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20516813 No.20516813 [Reply] [Original]

>hanging out with roommate and her younger sister who still lives with her parents
>roommate mentions to her sister that I’m very interested in philosophy
>sister says I am too, I love it
>really? I say, trying to cloak the skepticism in my voice. Whom do you read?
>oh, her sister says, she has a ton of books, tell him
>well, she says, I have books on the stoics and the cynics, I have read all of Plato I think and a lot of Aristotle
>look at her dryly, anyone besides Greeks?
>I have Nietzsche and I like him a lot, he’s very interesting, it would be neat if I could find a mentor on him
>what about reason-based philosophers? Like Russell, or Popper?
>she shakes her head and says she’s not familiar with them
There are still people who think it is philosophy to read ramblings and never actually touch on the advances of serious thought

>> No.20516826

I'll never read a word from this fucking robot. He has no humanity. He disgusts me.

>> No.20516828

going back in time and shooting russel as an act of mercy

>> No.20516834

Analytics BTFOed once again.

>> No.20516835

Lmao this nigga missed out on fucking this girl to Nietzsche aphorisms for analytical philosophy hahahahahahabahahahhaa

>> No.20516837

Lmao mfw when ANALytic logic faggots show up trying to act like they've actually understood anything beyond how logic operates within closed systems which anyone with half a brain already figured out day one of being born

>> No.20516842

Yo for real pretty much sums it all up
>I, an anal-licker philosophag was actually going to touch a vagina
>All I had to do was not be a know it all faggot
>Couldn't do it

>> No.20516846

I'm hoping we invent time travel so I can go back to when he was really peaking in his career and lock the door behind me while I rape him

>> No.20516852

>if she likes philosophy she will want to have sex with me
Ah, the brain of someone who doesn’t even understand philosophy. It’s for people passionate about reason and truth, like any other proper discipline, it’s not something that picks up physical interest from women, something anyone can learn

>> No.20516889

Every analytic philosopher other than Wittgenstein is a fuckin turbofaggot who doesn't understand reason nor truth. What they understand is computational logic which they then foist over every other experiential area of life, either brute forcing the notion that it's all logic at the end of the day, or by simply declaring anything that doesn't fit that mold "irrelevant," or "subjective." Literally just a bunch of circle jerk faggots telling each other how much smarter they are than everyone else for being anti social anxiety ridden nerds

>> No.20516893

They're worse than nerds I take that back they're Satan's little helpers killing every good thing in human life one step at a time. They are professional assassins of the Spirit and if this world ever shakes itself awake I hope it hunts down and kills every analytic philosopher

>> No.20516904

Glad I'm not alone in my visceral hatred for this guy. Never read a word he's written, and he is the only philosopher who cultivates such disgust in me. His energy is NOT GOOD.

>> No.20516917

>>I have Nietzsche and I like him a lot, he’s very interesting, it would be neat if I could find a mentor on him
Wasted opportunity OP, though I know you posted fictitious bait. Still.

>> No.20516918

This is embarrassing, your criticism is itself an example, it lacks reason and love of truth

>> No.20516919

Russell was one of your classic elitists who claimed that an authoritarian technocracy would be best for humanity, and claimed to be motivated in this belief by a love for humanity; when in reality, he just thought he was better than most people and life would be better for him and others like him if people were totally under his control. In other words, a faggot.

>> No.20516926

She was still in high school, this board is neurotic about jumping to sexual conclusions for a tutorship because of your excessive consumption of porn

>> No.20516929

It doesn't lack reason at all here's some reason for you
>We don't know what created that which is or what it's genesis was literally at all
The rest is all puffery from loser nerds. Knowing how logic works is fine and it's fine to also refine it's use but when you start trying to design metaphysical parameters based on logic and empiricism alone you kill the soul it's that simple. And in terms of the logic of metaphysics itself it's not logical to draw metaphysical conclusions from the laws contained within logic

>> No.20516934

It's still a wasted opportunity, you're the one interpreting it sexually. That sounds like an excellent way to make a friend you can talk about philosophy with, and saying "I wish I had a mentor" if you genuinely knew more was an opportunity. Oh well. I mean I understand if in this case, even a friendship is inappropriate cause they're teenage and you're not, but other than that, you don't have to take it sexually for it to still be a missed opportunity.

>> No.20516955

There is literally no reason here, just ranting

First of all I have no interest in tutoring someone on Nietzsche, secondly (and I explained to my roommate afterwards when she asked if I would like to get together with her sister and study philosophy) my time is very limited and her sister needs to learn the basics before we can delve into more advanced forms

>> No.20517035

Popper is a bugman. Open Society is the evil that is plaguing humanity in this day and age. Can't say about Russel, surely there's lots wrong with him too as no human is perfect; but Popper can fuck himself.

