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20521631 No.20521631 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about reading the books.
What does /lit/ think about them?
Are they worth reading?

>> No.20521636

Just read them, fucking hell, is that too much to ask?

>> No.20521654

They are 14 books it's a big commitment.

>> No.20521662

I will never understand these type of threads. Just read the books.

>> No.20521667
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>> No.20521798

Currently reading and they're mostly really good books.
It is a pretty big commitment, so I'm using audiobooks rn to get through the boring books

>> No.20521801

No I want you to tell me to read them.

>> No.20521806
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The first 4 books are enjoyable enough in a sweeping but still 90's pulp fantasy kind of way, but after that a lot of readers interest seems to wane (myself included), also the Brandon Sanderson books aren't very good. When it comes to more leisurely paced fantasy series like this I generally prefer Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, The Belgariad and The Death Gate Cycle.

>> No.20521828

I'm on the last book currently, I'd say that Jordan is an okay writer, but he's a good story teller. He really planned out the series, and it shows. I won't say the series breaks new ground or anything, but it is enjoyable to read and not difficult (as long as you have time to read the 12,000 pages or whatever it is)

>> No.20521841

I love them but it really does dip midway. I've been falling asleep while trying to read at times.

>> No.20521869

You retards have never once in your life looked at a review or something?

>> No.20521887

dumb fucking retards, maybe OP wants to know if other people enjoyed it before they potentially waster their time by reading it? God there are so many autists on this board

>> No.20521894

>potentially waster their time
They're wasting their time making this thread and being on 4chan.

>> No.20521988

They're a great read if:
>you have an overactive imagination
>you easily get lost in reading and lose track of time while doing so
>you love very detailed fantasy worlds
>you have a lot of time to fill
t. read it 5 times

>> No.20522025

Ultimately I'd say it's not worth it.
*tugs braid*

>> No.20523286

Retard, it's a long fucking series and each book is pretty length.
It's a fair question to ask.

>> No.20523435

the answer is obviously no

>> No.20523483

It's an okay read but The Lord of The Rings absolutely mogs it.

>> No.20524844

They are good if you are looking for a long ass fantasy series with characters that will inevitably grow on you doing the whole classic farmboy to important persont arc.
If not, then i really cant recommend it. Although it has its moments,Jordan isnt a very good writer and the gender wars nonsense can grow insufferable.

>> No.20524939

i found it slow
they say the last few books pick up the pack but i don't know if i want to read 10 books to get there

>> No.20525044

These books were like the marvel movies of the early 2000s. You walk into book stores and immediately first thing you see is they have entire shelves of wheel of time books all in hardcover. I always looked at them as a "waste of time" cause everyone who starts them feels like they must read the entirety of the series when there's other good fantasy you don't have to commit so much to.

>> No.20525299

Yea I'm about 200pgs into Eye of the World and this gender stuff is already flaring up, don't think its for me

>> No.20525470

Read the first book. If it fails to totally captivate you and if you don't feel completely compelled to read the rest of the series, you shouldn't.

>> No.20525491

>It's a fair question to ask.
It isn't.

>> No.20525510

It's an over a dozen book long high fantasy series
I don't even have to read them to tell you that the series drops in quality after the first few books, because that's literally what always happens

>> No.20525874

Malazan is the exception

>> No.20525894

In the sense that the series couldn't get any worse, sure

>> No.20525898


>> No.20525904

Topkek got me

>> No.20526064

that's why it was so comical that the tv series added extra girl power stuff in the show, that wasn't there in the books.
the books are already ultra girl power, and they felt that wasn't enough and had to increase tenfold.

>> No.20526141

I maintain that Malazan should have been written as literary fiction. It proves that it is possible to capture the scope of modern globalized society. Erikson, an anthropologist, certainly has the chops to pull it off.

>> No.20526164

Made me laugh.

>> No.20526189

Goes downhill after the halfway point, whenever the random witch politicking really gets going I found it difficult to give a shit and kind of just skimmed it until it went back to one of the real characters.
I can't in good conscience recommend it, but if you're even considering reading it, I'd say just do it.

>> No.20526277

It's because it's the vanity project of the actress that plays Moraine, that also explains why she is the main character instead of Rand.

>> No.20526790

Yea but who'd wanna read ten books to that. Dinosaurs with swords for hands my dude

>> No.20526860

>t. Sub 120 IQ

>> No.20526887

Really like 1 to 5 or 6. 7 was ok. 8 was slow and I paused reading it for probably 2 years. A few years later got 400 pages into book 9 and nothing was happening so I'm pausing again. I have to finish the series though, even if it takes a decade.

I remember Malazan being quite good, book 7 and 8 were awesome. 9 was slow but still interesting, I never got around to 10 and am actually reading it right now. The dialogue is kind of lame sometimes, maybe because I've been reading nonfiction for a while now.

>> No.20526938


>> No.20527120

Not really, the whole plot is about men overturning a matriarchal world order and reclaiming their power.

>> No.20527139

Books 1-3 are kino, imo. Read through them and see what you think, although book 4 is really where the world "expands" (you'll understand when/if you reach that book). You're not obligated to read the entire series, anyways.

>> No.20527146

Also, no shame in skimming. The slog is real but good shit still happens.