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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 313 KB, 864x1200, Holy Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20530269 No.20530269 [Reply] [Original]

Official literature of the Creator of all existence.

>> No.20530382
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I'll start

>> No.20530405

All is vanity, vanity of vanities.

>> No.20530451

>open book at random
>dude survives for three days in the belly of a fish
>people were killed over this
>close book

>> No.20530482

I'm impressed you can read before being 18

>> No.20530521

Post a fedora next

>> No.20530538

>christians can't read before adulthood
Wow you got em

>> No.20530553

>>people were killed over this

>> No.20530688

Daily reminder that the earth is literally ~6,000 years old and Adam and Eve were real people.

>> No.20530712

Why can't jannies stop the bible threads regardless how hard they try?

>> No.20530721

Because they serve the Demiurge

>> No.20530724

Christ defeats demons and we are His Body.

>> No.20530749
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>> No.20530758
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Yea I'm thinking based

>> No.20530775

This belongs to >>>/his/

>> No.20530865

stop larping

>> No.20530884

This thread gets atheists seething every single time kek

>> No.20530890

A few threads back there was the sharing of Michael, being the angel who defeats Satan in actual battle, having a name meaning "No One Like God" which references back to Satan's original lie being fooling them into eating the fruit in order to make them like God. I've since dug up a few verses that fit into that theme.

Ex 9:14 "For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth."

Ex 8:10 ""Tomorrow," Pharaoh answered. "May it be as you say," Moses replied, "so that you may know that there is no one like the LORD our God."

Is 46:9 "Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,"

>> No.20530961

i think one great sign of the Bible being the word of God is how everything is perfectly connected. written across ages, by numerous people, and it is completely connected in everything it says, with each book explaining and expanding upon things in other books, which might've not even have been written yet at its time.

i like to say the rule of thumb is 'the Bible is always right'. study it enough, cross reference things, and you can clear up any doubt (or misinterpretation!)

>> No.20530970

I just ran up on more to add:

Ex 15:11 "Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?"

2 Sam 7:22 "Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears."

1 Ch 17:20 "O LORD, there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears."


>> No.20531035

Muhammadans are currently being wrecked in the other thread.

>> No.20531078
File: 1.24 MB, 1536x1182, V&A_-_Raphael,_St_Paul_Preaching_in_Athens_(1515).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there no historical fiction surrounding the kino of St. Paul's sermon at the Areopagus at Athens?
>Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription:


>Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you: God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’ Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising. Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”

>And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked, while others said, “We will hear you again on this matter.” So Paul departed from among them. However, some men joined him and believed, among them Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

>> No.20531137

Anon, no one is seething.

>> No.20531183

Write it. While you would no doubt turn people off by adding anything to Paul's actual words, I see no wrong in writing historical fiction from the perspective of one of the Greeks who listened to the sermon.

>> No.20531217

NTA but excellent insight/suggestion/project idea.

>> No.20531225

I enjoy biblical historical fiction. The Prince of Egypt, Ben-Hur, Quo Vadis (I've been meaning to read the original book), The Chosen, The Last Temptation of Christ, etc. I've taken to reading proper literature on the subject, like Theophilos by Michael D. O'Brien and Rabshakeh by Jill Francis Hudson. Indeed, Theophilos is a novel about the same man to whom St. Luke addressed his gospel, and the assumption is that he's the Cretan Greek (pagan) adoptive father of the Apostle, and his journey investigating the growing faith.

>> No.20531232

honestly it’s easy to see why islam is growing faster than christianity. if you start reading the bible from the beginning you will have difficulties applying it to your life, while the quran is supremely applicable.

>> No.20531242

Why do people call christians larpers, it seems like you guys don’t think people here are genuinely religious. Also, finding religion because of seeing how lost people are in the world (see political people) is perfectly reasonable

>> No.20531246

>Islam is low iq retard friendly

>> No.20531250

of course its easy, its all carnal, its like reading a get-rich-quick book by a ruthless businessman except it tells you to cut off the heads of people who disagree with you instead
Matthew 7:13-14
>Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!