>> No.20517217

>her sister needs to learn the basics before we can delve into more advanced forms
Forgetting it's a teenager, that's where you can help someone, but you claim your time is limited, oh well. What advanced forms do you know exactly? I took your post because you named Russell and Popper, nobody who is serious (including analytics who know Russell and/or Popper) would list those two specifically on this dumb board like that unless it was bait. If you knew analytic philosophy and board culture both well enough you'd know why. It doesn't sound like you yourself are very advanced, even in analytic philosophy?

>> No.20517234

Popper was a retard who failed entry level comprehension of Plato's texts.
Russell himself would have called you a faggot for not geing able to get her to drop her panties.

>> No.20517245

Dude she has better taste than you not gonna lie

>> No.20517248

This. At least Russell was an ok logician

>> No.20517250

Why do you demand so much of other people OP? What do aim to achieve through this?

>> No.20517290

Lord Russel

>> No.20517326

so cringe

>> No.20517328

People who don’t seriously learn philosophy here don’t like them but any serious student of them does as they are taught much more in philosophy faculties of the Anglophone world than Nietzsche

>> No.20517329
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Not only are you 100% correct, but he was the absolute definition of a midwit. He propagated a misunderstanding of Kant among Anglo-American """academics""" that was so egregious and so pervasive that it only started to come undone in the 1980s. It's telling that the two most revered philosophers of the 20th century plagiarized the fuck out of Kierkegaard — the most soulful philosopher in centuries. Russell was a puffed-up hot balloon.

>> No.20517351

Reminds me of Socrates.

>> No.20517353

You understand my point though right? If you're a well-learned analytic you're not going to mention just Russell and Popper. In fact Popper is really boring even to analytics, you could mention Kuhn. Russell is very important but listing him and just him (with Popper) instead of say Frege, Carnap, and Quine at minimum is just very suspicious. It feels 4chan pseud-tier, bait and lie-tier even.

>> No.20517367

I was talking to a teenage girl, autist

>> No.20517382
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>look at her dryly, anyone besides Greeks?

>> No.20517399


Couldn't have said it better myself, if by "analytic philosopher" you mean "logical positivist." There are many good analytics worth saving.

>> No.20517464

Right? His name is not "Russel", and—although he, as an earl, may be referred to by the generic title for all gentlemen of peerage below dukedom, "lord"—he is correctly styled "The Right Honourable The Earl Russell, OM, FRS" or "The Right Honourable Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, OM, FRS".

>> No.20517489

Yeah but you're still a pseud posturing about your knowledge as if a teenager needs to learn a bunch of things before they can be worth your time, but evidence suggests you don't even know much of analytic philosophy.

>> No.20517579
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He had a hard childhood, tho

>> No.20517770

Didn’t his mom have a sexual relationship with his tutor with her liberal husband’s approval?

>> No.20517781


>> No.20517813

Bertrand Russell himself cucked T. S. Eliot. Though at the time Eliot's wife was a druggie and out of her mind, and Russell regretted it and had nightmares.

>> No.20517818

>Do you even read philosophy?
>Just the Greeks? Anyone else?
>You do? Heh, what about a specific set of 20th century philosophers?
>No? What a pleb
What was the purpose of this conversation? Did you intend to actually have a discussion or did you let your biases inform your mindset and go into it with the purpose of putting others down? You sound like an insufferable faggot
>P.S. philosophy ended with the scholastics fuck niggers sage

>> No.20517843

Is this what’s happens when you start with the Greeks? You still get chastised? What if you she didn’t get to the others op? Seems like whatever you read people are still so mean and rude here.

>> No.20517865

>simply declaring anything that doesn't fit that mold "irrelevant," or "subjective."
That's because it is

Here's some Kant
>Nothing can possibly be conceived in the world, or even out of it, which can be called good, without qualification, except a good will. Intelligence, wit, judgement, and the other talents of the mind, however they may be named, or courage, resolution, perseverance, as qualities of temperament, are undoubtedly good and desirable in many respects; but these gifts of nature may also become extremely bad and mischievous if the will which is to make use of them, and which, therefore, constitutes what is called character, is not good. It is the same with the gifts of fortune. Power, riches, honour, even health, and the general well-being and contentment with one's condition which is called happiness, inspire pride, and often presumption, if there is not a good will to correct the influence of these on the mind, and with this also to rectify the whole principle of acting and adapt it to its end. The sight of a being who is not adorned with a single feature of a pure and good will, enjoying unbroken prosperity, can never give pleasure to an impartial rational spectator. Thus a good will appears to constitute the indispensable condition even of being worthy of happiness.

