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/lit/ - Literature

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20507860 No.20507860 [Reply] [Original]

I swear to god every time a get a gf who is into literature or philosophy I have to hide my firearms for fear she will snuff herself out. Before I started my MFA program I had never met anyone who had been involuntarily committed to a psych ward, now I’ve met six, all women.

>> No.20507882

>modern woman wants to rid the world of herself

>> No.20507883

There is a positive correlation between intelligence and mental illness

>> No.20507902

You seem to be the constant in their lives.
You want to tell us something, anon?

>> No.20507922

Genuinely curious, why were they in psych wards? Like what did they tried to do? Off themselves? In that case why? I think a little bit of context would be useful.

>> No.20507931

Off the top my head
>suicide attempt x3
>severe anorexia
>stabbed their mom then attempted suicide
>manic episode during which they assaulted a police officer

>> No.20507980

The constant in their lives is being the same MFA program with me you dipshit. I haven’t dated all of them.

>> No.20508039

is their writing any good?

>> No.20508056
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Distress isn’t derangement

>> No.20508063

I have been involuntarily committed to a psych ward. my mbti is one of the rarest for men, those gender personality tests usually put me at around 66% female. I am not trans or anything like that, I just have feminine mystique (neuroticism, narcissism, empathy, self-reflection)

>> No.20508066

People like that are oftentimes introspective, introspection without greatness (for women that means to be perceived as attractive) often leads to depression, and depression to self-destructive and suicidal tendencies. Why women are more likely to be like that? Honestly, no idea, women have better support groups than us yet they tend to gloat in self-destructive tendencies in more quantity, i suppose because they can't really externalize their emotions like we males can, therefore instead of damaging other people (like school shooters do) they instead choose to damage themselves.

>> No.20508067

>haven’t dated all of them.
How many did you date?

>> No.20508094

Dos. The stabber and the anorexic. >>20508039
It runs the gamut. Some of them are among the best in the program, others write pretty unhinged ramblings and are constantly on the verge of getting dropped.

>> No.20508122

I don't read anything.written by women because its constant complaining about men and trumpeting about their vaginas and sexuality.
Every woman is the same. They don't care about logic. All they care about is outpreforming men, which is totally bereft and insane to what is happening.
Men will always be better than women. God has made it so.
They hate this!

>> No.20508143

When I read a book I require knowledge. I am interested in accquring knowledge.

Women writers are illogical and sit spread-eagle while screaming insults and try to merge actual facts with their vaginas which doesn't work.
Women writers write for women readers. Everything is about their sexuality. The first word I notice on a synopsis is either the word 'men', or feminism'. The table of contents looks like a toliet bowl.

>> No.20508153


>> No.20508160

The only reasonable thing is when they hide their first and middle names behind initial letters.

They know nobody would buy their book if it was a female author.
It is an insult to all readers when they try to hide themselves. Pure deception. Just like Eve.

>> No.20508682

>among the best in the program, others write pretty unhinged ramblings
And where did the third of them you dated fall?

>> No.20509031
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>tfw no manic suicidal lit gf

>> No.20509356

>every time
fuck off normalfag.

>> No.20509367

The patriarchy is real

>> No.20509374

they throw you out of the program if they don't like your writing?

>> No.20509377

Nope, It has been debooked, sorry, pal.

>> No.20509383

your thread belongs on /r9k/ not /lit/
t. sane healthy woman with XX chromosomes who has no mental illness, and also reads more books than you
touch grass etc

>> No.20509410

This is what happens when you remove patriarchy and have women fend for themselves. They become neurotic, irrational time bombs. Randomly vacillating from "Biatch Queen" to "Little Girl Who Just Wants to be Held by Daddy". They need discipline like we need air.

>> No.20509440

Tits or GTFO

>> No.20509451

have sex and touch grass

>> No.20509462

There's less evolutionary incentive for women to hide their mental illness since they will be cared for by the community regardless.

>> No.20509469

Yea it is

>> No.20509472

How many of them were Jews?

>> No.20509492

All of them because they all got mk ultra’d in childhood with Barney and shit

>> No.20509514

And the inside and outside of an avocado are the same color.

>> No.20509518

Munns Tajima, sliding-rule, Dead Hand, ri MASINT, Munson, Youkhana, you just had to spicatum, Heyrod, laesural Panagia, penster xiphoidal, Voss arder, get it in the neck, mind, eyes on the ground, finish fetish, paper general, cold without Old Fig Garden, inter alios, oogamous, acoustic meatus, superhistorical levain, tramload, Langstroth Nadel, Shermer Scheerer, Farthinghoe, constrained, spectrelike rook rifle, Gartside BANZSL, brackett, Slattocks, Stojanov, IDFK, Porki Brayshaw, Homerite, Tail, orphan John Darlaston, Pipho muhfucka, sowbread, strikebreak, Kocur, Soley, Castellaneta, mierda, Ish Brit-com, Badian, Abderian, from the hip, why God invented chrotta, if I may say so, hardover, you can say that again, samskaric, Geddis, Avest., Catterick Graffam, sim-com, water-worn, ill turn, Brahe, FANBOYS gunpad, Sea Mills, solvently, Nasim, to let, FOW Dressen, Stoke Newington, cyber-dissident, wet-sand, bouvier des Flandres, United States Space Force, bird chorus, pants, fcc springsnail, creadit Kristensen, writting

(Captcha: RRAYP)

>> No.20510690

No, they can’t boot your for not liking your work but they can for not coming up to a certain baseline of quality.

>> No.20510700

Seems stressful to never know if you'll be thrown on your ass out if they don't like your newest assignment.

>> No.20510719

You posted a dumb hole who willingly posed a stupid cumface.

>> No.20510754


>> No.20510770

graduate school ist for people who can't or are too scared to integrate into society.
the purpose of grad school is to take people who have no strong familiar or traditional roots and make them into little drones that will pump out pages upon pages of inanity to drown out dissension against the system
you're already in a psych ward, anon
get out while you still can

>> No.20510919

lmao imagine paying for a masters in literature when books are free and libreoffice is free.

>> No.20511025

Distress isn’t derangement

>> No.20512109

It is if it’s chronic.

>> No.20512134
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anyone who reads literature is mentally ill but this is prob 2x true for women

>> No.20512447

Kate Bush is a genius you nigger

>> No.20513018

Maverick, bootROM, self-noise reference implementation, en catacosmesis, unculturability, synthetical sinistro-phizzog, Ahura Antikirinya Aduwallah, postwelfare, come to that,