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File: 38 KB, 474x649, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20506977 No.20506977 [Reply] [Original]

>read Evola
>he's essentially right about everything
Order I read in:
>Myth of the Grail
>Men Among the Ruins
>Ride the Tiger
>Fall of Spirituality
The last one is underrated, I don't see people talking about it much. Basically everyone from 19th and early 20th century spirituality was BTFO. A very wise man.

>> No.20507004


Yikes, imagine reading this guy book, what a waste of time.

>> No.20507006


>> No.20507013

You don't see Fall of Spirituality spoken about much because Guenon did the same thing before Evola and better.

>> No.20507023

Wicca for men.

>> No.20507029

Yeah, it reads like blogpost really.

>> No.20507048

Next stop: Guenon.

>> No.20507071

Yes, but Evola discusses other so-called esoteric and occult movements happening during his day, not just spiritism.

>> No.20507104
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Retroactively refuted by Guenon (PBUH).

>> No.20507232

>t. reads profane philosophy and fiction
>isn't even right wing

Not really, Evola talks more about things from a pragmatic perspective, Guenon is more theoretical. Evola also emphasizes branches of magical initiation for the Westerner, which Guenon disregards, although the results speak for themselves.

Have read a lot of Guenon too. Probably more books of his than of Evola, since his books are usually shorter. He's good for theory and broader "philosophical" concepts but Evola is better for an actual technical understanding. Also, the dedicated followers of Guenon tend to be small-minded pseuds who will never actually obtain any level of spiritual realization, they simply enforce their ego with theoretical knowledge, and enforcing the vulgar ego is the opposite aim of all properly spiritual undertakings. Reading books to make yourself feel enlightened while your civilization is destroyed is pathetic.

Wicca falls into the category of superstition, not the initiatic sciences, so completely different. Crowley at his worst is "wicca for men".

>> No.20507256

Evola is more of a challenging read than Guenon unless you read something like Symbolism of the Cross first.

>> No.20507262
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What an idiotic opinion.

>> No.20507268
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no u

>> No.20507311

Sorry anon but thats what I thought when reading it. Maybe because it was the older translation (mask and face of contemporary spiritualism), I dont know. But it read like a blogpost. He was quick with the points.

>> No.20507313

>>he's essentially right about everything
It's statements like this that make you into a retarded ideologue. Also, Evola by himself does not provide a viable tradition.

>> No.20507318
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Nah, that's LaVeyan Satanism.

>> No.20507346

>It's statements like this that make you into a retarded ideologue
>Also, Evola by himself does not provide a viable tradition.

I don't read any blogs, perhaps you're right. Nevertheless, he compares all of the modern spiritual Traditions more or less accessible at the time to Traditional initiation. There are also some references to esoteric knowledge (stuff like the occult structure of man) as well. It's a very good book if you are interested in delving into spiritual matters from a Traditionalist perspective and also just a good intro to his views on spirituality. Even apart from this it is a good book in terms of seeing how subversive modern spiritual movements were/are.

>> No.20507365

Because a lot of modern population genetics research is debunking the more outlandish claims about Hyperborea.

>> No.20507374

How so?

>> No.20507548

Taking into account the historical and archeological data, Evola was more correct than Guenon. In primeval times the king was both king and priest and the head of the household was both warrior and priest before a specialized priestly caste developed in a more degenerate and modern time. Whenever there is a professional priesthood, degeneracy has already kicked in.

>> No.20507567

population genetics (ie quantitative genetic studies) cannot refute anything about an inherently privileged and quantitatively small race, which perhaps did not even die out through interbreeding (thereby leaving no, or very few, genetic traces). you get a glimpse again of the divide between quality and quantity and explaining everything in terms of the latter. the same applies to mainstream archaeological studies which also study quantity, only in this field of physical remnants of the numerically greatest orders of society. it only becomes more complicated when one takes into account the tendency of the higher races to not even wish to leave corpse remains intact, which is how certain historical genetic studies are conducted, which rely on the fact that a given civilization has not cremated its dead (which are usually cthnonic civilizations which give their dead back to the Earth via intact burial). most of the source material evola uses for his claims come from the Vedas and other ancient texts, not "population genetic studies" and the like. actual source material and myth, which is always given greater epistemic importance, which he explains in his introductions.

>> No.20507597


The Fall of Spirituality is one of his more profoud works, if you consider it in the context of the "Occult War" concept that he discusses in Men Among the Ruins (and which is elaborated on at even greater length in Malynsky and De Poncin's work of the same name). The idea that malign supra-human forces are attempting to drag humanity back into its purely animal state via complete denial or subversion of the spiritual is fascinating.

>> No.20507628

Proto-Indo-Europeans do racially cluster nearest to Swedes and NW Europeans, but the Yamnaya, the ones that went into Europe, didn't have as much of a higher frequency of light phenotypes. Light phenotypes probably became more prevalent from sexual selection.
That's what the newest research is showing, which I've explained numerous times before.
Proto-Indo-Europeans are the closest thing to these mythical peoples you speak about.

>> No.20507633

>That's what the newest research is showing, which I've explained numerous times before.
I've just explained why your research is not relevant. "Proto-Indo-Europeans", or whatever they have been designated as, are not relevant.

