

I went to high school with a Brazilian nip. Know a chinese brazilian too. Its really fascinating to live in a cosmopolitan area. I learn a lot about cultures haha except my own haha

>> No.20536298

in fiction u can do anything especially if it's, uh, post-modern.

>> No.20536305 [DELETED] 

i was in the slammer with a cuban chinese dude who had the rather unoriginal nickname "chino"

>> No.20536315


>> No.20536317

Lmao I was on a construction crew of mexicans who were hired by a Chinese woman. I remember one of them asking me "¿de donde la china?"
I cant explain why but it was just so funny to see mexicans and chinese trying to communicate in broken english.

>> No.20536320

I’m tired of /qa/tards and /r9k/fags ruining this board.

>> No.20536325

I'm tired /lit/ posters whining all the time

>> No.20536340

Story time?

>> No.20536344

>I had this said to me and it ended up with the person abusing me and being a violent alcoholic.
>get warned
>stiil stays
How is this not well deserved?

>> No.20536369

Promised he would get help, went a few times and then didn't continue and kept making up excuses. Begged me to stay with him and would threaten to kill himself if I didn't. I believed in him as a person because I thought I could see good inside him and wanted to support him and help him get better. Abusive/narcissistic people are notoriously charming and easy to stay or go back to because they know how to manipulate.

>> No.20536371

>isn't it massively gross to guys when foids are lonely/not confident?
No. The lack of confidence can be obnoxious if shes always putting herself down or fishing for compliments or becomes psycho levels of needy. Otherwise I think a lot of guys would like to be the prince charming to a shy waifu. Speaking of which, you should be my gf.

>> No.20536380

>because they know how to manipulate.
I come from a family of alcoholic/addict narcissists. I understand the manipulation. But once you realize that you're being used the illusion totally shatters and it's esy to walk away. If you get roped back into it that is a personal weakness.

>> No.20536397 [DELETED] 

i guess he was just beeeeing himself and it worked he got to pound your pussy right lmao meanwhile there's like 20 nice guy nerds on /fit/ working out and studying hard and working on improoving so they can maybe have sex one day. it's like dudes drop all that effort shit, start doing drugs, be more abusive, and you'll be getting ass in no time.

>> No.20536401

I''m an innate paragon of Law,, a sweet little fucker. Ask me anything.


>> No.20536406

Please don't live in another country but you probably do. ssuigin22@gmail.com
I was abused in the past by my family too and another guy, but I managed to leave the latter with some ease. For some reason this other situation fucked me up much more, honestly the mental abuse really did me over. I'm trying to get help and I've been reading a lot of shit about the brain and why all of this happens etc. Issue is even if I can logically reason with it the pain remains.
I met him on 4ch and I was his first girlfriend. He was the ""nice guy"". By the time they change you're too far in to protect yourself. Or by the time you realise they've trapped you financially or otherwise.

>> No.20536412

>I hate political boogiemen so much I abandoned reason!

>> No.20536415

There's a lot of stuff like drug dealing and thievery and also got done for posting my ex's nudes online

>> No.20536422

>Latter, but isn't it massively gross to guys when foids are lonely/not confident?

Self-Loathing is half the appeal of BPD Princesses.

>> No.20536429

I finally know what I want to do, the only problem is that I have to move to the exact opposite end of the United States by myself to do it and I currently have no money lol. It's going to be a rough 6-9 months saving for the move.

>> No.20536434

Luckily I don't have BPD and what I have is fixable. Which I want to do, I just wish I had a reason other than myself because as I said it's impossible to find motivation without a person I love to do it for. Probably some kind of complex. Also I think the appeal of broken females or ones with lower confidence is probably just that they aren't completely up their own asses and arrogant.

>> No.20536435

>t. Insane leftist

>> No.20536438

i hope you're not moving to silicon valley to be some javascript guy cuz that party is winding down


>> No.20536440

I'm moving to miami to be a male stripper

>> No.20536443

dude, u don't need money for that. just search on craigslist for rich gay dads who want a nudist houseboy. then you can live rent free while you look for gigs.

>> No.20536451

Pleasure craft.

>> No.20536455

Where do you live?

>> No.20536459


>> No.20536470

Are you white?

>> No.20536472

Your conversion will fail you.
You're not Kierkegaard, and even he had the luxury taking the leap pre-Darwin. This rush of 21st century minds back to traditional religion is like rats rushing from the rising water. The only thing is, you're running out of places to scramble to.

It will not take. You will see through their lies. It would be better for everyone that you make peace with your material predicament now instead of diving straight into bargaining.