>> No.20531272
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fedoratippers call anybody who talks about christianity "larpers" to poison the well of any discussion now that the neopagan grift got exposed as a larp for atheist stormfags and commies to thumb their noses at people who believe in "desert jew god who hates fags and sorcerors and iron chariots"

>> No.20531299

by the way I have never EVER seen anybody but an atheist masquerading as a neopagan call anybody from any other religion a larper
Muslims don't accuse Christians of not being true Christians, they accuse them of Christianity itself being incorrect
Christians don't accuse Muslims of not being true Muslims, they accuse Islam itself of being incorrect
and so on between all the other religions of the world, but the "pseudo-revival" of paganism, particularly Norse paganism, which is just about the only one that gets paid any attention to at all, and its simultaneous association with both environmentalist left-wing hippies and unironic neo-nazis attracts those disillusioned and alienated people to it not out of any true belief but out of a desire to stick it to the contemporary religious establishment, which in their cases, because they're all europeans, is Christianity

>> No.20531319

>Muslims don't accuse Christians of not being true Christians, they accuse them of Christianity itself being incorrect
>Christians don't accuse Muslims of not being true Muslims, they accuse Islam itself of being incorrect
Both of these things happen literally all the time, even on this board.

FFS half the Bibleposting is Christians accusing other Christians of not being true Christians.

Work on your bait.

>> No.20531337

>Indeed, Theophilos is a novel about the same man to whom St. Luke addressed his gospel, and the assumption is that he's the Cretan Greek (pagan) adoptive father of the Apostle, and his journey investigating the growing faith.
Interesting. I'll confess, I'm more drawn to the theory that Theophilus is either Theophilus ben Ananus or Mattathias ben Theophilus, though the dating on the latter makes more sense.

>> No.20531353

You misunderstand: the accusation of "larping" implies that the person doing it does not even belief what he claims to believe in.
A Catholic will call a Protestant not a true Christian because the Catholic believes the Protestant to be a heretic and vice versa, but the Catholic has no doubt that the Protestant believes in the Bible, just that he's doing it entirely wrong.
This is different from the accusation of "christlarping" or being a "larpagan", which assumes that the person is merely wearing the veneer of the religion like a coat to fit in with the latest fashion, to be discarded when the fashion changes.

>> No.20531382

i’ve been digging through genesis for the first time recently and am quite enjoying myself, but i’m confused by how morally grey it is for a foundational text of a culture
i mean the creation of mudea itself came from deceit, with jacob impersonating esau, but it seems like all the major figures do some pretty reprehensible things. it makes for good literature but i’m not sure what the original intention was. if i wanted to convince people that a religion is good i probably wouldn’t write a story about how it’s very foundation was based on trickery and lying

>> No.20531384

I'm also interested in adaptations of the heresy that Barabas was in fact not the name of an individual but the title Pilate was applying to Jesus; Bar Abbas, Son of the Father, i.e., a human, worldly savior and King of the Jews on Earth, in Judea, a rival against Rome; vs. Jesus the Mashiach, a purely spiritual leader of a purely spiritual kingdom of which Rome had no political apprehension or interest.

>> No.20531410

>i mean the creation of mudea itself came from deceit, with jacob impersonating esau, but it seems like all the major figures do some pretty reprehensible things. it makes for good literature but i’m not sure what the original intention was. if i wanted to convince people that a religion is good i probably wouldn’t write a story about how it’s very foundation was based on trickery and lying
You've come to misunderstand that story. Esau is a venal, lazy man. He has no care for the traditions or God of his fathers. He holds God and his filial fealty in such low regard (remember, as elder son of Isaac, he is meant to become the next leader of the Noahide Yahwists) that he "sells" his inheritance to his younger brother for the price of some pre-made lentil stew, just to fill his belly, rather than going out and cooking something himself. Jacob was testing Esau, and well, mene mene tekel parsin. By that act, Jacob assumed responsibility for upholding God's covenant, and was thus, ipso facto, justified in his deeds.