Tell me if there's any meaning in this bullshit. could have been written by GPT-J herself.

>> No.20517882

He could have brought up Moore who at least could serve as some sort of meaningful alternative to Nietzsche on the subject of ethics.

>> No.20517955

While it is a based opinion that philosophy died after the Scholastics, there have been a handful of true philosophers since then and so I must respectfully disagree.

Of course there's meaning in that, you lunk. It's the introduction to his summary on ethics. It's the authorized SparkNotes on his system of practical reason. He's breaking it down kindergarten-style and you STILL can't understand him?

>> No.20518063

Insufferable faggotry on your side mate. God forbid a chick enjoys reading; if you really cared for philosophy, you'd be happy that someone is slowly getting their grounding in the basics, instead of trying to flex on a CHICK that you read this and that philosopher

>> No.20518141


>> No.20518162

You sound vapid and boring.

>> No.20518190

if greentext actually happened you are retarded, she is obviously interested in philosophy (and maybe even you)
you should help her, not dismiss her

>> No.20518202

Imagine thinking Russell and Popper are 'reason-based'. Imagine being mogged by a woman in philosophy lmao.

>> No.20518557

You haven’t even read him, it’s considered a core text of modern liberal democracy

>> No.20518572
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Russell is ghei

>> No.20518581

>What was the purpose of this conversation?
It never took place and the purpose was to get a good bait thread going with several axes of shitposting, most prominently analytics vs. continentals (continentals cannot help shitting on Russel and Popper), modern analytics and people into ancient philosophy, and incels and sex-havers, since this fabricated interaction contains a woman.

>> No.20518628

Lots of seethe in this thread, but no refutations of LORD Bertrand Russell

>> No.20518649

The HATED Lord Bertrand Russell.

>> No.20518690

They hated him because he is right.

>> No.20518702

He's Anglo, never meant to be a philosopher.

>> No.20518712

It's a cucking cuck world.

>> No.20518896


>> No.20518908


Umm sir this is reddit sir… ”my name is lord humplebump russlecrump the steampunk clockmaker pirate from the clouds”

>> No.20518932

You know it didn't really happen... right?

>> No.20518987

At this point I can no longer tell if people are unironically biting tha bate, "pretending to be retarded," or on two levels or reverse retard, double dip irony. It's like some daoist shit where you realise that even in sincerity there is an ironic moron and even in moments of pants-shitting metatardation there is a grain of truth suffocating.

>> No.20519198

Bertrand "The Narwhal Bacons at Midnight" was the original scholar-gentleman of atheism and science, and I will NOT let theists besmirch the name of the good sir. He caused my faith in humanity to = restored with his logical reasoning informed by real science and atheism and he exposed to numerous fallacies of his opponents. I would let him fuck my wife and hope he would beget a son for me to raise with superior science genes.

>> No.20519200


>> No.20519530

That's what I said.

>> No.20519567

All troons or underage edgy twitter faggots.

>> No.20520177


>> No.20520521

>finds a young girl that reads the Greeks as a hobby
>"umm but did you read literally EVERYTHING"
Fuck off, faggot. Either it really happend (which is cringe) or you made it up (which is cringe). Cringe or cringe, your thread is shit.

>> No.20520577

Fuck every 20th century philosopher

>> No.20520866

>whom do you read
rope yourself OP

>> No.20520904


>> No.20520929

Phil phags really get zero pussy even when LARPing

>> No.20520949


>> No.20521058

I generally think philosophy is gay and useless, but once in a while I read about something that's actually interesting like this. Any other examples?

>> No.20521081
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You reak of vainglory, OP

>> No.20521119

Russel would love troons if he were alive today

>> No.20521151
File: 667 KB, 598x990, tranny_tube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troons are all into marx and freud and lacan and deleuze and other franco-german pseud garbage. they hate clear honest thinking because their entire ideology rests on dishonesty and obscurantism.

you are either a troon or an underage cringekid.

>> No.20521175

Who are you to distinguish between what is philosophy and what isn’t? You’re a retarded faggot on 4chan

>> No.20521232

Them being into Marx is by design. It could've been literally anyone else but merging trannies with the misguided colour revolutionists gives the entire thing layers through which to pull extra threads.

As far as psychology goes, this one is self explanatory.
If you're looking to give something which has zero basis in biology merit, then you need to partially or entirely base it in the abstract, the oral, the convoluted.
Psychology is also considered a high status discipline, meaning it's shamans wear bigger hats.
Relativism in all fields, absolute debasement of language, and all of it backed by billions in fiat.

