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File: 88 KB, 382x600, gore_vidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20510079 No.20510079 [Reply] [Original]

Since it's Pride Month, lets actually list fags and dykes worth reading.

>> No.20510093
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Forgotten American queer, James Purdy.

>> No.20510135

Start with the Greeks

>> No.20510143
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>> No.20510191

Guenon and Heidegger

>> No.20510194

I like Wilde, Burroughs and (early) Clive Barker.

Not sure what sort of sexuality does Camille Paglia have but her views on women are absolutely based.

>> No.20510207

>its Pride month
It shouldn't be

>> No.20510547

Lorca, he's very good at writing women.

>> No.20510558

very original insight

>> No.20510567

Mary Renault

>> No.20511366
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might as well start with a legit classic

>> No.20511377
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>> No.20511396

The Greeks

>> No.20511411

>let's list most of canon
Let's not, we need our wrists for other shit.

>> No.20511458



>> No.20511549

Alan Turing

>> No.20511563


>> No.20511602
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The best short story author. RIP to a legend gone before his time

>> No.20511625
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Fr. Rolfe, Baron Corvo

>> No.20511631

Yukio Mishima
Patrick White
Thomas Mann

>> No.20511646

What are his best works? I read about him on Wikipedia one time but he seems like he borders on outsider artist and I wouldn't know where to start with him.

>> No.20511650

Join us in the Paglia thread

>> No.20511772

Hadrian the Seventh is his best known work and a good place to start. His Venice Letters are pretty good too.
After that I’m not sure: I myself plan on reading Stories Toto Told Me, or The Desire and Pursuit of the Whole next. His other historical/timetravel novels seem a bit too far out atm

>> No.20511823

I'm a June baby, I reserve the right

>> No.20511841

>Since it's pride month

Why should anyone respect the Anti-Christ's liturgical calendar?

>> No.20511897
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pic rel

You're stupid.

>> No.20511904
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André Gide

>> No.20512297

George Chauncey's Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940

>> No.20512304

Why are so many gay authors degenerate artists? We don't need more postmodern garbage and deconstructionism.

>> No.20512311

McCullers shouldn’t count. She was a proto lesbian incel.
I just cannot respect a lesbian who never in her entire life score any pussy

>> No.20512316

>Why are so many gay authors degenerate artists?
You need to think about this for a second. The answer is easier than it seems.

>> No.20512373

Brett Easton Ellis

>> No.20512377

Oscar Wilde

>> No.20512433

Who is this proto-DFW writer?

>> No.20512502
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One of America's greatest writers, Carson McCullers.

>> No.20512511

damn she cute

>> No.20512516
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>> No.20512518

Abu Nuwas

>> No.20513608

Virginia Woolf

>> No.20513671
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>> No.20513691

>source: uhh... he just was ok!!!

>> No.20513697

kek epic bait

>> No.20514031

Still makes me laugh that this nigga was put on trial for being gay

>> No.20514070


How come she couldn’t get any pussy?
Gertrude Stein and Marguerite Yourcenar were much much uglier.
Why was she such a sad case?

>> No.20514079

He was, at the very least, a recovering catamite

>> No.20514136

Don't listen to them anon, they are just my trolls. She most likely did sleep with women, but there is no actual evidence of it since people don't tend to record their sex lives for the pleasure of the public. She was also from a very conservative city, so even more so was it in her interest to keep that stuff private, regardless of whether it was a man or a woman in her bed.

>> No.20514149

>Thomas Mann
His son was a fag as well

>> No.20514156

Two of his sons at least (Golo and Klaus) and a daughter (Katia)

>> No.20514174

Harold Bloom also claimed Koestler was homosexual, some of the shit he's was retarded.

Also >No Rimbaud

>> No.20514183

Start with the Greeks....

>> No.20514184

Homo/tranny genocide fucking WHEN? Far less deserving candidates have been slaughtered in the millions..

When will humanity ban together to exterminate these subversive pigs?

>> No.20514194

>illiterate rage
You probably can't even tell us how the homo hurt you because it would involve letters. Sad, many such cases

>> No.20514404

Genuinely responsible for the destruction of, and the continued erosion and rot of Western civilization.

>> No.20514420

Byron! He 'invented' bisexuality
Ditto to Burroughs

>> No.20514459

Homosexuals are behind practically every best element of western civilisation

>> No.20514517

Okay /lit/ what do I gotta do to find a cute homofash bf?

>> No.20514834

Email Mike Ma

>> No.20514889

I'm looking to get into Sarah Waters. I've heard good things.

>> No.20514899

Nooo that puppy is so cute...

>> No.20514951

>hasn’t read the early dialogues

>> No.20514955
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Got me

>> No.20515490

Robert Musil

>> No.20515511

Not a fag. All the women that appear in his books are women that he fucked and he could not stop getting syphilis from fucking random whores

>> No.20515566

Yeah but he definitely fucked some dudes at well in the military academy

>> No.20515571

Is it hereditary?

>> No.20515579
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>> No.20516580


>> No.20516781
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>> No.20516848

What’s xer best work?

>> No.20516859
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This. If I wasnt having sex or thinking about sex 24/7 I coukd totally do something with my life.

>> No.20516913

I hope this was a typo.