>> No.20507666

Yes, they are relevant. That's where the social order comes from (i.e., priests, kings, commoners, merchants), common mythological foundation (e.g., dragons, eternal flames, the importance of truth, chariots, etc.), language, chivalry, and much more. That's why you see so many parallels among Norse, Celtic, Indian, Persian, and etc. mythologies. It's called the Kurgan hypothesis, which I feel modern research has validated.

>> No.20507670

>Evola by himself does not provide a viable tradition
his tradition is the Ghibelline Imperial tradition and cites Dante that salvation through IMPERIVM is just as valid as salvation through the Church.

>> No.20507687

based post

>> No.20507697

>Even apart from this it is a good book in terms of seeing how subversive modern spiritual movements were/are
Yeah I definitely agree. I didnt mean to give the impression the book was lacking by saying it was similar to a blog, but as far as Evolas works usually go it was a quick and easy read. Very concise. That makes it even better imo. A good introduction to these ideas.

>> No.20507701

you are conflating aryan civilization with hyperborean civilization. as Evola says in Revolt, the latter predates the former (and even other civs like Atlantean civ predate Aryan civ) and are different things. dumbass /pol/tards making pseudoscientific infographics and /wsg/ webms about muh hyperborean aryan homeland have caused great confusion regarding this topic.

>> No.20507708

There is no evidence of a Hyperborean or Atlantean civilization. Studying Aryan civilization and reconstructing their views is better.
>dumbass /pol/tards
Discussions on Evola tend to attract them, and regardless, there are many justifiable reasons to be antisemitic.

>> No.20507716

good post, the only thing is i think they would be infra-human and not supra-human, right?

very good post, geneticucks absolutely BTFO, how will mutts every recover?

>> No.20507717

you are hopelessly profane and have zero understanding of the Traditionalist view of Hyperborea
go re-read this anon's post >>20507567 until it computes

>> No.20507724

>Light phenotypes probably became more prevalent from sexual selection.
idiotic speculation to save your shitty theory.
>Proto-Indo-Europeans are the closest thing to these mythical peoples you speak about.
you mean the closest thing found that fits the theory

>> No.20507731

>There is no evidence of a Hyperborean or Atlantean civilization
You mean no evidence you've found that you deem acceptable. There are countless references to it in various ancient Traditions, as well as archaelogical anomalies. You haven't searched the ocean floor and the 200+ ft of silt and mud covering it, for all you know it could be there. Your way of knowing is far from perfect, it's why scientific theories are constantly being re-written.

>> No.20507739

I just read it, and he claims there is a small group of superhumans that have remained relatively unmixed and cannot be discovered by empirical science due to not burying the dead, preferring excarnation. There's no evidence for any such thing.
We've already discovered a lot of PIE/Aryan samples, which came from the Pontic-Caspian steppes, and I've already mentioned how they cluster closest to NW-C Europeans (though Norwegians and Swedes and others have around ~50% Aryan ancestry -- the rest coming from Neolithic Anatolian farmers WHG).

>> No.20507743

>There's no evidence for any such thing.
Because they would have been cremated you fucking halfwit.

>> No.20507747
File: 139 KB, 800x789, you, redditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no evidence for any such thing.
>There's no evidence for any such thing.
>There's no evidence for any such thing.

>There's no evidence for any such thing.
>There's no evidence for any such thing.
>There's no evidence for any such thing.


>> No.20507750

>idiotic speculation to save your shitty theory.
I'm just repeating what the research shows. The Yamnaya didn't have a high frequency of light features, but I remember reading somewhere Sintashta had a bit more. Race is not skin-deep anyways. Someone could have a lot of Aryan admixture and not have blue eyes or blonde hair and vice versa (i.e., little Aryan admixture but have blue eyes and blonde hair). Only a few genes code for these superficial features.
The Kurgan hypothesis has enough causal explanatory power in explaining why we see such strong parallels among Vedic, Norse, and etc. myths.

>> No.20507754

I did read traditional texts, and they corroborate the Kurgan hypothesis but not beyond that. The Aryans were interesting peoples. Peoples we can actually learn about from reconstructing myths, looking at ancient DNA samples, and more.

>> No.20507762

why are you even in this thread man?
have you read Evola?
highly unlikely because he explicitly BTFOs people like you

btw, we are all redpilled on muh ancient migration stuff here. save the kurgan hypothesis, yamnaya, etc talk please.

>> No.20507763

You've been BTFO several times and seem totally incapable of engaging with any material that refutes your imperfect worldview. You're like a dumb robot just repeating yourself at this point.

>> No.20507765

Also, the Peki'in cave samples in Palestine had blue eyes and blonde hair but no Aryan admixture. This is an interesting point. Their most widespread paternal haplogroup was T1a.
Only a few genes code for such phenotypes. Race is not skin deep.

>> No.20507766

People are talking about Hyperborea and you keep bringing in the Aryans and speculating that they are Kurgans or something. Do you have a mental disorder or some sort of ulterior motive? it seems like you're being dishonest here, just trying to get your pointless theory out there independent of what people are actually talking about.

>> No.20507769

How the hell have I been BTFO? You're literally claiming there was a mythical place full of blue eyed and blonde people, which then went to create most empires and civilizations. It's the most narcissistic and Jewish bullshit I've ever heard.

>> No.20507777

A lot of Indians (especially Hinduvta) don't even acknowledge how Aryans most closely racially resembled the NW-C Europeans. I do, however, because that's what the evidence shows.