>> No.20536484

Yes kek why

>> No.20536487

>the psychotic rambles of the mentally ill

>> No.20536490

These threads shouldn't exist.
This is the first and last time I look upon it.
Any replies to this are in vain and any replies you recieve are from imposters.

>> No.20536491

half past midnight ordering a pizza living la vida loca wbu

>> No.20536492

Discourse aufhebung Author-Function Grid Category Text Power-Knowledge Archaeology Myth of the Given Method

>> No.20536493

To deal with the facts on the ground rather than turn to comforting kike bullshit is not mental illness.

>> No.20536497

wtf can I even do if my brain is only good at words? I have 100th percentile verbal memory and extremely strong intuition for phonetics yet I can’t even read faster than like 500wpm since my inability to visualize means I basically have to remember the words themselves in order to keep track of what’s going on and this puts too much of a toll on my short term memory when I try to read faster. By the same token I could come up with poetry and prose that sounds good but since all I have are words there wouldn’t be much substance behind it.

>> No.20536498

This retard reminds me of
>When Virginia Woolf - T.S. Eliot's fellow Modernist and patron - learnt of her friend's conversion to Christianity in 1927 (and not just any form of Christianity, but the highest of Anglican modes, Anglo-Catholicism) she predicted that he would "drop his Christianity with his wife, as one might empty the fishbones after the herring."
>proceeds to kills herself while Eliot writes the best poems of his life while remaining Christian till the end of days

>> No.20536502

Just fantasising about what it could've been if you lived in the UK

>> No.20536511

Trust me, you cannot do it. You will fail. Literary anecdotes aside, this conversion is doomed.

>> No.20536520

TS Eliot kinda mid no cap.

>> No.20536525

Just don't kill yourself anon everything'll be ok

>> No.20536533

>tranny youtuber thread still up
>Bible threads constantly deleted
This board's moderation is absolute filth. The mods and tranny jannies are diaper wearing morons who coom to anime girls and have fun btfoing le christtards

>> No.20536539

>prison colony
no thanks

>> No.20536543

>everything'll be ok
It won't. These are the things that will eventually break your faith. I wouldn't worry about suicide so much. Those who are desperately clinging to myth however, that's going to be one nasty fall.

I wonder what they're going to do when Dr. Peterson does himself in? That's going to be one nasty cascade effect.

>> No.20536550

The troon youtuber is somewhat more interesting than retreading kike fairy tails for the trillionth time over.

>> No.20536554

Kek why are you so panicked that your lefty brothers are leaving you for Christ? Are you scared you'll be alone?

>> No.20536555

Poster of this post here, disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.20536563

Wow you desperately don't want people converting

>> No.20536570

Well, to be fair, this isn’t the place to proselytize.
It IS a board with government spooks moderating it now

>> No.20536572

Yes. I am. Just this week my trotskyist theater group lost five members to our lady of bleeding foreskin munchers.

>> No.20536580

Do what you like. I mean, it won't take. You're wearing religion like a fandom.

>> No.20536586

Tell me more about myself anon-kun.

>> No.20536587
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>somewhat more interesting
Both he and Jordan Peterson are shilled properties trying to steer the conversation

>> No.20536590

Your nose is showing

>> No.20536594

just start sucking dick bro, you can get there next week

>> No.20536597


>> No.20536646

just jerked off to this

>> No.20536650

put it all on red

>> No.20536661

been listening exclusively to my crushs spotify playlists (that she updates regularly) and its unironically making me unproductive and depressed. its like 70% slow singer songwriters of every era and twee shit. there's some gabber/eurobeat playlists but they dont get updated that frequently. now compare this to my usual habits of dnb/metal/thestrokes/. this bitch dead

>> No.20536671

If you have autism, then you should study pragmatics.

>> No.20536678


>> No.20536699

bored but everything fun is expensive
i cant live somewhere more than 3 years without getting bored

>> No.20536737

anon...its not the places, its yourself.
if you aren't regular entangling yourself in others romantic relationships, dealing drugs, immersing yourself in the schizo art scene and generally being an erratic drunk, it is certainly your fault.

>> No.20536751

I am deeply insecure about my love and appreciation for comics and manga.

>> No.20536766
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I really doubt that any of the same posters are here from than, but you guys saved my life.

I am thankful for you and I wish you all the best in life.

>> No.20536820

i always thought ego was good but since actually having one i've realised it's a bad thing & i could see myself losing my mind through it

>> No.20536834

If you want to be a gypsy, try the currently trendy Van living

>> No.20536927

I find Shakespeare tedious to read with the exception of his poetry.
Venus and Adonis is top tier smut, and the best of all Shakespeare's works.

>> No.20536934


>> No.20536936

anyone else get 99th percentile in every standardized test during school?

