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/lit/ - Literature

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20523952 No.20523952 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of the planescape torment books worth reading? Or are they just fantasy schlock?

>> No.20523964

Just play the game. It's not the best video game story(they all suck), but at least it's better than your average rpg(and books based on rpg).

>> No.20525456

the torment novelization is honestly pretty good

>> No.20525808

which one did you mean?

>> No.20525843

I meant the first one, the actual novelization by the Valleses. I know everyone thinks the free copy paste ones are better because le internet did a thing, but they're wrong. Actually I think most people who give your ranking haven't even read any of the versions.

>> No.20525901

i didn't *read* any of them, but actually played the game, multiple times. started translating the second one into german with help of the game's text data, most of the book were 1:1 dialogue from the game. never finished it though

>> No.20527321

OP here, I wasn't talking about the novelisations - I've already played the game and don't want a novelisation. I'm wondering whether the spin-off/side-story stuff like "Pages of Pain" is worth reading or not

>> No.20527335
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>> No.20528033

Just play the game. It's not the best video game story(they all suck), but at least it's better than your average rpg(and books based on rpg).