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20531149 No.20531149 [Reply] [Original]

Are you planning on having a Bloomsday Breakfast, /lit/?

>> No.20531181

can't, not white or from the eastern hemisphere, sorry.

>> No.20531185

not on your life

>> No.20531189

i'll have some tomatoes

>> No.20531221

That's an Irish breakfast; not a Bloomday one. You need kidneys.

>> No.20531230

>Bloomsday Breakfast
What is that?

>> No.20531248

Well uh, I have, uh... Oats...

>> No.20531256

looks like a fucking english breakfast to me

>> No.20531271

English breakfast would traditionally have baked beans, which is less common in the Irish version.

>> No.20531285
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>> No.20531295
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>> No.20531358


>> No.20531365

I had a ham on rye for breakfast this morning.
So a Bukowski I guess

>> No.20531376

I would love to, but I am a poorfag who can't cook :(. I will just eat some toasted bread with jam and drink yogurt like always.

>> No.20531436

English doesn't have black pudding usually. It's not a full Irish or English though. Needs more of everything to be a full breakfast.

>> No.20531445

english breakfast does have black pudding

>> No.20531582

My birthday's on Bloomsday. I celebrate myself over (((Leopold Bloom)))

>> No.20532542
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listening to the bloomsday anthem of course -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhUg-IVjbao

>> No.20532573

What a cuck. A man has a single fried egg,, half a pound lf bacon, a skillet full of hahbrowns, and a litre of black coffee for breakfast.

>> No.20532639

americans are insane

>> No.20532665

A true American would have a stack of pancakes in addition to that.

>> No.20532678

On BLOOMSDAY ever since the womb til I’m back where my mother went, that’s what my tomb’ll say
Right above my government Deadalus

>> No.20532698

I was just in Ireland for my vacation, they would typically serve beans and also mushrooms in addition to everything pictured

A real man has 3 hardboiled eggs and a bottle of wine for breakfast

>> No.20532715

are the filthy provos serving up a full english and calling it an irish breakfast? absolutely had it with those cunts

>> No.20532721

i have overnight oats and some blueberries :)

>> No.20532722

As far as I'm concerned you're all the same to me

>> No.20532732

Molly's farts.

>> No.20533140

Not usually. Irish it's unusual not to have it. The white pudding is even more rare in English unless you're in Scotland or Northumberland.

>> No.20533160

>LARPer wishing it was the 80s
Northern full English/Irish is different, you're lucky you don't live there, you'd be shot by both sides

>> No.20533492

no but i'm going to the beach to jerk off later

>> No.20533514

No thanks, I'm watching my figure. Molly likes 'em slim and blazin', ifyouknowwhatImean...

>> No.20533610

you don't have to tell me i'm lucky i'm not living in fucking ireland fella

>> No.20533633

Good morning arses full of farts.

Having a cup of coffee, an orange and two brown sugar/cinnamon Pop Tarts. Happy Bloomsday!


>> No.20533644

Lmao that's literally just a Full English. This is 'Irish pubs' all over again. It's been a century since Irish independence, sad to see that a distinct culture still has yet to be redeveloped. Not that it's really their fault

>> No.20533645

Today is my 6th anniversary of beginning to read Ulysses, and I remain stuck at Oxen of the Sun, and have zero intention of changing that.

>> No.20533646

>A real man has three fat lines of pure cocaine and the pussy juice of a 20 year old for breakfast
Fixed that for you.

>> No.20533656

I wrote about Ulysses for my master's thesis and after extensive study of the book and of Joyce as a whole, I come to the conclusion that he was too clever for his own good.

>> No.20533743

the sausages are different in terms of the fineness of grind, and the spicing. and they have white pudding which you rarely see in England (though Cornish hogs pudding is somewhat similar).

It's a nice variation, but standing on the shoulders of a giant to be sure.