>> No.20536941

There's a desperate one in this thread but she's in some third world country with no clean water.

>> No.20536942
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>> No.20536945

>How then can man be justified with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?
Kinda based desu

>> No.20536951

im scared

>> No.20536959


>> No.20536987

Give me one good reason not to do it.

>> No.20537002

Because eating a whole pack of uncooked Pillsbury crescent rolls WILL give you a stomach ache, trust me.

>> No.20537013

I'm quite pretty so it's plausible.

I've got nothing to put on red.

Nah I got into UCLA but I have to start in spring because financial assistance isnt enough.

>> No.20537017

I have nothing to say.

>> No.20537029

and you're saying it

>> No.20537052

>Which I want to do, I just wish I had a reason other than myself because as I said it's impossible to find motivation without a person I love to do it for.

I get that this is a hard thing to do as a very similar type of person(find it very hard to live for myself as a result of self-denial stemming from childhood abuse) but you can't ever be that person you want to be for that person you WILL love until you can confront your problems on your own. You cannot be her until you can create an actionable(and you must act on it) plan that is a result of an honest and all-inclusive evaluation of yourself and your issues. Change is very difficult and is for most people impossible. True change (ex. complete cessation of your problems/issues/symptoms/insanity) is impossible. The best we can get is consciously moderating ourselves in the direction of the life and behaviors we wish to possess.

>Also I think the appeal of broken females or ones with lower confidence is probably just that they aren't completely up their own asses and arrogant.

No it's that nothing is as intoxicating as someone who is entirely dependent on you. You're the only thing that can make her smile, you're the only thing that can ease her pain. She reaches into you in a way that is unhealthy because the way she is damaged prevents her from doing anything else, she is dependent and that dependency will breed a codependency.

>> No.20537111

I think you have to try desperately while you're young to figure out what you should do with your life. That's because there comes a point where if you haven't figured it out or if you have but aren't quite on the path yet, it might be true that you're stuck.

>> No.20537114

I need to rapidly lose weight in at least a month but I'm too much of a miserable loser to do anything and I don't know if it's even possible to lose as much weight as I want

>> No.20537115

I’m afraid of forgetting what I believe, like literally forgetting. I came to the final conclusion in philosophy and I’m paranoid that now that I’m not doing philosophy I’ll forget it, but also that if I start reading philosophy again it will still be forgotten because I might get rashly attached to some other idea

>> No.20537129

>I came to the final conclusion in philosophy
>now that I'm not doing philosophy
you have to be 18 to post on this site

>> No.20537135

I love 2022 where it’s the Enlightenment except everyone is retarded

>> No.20537136

So I have the house to myself for tonight and maybe one or two days more. I have no idea what to do. Ive already masturbated noisily and walked around naked. Ive been drinking all week and wanted to take tonight to dry out. I cant read because hungover and I cant watcch a movie without drinking. I have no friends to invite over for a party.
I have no fucking idea what to do.

>> No.20537141

We weren’t all born to know.

>> No.20537144

Its the nice big house with a pool. It would be fucking perfect for a college party. Fuck I wish I had people to invite over but all of my friends are totally straight edge and sober.

>> No.20537148

I'm not gonna repeat myself - and you know exactly where you belong

>> No.20537149
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>start smoking weed
>suddenly think im a genius and everyone should smoke weed
>turn every casual conversation into a "deep conversation"
>start meditating
>suddenly think i have "insights into the nature of consciousness"
>give unsolicited advice to people
>unduly make jabs at my friends for "wasting time" on video games and "pointless hobbies"
>picrel when i cant wait to name drop the last pop sci book or alan watts youtube video i listened to
>see people living more comfortably than me
>"theyre just materialistic"
>have a nervous breakdown because my dad is kicking me out of his house
>call it a "kundalini awakening" "im trusting the process bro"
why was i like this?

>> No.20537151


Fuck it, I got a ton of beer, Im gonna get wasted again.

>> No.20537157

You were a loser with no control over your life so you coped by larping as an ascetic.

>> No.20537161

I will take your house if you don’t want it

>> No.20537162

pics or didnt happen

>> No.20537177

Welp this was 100% spot on. He wouldn't let me grow, I was getting better and looking for work and he would make up excuses to fight with me over nothing to punish me by ignoring me and starving me of affection. Wasn't allowed to get my license etc. When I started getting better he started being horrible. I agree about me becoming better I really want to. I hope that I do achieve it and I am trying, not just meds but physical exercise and other supporting habits. It's just that my "best" right now sucks so much it's the bare minimum. I've been reading a lot of books to increase my awareness of why and how my brain is working so I can find methods to change my behaviour and overtime my mindset, habits. I just hope it's enough, for what, I don't know. I'm gonna save your post and read it often probably. Thank you anon.
Kekd at this ty

>> No.20537184

Its not my house. My dad lets me live here rent free because of all the kids he had in his first family, I'm the only one who isn't a giant loser. The bar was set low for me.
Its a great neighborhood and house but its extremely isolating. It's really far from where I went to high school and then college was a giant fuck up because of covid. I wrote some gay little poem when I was 17 about how I was a prisoner in paradise. The isolation has really fucked with my head.