I am sincerely suprised there's as much push back to trannies already. Of course, this will never be allowed to organically reach critical mass. But the sheer fact it has reached a lot of people through the mainstream said the "fringe" is a white pill on its own.

>> No.20521241

>plagiarized the fuck out of Kierkegaard
care to elaborate?

>> No.20521290

>It’s for people passionate about reason and truth
it's for people who want to feel smart about themselves and parrot the ideas of better men. 99% of the people who read philosophy have ever had an original thought in their lives.

>> No.20521327
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>Ah, the brain of someone who doesn’t even understand philosophy

>> No.20521341

Bertrand Russel was literally a Satanist.

>> No.20521354

>Ah, the brain of someone who doesn’t even understand philosophy

Look at this nigger and his X-ray eyes!>>20516852

>> No.20521366
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>gatekeeping the love of truth
a common phenomena among people who only love truth for the perceived prestige the smelling of their own farts gives them among the academics
are you familiar with leo tolstoi's confessions?

>> No.20521385

>original thoughts on philosophy
i would love to hear what great questions you've pondered that hadn't already been written about by some philosopher that did it better than you, modern philosophy is a dead field exactly because it is nigh impossible to come up with anything new that some genius didn't already exhaust to their logical conclusions
the only thing that is really worth trying to ponder is the answer to nihilism but the movement would have already died with kierkegaards thoughts and the conception of absurdism if tackling that issue would be easy

>> No.20521398

if the greatest minds of their era could only come up with shit like "lol just have faith bro" and "embrace the absurdity of life" you know the issue is pretty fucking hard to deal with, the greatest philosopher of our era would have to come up with a hot take on nihilism that would kill the movement without plagarizing someone, good luck with that

>> No.20521430

Go suck off Soros

>> No.20521466

>I say, trying to cloak the skepticism in my voice. Whom do you read?
You're a pseud for using "whom" as the subject and judging someone for not reading the philosophers you are biased towards. "Who" is correct here.

>> No.20521490

You are wrong, whom is the object. You do not say, “Do you read he?” You say, “Do you read him?”

>> No.20521782

I had a serious thought once. I thought a duck taking a shit while you were trying to tell it how serious your thoughts are

>> No.20521965

find an atheist activist who is not also a coomer challenge level impossible

>> No.20522251

>I mean I understand if in this case, even a friendship is inappropriate cause they're teenage and you're not
Holy anglos! Did you even start with the greeks?

>> No.20522417

Deleuze explicitly rejected Lacan, and the slander of Deleuze is unfounded. He thoroughly valued the understanding of philosophical tradition and rigor.

>> No.20522439

>they hate clear honest thinking because their entire ideology rests on dishonesty and obscurantism.
yes, like russel

>> No.20523658

>having friendships with people younger than you is wrong
What in the actual fuck is wrong with americans? Reading this shit makes it sound like the US is a dystopian society

>> No.20523849

>Russell is a reason-based philosopher
Unless it's political philosophy or Wittgenstein it's just dreck in which people lament that there is no thing in itself. In other words, it's pure decadence, and Russell & Whitehead, for all their rationality, are ironicallly the last gasp of Platonism due to their attempt to create a unified system of logic and math.

You are literally no smarter than the people you mock

>> No.20523875

I'm not sure if I hate Nietzscheans or analytics more

>> No.20523925

>Them being into Marx is by design.
Why do the commie faggots here cope so hard about this? are you really so scared of your ideology losing 4chinz cred that you have to pretend like the boorjwah all got together and made plans to have trannies, homos, retards, and other degenerate faggots get into leftism? as if the ideology itself didn't attract those types in the first place?! lmao. Please stop the cope, you are literally team biolenninism, anti-family, anti-marriage, anti-work, etc. Where else would these useless faggots go? team libertarian? If they went there they'd have to at least be actively against gibs and be pro-economic-self-responsibility for once--yeah, nope--can't survive like that, need the state to subsidize my degeneracy!

>> No.20523930 [DELETED] 

>this. anglos are peddlers by nature. island jews.
they shouldn't meddle in philosophical affairs.

>> No.20524523

H-hate m-me more...daddy...

>> No.20524536

>sister says I am too, I love it
Stopped reading there because I know thar if you're posting this story on /lit/ it'd because you threw away the chance of having sex with her or at least making friends that your roommate gave you.

>> No.20524547 [DELETED] 

Pretty much this, look at China, Cuba, Soviet Union, or the socialist systems attempted in Latin America: it's what attracted degeneracy. Nothing to do with bourgeois capitalist exploitation and hedonism. Nothing to do with the fact that the bourgeoisie are the most nihilistic and cynical economic class in history. Mind I you I mean the bourgeoisie: that's Cameron & Johnson. Not that the petite bourgeoisie.

