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20509023 No.20509023 [Reply] [Original]

Recently I’ve realized that, despite being quite socially active, I feel a piercing loneliness.
I come here because effortposting on the books I read with other anons is one of the few times I can openly exchange these ideas with the other person comprehending and discussing.
I know many people AFK but the vast majority can’t seem to grasp complex concepts.
But here the freedom of exchange comes at the cost of identity and recognition.

So either I‘m here and I‘m not really me, but feel less lonely with my ideas, or I‘m AFK and I‘m really me, but even surrounded by friends, I feel alone in my head.
Too often I have to filter the words and concepts I say and use in order for the other person to understand and not think I’m belittling them.

Are my friends just shit?
Are there books on the topic? Surely, this is a common feeling?

I’ve seen multiple Philosophers talk about it in passing but they always just urge you to act towards their ideals instead.

>> No.20509062

>oh woe is me! I doth be too intelligent for my peers
fuck off

I've found a few people, mostly men, who can hold a good conversation like that. It's rare. If we lived 120 years ago, I'd tell you to go university (if you're in western Europe, not sure about America). But today that's not even the case anymore.
But yeah, change friends. They're trash.

>> No.20509150

Go to a proper exclusive university

>> No.20509156

You're smart. Learn how to fit in with the crowd without sacrificing your private ideals. Learn how to find people you can talk to.

>> No.20509227

I don't have any friends, neither juvenile or capable of grasping abstract intellectual concepts.

Nice pic; these always make me seem melancholic, even though I'm not of the age where it's nostalgia of a better time. How can something so modern trigger such a primordial response?

>> No.20509463

I don’t know, but what I do know is that you are young and they WILL drag you down eventually.

>> No.20509474

As I see it, this place, with all its flaws, is our present day equivalent of Greek agoras and old European salons. If you want identity and recognition, you could always start using a name or a trip. But please only do so if you want to effort post like Frater. We don't need more insufferable trip- and namefags such as some other ones.

>> No.20509843

>comes at the cost of identity and recognition.

>> No.20509857

Intelligence isn't worth shit compared to a good heart.

>> No.20509863

Don't trust your own mind, man.

>> No.20509893


>> No.20510126
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I used to meet people using smoking weed as common ground. I've moved to somewhere where it's legal, and now that's about as viable as being like "oh you drink too? Let's chill." Besides I can't smoke anymore anyway. Having people to talk to about big ideas is nice, but it's more about having people who are willing to listen and ask questions I find. That and it's about you having the patience to explain, which is a real test of your own understanding anyway. In the end I think it's way more important to have people that are pleasant to be around and interesting than it is to have a bunch of big brains to pontificate with. What's the point if you're not having fun? Part of counteracting loneliness is opening yourself up too. You have to be willing to be vulnerable to be playful and have joy. I want a team with which to take and make the world, but at the core of that I still just want people to come hangout with me...

>> No.20511378

Hey OP I have the same issue, universities used to be the place now they're destroyed, my advice is to simply listen/ask more, perhaps if we're diligent enough we might find another. Perhaps build our own agora or gulch

>> No.20512726

Just accept that most people aren't interested in what you are interested in
It's like idk, doing a PhD in mathematics and expecting to have a discussion about some deep mathematical concepts with your grandma

It doesn't mean that your friends are stupid, they just don't read. And it's fine. That's why forums like this exist. But if you really can't bear being anonymous, then you can go to some lectures or events about literature/philosophy

>> No.20512825

The final redpill

>> No.20512832

This is correct. OP is relatable. You shouldn’t hold anger at people for having a different personality than your own i.e low vs high levels of openness to experience

>> No.20512865

I couldn't even get people at university to really talk about ideas. I never met a passionate professor who saw all the teaching and bureaucracy as formalities and really wanted to talk about the ideas with someone else who cared. The formalities always seem to come first, for everybody.

Sometimes I find another autist and I get excited at first, but then I realize all he wants to do is talk about the one reddit thing he's into, and then usually in a shitty way like he's just looking for a captive audience. It's so weird to my autistic soul because whenever someone says they know something interesting, I just want to hear about it. I run on the assumption that everybody wants to share information and we're all in this great information sharing quest together. But it isn't true.

/lit/ used to be a sanctuary but lately it feels like the twitter mentality is creeping in here too, where everything has to have immediate practical applications so you can make a wojak version of yourself with stubble and have a subculture to identify with.

>> No.20513688

Start a cult

>> No.20513787

Won't bother to write anything more, but I feel you. It really does suck, not once in my life have I ever harmonized with another, instinctively felt that no matter what topic I could broach with them they would be happy and willing to talk about it with me. I suppose that's just fate for the certain type of autism that pushes people to places such as these, especially when considering that the increased socialisation that modern technology enables generally infects these sorts of people as well, reducing their autistic purity to a more adulterated type that concerns itself with discord squabbles and the like.

Try to remember that there was a happy period for this around, say, 1995-2008 or so, but for most of history it's been the same thing. I've been reading Shelly lately, and he says the exact same thing: that facedown when you meet someone, vibrating inside with points of conversation that are desperately seeking egress; you let them flow out; bliss! you're finally talking with someone; all those thoughts that you've had to keep to yourself are finally coming out!... and you look at their face, the slowly increasing look of a compound of bewilderment, boredom and hope for escape.... and you stop. Another failure.

Frankly it's best never to begin at all. It's very obvious when someone is 'on your level', and the fact is that few people, even if they are your intellectual equals, are.