>> No.20531472

NTA, but I lean Paul's lawyer. Acts even closes at the right spot to support the theory.

>> No.20531586

Ever experienced an Exorcism? Either yourself or someone you know.

>> No.20531595

Looks like you've overdosed on memes tbqh.

>> No.20531600

>muh ortholarp
Reject your idolatry and return to the Mother Church before it is too late.

>> No.20531686
File: 215 KB, 800x775, CBPKJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Church Bible Publishers. Compact Cameo King James (no "V") Bible. Ironed calf skin. Gold gilded edges. Smyth-sewn pages for strength and flexibility. 2 1/4″ wide ribbon markers of perfect length. Center column cross references and translator's notations of original language alternatives. 15 Beautifully printed maps with index. Clear, readable 8.5 pt text of whatever font on whatever paper, printed and bound by independent Baptist church folk hands in the United States of America. All for the non Jew price of $53.

>> No.20531748

"Each day has gotten better and through all of the discomfort I have found comfort in the one who designed me and knows me. I’m reminded he knows all of me. He know the darkest parts of me that I want no one to know about and he constantly welcomes me into his loving arms. This perspective has given me peace during this horrific storm that I’m facing. I know this storm will pass but in the meantime JESUS IS WITH ME.” ~ Justin Bieber

>> No.20531753

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.20531759

l feel desperate and broken

>> No.20531765

Psalm 23

>> No.20531781

>gets deleted
heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.20531817

>Why do people call christians larpers,
No, just you guys on 4chan. Its obvious you guys are larpers.

>> No.20531893

Where is all this context coming from? It seems there is alot that is not spoken of in the included text im reading (institute of scripture research bible). But that seems to be a reaccuring theme. Currently in Samuel, right after david defeated goliath. Am i just not paying attention or is thier more context later in the book?

>> No.20531949

Yes, the reoccurring theme of the Bible - both old and new testaments - is that somebody who God favors sins badly and God's favor is bestowed to somebody else.
Genesis 25:23
>And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
Romans 9:11-12
>For when the children were not yet born, nor had done any good or evil (that the purpose of God, according to election, might stand,) Not of works, but of him that calleth, it was said to her: The elder shall serve the younger.
Ishmael serves Isaac. Esau serves Jacob. Moses serves Joshua. Saul serves David. John the Baptist serves Jesus. Jews serve Christians. And so on.

>> No.20531956

The bible is a collection of books. This belongs on /lit/ far more than all the philosophy and advice threads.

>> No.20531959

Is it worth giving birth over?

>> No.20531962

Nope. I see no reason why one would doubt God’s word and interpret scientific evidence in the light of godless non-Biblical presuppositions. Young Earth is the truth.

>> No.20531981

Varg doesn't know how to wear mail and will get his neck cut so easily.

>> No.20531996

l fear l am the evil

>> No.20532054

You have been prayed for, may God bless and keep you.

>> No.20532097

Yeah Christianity is cucked while Islam isn’t.

>> No.20532195

>falls for demonic fan fiction
>calls real thing cucked
Enjoy having even less credibility than JWs.

>> No.20532219


>> No.20532224

you passed well done

>> No.20532286

Muhammadans worship a pedophilic merchant with eleven wives as the ‘perfect man’ and Islamic countries today are full of depravity—child rape, prostitution (mut’ah), female genital
mutilation, obesity, production of drugs, and general barbarism. The veneer of being ‘based’ is as hollow as it gets. Muslims literally cannot leave their religion without being killed by shariah courts or by their own government. Islam functions like a mafia, and millions of Muslims mindlessly bang their head on the floor five times a day to avoid being labeled apostates. Islam is at its root a worldly political project no different than National Socialism or Communism. Muslims coom thinking of global caliphates, birthrates (sheer quantitative thinking) and even their websites on fiqh are full of pilpuling guidelines about beards, semen emissions and ritual purity. It’s a soulless religion, if it can even be called one.

