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File: 379 KB, 1428x2048, Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20506250 No.20506250 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20506252

I'm poor though

>> No.20506256

Because, true to his writings, the proles are too demoralized to even bother contemplating their plight. 'The Culture Industry' by Adorno and Horkheimer makes for great additional reading regarding the problem.

>> No.20506267

who? where? even among bourgie leftists he's treated as the big-long-hard-to-read-book guy

>> No.20506273
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Because it gives them the sense of false superiority in their otherwise empty lives. If they truly gave a shit about working class people they'd get a manual job and give all their extra income to the less fortunate.

>> No.20506298
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The labor movement was proletarian in character from the day Marx first published his Manifesto up until the end of World War II. It was Cold War propaganda and the rise of the middle class that killed radical labor and left only intellectuals to carry on the torch of Marxism.

>> No.20506342
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>If they truly gave a shit about working class people they'd get a manual job and give all their extra income to the less fortunate
>manual job
>extra income

>> No.20506353

>The labor movement was proletarian in character
labor movement /= marxism
never been

>> No.20506359

>the knights of labour
insert reaction pic expressing mirth
the 19th century labor movement had a lot of problems, even european radical social democracy was imperfect, i feel no need to be nostalgic

>> No.20506373

Strange indeed. Especially considering the sheer quantity of XIXth century economy working class people keep reading and studying. One could almost believe they avoid Marx on purpose.

>> No.20506385

This isn’t true. Marxist adherents only being urban intellectuals led to the failure of ‘going to the people’

>> No.20506398

I weld pipes and have 2k USD a month extra after bills.

>> No.20506412
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I hate rightoids and their sense of superiority. Normalfaggots now claim from the right and think you're a commie if you even say something that triggers them. Is reading Marx the solution to piss off these retards?

>> No.20506425

>Normalfaggots now claim from the right

>> No.20506441

I'm ESL. What I meant was something like nowadays social media is infested by these retards. Like IDK, is rightoids the word? I'm peruvian and they hate commies here and call you a terrorist if you say something that triggers them

>> No.20506445

Those elements of the bourgeoise don't read Marx. They merely claim to. They only pretend to and they say the titles of his books. The ones that actually do read, misinterpret his words it as if he was a social democrat. In reality, Marx advocated their expropriation, and indeed, extermination. The proletariat Marx talked about are the so-called deplorables, Trump voters. Even ideologically and in praxis, Marxism-Leninism resembles right-wing politics. The class antagonisms of contemporary politics are clear. Rich city "successful" slickers vote for democrats. Flyover "poorfags" vote for trump.

>> No.20506449

>I'm peruvian and they hate commies here and call you a terrorist if you say something that triggers them
CIA has truly worked marvels in South America.

>> No.20506451

ding ding ding

>> No.20506495

Because only they have enough time to read, unlike /lit/.

>> No.20506500
File: 319 KB, 500x425, Sendero-Luminoso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, Peru, home of True Marxism and the Shining Thought Of The Shining Leader Chairman Gonzalo
idk what Spanish translations of Das Kapital are like but give it a read

>> No.20506509

I'm third position. I like the aristocracy of the right but am against capitalism

>> No.20506521

Resentful lunatics that did billions in economic damage, ruined/ended countless lives, and set Peru back for decades. they were evil, and so are you.

>> No.20506543

i was poking fun at sendero luminoso and their international followers

>> No.20506663

Fuck you all. Sendero Luminoso was Based as hell.

>> No.20506671

Depends. In which way?

>> No.20506781

Marx is literal garbage
Read The Little Red Book, literally all the leftist thinking you need is in it

>> No.20506786
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>> No.20506815

Maybe the whole concept of class was a spook all along.

>> No.20506819

Because that’s what Marx wanted.
Marx’s idea was for an already wealthy country to become socialist. A wealthy country has the infrastructure and economic freedom to make socialism work.
Bolsheviks and the soviets fucked everything up, specifically Lenin, he knew socialism would not work in torn up Russia, and still pushed for it, and look what happened.
Russia didn’t have the infrastructure, they didn’t have a good economy, their peasants were revolting prior to the commies.
Marx has a beautiful idea, but he doesn’t understand humans, therefore his idea is not great, it’s fantasy.

>> No.20507165

Maybe on the Spanish speaking side of the web. Almost all English sites have a problem with far left tranny jannies.

>> No.20507350

to be fair shining path is awful

>> No.20507358

get the fuck off my board third worlder scum.

>> No.20507359

Capitalism is falling apart bros... maybe he was on to something

>> No.20507361

troon or underage?