>> No.20537204


>> No.20537213

it doesn't look anything like a dude

>> No.20537220

>Welp this was 100% spot on. He wouldn't let me grow, I was getting better and looking for work and he would make up excuses to fight with me over nothing to punish me by ignoring me and starving me of affection. Wasn't allowed to get my license etc. When I started getting better he started being horrible.

You gave him something he learned to live with and could not live without. I can promise you he wasn't even aware of why he was acting so horribly, it's just an instinctual reaction to the greatest thing you've ever experienced being taken away from you. Speaking from experience as a guy with NPD that found my identity being consumed over the course of a year and a half with a BPD girl. We were both broken, empty people that we're substituting our lost sense of self with each other and being manipulative was the only way to compete with her horrible patterns of being completely consumed by me and spontaneously becoming completely apathetic towards our relationship. Even worse were the days where she was completely anhedonic and nothing I could do would make her feel anything at all. I got serious help after that ended because distance(in time) made me realize how fucked in the head I actually am. You really can't make all of the changes you need to make on your own, get professional help at some point on your journey please.

>> No.20537221

I’m so jealous of people who complain about isolation, this is legitimately my dream life. Why are these handouts wasted on people who don’t even want it? Why don’t I have family who let me live rent free in a nice house by myself just because? God I hate this life.

>> No.20537224

How big was his dick?

>> No.20537237

Yeah it was cool for a long while but after about 7 years I started to lose it

>> No.20537241

Sounds pretty good to me

>> No.20537257

paid a girl in a dirty bedroom in colombia to be mean to me while I jerked off to her tits and feet. Kind of annoyed that she had to mute the audio because her family was making noise but whatever.

>> No.20537258

It is all falling apart and I'm too scared to take any action because I know I'll fuck up some way or another.
The same story, all over again, each time it only gets worse and worse,

>> No.20537280

idk like normal? I've only slept with two people.
He has his mum fly down from another state to do EVERYTHING for him now. she's basically replaced me and is his new house cleaner and gf. I have gotten help which is good but it's become expensive here which always worries me. I prioritise health stuff but it's becoming tight. GP recommended me joining an online yoga trauma thing and I'm willing to try it at this point.

>> No.20537283

>by myself
Its actually a crowded house usually and my presence is not appreciated by his second wife. Though desu you're right that there are things to appreciate. I'm hoping I can put my life together before his wife convinces him to kick me out

>> No.20537291

Yeah clearly he needed you to be his mom.

>> No.20537301

Snake Diet. It works if you just stick with it.

>> No.20537335

For my entire life I've felt like I'm posting in an off topic thread that the jannies are about to delete.

>> No.20537346

Which is worse; the pain of helplessness knowing you did all you could, and failed anyway? Or the pain of regret, knowing that in your failure, surely there was something more you could have done?

>> No.20537354


>> No.20537355

i wasted the morning laughing at retards on the internet and the evening masturbating to the worst pornography you can mine out of the pits of the internet
i feel sick and my eyes hurt
i should be repulsed but i enjoyed it

>> No.20537358

God is an evil memetic entity that hijacks human consciousness to replicate itself from mind to mind.
God is not good, God is not great, God is infinite brokenness in the disguise of virtue.
God is an omniphobe: he was born of an insatiable fear of death that turned into an endless hatred for life.
God is the great plagiarizer, the ultimate colonizer who falsely appropriates all-that-is as his own.
God is an echo of the divine Caesars: as below, so above.
God won't be satisfied until he destroys all existence and replaces it with a simulacric representation of himself called "heaven:" God is a weapon of universal destruction.
God is the progenitor of the spectacle, which is the mechanically animated corpse of himself.
God the pedophile, who demands that parents force-feed children with himself.
God the devourer of souls, the great attention-whore who demands that all pay universal respect to him.

>> No.20537359

What should I eat in right now?

>> No.20537365


>> No.20537377

Pyjamas are inedible to humans. I would get sick if I tried to eat them, but getting sick is not something I want to do. Since I don't want to get sick I will not take your advice for eating pyjamas. Sorry.

