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File: 281 KB, 700x700, infinite jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20512464 No.20512464 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been struggling to get through this for months. But recently I've just been skipping the storylines that I find boring like the one with the half-way house or featuring the tranny quebec double-agent.
Basically I'm just reading the parts with Hal or the Infinite Jest tape.
Anyone else take this approach? Or is this novel 2deep4me?

>> No.20512475

It literally defines you.

>> No.20512542 [DELETED] 

Call of the Crocodile is honestly the most entertaining meme book out there. IJ is okay but it kind of drags on and has boring parts.

>> No.20512553

It literally defines you.

>> No.20512567

The Don Gately arc is one of the most important in the novel. He’s the second most developed character after Hal and important as his counterpart/alternative. There are parts you could skip, but oftentimes crucial clues are nested in these long sidetracks. Some people feel unsatisfied with the novel’s ending, saying it lacks conclusion, but as the author says, all the clues are there. If you end up really curious about some outcome you may find yourself rereading footnotes. A resource like the IJ wiki is really helpful for this, as it gives an index of where any character or topic is mentioned in the book. It’s a wonderful read, and I assure you your effort won’t be wasted

>> No.20512574

P.S. the drug recovery house is far mor important and less skippable than the CIA/AFR arc. Although the latter still is funny and important

>> No.20513222
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The half way house segments are the best and dong ately is the best character.

You can skip all the quebecois shit thou, doesnt go anywhere

>> No.20513229

Please kill yourself

>> No.20513240

Is this the girl that covered herself in peanut butter?

>> No.20513260 [DELETED] 


>> No.20513971
File: 27 KB, 680x652, 1614099535848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this book was boring and stopped reading it.

>> No.20514507


>> No.20514597
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1653838917179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wants to read the Infinite Jest tape parts
>Skips Marathe and Steeply

>> No.20515690

I like what David Foster says in lectures , interviews, etc.. Saw this book at a friend place, open random page start reading, shits boring as fuck.

>> No.20515697 [DELETED] 

CotC was insanely fun to read

>> No.20516293

>skipping Ennet House
>skipping Steeply and Marathe
mate you may as well skip the book

>> No.20517605

>is this novel 2deep4me?
It's an "encyclopedic novel" and by skipping large portions of it you're missing the point. You might as well put it down now because you're gonna be disappointed by the ending.

>> No.20518257

It literally defines you.

>> No.20518471

One of the double agents commits incest, and murders her husband. If you skip it, you'll miss the blowjob chapter

>> No.20519594
File: 143 KB, 712x652, EF858F58-0627-46A2-9790-B7D28D5E925C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, Call of the Crocodile is the best memebook. That one’s actually entertaining because of how off the rails it is.

>> No.20519606

Haha yeah bro, trannies amirite? Skipping things you don't like to read is fucking based!!!!!