>> No.20532338

I finally broke down and got a septuagint
Intro says apostles sometimes quoted from it (though sometimes they just translated the Hebrew thenselves) and evidently it became less recognized once jews started critiquing it and saying it was not correct
Thus I am left to wonder how much is good and how much bad. I can't even decide whether to stick it with my biblical study books or Greek books

>> No.20532370

>new study help comes out
>Printed in China
So...there will never be another worthwhile study help worth buying again, huh?

>> No.20532377

Been reading the 21st century king james bros and it feels pretty good. Its spacing is kinda weird. Its broken up like a normal novel and not really "bibley" if that makes any sense.

>> No.20532380

>the 21st century king james
What is that

>> No.20532393

The Septuagint is just as inspired if not moreso than the Masoretic text. The vast majority of the quotations by the apostles, as you have said, are from the LXX in the NT. If the NT is inspired Scripture, this tells us a lot about the authority of the LXX itself. The Septuagint has been far more important among the Church Fathers who were the spiritual descendents of the apostles too. The Masoretic text manuscripts used today are from the 11th century AD from rabbinic Christ-hating Jews. Even in the early days of Christianity, it was being alleged that the Jews were corrupting scripture, and the result is the Masoretic textual tradition. Many Hebrew pieces of the Bible found in the Dead Sea Scrolls align with LXX too

>> No.20532400

>I finally broke down and got a septuagint
Same. Got the Rahlfs on steep discount earlier today.
>Intro says apostles sometimes quoted from it
A majority of the time is not "sometimes."
Read the charts in this: https://www.areopage.net/PDF/LXXNotesFeb06.pdf

>> No.20532526

>Jews serve Christians
i see, damn so i REALLY have to pay close attention. my original plan was to just read through it so i could memorize the events (because i cant remember names or fine details for shit). Im definitely going o have to reread everything once im done.

>> No.20532535

not him
could you elaborate on what you mean by non-Biblical presuppositions?

>> No.20532594

Sure. Science under ‘normal’ conditions is done within an overarching paradigm / theory by which all of the evidence is interpreted. Thomas Kuhn wrote about this aspect of science. These assumptions massively shape the conclusions that one will get from looking at the evidence. When one understands this concept they will never look at science the same again. Modern science is based off of several philosophical assumptions that are not scientific at all, i.e. not the basis of any sort of empirical or rational conclusion, but are merely assumed a priori before any sort of scientific enterprise is undertaken. Some major ones relevant to the question of Biblical creation are philosophical assumptions such as the uniformitarianism [the assumption that the same laws work today in the past at the same rates and manner as they do today], a past extending back billions of years and quite often naturalism / physicalism.

To explain why these three are important—the Bible doesn’t support uniformitarianism. Before the Fall, there was no death, no corruption, etc. Death was not created by God, and the world was vastly different beyond our imagination. Scientific research into this is impossible. Why? Because science relies on the principle of induction, which is looking at particulars and drawing general conclusions, and being able to make predictions. Induction is founded on the uniformity of nature, which science can’t even rationally justify on its own accord, btw. But if the laws of nature were different in the past, as the Bible teaches, it is *impossible* to make hypotheses about the past from how the world works today, especially when we don’t know what the exact conditions were like prior to the Fall. Scientists say this is ‘unfalsifiable’ and therefore a priori wrong—but if this was true, there’d still be no way to prove it empirically from the laws of nature today.

Then there is how far back the past goes. How do we ‘know’ the universe is billions of years old? We don’t. We weren’t there. We merely assume the past goes back billions of years because of uniformitarian assumptions about natural processes like erosion and because of highly flawed dating systems based on isotopes, carbon and all of that—which are again based on the assumption of a constant decay rate over time, which has no evidence. It is a ‘faith’. No one has observed this.

Naturalism leads to all sorts of conclusions as well, such as the universe having no intelligent designer or ordering principle behind it. The solution scientists must come up with is to make up ideas like the Neo-Darwinian synthesis and universal common origin. Without uniformitarianism and the assumption of a billions of years old past, no one would come to these conclusions. So we see how these all tie into one another.