>> No.20533753

breakfast of champions accept no substitute

>> No.20533754

>LARPs as 80s Northern Irish
>Noooo I don't wish to be involved
lel, this is like girls who claim they don't want misogyny but then also wish they were in 50 shades. The lady doth protest too much

>> No.20533771

who's larping as what. i'm english just hate the taigs

>> No.20533784

>It's a nice variation, but standing on the shoulders of a giant to be sure
Like the UK and flavoured crisps, or butter, or bacon... Wait.

>> No.20533786

>continues LARPing
Why are you using their dialect then, me lover?

>> No.20533789

An English person would not use the term taig.

>> No.20533791

I suspect he's American and neither English nor Irish.

>> No.20533796

da foony teng abowt dat is -- i do a decent irish accent

>> No.20533797

You're not even convincing in text, anon. That's how bad the accent is.

>> No.20533801

it's more than acceptable


>> No.20533803

Reckon's an American tell.

>> No.20533808

>Gets rejected
>I'm more than acceptable
cool story bro

>> No.20533816
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>> No.20533824

argh i meant to reply to >>20533803

>> No.20533836

I've Egyptian fags, doesn't prove shit. Reckon gets you weird looks in England or Ireland, tourist.

>> No.20533842

I'm English and this is not true at all. People use 'reckon' all the time.

>> No.20533843

No, that's way too much food for breakfast.

>> No.20533847

what are you going on about
are YOU american?

>> No.20533846

not this day… well uh, I will have have a stack of pancakes and fruit bowl, rye I guess breakfast of champions

>> No.20533848

>who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

>> No.20533857

I'm going to laugh at your desperate larp on an anonymous Tibetan basket weaving forum, if you must know

>> No.20533865

that's a hate crime right there

>> No.20533866

Whoa fellas not on Bloomsday, let’s share some good prose, reveries, and breakfast

>> No.20533868

Thought we only did that with the American larpers who actually pay us cash money

>> No.20533880

can't stand them to be honest

jaysis i must have the patience of a saint!

>> No.20533889

Not how you spell it. Not that I mind you committing hate crimes on dubs

>> No.20533897

I'll skip the breakfast and get straight to my Bloomsday wank

>> No.20533898

is that your Bloomsday spirit right there?

>> No.20533902

Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods’ roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.

>> No.20533905

The American trying to LARP as a Dubliner is pretty on point for the day, to be fair.

>> No.20533927

can’t, not bloom not this day… well uh, I will have whisky and I’m not leaping

>> No.20533931

Bit late for Burns night

>> No.20533935

a hearty 'fuck you' to ireland, and, of course, scotland and wales xox

>> No.20534131

How so?

>> No.20534144

Black pudding is really common in England
I know because I happen to be English.

>> No.20534184

Most the good brands are Scottish or Irish though

>> No.20534214


>> No.20534249

what are those chunky disc things?

>> No.20534258

i'll have lobster and mayonnaise in honor of bloomsday

>> No.20534313

Think you are, mate. Did Howie's rape your mum or something?

>> No.20535337

100 years since Joyce got a handjob

>> No.20535348 [DELETED] 

Brits should get fighting groups going with their lads then roam the streets at night ruthlessly beating any shitskin they come across

>> No.20536127

I never posted in this board before but I had to come here and check out if there was a bloomsday thread, you didn't disappoint

I'm finishing my first read of ulysses today, in the 100th anniversary bloomsday. I didn't plan that but it happened

>> No.20536746

This is the zoomer Bloomsday song

>> No.20536753

Is this really true? The Ellmann biography never mentioned it.

>> No.20536767

sounds more of an eastern european thing

>> No.20536814

They're millennial if they saw them in the Alice era

>> No.20536848

Underrated reply have a good evening anon

>> No.20536855


Another underrated reply

>> No.20536933

somebody actually reads, thank god

>> No.20537001

100 years since Joyce got a handjob

>> No.20537306

Anyone seeing a lot of duplicate posts today? Are they bots or trolls?

>> No.20537336


>> No.20537420

no,but I have watched the 1967 movie.

>> No.20538301

a very inspiring handjob, one might add

>> No.20538323

Remember to really savour the piss flavour