>> No.20507779

>no Aryan admixture.
You don't even know what Aryan admixture is though.

>> No.20507784

>he needs to be spoonfed AGAIN
Honest question: are you fucking retarded? you're the biggest sperg I've seen in a while.

>> No.20507785
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ur being a real pseud, anon

>> No.20507787

Aryan admixture is Yamnaya, Sintashta, or steppe.
The Peki'in cave samples had no Aryan admixture. It had Neolithic Anatolian farmer, Iranian Neolithic farmer, and Levant Neolithic farmer.
>~57% of its ancestry from groups related to those of the local Levant Neolithic, ~26% from groups related to those of the Anatolian Neolithic, and ~17% from groups related to those of the Iran Chalcolithic.
Surprisingly they had light features though and no Aryan paternal haplogroups (e.g., R1a). It had more T1a.

Early Vedic Indians and Perians/Iranic peoples probably had a lot of Aryan admixture, yes. This mixture came from R1a Sintashta Aryans. The Yaghnobi and Pamiri Tajiks have upwards of 40-50% Sintashta ancestry.

>> No.20507788

>You're literally claiming there was a mythical place full of blue eyed and blonde people, which then went to create most empires and civilizations.
Yes, all of the ancient Traditions speak of this. They also came from another non-physical dimension originally. So your empirical methods are entirely irrelevant.

>> No.20507795
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>Aryan admixture is Yamnaya, Sintashta, or steppe.
According to your shitty theories, you mean.

>> No.20507801

>this positivist cringelord is posting in an Evola thread

>> No.20507802
File: 464 KB, 700x700, punished guenon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admixture %
oh my god dude
I cannot take any more of this quantitative talk

>> No.20507803

>They also came from another non-physical dimension originally
This is the most Jewish bullshit I've ever heard. It's no different than Kaballah nonsense where the light of God (Ein Sof) contracts and only the Jews received the divine light in their shells, kellipot, while all other gentiles only received the surrounding chaos. It is a highly elitist, schizophrenic view that is not based on reality or anything that is readily determinable from one's experiences.
So I should just find a random cuck Swede with blue eyes and blonde hair, give him alms, and worship him as a God? This is no different than what Jews what from the gentiles.

>> No.20507806

so I was correct here >>20507717
>you are hopelessly profane and have zero understanding of the Traditionalist view of Hyperborea

have you read Evola???

>> No.20507807

Are you Jewish?
>what Jews what
what Jews want*

>> No.20507808

>The idea that malign supra-human forces are attempting to drag humanity back into its purely animal state via complete denial or subversion of the spiritual is fascinating
Take psychedelics and return to monke.

>> No.20507813

Everything I read and see of Evola tells me I should steer far away. You are like schizo Kaballahist using esoteric bullshit for ulterior geopolitical objectives, which always wind up serving the interests of Jews too.

>> No.20507815

Your opinion on spiritual matters and matters of prehistory is so irrelevant it's not even funny. I find it highly questionable you're posting in an Evola thread though, shitting on white people and comparing them to jews, especially when you have nothing else to offer. Get out of here you little antiwhite gremlin.

>> No.20507817
File: 48 KB, 640x544, 0cdae29f3a8b76c076d943985d701775d61d9a8a0fb43aecf71573f345f19676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have not read Evola
yeah that was obvious m8

you've been one of the more entertaining posters i've seen on /lit/ in a while tho

>> No.20507818

>Everything I read and see of Evola tells me I should steer far away
>t. guy compulsively posting itt
Ya, feel free to fuck off, the thread was pretty good before you came here too.

>> No.20507822

>Your opinion on spiritual matters
I doubt you've even done a single hour of Zazen or any other real meditative style.
>I find it highly questionable you're posting in an Evola thread though,
I think the Aryans are important and fascinating.
> shitting on white people
How? I said Aryans were racially closest to whites.
>comparing them to jews
I'm comparing you Evolians to Jews... not all white people.
>Get out of here you little antiwhite gremlin.
Stfu, you mentally ill gaslighting Kaballahist Jew.

>> No.20507823

Good post. Sick of the haploautists and reconstruction trannies.

>> No.20507830

alright enlighten us about the jew from a genetics standpoint

>> No.20507831

>I just want an echo chamber, waaaaah!
>You're anti-white if you don't agree with me 100%!!!1

>> No.20507832


>> No.20507837

You said you feel you need to "steer away" of Evola but you're compulsively posting in an Evola thread. I pointed this out and it literally does not compute in your schizo brain.

You can't expect any enlightenment from that idiot.

>> No.20507838

I hate Jews and Abrahamic religions in general. Just because the non-Aryan blue-eyed, blonde-haired samples were found in Peki'in cave doesn't mean they were Jewish. I believe they predate the ethnogenesis Jews, but I have to double-check. My point with bringing that up was how race is not skin-deep. For example, frequency of light features was low with Yamnaya, but they racially cluster closest to NW Europeans.

I've played a lot with G25 PCA plots, so I've picked up on a lot of things on ancestral components and ancient migration patterns.

>> No.20507842

I'm a better thinker than Evola. My rhetoric is better for far-right goals too since I remain grounded in facts while maintaining a reserved attitude.

>> No.20507843
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ok so what is your theory on Hyperborea?

>> No.20507850

*sigh* Yet, another Evola thread derailed by 'muh race' bullshit.