>> No.20513805

> It really does suck, not once in my life have I ever harmonized with another, instinctively felt that no matter what topic I could broach with them they would be happy and willing to talk about it with me.
very well put

>> No.20513833

Yep, I've given up.

It is kind of comical to think of how easy normies have it when it comes to connecting with other people though
>Whoah, you like The Office and fantasy football? Me too!
And then they'll just blame non normies who are lonely for not just getting out there and meeting new people. Pretty easy to say when you're cast from the same mold as 90% of the population.

>> No.20513842

>So either I‘m here and I‘m not really me,
You're more "you" here than you are out there, regardless of anonymity.

>> No.20513850


>> No.20513999

>If you want identity and recognition, you could always start using a name or a trip. But please only do so if you want to effort post
The mythical effort poster attention whore. Never has or will happen

>> No.20514033

This. The greatest wisdom one can find is to seek Goodness and God above intellectualism and recognition.

>> No.20514048

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.20514289

Most people have that anyway. It doesn't fix anything

>> No.20514430

A good heart isn't worth shit without money.

>> No.20514564

Say what you will about Butters, they did effort post while they attention whored.

>> No.20514598

All of her posts were just vehicles for personalityposting, she never talked about anything in any depth. The woman was fucking incapable of not bringing her SELF into everything.

>> No.20514601

Now there’s so many regulations on what can and can’t be talked about that even if the professor wanted to there’s limits to what they can say to a student. Blame the rich parents who are afraid their kid’s lit teacher will turn their baby into a communist.

>> No.20514618

>Are my friends just shit?
No, but you are certainly a shit friend (and person, probably) for thinking this way.

>> No.20514845

The “I use too many big words for these dumb dumbs” is a little pseud but there is something to be said about the feeling of isolation one has when they don’t share any ideals or higher spiritual connections with those around them. Like sure, I get along with these guys and we have fun, but whenever some topic comes up that reveals true inner values, sometimes you just recoil from what you hear.

>> No.20514927

Good heartedness can only be born thru intelligence and curiosity

>> No.20515187

>Books on intellectual loneliness?
mein kampf

>> No.20515211

>Most people have that anyway.
lol. lmao.

>> No.20515296

Rofl even?

>> No.20515395


>> No.20515493

The twist is that everyone feels as you do. It’s difficult to speak our truest beliefs because words don’t do them justice. Most people sound clumsy, vapid and pretentious when they try to elaborate. People are uncomfortable voicing them, so they stay away

>> No.20516507

I literally never saw one

>> No.20516778

I'm talking about non shithole countries

>> No.20516902

Go to a proper exclusive university

>> No.20516907

Yeah, sure. Keep backpedaling coward.

>> No.20517024

move to the biggest city in your country - they're all there

>> No.20517056


>> No.20518208

So much this.

>> No.20518568

My issue isn't intelligence since I deem myself quite stupid, but mentality instead; I am constantly involved in these weird behaviors that people expect me to process in the expected way while they just make me feel more alienated... Not to bring up trannies, but trannies are the perfect example of this: it doesn't matter if I believe that you're a woman or not, what matters is that I call you a she. When I do that, we are now friends, socially compatible. This is absurd to me. You can't concile everyone. If someone loathes you and believes you're mentally ill, no amount of bullshitting it up will open that person up for friendship. You're not friends. You're not on the same wavelength, you're grounding your relationship on this weird polite bullshit that makes no sense. But zoomers think this is how you build relationships and agree with others, by just filtering your thoughts according to whom you're speaking to. And they actually believe that this is genuine, since they genuinely believe in the filtering. It's absolutely schizophrenic.

>> No.20518614

>A good heart
What even is that? Most people conflate that with being oversocialized. Intelligence will actually make you wonder what having a 'good heart' really entails, and will set you on the path of actualization.

So being good of heart and capable of deep thought are interconnected

>> No.20518622

>What even is that?
Christian values. Whether you like Christianity or not, this is what Westerners mean with having a good heart. Even atheists in the last couple generations before the world went collectively insane meant the same thing.

>> No.20518629

>It is kind of comical to think of how easy normies have it when it comes to connecting with other people though
>Whoah, you like The Office and fantasy football? Me too!
Fkn lmao

Even though I've made friends that can carry a conversation and have the same interests as I do, I still often prefer to just read the authors themselves or secondary literature as a means to have a 'conversation'. I've found that it's generally best that way.

>> No.20518634


>> No.20518640
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It's certainly not being oversocialized - since being a people-pleaser, and fitting in with everyone, will necessarily involve destroying your heart.

Read this short book, and find out the basics.


>“Why is the truth, it would seem, revealed to some and not to others? Is there a special organ for receiving revelation from God? Yes, though usually we close it and do not let it open up: God’s revelation is given to something called a loving heart.”

>> No.20518642

>Fkn lmao
he's right though. unless you're in a specialized environment e.g. college you're pretty much fucked if you have vaguely niche interests

>> No.20518650

Anyway to answer OP there's Flowers for Algernon

>> No.20518679

I haven't had a friend or a pleasant conversation since I was 12. Books for this feel?

>> No.20518687

>We don't need more insufferable trip- and namefags
unlike the completely sufferable posturing poet

>> No.20518691

really? no other weird maladapted kid you were buddies with?

>> No.20518707

reminder that there is no such thing as a normie, just a shared mask put on so that communication is made easier. everyone is a world of their own and sometimes we fail to see it.

>> No.20518736

Some people only have the mask

>> No.20518754

A good heart will only get you abused and taken advantage of. It's weakness.

>> No.20518778

you are incredibly naive or you have zero experience with people if you think the majority of them are actually alive