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20513274 No.20513274 [Reply] [Original]

Was he gay for Queequeg?

>> No.20513283 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20514602

Im sorry that fag ruined your thread OP

>> No.20514609

yes, all other interpretations are cope and also boring

>> No.20514639
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>He was gay, Ishmael?

>> No.20514769

no, it was normal for sailors at the time to express their male camaraderie by sleeping in one bed, embracing one another, and having anal intercourse

>> No.20514861

On a surface level I'm sure you could make the argument that they were gay but I always read their relationship in a metaphorical sense. That Ishmael represents the Anglo-American and Queequeg the Native American, forced to share their surroundings with one another and bond over commonalities instead of differences.

>> No.20515210 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20515273

>immediately describes himself as the wife in his bunking scenario
>lambasts Christianity at every opportunity despite claiming to be Christian
>lambasts Whites at every opportunity despite claiming to be White
>worships shitskins and describes their features and strengths as though outright praising them
>Ishmael, the name: Hebrew origin
I think he was a secret Jew.

>> No.20515282

>takes up worship of some idol and says he's actually just being a good citizen of the world
Genuinely, I don't think anyone can convince me he wasn't a (((liar)))

>> No.20515285

>lambasts Christianity at every opportunity despite claiming to be Christian
>lambasts Whites at every opportunity despite claiming to be White
didn't happen
>ishmeal is of hebrew origin
so is christianity you stupid commie false flagger

>> No.20515290

>didn't happen
You haven't read the book.

>> No.20516102

sailors are gay in general
hell even pirates are hella gay

>> No.20516136

No. Sleeping in the same bed as other guests in a house is not uncommon. Sharing beds in history was common. The idea of having your own room and bed is a modern concept. If you paid attention to the book he goes on and on about how uncomfortable he is about it at first because he's a savage.

>> No.20516213

I'm a giant pseud who only read a few chapters before drifting on to another book, but didn't Queequeg say they were married afterwards? That's not projecting modern sensibilities, that's in the text

>> No.20516237
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>> No.20516244

I didn't get the sense they were gay at all. Giving your bunkmate a handy or two during a 4 year voyage at sea doesn't count.

Sailors jerked each other off, cuddled, expressed intimacy etc and it was just bros being bros. Why does everything have to be homoerotic to you pervs.

>> No.20516272


Either give up reading or don't post until you've read Gilgamesh, the Comedy, Chaucer, the complete theatrical writings of Shakespeare, Jean Paul, and the rest of Melville's works

>> No.20517139

It was relatively common for men to bunk up in the same bed when traveling in the those days, especially if beds were limited or if it was was in winter.

>> No.20518171

no, it was normal for sailors at the time to express their male camaraderie by sleeping in one bed, embracing one another, and having anal intercourse

>> No.20519297

>literally called Queerqueg
What were you expecting

>> No.20519729

He had relationships with women, and sex with men.

>> No.20520850

Melville was pretty gay desu. He was pretty depressed because his buddy Hawthorne didn't want to fuck him. Read Clarel for more info about this.

>> No.20520901

>say they were married afterwards?
There are multiple moments in the book in which Ishmael mentions being married to him; in the shark chapter for example. They're all explained through context and there is literally nothing gay about any of it.

>> No.20520915

what did he mean by this?

>> No.20520927

I'd like to think you're baiting but then it's too on the nose so I'm almost entirely certain that you're 100% serious and that's quite tragic.

>> No.20521657
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screenshot of my own post in the archive so i don't have to make it again.

>> No.20521682

oh shit, someone else took a screenshot of a post of mine as well. cool.

>> No.20521693

Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

>> No.20521790 [SPOILER] 

>book has Dick in the title

>> No.20522031

this takes me back
>Queequeg the Native American
he was a pacific islander though, and there was a different character that was a native American. It could have been that but it might have been a more general message.

>> No.20523431
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>this takes me back
>2016 was 6 years ago
>it might have been a more general message
melville's views on race always struck me as being very clear sighted. probably due to his time with the cannibals.

>> No.20523446

I always laugh when I'm reading a book and this happens. Like when I read DH Lawrence and he couldn't stop talking about men and boys' muscular legs and buttocks

>> No.20523465

Melville was tired of bbc, he wanted that whale dick