>> No.20537388

Somebody throw me a random subject to write about and I will write exactly one thousand words about it.

>> No.20537390

You asked what you should eat "in". You should eat in your pyjamas.

>> No.20537391


>> No.20537429

Um, can anyone suggest anything else? If there is anything I don't understand it's Indian people.

>> No.20537437

Weird. I don't remember typing "in". I meant to ask what should I eat.

>> No.20537470


>> No.20537477

1.) Everything passes away. "It all comes and goes. Thus the glory of the world fades." (Look ahead 100 years. It puts things into perspective)
2.) The last will be first, the first will be last. "Although the wicked prosper in the present it is the good who will be most fortunate later on."
3.) Store up riches in heaven. "Gaining admittance into heaven is of the utmost importance. Everything else pales in comparison."
4.) Stay watchful and vigilant. "Your life is in constant danger of the wrath of God, it is best to play it safe and remain cautious. You don't want to make a grave miscalculation."

>> No.20537480

What about curtains

>> No.20537494

I'm 40 and roughly have stayed on the right most of my life. I cannot fathom how women are even considered equal, let alone having rights, and gays being anything more than hypersexual lab rats. Its beyond my comprehension.

>> No.20537502

I guess that's nice. Good ass & pussy

>> No.20537507
File: 67 KB, 672x900, belvedere-torso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up, Doomer.

>> No.20537512

going to read some shakespeare now

>> No.20537513

that massive chin and jaw? come on dude

>> No.20537514

Yeah was figuring this for a tranny at first too, look at that typical tranny side profile and man jaw

>> No.20537523

plus i thought she was hiding her skinny man hips under that baggy shirt

>> No.20537532

yes and then they made me take a special super standardized test and then johns hopkins invited me to a summer program because I scored in the 97th percentile on the special standardized test for the smart kids

>> No.20537545

i feel unwell i'm not sure what's wrong with me like there's nothing serious happening yet but something is not right with my body i hope this blows over and doesn't get worse

>> No.20537547

okay well i don't need to lose weight to the point of starving myself, i'm just a little chubby and need to lose around 15 pounds by August 1

>> No.20537558

there's a new hercules and love affair album coming out in like 3 minutes i hope it's good

>> No.20537574

i was a bit chubby now i'm a skinny legend and if you're busy all day it's actually easy going 24 hours without eating & it's dead quick

>> No.20537577

was it?

>> No.20537585 [DELETED] 

it's a lot different than their other albums that were like indie house, and that ANHONI guy is doing the vocals on most the tracks. i think he did the vocals on their first album, but then quit the group, so it's weird, mix of their first album, but a departure from the danceable production.

>> No.20537588

How is this shit allowed? >>20537357

>> No.20537595

it's not bad so far but there are no danceable house type tracks

>> No.20537609

i wonder if my air conditioner is broken and slowly poisoning me or something although i felt kind off all day at work too

>> No.20537627

why's he got so many vitamins looks his heath isn't priority

>> No.20537630

6.7 from p4k

>> No.20537662
File: 42 KB, 674x455, images (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housemate came home early and walked in on me reading Ulysses out loud to myself in an Irish accent.

>> No.20537686

Can’t believe it was up for an hour.

>> No.20537697
File: 70 KB, 877x920, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love winning on time

>> No.20537733

idk why pitchfork always gives h&la low ratings. maybe they should just fuck off.

>> No.20537736

I am dejected.

My captcha is 0MGAY.

>> No.20537742

Been thinking in start a journal for some days. Yet, I never start it. It's not the lack of what write in it, but for some unknown reason, I never start.

>> No.20537752

Ok im halfway done. need to finish cleaning my room for inspection on monday, so ill continue in an hour or so.

>> No.20537768

did you mean your parents' house?

>> No.20537795

I hate people with rich parents like Hitler hated Jews, maybe a little more

>> No.20537808

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Isolated Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Drive Away From The House Like Nigga Take Your Car Haha

>> No.20537812

evergreen pasta

>> No.20537833

The desire to writr has been smouldering in me for some time now, yet i do nothing. I know it will improve both my.verbal and mental ability, but something holds me.back....
Have any other anons experienced this?

>> No.20537837

Posted in wrong thread. I've had multiple traumas. Worst two:
Heavy abusive and strict early childhood, lot of violence and explosive aggression in the family.
And had to kill someone close that I loved.

>> No.20537843

Fucking exercise nigga before you waste away

>> No.20537858

>And had to kill someone close that I loved.
Of course you're not just going to drop something like that and don't explain it.

>> No.20537929

>Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity
Been thinking about this.