>> No.20532627


Once the Christian sees that modern scientific endeavors are based off of paradigms which govern the interpretation of the evidence, and that these paradigms are founded on philosophical assumptions that are far from obvious or even provable beyond the weakest faith, they will realize that YE creationism is a perfectly rational position to hold. If one interprets the evidence in accordance with God’s revelation, one will reach different conclusions. If we interpret everything according to philosophical assumptions that hold no weight (Colossians 2:8), they will never reach the godless theories of Darwinism and everything tied in with it. Everyone thinks in a paradigmatic manner whether one knows it or not, and this is not bad, it is how humans are. It is like interpreting evidence in accordance with a lens. The real question is whether we have been taken into an intellectual Babylon of secular science, or whether we found our beliefs on God’s word. We are called to have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16) after all.

>> No.20532686

How does repentence in orthodox Christianity work? What would it look like for, say, a murderer, robber, or child molester to repent of their sins?
I was raised in the LDS church, without regular confession, where those who felt they needed it would have a private meeting with their bishop and he would assign some form of corrective action as he deemed appropriate.

>> No.20532821

I don't mean in the sense that Jews ought to be enslaved to Christians. What I mean is that the -elder- Law of Moses must be fulfilled in Christ Jesus to give way to his -younger- flock. That's literally what Paul is saying just a few short years after Christ's crucifixion. God does not cease granting His love to the followers of the Law of Moses, but His new covenant is with those who follow His son, and this is already foreshadowed 1000, 1500, 2000, however many years you want to believe before Jesus lived by Moses writing the Torah.

>> No.20532916
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>presupposition of uniformitarianism
it had actually never occurred to me that this might be the case for modern scientific theory. in my mind it only made sense that everything would be the same from creation to the present, and into the future. That created alot of headaches for me whenever the subject of creationism came up. Yeah i suppose you really cant prove that.
>I don't mean in the sense that Jews ought to be enslaved to Christians.
kek no i didnt mean to imply, i just thought it sounded funny. thank you for elaborating on it though.

>> No.20532927

as an aside, what books on scientific/theological philosophy would you recommend? This is a pretty large blind spot i didn't even know i had.

>> No.20533849
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Here are some of the best that I have read:
> The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems by William Dembski and Jonathan Wells
>Genesis, Creation and Early Man: The Orthodox Christian Vision by Fr. Seraphim Rose
> The Ultimate Proof of Creation by Dr. Jason Lisle
> The Rape Of Man And Nature: An Enquiry Into The Origins And Consequences Of Modern Science by Philip Sherrard
>Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells
>The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn

>> No.20533933

sure they are idolator

>> No.20534072
File: 16 KB, 640x602, AF7C9457-B3A2-46AD-8046-8C29541CB46B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur an idolator, kafir!
*kisses black stone dedicated to a moon god*

>> No.20534107

>The Masoretic text manuscripts used today are from the 11th century AD from rabbinic Christ-hating Jews. Even in the early days of Christianity, it was being alleged that the Jews were corrupting scripture, and the result is the Masoretic textual tradition.
Intro to the septuagint I got mentions this conflict between Christians and jews. Jews only started to re write it once Christianity began to spread and the septuagint became more read

>> No.20534138

I got a brenton. Since I use kjv I figured the language would go better with it. When NT quotes the old I'm doing comparisons between the two
One big difference I've noticed, psalms are numbered different

Overall I have to wonder how different the two are. Message of Christ seems to have come through the Masoretic loud and clear so if the jews were trying to corrupt, they failed

>> No.20534153
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>> No.20534419

God wouldn’t let them, that’s why they made the Talmud

>> No.20534590
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why is every epicurean a complete midwit

>> No.20534772
File: 142 KB, 360x434, Simone_Weil_04_(cropped).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do the christians here think about simone weil and kierkegaard? this always kinda interested me

>> No.20534916

I'd be interested in reading the Talmud just to see what they truly think of Christianity

It would also help show how far they're gonna come between now and when they do convert to Christ as Paul describes and revelation

>> No.20535011

They aren't in the Holy Bible nor did they write Scripture so I am unconcerned with them. The only things other than the Holy Bible worth paying any attention to are commentaries on it that provide historical/cultural background data and explanations of some symbolism, and technical information on "real world" tasks (like carpentry, construction, plumbing, repair, electrical, etc.).