>> No.20507363

Projected guilt taken to full blown narcissism heights

>> No.20507366

I weld pipes on your mom bro

>> No.20507369
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aaaghh it almost happened in 1920... it will happen soon now though for sure, it's a finished recipe marxsisters

>> No.20507415

thanks for the cool website comrade

>> No.20507452

Those fucking Northerners still can’t get over Thatcher. Absolutely pathetic

>> No.20508167
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>If they truly gave a shit about working class people they'd get a manual job and give all their extra income to the less fortunate.
And if we were born in the 1800's would you have to voluntarily give yourself as a slave in order to say you're anti-slavery? For the record I thought like this as a kid and actually became a welder, destroyed my body for terrible bosses, made a lot of working class friend and understood their plight better, even more convinced that the working class can run thing better than archaic absentee dictatorial management. Overall, it was a horrible experience. I gave the best years of my life making shit loads of money for people who will never know my name. My lungs were permanently damaged by dangerous working conditions for a few bucks that I was too tired and in pain to spend anyway. I now teach at risk kids in the inner city. Am I now allowed to support Marxist theory great Capitalist gatekeeper?

>> No.20508204

We can apply a modern Materialist analysis of why this socio-economic-political divide exists. The long and short of it is that the upper class has adopted a politic that reflects the values of the managerial class. They're like the house slaves of Capitalism so their whole goal is to make the current power structure seem as good, moral, and universal in order to sustain their own power. Meanwhile, Republicans are largely the children of people whose careers have been shipped overseas to slave labor. They know that to have any hope of sustaining or rebuilding their careers is to make their own lives so horrific that the corporations will abandon cent on the hour with hyper-cheap shipping just to put "made in America" on their products. They are both just supporting their material interests in the worst ways possible.

>> No.20508214

>made a lot of working class friend and understood their plight better
This is some of the most bourgeois shit I have ever read

>> No.20508223

Read Settlers

>> No.20508250

Well I'm very much established Bourgoisie so that would make a lot of sense. I see both the Bourgoise and Prolietarian as being removed from the complete of the human experience in a very sad way.

>> No.20508460
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>How come the only people who care about this man's writings are bourgeois?

ah, so this is the infamous american education i keep hearing about. its even worse than i thought

>> No.20508479

Yeah well we got electricity, flowing water, high paying jobs, affordable education, and air conditioning, what do you got?

>> No.20508495


Probably because this man has devised an iron clad system of starvenomics that can turn even the middle class into lifeless husks in record time.
It's been proven again and again, and the uppity bourgeois refuse to embrace malnutrition as a lifestyle.

>> No.20508503

Because the working classes don’t read.

>> No.20508842

Pretty sure this is not the case. I think the most common demographic for Marx readers are currently underemployed people with 5 years or more of higher education.

>> No.20508848

I'm sure this is due to some association with Shining Path.

>> No.20509017

He was a big meanie to Bakunin. Reading about them is very interesting. Marx may have been a paranoiac and Bakunin schizophrenic

>> No.20509053
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>utopian faggot with no understatement of human nature
>makes a few good points in a sea of garbage
>midwits who think they are smart worship him now

>> No.20509063

It truly blows my mind that people continue to take Marx’s idea of communism seriously in the 21st century.
The more intelligent thinkers on the left like Zizek understand that classical Marxism is nothing more than a fantasy, but the footsoldiers never got the memo. There are still people out there who think we’re going to have one final revolution which will usher in the final stage of history and all social antagonisms will be resolved.

>> No.20509067

Marx & Freud attract disproportionate amounts of seethe from people that know about their work from a college class, 3 YouTube videos and a secondary source that told them they're trash.

>> No.20509089

You mean in the west? Have you considered there is a world outside America and Europe?

>> No.20509135

Because the actual poor are mostly rural villagers in third world countries (America is also third world at this point in time) and he is unwittingly used as a vehicle by radlibs to justify WEF's seizure of private property, which is undoubtedly the real reason why urbanite shitheads love him.

>> No.20509142

Marx & Freud attract disproportionate amounts of reverence from people that are afraid of math and stats.

>> No.20509151

Leftypol cope term

>> No.20509178

1) Marx said that there would be a final global communist revolution that would usher in the final stage of human development in which all social contradictions would be resolved. This is obviously retarded, and is probably based on a catastrophic misreading of Hegel as well.

2) "Capitalism" quite literally does not exist. At least, it doesn't exist as a unique, discrete stage of social/economic development that first came into being during the industrial revolution. Any supposedly identifying feature of capitalism, like private property ownership or wage labor, could be found in "pre-capitalist" societies as well. The only thing that was really new about the "capitalist societies" of Marx's time was more efficient methods of industrial production - but this by itself isn't a particularly interesting observation, because humans have been inventing and refining tools since forever.
If Marx's foundational assumptions are so drastically incorrect, it doesn't bode well for the rest of his theory.

3) Any attempt to put his ideas into practice has resulted in misery and death on a massive scale.

I'd say the seethe is justified.