>> No.20524555

Pretty much this, look at China, Cuba, Soviet Union, or the socialist systems attempted in Latin America: it's what attracted degeneracy. Nothing to do with bourgeois capitalist exploitation and hedonism. Nothing to do with the fact that the bourgeoisie are the most nihilistic and cynical economic class in history. Mind you I mean the bourgeoisie: that's Cameron & Johnson. Not the petite bourgeoisie.

>> No.20524599

Whitehead later became the superior of the two.

>> No.20524669

Buddha would open the argument by speaking of the lepers, outcast and miserable; the poor, toiling with aching limbs and barely kept alive by scanty nourishment; the wounded in battle, dying in slow agony; the orphans, ill-treated by cruel guardians; and even the most successful haunted by the thought bf failure and death. From all this load of sorrow, he would say, a way of salvation must be found, and salvation can only come through love.
Nietzsche, whom only Omnipotence could restrain from interrupting, would burst out when his turn came: "Good heavens, man, you must learn to be of tougher fibre. Why go about snivelling because trivial people suffer? Or, for that matter, because great men suffer? Trivial people suffer trivially, great men suffer greatly, and great sufferings are not to be regretted, because they are noble. Your ideal is a purely negative one, absence of suffering, which can be completely secured by non-existence. I, on the other hand? have positive ideals: I admire Alcibiades, and the Emperor Frederick II, and Napoleon. For the sake of such men, any misery, is worthwhile. I appeal to You, Lord, as the greatest of creative artists, do not let Your artistic impulses be curbed by the degenerate fear-ridden maunderings of this wretched psychopath."
Buddha, who in the courts of Heaven has learnt all history since his death, and has mastered science with delight in the knowledge and sorrow at the use to which men have put it, replies with calm urbanity: "You are mistaken, Professor Nietzsche, in thinking my ideal a purely negative one. True, it includes a negative clement, the absence of suffering; but it has in addition quite as much that is positive as is to be found in your doctrine. Though I have no special admiration for Alcibiadcs and Napoleon, I, too, have my heroes: my successor Jesus, because he told men to love their enemies; the men who discovered how to master the forces of nature and secure food with less labour; the medical men who have shown how to diminish disease; the poets and artists and musicians who have caught glimpses of the Divine beatitude. Love and knowledge and delight in beauty are not negations ; they are enough to fill the lives of the greatest men that have ever lived."

>> No.20524672

"All the same," Nietzsche replies, "your world would be insipid. You should study Heraclitus, whose works survive complete in the celestial library. Your love is compassion, which is elicited by pain ; your truth, if you are honest, is unpleasant, and only to be known through suffering; and as to beauty, what is more beautiful than the tiger, who owes his splendour to his fierceness? No, if the Lord should decide for your world, I fear we should all die of boredom."
"You might," Buddha replies, "because you love pain, and your love of life is a sham. But those who really love life would be happy as 'no one can be happy in the world as it is."
For my part, I agree with Buddha as I have imagined him. But I do not know how to prove that he is right by any arguments such as can be used in a mathematical or a scientific question. I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain, because he- erects conceit into a duty, because the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die. But I think the ultimate argument against his philosophy, as against any unpleasant but internally self-consistent ethic, lies not in an appeal to facts, but in an appeal to the emotions. Nietzsche despises universal love; I feel it the motive power to all that I desire as regards the world. His followers have had their innings* but we may hope that it it coming rapidly to an end.

>> No.20524695

Stupid pseud

>> No.20524724


This 1945 text by Russell is quite well known
I cannot say I've taken the time to read the rest of the text outside of a few selections
However, this selection from the chapter on Nietzsche is comical, if not embarrassing
Russell imagines a scenario in which Nietzsche engages in an argument with Buddha
Russell, having little talent for the literary, engages in an argument with himself
It serves as a segment to highlight his understanding of Nietzsche and his motivation to condemn him– perhaps to sever him from the 'western tradition'
No doubt Russell was motivated by the rise in fascism in the 20th century and the widespread misunderstanding and misappropriation of Nietzsche
His emotionally charged words have not aged well, to say the least

We can imagine them appearing before the Almighty, as in the first chapter of the Book of Job, and offering advice as to the sort of world He should create. What would either say?

>> No.20524793

Russel was right about Neech on absolutely everything but women.

>> No.20524805

You are a pseud who neither understands buddhism or nietzsche

>> No.20524807
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>have access to all the world's knowledge
>trifle with superfluous tinkerings of logical proofs and specious rules of reason