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/lit/ - Literature

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20506002 No.20506002 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't Hinduism and Hindu literature popular on this board? you retards would prefer to spend all day discussing ecclesiastes than discuss the Mahabharata

>> No.20506011
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>> No.20506051

Because Kaballahist bullshit is ubiquitous in Western esoteric trash bullshit, so the Jews have another ploy to keep Westerners stuck in the Jewish matrix. Everything Abrahamic is fundamentally adharma.

>> No.20506057

Pajeet shit is overdiscussed here.

>> No.20506062

literally lame power level shit

>> No.20506063
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>> No.20506069

show me a single example

>> No.20506080

Any Guenon/trad thread has countless self professed experts on Hinduism and Buddhism

>> No.20506105

Show me something not involving the perennialist school

>> No.20506128
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I was going to post about my studies on the Katha Upanishad and Shankara's commentaries but after reading this cringey post >>20506051 I've changed my mind. Goodnight basterds.

>> No.20506213
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/lit/ is a Christian homosexual board, newfag
Also no one cares about Poopoopeepeeshitta, Diarrheapoopta, Turdshittacrappa killing each other and whatever other pajeet schizo nonsense

>> No.20506221

The large number of Buddhist threads. They've slowed since Lockdowns ended, though.

Anyways, the problem with Hindu literature is that a Westerner doesn't really any context to argue about it, and arguing about things is how you get discussion on 4chan (example: /his/). These arguments aren't actually about advocating a case however but rather engaging in ritualistic shitlfinging. Example: any thread on pre-Christian European literature will eventually have some guy claiming that Jesus was a gay prostitute because a Jew said so, therefore pagans btfod. You can't ritualistically shitfling if you are removed from the context of a scenario and cannot form idealogical lines, however.

To that end, the 4chan discussion of Hindu literature is mostly centered around Epic Vedic literature such as the Mahabharata (Because it can be more or less viewed as an analogue to the Iliad), or beating up on Guenonfag. But even beating up on Guenonfag was only possible because Right-Wing Dharma Squads had put out a bunch of episodes over Lockdown in which they painstakingly translate Buddhism for a Western audience, thereby allowing Westerners to even have a glue of what this gay spammer was saying. If you look at what actual Indians argue about, Westerners don't understand the context of the Dvaita vs Vishishadvaita debate to argue about that.

This is also the case for Chinese literature btw.

>> No.20506235

>Why isn't Hinduism and Hindu literature popular on this board?
There are a bunch of posts everyday

>> No.20506245

>he doesn't remember the "be careful of sankaracharya" phase of /lit/

>> No.20506376

Jews should have been ethnically cleansed in ancient times. Cyrus the Moron, known as Kourosh, made the biggest mistake out of all history in freeing their vile people from Babylonian captivity.
If you are an Abrahamist, then you are less than human to me. Christcucks don't have qualia; they are effectively p-zombie for sucking Jewish cock.