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20527040 No.20527040 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading a real hobby? Or is it still just consooming media? Does it being a more active activity than vidya and anime make it acceptable?

>> No.20527043

What a horrible thread! Kill yourself!

>> No.20527059

What a horrible thread! Kill yourself!

>> No.20527096

Kill yourself! What a horrible thread!

>> No.20527104

People who bitch about consumerism need to die. You like food, right? Well you have to "consume" it in order to reap its benefits. The same thing with everything else in this world, what you read, what you see, what you play, literally everything that involves money (which you need to have a basic standard of living) involves consumption. People who think consuming things are bad should try not eating, not reading anything (literally any words placed anywhere), and avoiding listening to anything, be it music, speeches, or conversations. They would eventually die from sensory deprivation. Good riddance.

>> No.20527123

You are a fucking idiot who doesn't even understand what the arguments about consumption are. Mindlessly consuming video games for 12 hours a day or buying the latest iPhone every year is not the same as eating an apple to stay alive

>> No.20527125

>real hobby
>consooming media
>more active activity than vidya

>> No.20527128

What a horrible thread! Kill yourself!

>> No.20527136

you mad. yes, let it flow through you.

>> No.20527159

and besides those ones you mentioned might end up being requirements to be alive as well. just keep pushing my buttons

>> No.20527182

Yes. Despite what illiterate faggots might think, reading is just more consooming, it's not a fucking superpower.
>b-b-b-b-but muh obscure life changing books.

you're the same as the indie kids and the dudes who watch nothing but "cult" films.

>> No.20527185

I'm gonna make you consoom my penis, faggot

>> No.20527252

Meds. Now.

>> No.20527255

Cock. Now

>> No.20527295

kek, based

>> No.20527380

The consoomer meme has caused the insecure to talk themselves out of any genuine appreciation of art. All media is not capeshit

>> No.20528193

>Is reading a real hobby?

>> No.20528490

Arguing that consumption is bad is just a bad argument. That's like saying walking is bad, because someone walked into a ditch. Everything you do is consumption in one way or another. It's a silly black and white way of looking at things. There are many things that are harmful to some and not to others. Some person might use reading as an escape from their responsibilities and it might have a negative impact on said person's life, whereas another person might benefit tremendously from it. The point is: Grow up and use common sense and don't go on image board asking for people's opinions. Just make up your own mind and decide how you want to spend your time.

>> No.20529250

The whole reason people discuss things is to hear other people's opinions. You are one of the stupidest people I've ever seen on this website

>> No.20529258
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>more active than vidya

>> No.20529265

Son, please, stop listening to 4chan memes.

>> No.20529272

Pic looks like Elliot Page.

>> No.20530624

Yeah when it's about something interesting. Not lame ass teenage questions like if reading is considered a hobby or not. Who the hell cares.

>> No.20531388

Electronic games are the complete opposite of an active activity, they are nothing but timesinks that complete absorb any time or talents a human may have had, reducing them to less than a mindless rodent.

>> No.20531400

yeah thats a stupid opinion

>> No.20531508

He's right, though. 98% of vidya requires less intellectual activity than a typical warehouse job.

>> No.20531525

gamer cope-- it's okay though, we will put you in a re-education camp for 3 years until you grow up