Well, the THIRD Bible thread from yesterday has survived nearly 24 hours. I fully expected it to be gone around 2:30 AM ET or for sure by waking hours.

>> No.20535014

What are everyone's thoughts on the Matthew 5:22 controversy? Is "without a cause" (εἰκῆ) original or an early copyist's corruption?

>> No.20535044

Probably inserted. Christ teaches *forgiveness*, not "well, if it's justified then be pissed".

>> No.20535172
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Mormon Chads?

We won.

>> No.20535183
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Read up, m8.

>> No.20535218

appreciate it friend

>> No.20535389

weren't they estimating 6000 back in the times of ancient rome?

>> No.20535563

Could you do it in fewer words because I'm not reading that

>> No.20535573

>it's still here

>> No.20535607

Atheists have autism and low IQ typically

>> No.20535623

projection is the only language of the triggered madman, revealing every phrase they fear.

>> No.20535632
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>> No.20535646

i have a question to this; if you are a christian because you believe suffering has made you stronger, as it were, then how come you're still a general cunt despite being saved?

i have never met an honest christian on the internet, i mean.. you guys are like literally the worst people here. this largely refutes the claim that your suffering was leading somewhere positive.

>> No.20535655

>then how come you're still a general cunt despite being saved
I'm never under any impression that I'm saved, because OSAS is nonbiblical nonsense. I can only do my best and pray that I be saved.

>> No.20535662

Unironically I can’t. It’s a complex topic.

>> No.20535688

>These assumptions massively shape the conclusions that one will get from looking at the evidence. When one understands this concept they will never look at science the same again.
This is largely true; I can't deny and wouldn't want to deny that academia has been a corrupt piece of shit for many many centuries but this has no actual bearing on the metrics of proving a thing, which a learned person can do and which does't require third party validation.

Also, when one examines academia today they find that peer feedback loop and the various denials of truths of things (gender, for instance) are more reminiscent of a religious dogma than anything sober evidenced based;

I mean that they posit what they wish to believe or more often what they wish is the most universally pleasing to be declared as true, not what is actually true. This error is the precise error in academia when it was in the hands of the church.

>But if the laws of nature were different in the past, as the Bible teaches, it is *impossible* to make hypotheses about the past from how the world works today, especially when we don’t know what the exact conditions were like prior to the Fall.
this is the exact same thing.

I think the root of the problem is that stupid people both need and fearsomely demand 'complete total answers now' for things they have no idea about. They think that being confident in their error somehow mitigates the error. Or something like this.

>> No.20535702
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>'complete total answers now' for things they have no idea about. T
And that, more amazingly to my mind, they ignore literally everything around them in the pursuit of these 'big answers' for things that are unknown and inactionable if they were to be known,

Does finding out how old our galaxy is, or where it came from, actually lead anywhere? Building a well in a village would be a better use the same time. Or growing crops in a garden, having traded the inactionable book for the technical manual.

>> No.20535788

I read your post. You could've simply said materialists assume the past followed the same natural laws, but you don't want to accept that. That's all you said. It's not a complex topic.