>> No.20507852

>me me me
You are a mentally ill narcissist that can't help shitting up the thread, even though you admit you dislike Evola you come here and make yourself the center of attention, like a dumb little girl who knows nothing but needs all eyes on her. I'm just going to stop replying to you and I hope others do the same, you're insufferable.

>> No.20507855

let's hear this autist out, it's fun to laugh at his plebeian materialistic/scientistic view

>> No.20507858

He already says he doesn't believe in it because there's no evidence of it, please stop giving this thread-ruining faggot attention.

>> No.20507868

I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not the materialist anon you were responding to. I'm just tired of /trad/ threads getting derailed by discord trannies. I'm really this close to fucking off to gornahoor for good.

>> No.20507879

>plebeian materialistic/scientistic view
I mean, you're the one who sounds plebeian by saying bullshit like "all these ancient civilization builders were blue eyed and blonde haired"! Why should appearance and superficial traits matter when it comes to real spiritual matters like impermanence, the ultimate nature of reality, transcending the bounds of flesh, or whatever?
That's a good image, I think.

>> No.20507887

>Robert Charroux first related the Hyperboreans to an ancient astronaut race of "reputedly very large, very white people" who had chosen "the least warm area on the earth because it corresponded more closely to their own climate on the planet from which they originated"
what do we think of this?
>I don't know what you're talking about
I know my dude
>I'm just tired of /trad/ threads getting derailed by discord trannies
eh it was kinda interesting to see how other anons responded to this common haploautism view. I mean Evola clearly refuted this stuff regarding the Nazis and other forms of crude biological racists.
>I'm really this close to fucking off to gornahoor for good.
don't leave us bro!!
cmon, you can still enjoy Cologero's recipes and post here

>> No.20507886

Real tradition involves stuff like meditation, contemplation, reading religious scriptures, action, and etc. It's not about jerking off to power fantasies about a mythical blue-eyed, blonde-haired peoples. Are you going to share your wife with Scandinavian chads or something?

>> No.20507895
File: 69 KB, 500x500, ludwig-klages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do we think of this?
It seems influenced by the Kaballah, and I'm pretty sure Ludwig Klages would call this bullshit too. He is a very white looking chad too, and he's far right.
There are no chosen people. Everyone deserves a homogeneous group of 100-150 people. That's how people lived before the failure of industrialization.

>> No.20507901

>don't leave us bro!!
Idk, every tradition has their own rendition of "avoid the company of fools".

>> No.20507903

>saying bullshit like "all these ancient civilization builders were blue eyed and blonde haired"
ur the one who keeps bringing up phenotypes, not me pal

>> No.20507911

>I'm not the materialist anon you were responding to.
meant I know you're not him

>> No.20507920

Don't you pay attention to what other people are saying?

>> No.20507934

so earlier you said you've read the traditional texts
what exactly did you read?

>> No.20507939

>what do we think of this?
I think it's more metaphysical in nature. The Arctic represents the pole of immutability (keeping in mind the "Isle of the Blessed" and all the other analogs in Tradition), and the Antarctic represents the opposite. I don't think the Arctic was frozen over when the Hyperboreans existed, in fact doesn't the Tradition say that they left once it became uninhabitable? The Arctic Home in the Vedas proves the Hyperboreans came from the North Pole.

>> No.20507956

>Why should appearance and superficial traits matter
The outer reflects the inner. Melanin blocks sunlight. I hope I need not say more, but so far you seem pretty clueless when it comes to Traditionalism and spirituality. Maybe you could make an argument that in the Kali Yuga these things don't matter as much, but we are talking about the earlier ages anyway.

>> No.20507958

Charles Upton said in his most recent UFO book that ancient alien stuff is propagated by the counter-initiation for PSYOP reasons

I know this is related to the haploautist's domain, but do you have any thoughts regarding Rh Negative blood?
Do you think it has anything to do with Hyperborean influence?

>> No.20507967

>I know this is related to the haploautist's domain, but do you have any thoughts regarding Rh Negative blood?
>Do you think it has anything to do with Hyperborean influence?
No idea, I was thinking about this less than an hour ago though.

>> No.20507974


>> No.20507988

>The outer reflects the inner.
But not in a memelike, /pol/like way.
>Melanin blocks sunlight.
So? What does have to do with genuine spirituality that tackles questions of life and death, connection with nature, morality, impermanence of the body, and so on?
Why do you have to politicize everything?
>so far you seem pretty clueless when it comes to Traditionalism and spirituality.
Not at all. It ultimately comes down to what you tradition you choose to follow. I don't think jerking off about power fantasies regarding a superhuman Hyperborean race serves as a genuine tradition.
>Maybe you could make an argument that in the Kali Yuga these things don't matter as much, but we are talking about the earlier ages anyway.
I think genuine traditionalism and spirituality begins with one's first-person perspective, one's individuality, rather than the community. We come into this world alone, and we die alone.

>> No.20508004
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>this chimp is posting in a Trad thread

>> No.20508012
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mfw these niggas actually believe in hyperboreans and atlanteans

>> No.20508017

You probably don't follow an authentic tradition at all. You're just a LARPing faggot who has to believe in delusions like Hyerboreans and Atlanteans. Even if they existed, why the fuck should it matter to real spiritual topics like mortality, finding tranquility, and so on?
Genuinely kys.

