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/lit/ - Literature

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20511767 No.20511767 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in part three and this is still fucking dragging. Fuck you to all anons who told me to give it another shot after dropping it in the first part. I have been memed. Now I'm going to finish it so as to not be a pussy.

>> No.20512103



>> No.20512110

just drop it and keep on playing your bing bing wahoos

>> No.20512118

skip it all, go to 'At Tikhons' and realise the crux of the work is in God's mercy and our response to it

>> No.20512227


>> No.20512330

I've literally never heard anything good about that book

>> No.20512332

Dosto was a degenerate pulp fiction writer who was paid by the word to fuel his insatiable gambling addiction. If you like his work you are the literary equivalent of a soccer mom picking up a harlequin romance novel in the check out line at the local super market.

>> No.20512361

pacing of this book is all over the place, but it's worth seeing through, especially if you're already in Part 3. Make sure you read "At Tikhon's" - might be in place or could be in the appendix. if you haven't read it by part 3, just read it ASAP then keep going.

>> No.20512441

Get off my board

>> No.20512451
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>> No.20512455

getting off your board won't change the fact that I've never heard a single good thing about that book, even from you

>> No.20513946

Of course you didn't, there are no audio messages on 4chan

>> No.20513955

Jesus this is thread is full of retards. Now we have to start defending the Demons as well. Nobody gives a fuck about your literary tastes.

>> No.20513965

>give it another shot after dropping it
every time i do this i realize i was right the first time around. always trust your instincts.

>> No.20513978

I recommend Nintendo to you instead. Isn't there a new game out called swap? Or switch? Where you can swap your wife for a bull or something?

>> No.20513990

One of his best novels. But I guess I might have thought this to be boring in my younger days when I was green behind the ears

>> No.20514011

Russian literature only appeals to adolescents and adults who never developed past adolescence.

>> No.20514112

dosto is just a case of extremely successful and lasting marketing (rather than writing talent). this becomes clear as people go to extreme lengths to defend his endless slogs but are like spastic children when it comes to nearly all other fiction. it's not because he's actually good, but because he's supposed to be good

>> No.20514116

How is the pacing compared to The Idiot? Cause it was a drag at many parts, but worth it in the end. I thought TBk and C&P were excellent

>> No.20514158
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>> No.20514211

Which book filtered you so hard?

>> No.20514395

>dostodrones can only think and write in memes
ha ha ha

>> No.20514719

You haven't even read anything by him, have you?

>> No.20514969

>Dostoevsky is Le bad cause he’s popular and only fags read popular books

Do y’all even read? You guys are pathetic

>> No.20515023
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Not our fault you can’t read literature that makes you think and try to deduct a lesson from the book instead of having it shoved in your face. it’s good you’re trying again instead of reading the same midwit garbage you’re used to

>> No.20515036

Imagine coping this hard

>> No.20515060
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>having it shoved in your face
dostoevsky, famous non-shover of "lessons"

>> No.20515064


>> No.20515082
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>dumb phoneposter likes dumb preachy art

>> No.20515088
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>> No.20515435

My favorite author is faulkner and his work is much more inaccessible than what I've read from Dostoevsky. You're saying I should "deduct a lesson" as if Dostoevsky isn't shoving it in your face in this book, and the prose is as straight forward as a YA book. You're not as smart as you think you are anon.

>> No.20515519

I will admit the first time I read it I was somewhat turned off by the pacing in the first 200 or so pages, but it pays off and in the end I found the book to be extremely enjoyable and memorable, and going back, even the beginning part is nice to re-read when you have an idea of the complete picture and how it fits in. Its unfortunate the book feels a little mixed up at times due stuff having to be rewritten because of censorship, but its still quite good as is imo. I am quite fond of the characters and their journeys and perspectives, and how funny it can be, and just how emotionally engaging it is in general

>> No.20515601

I never said I was. I’m retarded just like you. Why the fuck do you think we’re here

>> No.20515664

Ole' Dosty boy

>> No.20515670

Dosto is shit and it's tragic that so many people waste so much time on his inane blather and ridiculously manic characters instead of reading actual good authors like Tolstoy or Nabokov

>> No.20515714

nabokov is the definition of shallow trash, Tolstoy is obviously great though

>> No.20515740

You do realise there are people out there that have read more than 5 books, right?

>> No.20515772


>> No.20515796

kirilov is just like me

>> No.20516722

chekov has some good shorts that seem to echo the human condition variating all sorts of modern social demographics

>> No.20516827

just drop it and keep on playing your bing bing wahoos

>> No.20518318

I've literally never heard anything good about that book

>> No.20518755

it explains the american school shooters

>> No.20518791

Drop it then, I've read everything by Dostoevsky and demons was the worst, most boring one of all his works

>> No.20519320

You didn't like the 'Night' chapters?

>> No.20519388

threadly reminder that Stepan Trofimovitch Verhovensky is a FUCKING HACK just like me

>> No.20520592
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how do I remember who is who? I'm on page 100 and these Asiatic types arr rook the same

>> No.20521127
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>facebook filename