>> No.20537939
File: 801 KB, 1920x1920, 1645106212619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going into too many details, I ruined my life out of despair for the future. This was statistically justified on that front at least. I've thrown away years of hard work by myself and my parents because I had an epiphany that continuing onwards was a sunk-cost fallacy.
My life is currently a facade and will collapse soon, but it could be next month or next year.
Anyways, a girl is joining a work group where I'm a member, and we've hit it off, texting late into the night, that sort of thing. She will be moving here next week to start work. She says she's really impressed by my success (which I've all undermined) but more than that, she felt butterflies in her stomach the first time she saw me in the picture on the website.
What the fuck am I supposed to do now? Is this some sort of sick faggot joke by a divine force?

>> No.20537960

Well you're a pathetic loser and you admitted to ruining your life so enjoy the misery you brought upon yourself I guess

>> No.20537979


>> No.20538012

Back from a ban, are we?

>> No.20538035

big dick = good life

>> No.20538039

enjoy your prolapse and pooped pants

>> No.20538046

The trans youtuber is an absolute doll though, she can stay on /lit/

>> No.20538056

I keep saying someone less lazy than me needs to figure out how the faggoty mod structure works and report the current janny for terminal incompetence

>> No.20538064

I’m not getting it maybe, but it looks like you had some kind of setback, loss in cash or have a debt now?
The woman’s interested and can help. Just be up front about things, I guess.

>> No.20538069

He’s saying he has a big dick.
Fucking sodomite

>> No.20538085

What you're supposed to do is hang out with her in person, have a few laughs, and towards the end of the day/evening try kissing her.

>> No.20538095

anyone posting about his dick on 4chan is a faggot, you're now defending another (gay) man's dick posting so you're a fag too

>> No.20538097

Nah. I just got a new phone and checking out the KurobaEx app. It has a captcha assist feature.

>> No.20538099

Isn't porn banned on tiktok? I'm not aware of the rules as I've never had an acct but I thought that was a thing

>> No.20538103

>t.small dick coper

>> No.20538111

I think it involves making a discord account and talking too trannies which no man with dignity wishes to do

>> No.20538129


>> No.20538166

If it is it’s new. Seems to me there’s just a setting, and westerners enjoy it/enjoyed it. They’re often posted on /gif/

>> No.20538180

it's always been banned, there's just too much porn to ban all of it and the bans are temporary

>> No.20538183
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>> No.20538234
File: 83 KB, 750x962, IMG_20220617_012448_359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day i will be dead. I am young now, but soon I will be old. And then dead. Is it over already?

>> No.20538237

No because you're not dead yet dumb fuck

>> No.20538242

Whats a few years in the face of eternity?

>> No.20538246

It's a few years you low IQ monkey pseud

>> No.20538248

And then the years will be gone as if they were never there

>> No.20538249 [SPOILER] 
File: 701 KB, 1397x955, B748482C-6497-48B0-AC14-67343AAD3CED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ll never make it to death.

>> No.20538252

People have memories you amnesic cock gobbler

>> No.20538253

And what does that do for me after my death?

>> No.20538254

This woman was once the cute loved child of a father.

>> No.20538271

If you've done good deeds it will earn you a place in heaven, otherwise in hell. It's not that hard

>> No.20538275

I asked what memories of me do, not deeds.

>> No.20538278

used to be a sweet girl holding very tight to daddy's hand

>> No.20538279

They'll be something nice to think about in heaven when you meet your loved ones.

>> No.20538281

She clearly didn't have a father present in her life

>> No.20538284

Why would I hold on to temporal shades in the face of the Eternal?

>> No.20538285

Does anyone else hate when people point out the obvious in retrospect?
>You know what you should've done...
Yes, I do know what, if I had a time machine, I would have done differently to apply he lessons I learned by making the exactly mistake I narrated to you where the 'lesson' of the experience is baked into my narration. I don't need your 20-20 retrospection to tell me how I could have avoided failure at that specific point of time.
More especially if there won't be a "next time".
I'm cool with people saying "in these kinds of situations" or "whenever X happens you should do Y".
Hell, I'm even cool with "well you fucked it up idiot, here's what I'd do going forth..." - if I made a stupid mistake. that's fair. But don't fucking tell me what I could have done when there's no opportunity to take that advice into the future.
incidentally, this is why I have no respect for people who when asked "what would you tell your past self" say something like "Buy Bitcoin": these are the people who have learned nothing and will fail in every parallel universe.

>> No.20538288

Because the temporal has its own appeal

>> No.20538292

If you desire for the temporal then the eternal cannot satisfy. Why bother with the Almighty if happiness is in the fallen world?