>> No.20535795

Fake, it's impossible for liberals to get even more retarded than this

>> No.20535838
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catholoids, what if i've been a NEET for years on autismbux (for depression) but i go back to school and get a degree and reasonably sort my issues out, do you think i might have a decent chance at getting into a monastery as a novice monk or will they be too wary of a potential headcase? or if not a monk then maybe some similar capacity to work in the church?

that is a long way off because I am not even a Catholic yet but I have been doing a lot of reading lately and am just curious, I don't know why but for the past couple days I suddenly have a bolt of manic energy to read the bible cover to cover and find out everything I can about Catholicism

>> No.20535894

>will they be too wary of a potential headcase?
i think you'd fit right in seeing as how "mental illness is a crisis of faith" as someone here thought to say.

tacit confession of own unresolved suppressed an untreated debilitating disorder causing obvious pernicious consequence.

>> No.20536083

Imagine being the jew who keeps reporting the bible threads and it's still here. SAD

>> No.20536116


now if you want to be serious and discuss the Torah Borah then we can do business in true /lit/.

>> No.20536226
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You don't need a degree to be a monk. You will probably have to get a psychological and physical examination done if you want to apply for postulancy with a religious order. You would also most likely have to be a stable and practicing Catholic (ie. not falling into mortal sin regularly, attending mass frequently) for at least two years. Spend this time praying, discerning God's will for you, attending Eucharistic Adoration. I would also say to prioritize beginning your RCIA catechumenate before worrying about any of this stuff - your salvation is paramount.

God bless you brah

>> No.20536230
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What are some recommended Christian movies?

>> No.20536248 [DELETED] 
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>King James (no "V") Bible
you niggas crack me up with your bibliolatry
an 80IQ nigerian who reads and applies the NIV can be let into heaven, while the elitists who idolize a specific version and create divisions in the body of Christ through their textual cult will be held to greater account

>> No.20536254

Passion of the Christ
Prince of Egypt
Ben hur (both the 50s one with Charlton Heston. And surprisingly the remake from a few years ago. Maybe also check out the silent movie one, only seen the chariot race but it was good)
The ten commandments (Charlton Heston, yul bryner)
The encounter (Jesus Diner movie just be prepared for some questionable acting)
God's not dead (unironically)
What if (Kevin sorbo) - this is one of my favorites

>> No.20536256

>The encounter
kek l've seen that has the wrestler Sting

>> No.20536259

>King James (no "V") Bible
you niggas crack me up with your bibliolatry
somebody who reads and applies the NIV in childlike innocence can be higher in the kingdom of heaven than an elitist who idolizes a specific version. those who create divisions in the body of Christ will be held to greater account, especially over something as trivial as which translation of a translation of a text is superior

>> No.20536263

Off the top of my head...
The Passion of the Christ
Jesus of Nazareth (6-part mini-series, not a movie, but still classic)
The Ten Commandments
The Prince of Egypt
The Bible: In the Beginning...
The Robe
The Greatest Story Ever Told
The Passion of Joan of Arc

>> No.20536270

Yep. And stings character makes me sad every time I watch it, could just as easily be any of us, that even was us actually
And yet God forgave us

Sadly some will never answer him when he knocked on their heart.

>> No.20536272
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just read jonah for the first time last night, and by your timestamp maybe even as you were typing this. this absolutely providential synchronicity keeps happening ever since i picked this book up a few months ago. hes awesome men

>> No.20536327

I want to do more for Christ. I have two questions:
1. What volunteering opportunities are encouraged for Christians and how does one find them? I assume volunteering at the church is one, but what about other types of activities helping others even if they're not necessarily Christians
2. What professions can one pursue on the side? I work in academia, but I want to dedicate more resources to Christianity and perhaps even slowly get into a part-time job or a least a professional job related to it. How does one become a confessor or a priest or anything of this sort?