>> No.20508050

>But not in a memelike, /pol/like way.
No one is talking about pol except you. I don't care about pol.
>So? What does have to do with genuine spirituality that tackles questions of life and death, connection with nature, morality, impermanence of the body, and so on?
Why do you have to politicize everything?
You are seriously asking why a race's skin blocking out the Sun is relevant to metaphysics, stability, life? morality has nothing to do with it, morality is downstream from metaphysics. I'm not politicizing anything, if you think race and politics are inherently tied that's your problem.
>Not at all. It ultimately comes down to what you tradition you choose to follow. I don't think jerking off about power fantasies regarding a superhuman Hyperborean race serves as a genuine tradition.
When we are talking about Tradition we are taking it in the Guenonian sense, the core of which is initiation. I'm not going to explain what that is to you like I've already explained other basic concepts, you're in an Evola thread and should already know. What does power fantasy have to do with anything? this is a pathetic strawman argument. I don't have to be a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Nordic to believe in Hyperborea, that's idiotic. I'm able to recognize my inferiority or superiority in relation to others. And that doesn't mean I automatically think every Nordic person is superior to me or other people, you seem to have some individualistic confusions clouding your worldview.
>I think genuine traditionalism and spirituality begins with one's first-person perspective, one's individuality, rather than the community. We come into this world alone, and we die alone.
Cool but we're talking about races.

Why are you even in an Evola thread? you don't know anything about Traditionalism.

>> No.20508057

This is the realest take. If you put superimportance on who and what you are born as, you can’t involve yourself in traditions, which goal is ultimately to disintegrate the ego from the self, to achieve the highest good from the preconditions of the self, without falling into any type of prejudicial rancour.
All traditions say that the body is worth very little, and the truth is the acceptance of what was, is and will be, not this insane utopian dribblings of racial and biological supperiority.

>> No.20508064

Stop replying to yourself, retard. Your takes are such dogshit they literally ruin threads.
>stop being prejudice goy, I say it is against spiritual aims even though I'm a vulgar materialist
>All traditions say that the body is worth very little
I am beyond words at this point.

>> No.20508069

Dago have you read Hermetic Tradition?

>> No.20508099
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You're the mentally ill faggot. I am not responding to myself. Genuinely kill yourself. I'm fucking serious. I have little to no compassion for lunatics like you.
Also, I have panpsychist leanings, so I am not a materialist, you pseudointellectual garbage thinker.

>> No.20508108

Anon is right and you are wrong. There is a great difference between Tradition and tradition, you buffoon.

>> No.20508113

>You are seriously asking why a race's skin blocking out the Sun is relevant to metaphysics, stability, life?
I hope you arent the same guy calling anon a vulgar materialist.

>> No.20508115

>>he's essentially right about everything

Literally only tradlarping incels believe this. In the real world, absolutely no one takes Evola seriously

>> No.20508135

>You are seriously asking why a race's skin blocking out the Sun is relevant to metaphysics, stability, life?
It's not that relevant to questions regarding one's unborn "original" nature, nondual Infinity, God, or whatever. Yes, my body has certain adaptations for survival, but the actual tacit apprehension of the nondual absolute reality or whatever involves an actual activity, meditation, contemplation, and so on. This is tied more to wisdom rather than jerking off to power fantasies about Hyperborea. This has neither leftist or rightwing implications.
>When we are talking about Tradition we are taking it in the Guenonian sense, the core of which is initiation.
From what I've read about Guenon, he largely focuses on the common nondual strain in various traditions and apprehending it via various meditative practices, chants, rituals, or whatever. To him it's a perennial truth. I do not see how this ties into the Evolian obsession with Hyperboreans or claiming all ancient civilizations were Nordic in appearance.
>Cool but we're talking about races.
I think it's preferable to have a racially homogeneous community for purposes of high-trust and logistics. However, race is not important for cultivating wisdom. That comes more from solitude within natural scenery, traditional praxis and practice, and so on.
How is race relevant to chanting the Heart Sutra? How is race relevant to doing Shikantaza? Why are you such an autistic faggot?

>> No.20508141

>neither leftist or rightwing implications
neither leftist nor rightwing implications*

>> No.20508168


We get it, you are trying to justify being a racist cunt. Fuck off with your magic nazi bullshit and just be a cunt for being a cunts sake.

>> No.20508213

>All traditions say that the body is worth very littl
this is a nihilistic rendition of tradition. body is a manifestation of soul, soul is a mode of a higher principle. body is supremely important in its own domain, just not in the absolute domain.

>> No.20508543
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I personally recommend:
>Revolt Against the Modern World
>The Hermetic Tradition
>Men Among the Ruins
>Ride the Tiger
Since it covers the vast majority of his qeltanschauung.

>> No.20508545


>> No.20508889

Where do you weirdos come from? This is a literature board not some mainstream reddit sub

>> No.20509001


>> No.20509011

lefty/lit/ has been seething at tradchads for years ever since we dethroned them as the kings of this board

we owe it all to that nigga guenonfag

>> No.20509026

but I am a total pleb on that subject FYI

>> No.20509503

I just meant it is pathetic to butt in and throw such low level insults when there is some decent discussion going on.

The overuse of swear words and the word 'incel' especially makes me laugh.

>> No.20509527
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the more the profane hylics seethe, the more powerful we become brother!!!

>> No.20509640

Can we get a Mario Evola?