>> No.20509213

>school of suspicion doesnt do modernist number crunching for naive positivist data therefore dumb

>> No.20509219

>Any supposedly identifying feature of capitalism, like private property ownership or wage labor, could be found in "pre-capitalist" societies as well.
he knows this lmao

>> No.20509223

Facts don't care about your feelings marxtard

>> No.20509237

Ok, he knows that his system of thought is incoherent then. Cool.
You can only say "X social problem is because of capitalism" if capitalism is actually a new thing that came into being at some point in history. Which it's not.
If capitalism doesn't exist, then "X problem is because of capitalism" basically reduces to "X problem is because we haven't reached the theoretical utopian endpoint of human development". Which is, you know, trivially obvious.

>> No.20509340

>and is probably based on a catastrophic misreading of Hegel as well
"probably"! haha. it's based on the study of human history, not on Hegel or whatever
>Any supposedly identifying feature of capitalism, like private property ownership or wage labor, could be found in "pre-capitalist" societies as well.
how about the dominant role of production using wage labour in total production? which pre-capitalist society does that feature in? sounds like you just haven't read Marx and you're doing the classic move of projecting your own ignorance into the deficiencies of the object of your ignorance
>If Marx's foundational assumptions are so drastically incorrect, it doesn't bode well for the rest of his theory
and how does your level of familiarity with his work bode for your attempts at assessing it?
>Any attempt to put his ideas into practice has resulted in misery and death on a massive scale.
which of his ideas, where and how has it resulted in misery?

>> No.20509452

Never read him and proud of it. Life’s too short. Cope and seethe. Explain to me how the next revolution really will lead to the dictatorship of the proletariat instead of the dictatorship of a power hungry opportunist.

>> No.20509632

a person can't sustain his own dictatorship over an entire state unless he has the strength of a dragon ball character

>> No.20509639

It’s funny how only shithole countries fall for Marx’

>> No.20509693

Because proles care about not being fucked, not about any particular political system. You reminded me of when I tried in vain to explain to a commie I knew that, while both the russian and chinese revolutions were guided by an educated political class (who ironically were bourgeoise and aristocracy themselves) it’s absolutely insane to think that the masses of half-starved peasants were anything more than that, much less some enlightened people who developed class consciousness through the glory of gommunism :DDDDD

>> No.20509719

>capable of contemplation
Lmao, Marxism really is thinly veiled humanism. Utterly plebeian.

>> No.20509934

The facts are you are too young to be on this website for grown ups. I also did quantitative analysis of your post and it says you are never getting laid.

>> No.20510002

I've read that the jump in literacy & living standards compared to pre revolution Russia was unprecedented.

>> No.20510007

Maybe you should try reading the person you're arguing against? Marx explains what Capitalism is and it's relationship to other modes of production. Obviously, the way our current and a medieval economies function is radically different. Obviously nothing is a true binary in the real world but that doesn't mean we can't describe it. Also you should look into the history of wage labor. Wage labor before the Capitalist system either did not exist or was a relatively rare form of slavery. Almost nobody interacted with the wage labor process since the terms were usually tyranicanical (peasants and craftsman controlled their own own). It was only after the enclosure movement where huge swaths of the population had their land stolen from them and were forced into starvation or slavery.

>> No.20510010

You need some reading comprehension he said the opposite of that

>> No.20510058

It was. Cuba, China and Russia; all these places saw improvements in the standard of living post revolution. The thing is, the masses that supported these movements did it out of hope that things would get better, not due to some ideological meme.
Tbh, I think this holds true for most of the people in any part of the political spectrum. Most of them are in it just for what they consider a better life and don’t really care that much about the abstract mumbo-jumbo; that remains the realm of academics, maladjusted and conmen.
Of course, there’s also the cunts who like to dictate the lives of others or who see politics as a tool of ideological indoctrination.

>> No.20510076

This analysis is wrong because the middle class is still firmly evenly split between democrats and republicans. There is plenty of affluent Republicans or middle class republicans who live, alongside liberals, in white majority towns that are around 60/40 or
50/50 dem/repub. The Republican populism is just more vocal.

>> No.20510096

>Central to Marx’s treatment of modern slavery was the recognition of the absolutely horrific nature of slaveowner capitalism, which made it worse than all other forms of slavery known in history.
I like how obvious the mental gymnastics are when it comes to slavery. The western "horrific" capitalist system freed slaves globally. The worst form of slavery in recent history was done by the muslims who weren't "capitalists" except in the broadest definitions that also apply to imagined commie systems.

>> No.20510158

>The western "horrific" capitalist system freed slaves globally
You do know most of the mass produced shit people buy comes from slave labour, right? Just last year Nestlé went to court for it, although predictably nothing happened.

>> No.20510176

Based on what?