>> No.20536348

>You don't need a degree to be a monk.
I know but I was looking on some monastery sites and some of them say they prefer you have at least some schooling or some kind of technical education at least

>> No.20536355

also anyway thanks bro

>> No.20536374

>I assume volunteering at the church is one, but what about other types of activities helping others even if they're not necessarily Christians
If the church you attend practices what they preach they will have some form pf out reach to non believers.
It's a way to get the foot in the door to talk about Christ while also helping said people
Church I go to sent meals to Haiti not too long ago and invited everyone to come to their Easter egg hunt in the county (not just church members) and asked when they came how they could pray for them

As to 2, it depends on your denomination. Most have some type of seminary and if you want to go to that you'll need to talk to a pastor/minister
Keep in mind you'll need to be saved/baptized. And keep in mind conversion is not just an outward thing but inward as well

>> No.20536447

>missing quo vadis
>missing demetrius and the gladiators
>missing king of kings (both the 1920s one and the 1960s one)
>missing the last temptation of christ
very disappointing desu

also that Chosen tv series is very kino, I can't wait for season 3

>> No.20536465

What conversion? I was baptized at birth. I just haven't practiced for most of my 20s but now I'm getting back into it. Thanks for your details anon.

>> No.20536515

>What conversion?
If you aren't a Christian (ie: true believer) churches won't let you be a minister

If you're wanting to be a protestant minister, most denominations don't recognize infant baptism (Lutherans do I think but alot of others dont) and they will expect you to get rebaptized following salvation
If you're wanting to be a catholic minister for example, and you were baptized by them as a baby they will recognize it. If this is the route you wanna go I'm sure catholic anons will have more input

And no problem on the info, happy to help. Keep in mind if you are wanting to help your church odds are whoever is in charge will gladly welcome your desire to help/learn

>> No.20536544

>If you're wanting to be a protestant minister, most denominations don't recognize infant baptism
Ah, I see, I was wondering why I hear about baptism so often. I'm Orthodox, and I never really heard of this as we're baptized and chrismated at birth.

>> No.20536584
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>the last temptation of christ

>> No.20536603

Yeah. It arises from defining baptism as complete emersion, and (to baptists at least) is simply symbolic of the believer's already finished conversion via salvation. It is basically a statement that you are now a believer.
Mainly this idea is based off of John's method of submersion in the Jordan as well as Paul describing how we were dead in sin but then raised in newness of life (Romans 6:3-4) and of course baptism seeming to always come after faith in the gospels and acts

Any way, as such infant baptism is much less prevalent among protestants and not recognized because it I'd thought baptism must come after faith, not prior to it. If prior it is not a display of faith (since there is no faith yet as it is but a baby) and thus it is not recognized.

I can see it being strange if you and others around you were baptized as infants. Similar to how prots often find the idea of infant baptism odd when they hear about it.

>> No.20536634

Serious question: if an alien civilization contacted Earth tomorrow, how would Christianity react? Would anyone try to preach among extraterrestrials?

>> No.20536652

serious question if jesus came down from the heavens in a plume of blinding light beckoned by the hand of the father how would atheists react

>> No.20536674

It would be extremely humbling

>> No.20536680

Yeah I don't agree with that because I consider myself Christian from birth, I was a believer as soon as I could think, and I was raised according to Christian rituals and tradition, praying multiple times a day, going to the church, etc. If my faith was lost along the way every now and then, I don't need to get baptized every single time that happens. I don't think being a Christian is a fleeting thing by a deep seated part of my identity.

>> No.20536688

Demons, they already know the Gospel but will try to trick you into other things.

>> No.20536725
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>> No.20536806

>the last temptation of christ
I don't listen to Nestorians.

>> No.20536812
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Check this book out for a coverage on the topic of UFOs and the Orthodox Christian understanding of them.

>> No.20536883
File: 417 KB, 1600x1200, parallel_apocrypha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Parallel Apocrypha.

>> No.20536929

Okay, Anthony.

>> No.20537016

You guys ever tear up while reading a verse?

>> No.20537042

>"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
Every time.

>> No.20537093

When they are ridiculing Jesus just before crucifying him, spitting in His face and bopping Him with that stick, and putting the crown of thorns on Him. I usually think that I am one of those doing it in some way that isn't necessarily overtly apparent. Just like all of us are personally responsible for driving those nails into Him.

>> No.20537102

Was Adam and Eve an analogy for when God decided to give humans a conscience for good and evil?

>> No.20537104

No, it was a historical event.