>> No.20509660

I consider all politics to be gay, but if what you are saying is true, the move from leftism to levola correlates with the board turning even gayer, meaning leftism is less gay than rightism.

Very gay.

>> No.20509678

>Very gay.
Yes, the phallus is a virile and potent solar symbol. What's your point.

>> No.20509704

You just made it for me anon.

>> No.20510032

>the move from leftism to levola
Were you here 5 years ago?

>> No.20510115

That goes without saying, since the majority of people are plebs (the herd).

>> No.20510269

The Sun on a higher plane objectively represents the light of Truth, Love, Joy, Harmony, etc. The skin of certain races reject this light, and you can see the results of their civilisations for yourself: discord, strife, savagery, etc. This is spoken of in Traditionalism as well. For example, the ancient Aryans had a ritual performed each year wherein a dark-skinned shudra would fight a light skinned kshatriya, representing the metaphysical fight of darkness and the Light. The darker races of the south represent the dark forces of chaos and subversion, the races from the north (from primordial times) represent Light and Order, supra-human divinity. Just pretending these things have no higher meaning shows how ignorant you are in these matters (as if we needed more evidence), because everything has a higher meaning, especially racial collectives.

samefag harder, you seething retard.

>> No.20510285

>It's not that relevant to questions regarding one's unborn "original" nature, nondual Infinity, God, or whatever.
Actually it is, according to Tradition your entire life reflects these superior qualities, you were born as a certain race for a reason stemming from before/above your birth. But we are actually talking about the racial collective here, not a given individual, which is different. Sure, in theory you could be an African and obtain the highest state of enlightenment, but it is so unlikely, such an anomaly, so I don't see the point you're trying to make. It's kind of like trannies demanding all of society be transformed because <0.01% of the population isn't male or female. Regarding "one's unborn "original nature, nondual Infinity, God, or whatever", do you think all humans possess the same amount of this? why? that also goes against Traditional knowledge.
>From what I've read about Guenon, he largely focuses on the common nondual strain in various traditions and apprehending it via various meditative practices, chants, rituals, or whatever.
>or whatever
There it is again, you clueless pleb. Why are you giving me your clueless opinion on Guenon? it is irrelevant.
>However, race is not important for cultivating wisdom.
As a collective it is extremely important, and we are talking about the collective, not initiatic practices for an individual. Even for a given individual, specific esoteric traditions and practices are more congenial to different racial groups as well, which is why there are so many varieties.
>How is race relevant to chanting the Heart Sutra? How is race relevant to doing Shikantaza? Why are you such an autistic faggot?
You are one of these brainlets who are unable to comprehend the difference between speaking of generalizations between races and the individual. Once more, we are speaking of the former. We are speaking of the metaphysical implications of different racial collectives, not the individual. Does that make sense to you yet? you are like an sjw-tier moron right now.

>> No.20510376
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kek need it!

>> No.20510410
File: 21 KB, 515x128, not_samefagging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not samefagging, you stupid mentally ill faggot.

>> No.20510439

>speaking of generalizations between races and the individual.
This only matters in the context of social stability and not so much in matters that pertain to self-realization. Self-realization is an entirely individual affair.
>that also goes against Traditional knowledge.
No, it doesn't. It depends on the tradition we're speaking of.
>We are speaking of the metaphysical implications of different racial collectives, not the individual.
There is no metaphysical implication of racial collectives (in the narcissistic and Jewish manner you speak of).
>you are like an sjw-tier moron right now
A SJW would not agree that it is preferable for a group of people to be racially homogeneous. I just don't agree with your claims of spiritually superiority in a generalized racial sense. Slit your fucking throat, you arrogant schizophrenic retard.
I just don't like your Judaic "chosen people" mentality.
>Just pretending these things have no higher meaning shows how ignorant you are in these matters (as if we needed more evidence), because everything has a higher meaning, especially racial collectives.
This is just schizo Jewish tiered nonsense. Gentiles = dark-skinned or swarthy peoples; Jews = blue eyed, blonde haired Nords. It's ridiculous.

>> No.20510513

These images are all actually very nice, almost modernist maybe

>> No.20510527

>This only matters in the context of social stability and not so much in matters that pertain to self-realization. Self-realization is an entirely individual affair.
We're talking about Traditionalism, Traditional civilizations and metaphysics/spirituality, so there is absolutely a racial component.
>No, it doesn't. It depends on the tradition we're speaking of.
No, Tradition is one. All ancient Traditional civilizations knew of the same truth.
>There is no metaphysical implication of racial collectives (in the narcissistic and Jewish manner you speak of).
This is so idiotic. Blood and lineage quite literally had a sacred component in Traditional civilisations, you're retarded.
>A SJW would not agree that it is preferable for a group of people to be racially homogeneous. I just don't agree with your claims of spiritually superiority in a generalized racial sense. Slit your fucking throat, you arrogant schizophrenic retard.
I just don't like your Judaic "chosen people" mentality.
Once again, your opinion is irrelevant. Race, caste, blood, lineage, etc. are all extremely important Traditionally, that is to say spiritually. You can choose to deny this, but that is to leave yourself in ignorance.

