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[ERROR] No.2050965 [Reply] [Original]

Don't read fantasy books in public. At least don't tell anyone you do.

Do you want to end up like this guy?

>> No.2050968


>> No.2050980

She'll change her tune when she realises I'm world champion at reading fantasy books in public.

>> No.2050982

For real though that woman has fucked up priorities if she'll happily date a hedge fund manager but draws the line at nerdy hobbies.

>> No.2051006
File: 284 KB, 400x288, 1314324206789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me.

Got as far as the 'strikes' before I had to exit out. This woman is horrible.

>> No.2051011


That woman is identical to half the girls at my uni.

>> No.2051044

Try sharing this with /v/, OP. I'm sure they'd love to hear about this.

>> No.2051053
File: 81 KB, 500x333, apples-553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl will always be remembered as the chick who dated Jon Finkel. How'd she like them apples?

>> No.2051067
File: 19 KB, 200x285, Shadowmage_infiltrator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a hardcore geek myself, I found the article acceptable. Sure, the "strikes" things were silly and the whole thing comes out as egomaniac, but consider it this way:

If she continued to date with him, she would have to deal with a guy who spends a good chunk of his day training and discussing a game that does not interests her, with people with very different tastes from her. "Different" is good, but not the same "different" every day for the rest of the life.

And her last paragraph makes a good argument:
>But there's a larger point here: that judging people on shallow stuff is human nature; one person's Magic is another person's fingernail biting, or sports obsession, or verbal tic. No online dating profile in the world is comprehensive enough to highlight every person's peccadillo, or anticipate the inane biases that each of us lugs around.

Imagine you were dating a girl and discovered she had written the most important book on hardcore feminism in the world.

>> No.2051075

The the feminist would be dumped. Feminism isn't just a silly hobby that makes you $400,000 a year like this guy with Magic - it's a fucktarded belief system that almost always wastes more money than it pulls in. Not a good analogy.

>> No.2051078


So, who doesn't want to date a successful writer?

>> No.2051081

Geeks have more quirks than feminists. And I'm pretty sure such a prolific author would have good money.

>> No.2051084


would you want to date ayn rand?

>> No.2051087
File: 285 KB, 918x726, Womenforeveralone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to be date-rapey-'d by creepy but husky old guys

>> No.2051097


>> No.2051111




Geeks sit around playing card games and board games with other Geeks. They're not particularly attractive, don't smell that great, and usually don't dress well.
They are usually uneducated and uninteresting.

Feminists, on the other hand, are extremely self-educated, use critical thinking skills to analyze every day social situations, are very well-read, and lend themselves well to intellectual conversation.

Take your pick. Because if you choose sitting in a cockroach-infested apartment drinking Diet Coke and playing DnD with a bunch of hairy male nerds, enjoy your eternal virginity.

>> No.2051117


I play Warhammer 40k and video games, have my masters, am working on my doctorate, work out, and shower twice a day.

Where is your stereotype now?

>> No.2051119


I admire your dedication.

>> No.2051124

quints for beautiful troll

unless you actually believe that crap about geeks being dirty and feminists being clean and pretty. Boys actually aren't made of snakes and snails and puppydog tails, and girls aren't actually made of sugar and spice and everything nice.

>> No.2051145

WHAT? Google Jon motherfucking Finkel before talking about how Magic players look like.
Besides, I'd go gay for Finkel before tapping Rand.

>> No.2051150

I loved the spin on "self-educated" and "lend themselves well to intellectual conversation". This post is a work of art.

But I do think the girl was in her right.

>> No.2051151
File: 23 KB, 386x350, 102983109831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feminists, on the other hand, are extremely self-educated, use critical thinking skills to analyze every day social situations, are very well-read, and lend themselves well to intellectual conversation.

>> No.2051173
File: 6 KB, 222x251, funny woman laughing wig fell off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2051176


>> No.2051182

If she didn't want to be with him because he played magic then whatever, but posting something like that in public and making it sound as though she were some sort of victim. Then she takes it a step further by dragging this poor guy through the mud. He didn't even lie to her, he told her he played.

tl/dr: fuck that bitch

>> No.2051210


Yeah he also took her to see a play about a serial killer. Who the fuck takes you to see a play about a serial killer on a fucking date? That doesn't imply anything good.