But I would start with The Heart is a Lonely Hunter as it appeals to the widest audience. She writes about general loneliness in life, rather than, for example, the loneliness of adolescence in The Member of the Wedding, or the loneliness of death in Clock Without Hands. It has wonderfully intimate characters, very dreamy prose and a great story if you have the patience for it.

I often think that if I wanted someone to understand how I feel deep down I could hand them this book and feel completely understood.

>> No.20517332

I need the sauce for these annotations, genuinely has me cracking up right now

>> No.20517360

Serafim Rose

>> No.20517548
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>gay french mommyfag jew solves literature in his 30s

>> No.20517556

Thought of these two along with Auden, especially the long poems as well as The Dyer's Hand.

>> No.20518306

James Purdy.

>> No.20518350

Elizabeth Bishop. She was a kind of Rosalind, only moreso, a real giant of perspective.

>> No.20518372

DH Lawrence and Lord Byron.

>> No.20518507

Yes, since its passed on through familial molestation

>> No.20518531

Stefan George was so gay he was misogynist, and built an entire aesthetic around that.

>> No.20518920
File: 215 KB, 1080x1920, F143D1F4-E4CF-4F6B-9AE9-D57E2A01D903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I just ordered The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. I will think about you when I read it.

>> No.20519022

Already posted, fag

>> No.20519588

I don't know what there is to think about since you hardly know me at all but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

>> No.20519634

Rimbaud is in the graphic. It’s a weird, lesser used painting of him next to the chart depicting intelligence class.

>> No.20520291

Holy fucking based swans

>> No.20520294

and shitposting. Don't forget the shitposting.

>> No.20520304

Moby Dick annotated by /lit/

>> No.20520317

Some people says Truman Capote was homosexual

>> No.20520348 [SPOILER] 

Our nearest evolutionary relatives bonobos utilize sexual contact as a social cohesion mechanism to increase group fitness. Problem with a rival chimping out? Give them a handy to chill them out.

Your neighbor being loud and annoying? Silence him with waves of ecstasy as you bring the sensations emanating from his prostate to the stratophere.

The fact men are capable of intense orgasm from anal sex likely indicates humans utilized all sorts of sexual contact and free physical love to maintain social bonds and facilitate group dynamics in the same way our closest evolutionary cousins do.

Also add to the fact human semen has euphoric and mood altering properties when swallowed, it is likely oral copulation serves an integral organizing force among primate social relationships.

Basically everybody sleeping with everybody was probably the default sexual norm for the vast majority of homo sapien history.

That's why all this fixation with labels is just kind of stupid, we're hypersexual social beings for the most part (

>> No.20520357

Anon…he clearly was…

>> No.20520378
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Personal favorite gay work

>> No.20520387
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And another

>> No.20520408
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>CTRL + F Hart Crane
>0 Results
bunch of fags the lot of you

>> No.20520431


>> No.20520437

>Fr. Rolfe
disgusting decadent pedophile seeking venetian teen boys to have sex with, utter trash he and his books.

>> No.20520483

*ephobophile/pederast: he liked them from 16 to 18, when they were tall enough he could look into their eyes while fucking them
also in what thread do you think you are? all the best gay writers were pederasts

>> No.20520523
File: 95 KB, 1000x753, Thom-Gunn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest English poet of his generation
>skips out of shitty post war Britain for sunny California
>fucks his way through the 60's, 70's and 80's
>no AIDS because lol hard top
>dies in his seventies at a meth orgy
Why don't you read Thom Gunn anon?

>> No.20520527
File: 22 KB, 400x400, Aperitivo_con_Marinetti_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was he gay or not? seriously there are so many hints here and there. casual mentions of wilde, as well as his LOVE for vitality and men, and that he literally wanted women to become obsolete

>> No.20520692

Him and Kerouac slept together.

>> No.20521092
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>> No.20521104 [DELETED] 
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F Gardner

>> No.20521122 [DELETED] 

Someone post the copypasta

>> No.20521146
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>> No.20521269
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The world’s foremost literary society.

>> No.20521336
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>> No.20521485
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>> No.20521493
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>> No.20521605

Ali Smith
Walt Whitman
John Ashbery
W.H. Auden
William S. Burroughs
Henri Cole

>> No.20521865

Not him please!

>> No.20521873

Damn he cute

>> No.20522033

Someone criticized Vidal for being a mediocre writer and finding success only in historical fiction. It was stated as if historical fiction was a lower, less prestigious category. Is this how the genre is typically viewed by the literati?

>> No.20522102

You've got it confused, they aren't talking about the genre, they're talking about Vidal's historical fiction which was seriously flawed.

He wasn't really a author, he was a professional attention whore akin to Milo Yiannopoulos.

>> No.20522434


>> No.20523917

>they're talking about Vidal's historical fiction which was seriously flawed.
Historical fiction will always have its share of anachronism, but as far as this genre is concerned, Vidal was a pretty good writer.

>> No.20523961

Paglia is non-binary and gynephilic

>> No.20523973

No just put on trial, imprisoned. The UK was chemically castrating gays (famously driving Alan Turing to suicide) well into the 50s/60s. Anglos are psychopathic.
Also reminder that when they freed the Jews from concentration camps they just relocated the gays to different prisons.

>> No.20524012

was marinetti top or bottom?
my guess is obviously bottom.

>> No.20524030

>Pride Month
*Globalist New World Order Month

>> No.20524042

Which is strange since the Anglo society was very homosocial, with all those boarding schools and all-male stuff.