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20516279 No.20516279 [Reply] [Original]

Any good readings for understanding Putin and modern Russia?

>> No.20516296
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>> No.20516303
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>> No.20516321


>> No.20516357
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Books wherein a well laid plan backfires?

>> No.20516369
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/k/ posts.

>> No.20516602
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Everything that has come out recently is so dumb and always has to shoehorn the author's conviction that drumpf was a Russian asset. I wouldn't say its entirely worthless, but at least get some books that came out before 2014.

>> No.20516617
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The "Comrade Führer" series

>> No.20516708
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>> No.20516721
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>> No.20516734
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This, but it's a rare book.

"KGB/FSB's New Trojan Horse: Americans of Russian Descent", by Konstantin Preobrazhensky, defector.

>> No.20516736

he's a dictator so theres 0 ways to understand him with out accounting for Facism and just being morally and ethically empty.

>> No.20516776
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>Local Barnes and Noble having a 40% discount on all Russia books

>> No.20516795


>> No.20516877

>Demographic and economic statistics since the 50's
>Modern projections of said statistics assuming current (or accelerating due to the coof) trends
>History of Early Russia, history of the Mongol Invasions of Russia
>Elite theory, specifically Pareto
Using these I predicted the War in Ethiopia and Ukraine, only they happened sooner than I thought, expect to see:
>proxy wars in the ME between Israel/Saudi, Iran and Turkey
>a war between Egypt and Ethiopia/Djibouti with Sudan being a wild card
>ultra giga migrant crisis hitting europe after said wars
>minor flashpoint between China/Pakistan and India over water
>the utter breakdown of South Africa
>3rd Congo war
>EU either federates or disintegrates

>> No.20516896

Carrère's Limonov

>> No.20516923

>>proxy wars in the ME between Israel/Saudi, Iran and Turkey
Has been happening pretty actively already since the Arab Spring.
>>a war between Egypt and Ethiopia/Djibouti with Sudan being a wild card
Not sure how much of a war it would be, if Ethiopia's stupid enough to try to dam the Nile the Egyptians will just blow it up and that's that.
>>ultra giga migrant crisis hitting europe after said wars
Again already happening...
>>minor flashpoint between China/Pakistan and India over water
Was already happening in those crazy gunless fights we got a couple years ago. I don't think any of these countries has an actual interest in fighting a real war though.
>>the utter breakdown of South Africa
Probably won't happen unless the EFF somehow takes power. What's more likely is that the ANC loses majority and is forced to work the DA which unironically would do more to avert total breakdown than anything else.
>>3rd Congo war
We can only hope for such kino again
>>EU either federates or disintegrates
Ultimately you'll see right wing populists like FDL/League and whoever ends up taking France post-Macron pivot into a EU-but-based policy rather than Euroscepticism, especially post-Ukraine.

>> No.20517050

Fake answer. Ukrainians are the Nazis. Putin is just am autocratic conservative

>> No.20517065

Nazis that elected two Jews to lead them and hold gay pride parades in their capital?

>> No.20517095
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>Ultimately you'll see right wing populists like FDL/League and whoever ends up taking France post-Macron pivot into a EU-but-based policy rather than Euroscepticism, especially post-Ukraine.
This is how I think it'll work out. Populist right wingers will get control of the euro parliament, then decide to create a giant fascist state instead of losing their jobs.

>> No.20517420

I don't think it would actually be fascist. It will adopt many common-sense policies on the right that are seemingly verboten now, like an incredibly hardline immigration stance. If you get Italy and France aligning with states like Hungary and Czechia you'll ultimately get a situation where the tables turn on countries where it would be harder for the populists to take power, like Germany and Spain. The EU's soft power will start to push them into supporting these policies and the conservatives will cave with their own native populist movements like AFD becoming irrelevant.

>> No.20517442

Maybe you should read what the current did to his opponents to make sure he could win.

>> No.20517490

some say that dugin's putin vs putin is helpful. then again, those faggots also said that fourth political theory would be helpful.

>> No.20517514

A team of experts from the New York Times and the US State Department has done their absolute best to pursue an honest enquiry into Chudler and his motivations, but it turns out he is just completely insane and evil and there is no discernible reason for anything he says or does. btw Ukraine needs another $60,000,000,000 and more weapons, they're about to win

>> No.20517547

Nothing that wasn't warranted by the situation

>> No.20517630

Foundations of Geopolitics
Unrestricted Warfare

>> No.20517742
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>> No.20517798

Russia is easy to understand, they are still imperialists, why is that? Because Russia never decolonized like other European countries, they still have colonies in Siberia and Asia. Those are not Russian lands, but to keep those lands Russia needs to keep it's military and authoritarianism high. But as with all previous imperial nations sooner or later Russia will decolonize, Russia will lose over 50% of it's territory, there is nothing they can do to stop it, only prolong it.

>> No.20517809

The Putin Interviews - Oliver Stone
Ukraine on Fire

>> No.20517814

Saw a podcast with Stone few weeks ago, he has drunk the Putin kool aid to the max, what a fucking vatnik apologist LMAO.

>> No.20517869
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>The Ainu are the native people of Hokkaido, Sakhalin and the Kurils.
that land is russian bro. even japanese indigenous people are russians. they just got outbreed by chinks.

>> No.20517876

thats machiavelli.
he wrote something about how the prince should act.
theres even one part where he says that the prince should grab his luck from behind and fuck her really hard.

>> No.20517930
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