>> No.20538293

>when asked "what would you tell your past self" say something like "Buy Bitcoin"
That's a good answer you're a faggot but that was clear from the beginning of your post.

>> No.20538297

God put us on here for a reason. This temporal world is the only place where you can enjoy God's natural creation. Happiness is both here and there, but you can't get there without being here first, so clearly this is a necessary step towards perfect happiness. I don't find any difficulties enjoying it.

>> No.20538302

See and what happens if by the butterfly effect your purchasing bitcoin means it never increases in value? Or, much more likley, what happens if you sell during the first 'crash' and still end up with nothing: because you're the kind of loser who learns nothing?
>you're a faggot but that was clear from the beginning of your post.
No you're just personally attacked by the fact you're a person who gives plenty of advice, yet isn't exactly qualified to give it. I'm sorry your life sucks

>> No.20538307

>See and what happens if by the butterfly effect your purchasing bitcoin means it never increases in value?
It won't
>Or, much more likley, what happens if you sell during the first 'crash' and still end up with nothing: because you're the kind of loser who learns nothing?
"Buy Bitcoin and hold until $50K" is implied in the message
>No you're just personally attacked by the fact you're a person who gives plenty of advice, yet isn't exactly qualified to give it. I'm sorry your life sucks
I don't, I just think you whine like a woman about insignificant things.

>> No.20538310

Sounds like a heresy. Unhappiness is found in the passing things. Through Adam entered death into the World and we need Christ's redemption to regain that eternity. Thats why Christ conquered death for us. If you accept death as a requisite for happiness then you must reject eternal life offered to us by Christ.
>the mind set on flesh is of death, but the mind set on Spirit is of life and peace

>> No.20538315

>Sounds like a heresy.
Yeah you'll need to prove that without gnostic crap
>Unhappiness is found in the passing things.
>>the mind set on flesh is of death, but the mind set on Spirit is of life and peace
You find happiness in this world by serving God, not by falling in love with his creation. You're obviously a hindu/buddhist/eastern type just like the gnostics whining incessantly about muh material world.

>> No.20538326

I'm not a gnostic. What you said is in fact a heresy
That God imparted evil unto us so that we might learn is heretical as it flies in the face of Original Sin. Your insistence on me being a gnostic or hindu show that you've missed my theology (and canonical theology) altogether.
The primary question of happiness is found in eternity vs temporality. We are fallen and thus in the passing world. As the passinf world passes we must necessarily lose out on posession of the Perfect, i.e. God. We must return to that which is eternal, impassible, and unchanging to have true happiness. This is why Christ broke his body for us
>John 6:51
I reccomend you begin a study of St Augustine. Etienne Gilson wrote a great introduction to him entitled "The Christian Philosophy of St Augustine"

>> No.20538337

>I'm not a gnostic. What you said is in fact a heresy
Prove it. When was it declared a heresy? You just linked a theodicy.
>I reccomend you begin a study of St Augustine.
You haven't stringed one coherent thought throughout this conversation. Augustine also had gnostic roots as a youth and he later acknowledged that his Confessions were too harsh on enjoying the material world.

>> No.20538349
File: 36 KB, 860x603, 496-4964447_apu-pepe-png-download-pepe-thinking-png-transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, if you think about it, heresy and tranny are both spelled with an R

>> No.20538373

keep going..

>> No.20538413

She's clinging EVEN TIGHTER to her NEW DADDY'S DICK

>> No.20538472

Stupid frogposter.

>> No.20538492
File: 8 KB, 245x206, 1616587419647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triggered trany

>> No.20538502
File: 137 KB, 840x491, 1191195747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the coolest part is this wasnt even me
fren tiem

>> No.20538509

bit cringe

>> No.20538514

no he bittin crips om nom nom

>> No.20538531

I am becoming a normal person and it worries me greatly

>> No.20538533
File: 27 KB, 474x400, 1613103180870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogposters alliance

>> No.20538550

same, except for the worrying bit

>> No.20538556

You lucky bastard

>> No.20538581

The top-down idea that every opinion is equally worthy and all ideas are valid and all cultures are the same and all beliefs are legitimate is the weaponization of postmodernism by TPTB. If you believe in everything you believe in nothing. If you can't say that some cultures are wrong, some cultures are superior, and some beliefs are incorrect, then you don't believe in anything because postmodernism is just the deluded offspring of nihilism.

>> No.20538587

I wish I were more normal.
Being very different is just not as cool and fun as people like to believe it.

>> No.20538669

this post doesn't follow a train of thought. non-sequiturs.