>> No.2051213

This thread is totally about books, and stuff.

>> No.2051233

again not really the point. She has every right to break up with him. What I don't like is the way she made it public.

>> No.2051237

>She has every right to break up with him

>a few dates
>thinks there's a relationship to "break up".
Why are males so insensitive?

>> No.2051242


You realize that three dates is what determines whether there's an official relationship, right

>> No.2051245

maybe to a chauvinist pig...

i'd hate to hear what other hard rules you live by, maybe i would be so disgusted i would leave this board for good!

>> No.2051250

>Why are males so insensitive?
Because we sometimes have internet articles made about us by women screaming "LOLNERD/LOOSER/GEEK/VIRGIN!!11!!" to anyone who happens to pass by.

>> No.2051252

wait so you're proud of those articles that make fun of you? you're proud of your disgusting habits???

if it was a girl in you postion she would only be more sensitive like girls.

>> No.2051254

It's even funnier than guys bitching about being so ronery

>> No.2051257

how could you be so heartless?

>> No.2051259

>wait so you're proud of those articles that make fun of you? you're proud of your disgusting habits???
Maybe you should douche your vagina since it likely has more sand than the Sahara.

>if it was a girl in you postion she would only be more sensitive like girls.
If she were in my position, she would be on top rather than beneath me.

>> No.2051267

>Maybe you should douche your vagina since it likely has more sand than the Sahara.
not an argument. irrational and insensitive as always. go shove stick up your dick pea brain.

>If she were in my position, she would be on top rather than beneath me.
i bet you would squeal like a sissy if a girl fingered you you emasculated piece of shit loser nerd. go date rape and get sent to jail for all i carefucking scum

>> No.2051271


>> No.2051279


>> No.2051283

Why do people always bite on trojan /r9k/ threads without at least saging

Anyway, the girl is well within her rights to not want to date this dude, but the fact that she thought this was a hilarious war story writing up and repeating to people who aren't her friends speaks kinda poorly of her, and publishing the poor schmuck's name is just totally shitty behavior and "journalism" - but typical of Gawker Media, of course.

>> No.2051290

>not an argument. irrational and insensitive as always. go shove stick up your dick pea brain.
My point zoomed over your head. Considering you've probably given quite a lot of head, there's probably not much left for my point to zoom past anyway.

>i bet you would squeal like a sissy if a girl fingered you you emasculated piece of shit loser nerd. go date rape and get sent to jail for all i carefucking scum
You bet I would? Well, I bet you already have.

>> No.2051299

>My point zoomed over your head. Considering you've probably given quite a lot of head, there's probably not much left for my point to zoom past anyway.
classic retort from shitstains that don't know how to argue. go back to your degrading women porn ASSHOLE

>You bet I would? Well, I bet you already have.
I'm female. Therefore biologically i wont rape someone unlike you. well so much projecting you failure loser. articles like OP are made so ppl like me can laguh at you. go back to your Tolkien fag.

>> No.2051314

You're not female, TyBrax.

>> No.2051320


>> No.2051321

wow, that chick was a hardcore bitch. luckily chicks get a lot easier as they get older.
once their looks start to go, they drop a few pegs. by the time they're 40 they'll be sucking random cocks at the cougar and letting you do anal so they get some attention.

>> No.2051322

not true at all. all women age gracefully.

>> No.2051323

I dunno, the guy Tybrax is arguing with is pretty funny and taking his whiny over the top trolling pretty well

>> No.2051328

some, not all.

>> No.2051331

i mean as people, not physically. there you go again, can't stop thinking with your dick **rolls eyes**

>> No.2051332
File: 203 KB, 1309x1600, 1307035247749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol !WvWWh.l.CE
You were doing so well not posting.
You should leave again.
I'm sure it did wonders for you.

>> No.2051333

>classic retort from shitstains that don't know how to argue. go back to your degrading women porn ASSHOLE
You forgot your "!11!!!1!". I'm beginning to suspect you have trouble discerning what letters represent when they're together.

>I'm female. Therefore biologically i wont rape someone unlike you. well so much projecting you failure loser. articles like OP are made so ppl like me can laguh at you. go back to your Tolkien fag.
Since you evince the reading skill of a semi-literate baboon, I'll "laguh" at you too.

>> No.2051336

i got bruised sexually ;_;