>> No.20510537

>This is just schizo Jewish tiered nonsense. Gentiles = dark-skinned or swarthy peoples; Jews = blue eyed, blonde haired Nords. It's ridiculous.
Not at all like that. I'm not claiming I'm a 100% pure Aryan. I'm a somewhat swarthy Scotsman with some Welsh in me. We aren't saying all races should be enslaved to serve the Solar race (whatever that actually is). You're just incapable of nuance when it comes to this topic, it seems.

>> No.20510552
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I like these

>> No.20510584
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>> No.20510594

>there is absolutely a racial component.
It doesn't have causal explanatory power to **the level** you speak of. Yes, race is an important factor. Sure. However, you are making it the focal point, which is batshit insane and very very Jewish.
>No, Tradition is one. All ancient Traditional civilizations knew of the same truth.
Absolutely not. Certain traditional strands may parallel each other (e.g., in claims of unity and monism), but this does not mean they all knew the same truth. As someone who has studied multiple traditions, this is the dumbest shit I've heard this week.
>Blood and lineage quite literally had a sacred component in Traditional civilisations, you're retarded.
Patrilineal lineage was considered important in Indo-European traditions, yes, but I think you're being a bit too reductive in reducing the full theological and metaphysical complexities to this single element.
Completely dismissing its importance is likewise disingenuous, but this depends on the specific tradition being discussed ofc.
>Race, caste, blood, lineage, etc. are all extremely important Traditionally, that is to say spiritually.
Many traditional schools say that someone of lower caste can be enlightened even if it may be rare. Other traditions also opposed treating the caste/class system as being indicative of spiritual potential. I think there is a lot more phenomenological complexity that you are ignoring here. This phenomenological complexity in relationship to actual practice, chanting, ritual, and so on is in all likelihood of greater importance.
>You can choose to deny this, but that is to leave yourself in ignorance
You want 100% agreement because you are a mentally ill freak. I agree with you at most ~30%. Where we primarily disagree is in how you make this more important than it is like an elitist Talmudist Jew. For example, in a traditional ascetic school, you are supposed to let go of all attachments or at the very least now dwell on them as the mind flows freely. In a sense, you let go of the "I" and not let autobiographical memory define your "true Self". It is more phenomenological and involves tacit apprehension of undifferentiated or non-conceptual qualitative dimensions.
This really depends on the tradition being discussed.

>> No.20510607

Stop wasting time with this schizophrenic bullshit.
Read the Mabinogion and maybe some Irish myths too; learn from their values of chivalry, honor, truth, and so on. Aim for racial homogeneity in your countries/villages due to logistic/historical reasons. Maybe pick up a meditative practice too.
Just don't bullshit me with your retarded schizophrenic bullshit.
>You're just incapable of nuance when it comes to this topic, it seems.
Some topics are obviously complete shit like this one.

>> No.20510676

>unironically seething profane retard is telling me what is and isn't Trad
Thanks for the laugh. I really don't see the point in compulsively posting in Trad threads when you haven't even read any of the books, I guess you're just an extreme narcissist.

>> No.20510695

What tradition do you even follow, faggot?

>> No.20510790

>cannot be discovered by empirical science
>There's no evidence

>> No.20510798

At the end of the book he talks about how if Catholicism could be reformed while keeping in mind superior elements from classical Ancient Greece, it would provide a solid base for Traditional reform of the West. Pretty based. I'm assuming this was added in a later edition when he was more open to Christianity.

>> No.20510835

you are referring to Revolt's conclusion chapter correct?
mind you that was written in 1934 before Vatican II
he did not think Tradition could be rekindled through the church towards the end of his life and that we should look towards the state

>> No.20510868

now read Guenon

>> No.20510887

Sorry, i meant fall of spirituality / mask and face.

>> No.20510930

oh gotcha, haven't read that one actually
there's been some new book releases in English over the past 2-4 years that I need to get a hold of

>> No.20510951

IIRC he does say in some later works that he believes that catholic monasticism should be continued
and you don't necessarily need the church for that

>> No.20511082

It's not directly related (since it's too late to be properly Hyperborean), but wasn't there a 5000-years old city in Siberia that looked like a Swastika ? Arkaim I believe. Maybe there's more that have been undiscovered, but there are probanly a lot of archeological traces like that we are missing

>> No.20511107

Yikes, imagine reading this guy book, what a waste of time.

>> No.20511123


>> No.20512393

yup bumping from page 10

>> No.20512861

Graham Hancock unironically a good source for different ancient civs across the world. America before obviously about ancient Lemurians. Atlantis is fallen colony of Hyperborea, "drowned in the waves" a spiritual reference to the inability to resist Lunarian temptations. Treta yuga, silver age.

>> No.20512967


True. Evola considers that those beings are below humans.

I also forgot to mention that there are interesting similarities between Evola's work and Seraphim Rose's Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, which makes an almost identical argument (though from a strictly Orthodox Christian perspective). The message being, of course, that not everything which is supernatural or on the spiritual plane is good, and that seeking true transcendence is akin to walking through a minefield with a blindfold on.

I doubt that Rose ever read Evola's work, however.

>> No.20512973

Seraphim Rose has read Guenon, and I believe commented on Evola a couple times, which inclines readership

>> No.20513004


Interesting. I knew that he was familiar with Guenon, but wasn't aware that he'd ever read Evola.

>> No.20513032

>seeking true transcendence is akin to walking through a minefield with a blindfold on.
That sounds similar to my spiritual journey. It's like finding your way through a pitch black labyrinth where there pitfalls around every corner, and falling into just one of them can be a permanent peril. The only thing you have with you to light the way is a candle that is lit by the flame of discrimination.