>> No.20510209

Communism and Anarchism is just proof the white terror didn't go far enough. These people are just Neo-Jacobins.

>> No.20510210

Tariffs. Problem completely solved. Pollution too.
>nooo not like that! muh dehydrated cocoa and sawdust products!

>> No.20510221

Cope isn't actually real.

>> No.20510240

>Just last year Nestlé went to court for it, although predictably nothing happened.
This is a lie. Migrant workers were abused at a facility in some shitty country that Nestle operated in. The majority of the people working at Nestle are not doing slave labor you fucking retard.

>> No.20510243

Has anyone noticed that most people on 4chan are poor? I know poor people are more numerous but I think only poor people would waste their free time or even work hours browsing 4chan. There’s also a lot of young people, who must not have much money saved nor invested.

>> No.20510246

30% of some Islamic countries are still slaves despite pressure from "capitalist" countries but finding outlier examples doesn't change what really happened. Cattle slavery was still abolished globally by the ebil capitalists. If you view history through the kind of materialistic lens Marx did you can't model reality to predict any of the major events that already happened in history before Marx, during his life or after.

>> No.20510259

He's straight up lying though.
This is what happened.
>Impoverished migrant workers in Thailand are sold or lured by false promises and forced to catch and process fish that ends up in global food giant Nestlé’s supply chains.
>The unusual disclosure comes from Geneva-based Nestlé itself, which in an act of self-policing announced the conclusions of its year-long internal investigation on Monday. The study found virtually all US and European companies buying seafood from Thailand are exposed to the same risks of abuse in their supply chains.
Its a complete lie. Nestle was the one who investigated this; found that workers were being abused. They weren't behind it at all. Its just something regularly happens in countries with low oversight.

>> No.20510283

>Cattle slavery was still abolished globally by the ebil capitalists. If you view history through the kind of materialistic lens Marx did you can't model reality
bro, you're literally just regurgitating Marx here. see, e.g.:
>There is a third possible form which is to act as proprietor neither of the land nor of the instrument (i.e., nor of labor itself), but only of the means of subsistence, which are then found as the natural condition of the laboring subject. This is at bottom the formula of SLAVERY and serfdom, which IS also NEGATED, OR ASSUMED TO HAVE BEEN HISTORICALLY DISSOLVED, IN THE RELATION OF THE WORKER TO THE CONDITIONS OF PRODUCTION AS CAPITAL.

>> No.20510297

>anon says capitalism abolished slavery
>I point out large corporations employ slave labour to this day
>get called a marxist and a liar
I’m talking about previous year’s lawsuit related to slave labour on Ivory Coast, you imbecile.

>> No.20510304

Wrong. White people abolished slavery.

>> No.20510308
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>Adorno and Horkheimer
you're trolling right?

>> No.20510326

>I’m talking about previous year’s lawsuit related to slave labour on Ivory Coast, you imbecile.
You fucking retard, it was the same problem from Thailand. Are you really this fucking stupid? You leftists lie about things all the time - you think people can't check?

>> No.20510400

Wouldn't this be logical as the middle class is basically the dividing line. The lower middle class is tied to rural and manufacturing production while upper middle are tied to mgmt

>> No.20510432

it's not a matter of what seems neat and logical to you, but of what's the case in the real world. and there's plenty of farmers in the upper middle class, on the way to becoming big capitalists, just as there's plenty of urban bureaucrats in the lower middle class, on the way to becoming proletarianized

>> No.20510482

Marx didn't think Capitalism is "le ebil". He thought it was a necessary state of civilizational development that was cruel but brought progress. However, the system is not perfect. He points out a lot of places where the game of Capitalism works against itself to the point where Marxs shows that technological progress itself is enough to eventually unravel the inherent logic of Capitalism. Capitalism is just the most recent instance of the long family tree of ways to organize our species' need to work. Already today we see how our parent's dreams of the future meet the stark reality of a Capitalist economy when the bubble of progress pops. Cultural, technological, and economic stagnation we've seen since the turn of the Millenium. The relative wealth of our grandparents will never be seen again. We will continue to get worse until people start starving.

>> No.20510548

He predicts the future using a method that can't model the past. Ignoring all the things that actually motivate people to do things as irrelevant. Everything that actually predicts things is cut out of the model and adherents are brainwashed to see the world in terms of material economic transactions. Thus becoming the closest thing that actually exists to the single minded capitalist strawmen the guy created.

>> No.20510655

Lefty twitter pseuds get really mad when their intellectualism is revealed to be feeble masturbation over some secular prophets words rather than serious analysis. The first page of any respectable econ text will always filter them.

>> No.20511320

There’s plenty of the managerial class who are Republican. You literally work for any engineering company and all the male management are white republicans. The corps with the biggest amount of cultural and tech power are on the coasts and globohomo but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still a strong managerial Republican class.