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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2051679 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here gotten anything from the closing sales?

I decided to check (late as I was) today and managed to find some Haruki Murakami, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Yoko Ogawa. Not what I had in mind, but alright. Most of the store's gone.

>> No.2051699

I purchased the following

A Kaplan MCAT book

The Book of Five Rings- Musashi
The Stranger- Camus
Journey to the End of Islam - Knight
The Myth of Sissyphus -Camus
Amerika - Kafka
Kafka on the Shore - Murakami
The Gift - poems by Hafiz

pretty good snags, decent prices as well. I picked up some bargain cookbooks as well

>> No.2051701

Fuck you, I got no Japanese literature.

I just got the Ultimate's Hitchhiker's Guide and a David Sedaris book.

>> No.2051705
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I came in every time they cut prices down. Usually took note of what things they had and compared them to online. They would ship new stuff in from their warehouses, but mostly it was a game and gamble to leave things in hopes they'd cut prices and your book would still be there.

I got seventeen books total. Including four from this latest 80% off on politics. I spent $11 and saved $44. But I probably wont get around to them for a year or more. I think I'm done now.

Moyers On Democracy
Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction
The End of War - Capt Paul K. Chappell
Permanently Blue - Dylan Loewe

Lost some when I took The Trial of Henry Kissinger - Christopher Hitchens when it was still only 70% off
And Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky at 60%

>> No.2051722

I've got a bunch of stuff over the course of the sale. Best deal was a Silver Spoon cookbook that I got for $8 books (retails around 45) but I've also picked up a bunch of other stuff, mostly science fiction & politics.

Probably bad for me, in the sense that I spent money I otherwise wouldn't have spent, but eh. I got books!

>> No.2051741

Just a shitload of DFW.

>> No.2052202

>implying ishiguro is japanese literature

>> No.2052217

Going to stock up on 70% off graphic novels next week, if all the volumes of 20th Century Boys and some other ones are still at the store I've been going to. I've already bought around thirteen books from it and it looks like not many people have been buying there so more for me.

>> No.2052222

20th Century Boys brotherfist.

>> No.2052342

Borders sale in Singapore

My loot of the day:
Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
The Long Goodbye - Raymond Chandler
Go Down Moses - William Faulkner
Thunderball + On Her Majesty's Secret Service + You Only Live Twice - Ian Fleming
The Pale King - DFW
My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durell
Design as Art - Bruno Munari

But I had to throw out Pohl and some other stuff make room for my grand prize


It's the size of a coffee table, and I got all my deadlifting for the week done lugging this monster around.

>> No.2052344

It turned into shit at the end. Listen to my song? Seriously?

>> No.2052355


Good job on buying The Pale King, more people should read that.

>> No.2052363

When will this place actually close? It seems like they've been having closing sales for the past six months.

>> No.2052369

After all the hype about Infinite Jest, I got a little curious

>> No.2052374


I actually preferred it to Infinite Jest, although I would think I'm in a small minority.

>> No.2052375


I really should get back to reading that, currently up to Volume 5. Does it become better now that Kanna is the protag? Besides that and Monster is Pluto worth looking into?

>> No.2052378

Monster and Pluto are far better.

>> No.2052383


I want to read IJ, but I really don't want to tack another 1000 page book onto my backlog. I already am slouching my way through ADWD and I have The Brothers Karamazov to tackle later in the year.

>> No.2052385

Dostoevsky is not hard, and everyone on /lit/ has raved about his pacing. It's like reading a thriller, that's good.

>> No.2052389


I read Crime and Punishment before Summer started and enjoyed it. I plan to read Notes next once i'm done with ADWD.

>> No.2052395
File: 14 KB, 315x446, 600full-chantal-akerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A week ago I found a cheap edition of Dubliners at a closing Borders (usually Joyce is the first to go) for $2.50.

I read half way through it before losing it in a lecture hall.

>> No.2052410

What a coincidence, I found a copy of Dubliners, too.

>> No.2052412
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In Borders or in a lecture hall?

>> No.2052414

anti-oedipus, it's breaking my brain

>> No.2052416


>> No.2053045
File: 207 KB, 1439x1080, IMG_8738 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my purchases in a image.

>captcha: lyediti purchase

>> No.2053051




>> No.2053058

When they liquidate all of their inventory.

Hurry up, there still might be some shelves left.

>> No.2053063


I didn't ask what a sale was, BUT THANKS



>> No.2053065

I went in but only left with a cheap little journal... honestly even half off most of their stuff is at least $6-10 more than I found the same books in the same condition online, with shipping.

>> No.2053067

The sales don't have a definite date of end, they're just over when all the shit's gone. He answered your question.

>> No.2053068


Excuse my last post

dammit where are my keys

>> No.2053085


Good Luck.

>> No.2053232
File: 48 KB, 600x315, 17BORDERS-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, right he.... oh