>> No.20538690

Some people from Hanover look like Englishmen. It is really true, I saw people with the eyes of Mark Hollis or Eric Idle

>> No.20538699

Filtered brainlet

>> No.20538704
File: 874 KB, 1123x554, romanian_folklore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you hate folklore you're not human https://youtu.be/YmcBy3xyCdo

>> No.20538754

absolute finger painting

>> No.20538758

It's ok to be low IQ

>> No.20538811

this one shouldn't be hard to answer

>> No.20538845

The fpbp there answers it

>> No.20538863

Anyone else ever notice you can learn a lot about a society from the kind of porn they produce?

>> No.20538866

Yeah, interracial cuckold porn means your society is ruled by jews

>> No.20538935

Someone close to me got very sick. Became somber and wanted to stop living because he didnt like his dealt hand. Didnt get euthanasia, doctors found him too young and had a hard time. He took matters in his own hand. He told me about it. Some other people kind of knew as well and couldnt accept and just ignored it. I on the other hand cared too much, knew his suffering, and told him i would be there and not let him die alone. The night he tried multiple times with an exit bag. He didnt have success and couldnt do it on his own because of reasons. So i did what had to be done and finished the job. Had some acute trauma back at the time, little bit of insomnia and stuff. But eventually I found ways to cope and thought i processed it. Years later after my relationship, old wounds opened up, this one included, now its full blown cptss.

>> No.20538957
File: 1.93 MB, 1400x933, trent-reznor-NIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nine Inch Nails is the best band of all times

>> No.20538969
File: 421 KB, 705x678, 1611932168473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This remains unrefuted.

>> No.20538985

But the last two are not bullshit, so...

>> No.20538986 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1696x2560, 71FCGr9vrAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book is actually published by yale university press

>> No.20538999

She didn't refute any of those statements. This is an extremely poor argument.

>> No.20539017

They're self-refuting by leftist dogmatic axioms where all humans are the same regardless of color, religion (unless Christian), etc.

>> No.20539038

what a retard

>> No.20539060

For me I simply can’t gain weight. It’s just too hard to force feed myself past satisfaction. I don’t know how people do it

>> No.20539080

I'm the opposite.

>> No.20539081
File: 5 KB, 182x203, 1652696299167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, full of pedos

>> No.20539095

Just eat less healthy

>> No.20539099

i can eat way way more than anyone i know & i don't gain weight

>> No.20539108

why do people bang on about lifting? is it just for muscles or are there big benefits to it

>> No.20539113

loool 'criminal past'. everyone who's ever gone to uni has a rap sheet like that

>> No.20539121

just discovered i'm actually 6'1, after always thinking i was 6' & wishing i was 6'1

>> No.20539155

But how long is your cock tho?

>> No.20539318

I'm part of the 666
6 figures salary, >6', 6 inches

>> No.20539336

Months back I was very secluded, and incredibly horny. Would jack off to hentai constantly. But when I found someone recently, who likes talking to me and I like talking to her just as much and each other's company, I haven't found the desire to look at porn at all.

>> No.20539345

Don't worry, she'll leave and you'll be back at square one.

>> No.20539350

That doesn't matter much to me. I'll always take what I can get. So long as I'm mentally away from seeing and wasting hours on porn. I'd rather take a heart break than an addiction.

>> No.20539357

don't know actually

>> No.20539372

Don't worry you'll take both

>> No.20539464

Which are often owned by sodomites

>> No.20539477

You watch wayyyy too much porn

>> No.20539493 [DELETED] 

i feel like humans have a built in amount of time they have to waste on socializing and for some people it's just spent on gf and family etc. but for other's they get it from work like workaholics, for others they just get it from online games, or forums. people feel guilty for spending an hour wackin it to porn, but think about how much time you have to waste trying to get laid. countless hours but for some reason people never feel bad about all that time.

>> No.20539521

Actually no, I don't watch it at all, I just know the truth

Anyways /his/ jannies banned me for a month. Hate that place.

>> No.20539536

The point of my post is that you are stupidly wrong

>> No.20539545

She still is.

>> No.20539590

Cappies think they can buy people off with more holidays. Was it officially recognized as a national holiday or just unofficial now. Like switching Columbus day for Indigenous Peoples day

>> No.20539624

No I am not. Faggot

>> No.20539629

I'm in a buying rush. I don't want to keep spending money, but I keep doing it...

>> No.20539646

>Anyways /his/ jannies banned me for a month.
Wish /lit/ jannies do the same to you here.

>> No.20539682

>nu uh! I keep track of all the dicks in the world, and believe me! They biggest are always doing anal!

You are probably underage or a mental case

>> No.20539686
File: 255 KB, 1149x1280, 7C12B14C-2B8F-4D03-941C-BA9F3D0DAA2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread open for business