>> No.20513034

Dago, have you read Yuga: An Anatomy of Our Fate by Marty Glass?

>> No.20513117

>Still not getting it.
Just read some of the books bro. I'm not the anon you responded to by the way.

>> No.20513299

No amount of facts can prove a theory as true.

>> No.20513306

I'd rather just commit to one tradition while reading real literature than waste time with narcissistic icchantikas like Evola and his fans.

>> No.20513694

No, sir. Charles Upton recommended that tho...
Is it good?

>> No.20513945

just ordered it brother
thanks for the reminder and suggestion

>> No.20513959

Evola is a charlatan.

>> No.20514285


>> No.20514290

Guenon is Evola for homosexual Christians who cannot reject monotheism

>> No.20514308

Honestly that sounds more like Schoun than Guenon

>> No.20514488
File: 27 KB, 204x286, 16222613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once we are clear about this, we come today to a paradoxical realization: that this imaginary paganism that never existed, but was invented by Christian apologists, is now serving as the starting-point for certain so-called pagan circles, and is thus threatening for the first time in history to become a reality–no more and no less than that.
>What are the main traits of today’s pagan outlook, as its own apologists believe and declare them to be? The primary one is the imprisonment in Nature. All transcendence is totally unknown to the pagan view of life: it remains stuck in a mixture of Spirit and Nature, in an ambiguous unity of Body and Soul. There is nothing to its religion but a superstitious deification of natural phenomena, or of tribal energies promoted to the status of minor gods. Out of this there arises first of all a blood- and soil-bound particularism.

>What shall we think of the attitude that regards Jewry, Rome, the Catholic Church, Freemasonry, and Communism as more or less one and the same thing, just because their presuppositions differ from the plain thinking of the Folk? The Folk’s thinking along these lines threatens to lose itself in the dark, where no differentiation is possible any more. It shows that it has lost the genuine feeling for the hierarchy of values, and that it cannot escape the crippling alternative of destructive internationalism and nationalistic particularism, whereas the traditional understanding of the Empire is superior to both these concepts.

neo-pagans bros...

>> No.20515385

Join the Imperial Cult. From Caesar to Hitler

>> No.20515470


>> No.20515778

Unironically read Mystery of the Grail. It is important. Then read Revolt, then go back to Mystery. Ghibbeline Ideal is the myth Evola has chosen for the western man to rally around. Catholic Paganism = Imperial Cult reborn. This is why he urged Mussolini to declare Fascist state above the Papacy

>> No.20515959


>> No.20515981
File: 206 KB, 720x890, 1652540292185-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. Seems paganism doesn't even make sense to pagans huh...

>> No.20516023


>> No.20516035

>christian has poor reading comprehension
In keeping with tradition. The first christian priests were mostly illiterates and were educated by pre-christian ("pagan") roman and greek philosophers, all of the more noble and aristocratic elements of christianity came from pre-christian forms of spirituality.

>> No.20516390

based HIGH GHIBELLINE poster

>> No.20516404
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>> No.20516821


>> No.20516864

What should i read before evola and in what order should i read evola?

>> No.20516980


>Ghibbeline Ideal is the myth Evola has chosen for the western man to rally around.

He explicitly states that in Men Among the Ruins. Evola wasn't particularly shy about stating how his philosophy applied to practical politics.

>> No.20516985

Gods of the Greeks by Karl Kerenyi. Homer, Virgil.
No matter what Tradition Evola is talking about, his usual comparison is the Olympians.
>reading order
Depends on your interests/where are you coming from. Political theory, political extremism, Western Esotericism, Eastern Esotericism.
>political theory
>Men Among the Ruins, Revolt Against the Modern World, Metaphysics of Power, and lastly Fascism & Tradition
>political extremism
Metaphysics of War, Fascism & Tradition, Pagan Imperialism, Revolt, Ruins
>western esotericism
Mystery of the Grail, Hermetic Tradition, Revolt, East & West, Mystery/Hermetic again, and for fun Meditations on the Peaks, for practice the 3 UR group journals known as Introduction to Magic
>eastern esotericism
East and West, Doctrine of Awakening, Yoga of Power, Ride the Tiger

There's some I missed, but I haven't had the opportunity to read them yet. This is what I believe so far

>> No.20517047

What a good book. Underrated out of his big 3. Most everyone I know reads Revolt and Ride. Men Among the Ruins was published first, but was actually written last. Evola himself compares Ride and Ruins to Aristotle's Metaphysics and Politics respectively

>> No.20517096

It's pretty good. I would say it's The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times for the 21st century, and far more accessible. He manages to bridge Baudrillard, Marx, Ellul, among others with the Traditionalist School. It was one of my early introductions to Traditionalism many years ago, and I was amazed that he was thinking the same thing I was at the time which is, what if we are all actually addressing the same problem but from different points of view? It's still one of those books where I flip through it and read it's poignant passages time to time. You can find excerpts from it by searching for yuganon in warosu.

>> No.20517150

>You can find excerpts from it by searching for yuganon in warosu.
Kek spent sometime this morning digging through that actually
I’m excited to read it brother!

>> No.20517186

that u?

>> No.20517334

>that u?

>> No.20518240


>> No.20519612

Rescuing this thread from page 10