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20502138 No.20502138 [Reply] [Original]

This book is a much needed revaluation of our Libshit system. The old money WASP elite created institutions to cement its control (the letter agencies, public opinion manipulation orgs, strategy thinktanks for business to control culture and consensus through control of elite education, etc.), but these organs quickly became a leviathan that got away from the old elite and became "for hire" and joined with its equivalents in other European countries, and the whole mess became a free-floating polycentric polycratic technocratic machine that ends up controlling and shaping the people who think they control it (the origins of Peter Dale Scott's "deep state").

The deep state leviathan has no center, unlike in the old days where international finance picked one or several centers like London and New York, it can easily relocate because its essence is "mobility," the entire oligarch class associated with it prides itself on being "liquid," having attended college in three different urban hotspots and worked in three others. The leviathan is still residually white and Jewish, but it is increasingly replacing these legacy components with interchangeable ethnics from other continents. This mixture of races is actually better from the system's standpoint, because it further severs the new elites from their traditional, patriarchal elite origins.

Old WASP money may have residual affection for and thus memory of its patriarchal and parochial bases, but a mixed bag of Latin American oligarchs, Indian oligarchs, Southeast Asian oligarchs, and Chinese oligarchs all have one thing in common: they are desperate to get OUT of their "provincial" home base nations, where they were merely "second order" elites. For example if they are Eastern European, they probably have family backgrounds as apparatchiks in the local corrupt communist parties prior to the collapse of the USSR, and then transitioned to crony capitalism in the '90s and '00s. These people are desperate to escape this provincial status, they don't want to be the richest crony capitalist in Bulgaria, they want to live in London and turn their ill-gotten Bulgarian assets into liquid capital they never have to think about again. In the process, they become as liquid as their capital. Like their capital, their one distinguishing feature is now that they are owners of capital, not that they are Bulgarian owners of Bulgarian capital. This is far superior to the old Anglo-American-Jewish elite, from the system's perspective, because they are less likely to have any "regressive" (again from the system's perspective) tendencies to maintain their own roots or "irrationally" channel their capital back towards those roots (e.g. by residing in and developing Bulgaria).


>> No.20502147
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Too expand further. Jews historically being rootless and homeless were formerly the most potent vector of this kind of total deracination, but even they have residual and regressive tendencies toward racination, having dwelled in their diaspora enclaves for so long, and having a persistent tendency to envy the WASP elites and to try to integrate with them through intermarriage and imitation. The new brown and off-brown international elite of people whose background is not any particular form of diversity but simple the abstract notion "diverse" is the logical next step.

These people also come from countries with less "memory," which in this context means less connection to old European values. Again, the WASPs and Jews tend to have surprisingly high levels of regressive traits (again from the system's perspective), like sincere religiosity, ethnic fellow-feeling, the aforementioned parochialism and provincialism, unprofitable (because actually efficacious) forms of social progressivism instead of just hollow and vague progressive ideology, etc. For every two or three useful apparatchiks the system obtains from a Jewish or WASP family, it will often get a regressive individual as well. For example the ACLU held out for a long time as a bulwark of free speech because there were enough residual people with cultural memories of the European liberal project, enough people who still took that project "too" seriously (from the system's perspective) instead of using it as propaganda when convenient but otherwise disregarding it. Until quite recently many government and educational institutions have been filled with a significant fraction of people who would, e.g., defend the original spirit of academic tenure for someone with unpopular views, or defend traditional conceptions of union power.

It's far better to have a class of people who, as above, want to "escape" being Indian, being Singaporean, being Chinese, by being generically international, and who have no memory of "Europeanness" beyond the generic memory of generic colonialism instilled in them by internationalist elite education, which harnesses their latent inferiority complexes and wounded pride. Historically these were powerful drives toward national self-assertion, but now all the elites who would normally be drawn into the development of their nation as against the old domineering metropole (Europe) are drawn into the international class, drawn to European capitals where their parents' money (gotten by fleecing their own people) will provide them with a lavish, generically metropolitan and cosmopolitan lifestyle while they learn to speak international and managerial.


>> No.20502153
File: 243 KB, 1917x760, F3FCB13E-96A5-4A6D-B079-CC952F5861AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Europe" to this new elite, to this ideology, has no residual and sentimental positive connotations as it does for old European globalist elites. There is thus no need for lingering confusion about how the new, international, global "liberal" order relates to the old European philosophies of actual liberalism. There is no need to take classes on the ambivalent legacy of the French Revolution, or to understand why liberalism and nationalism were conjoined world-historical forces. Everything can be delivered to the new managerial class, in generic classrooms on generic campuses in generic megacities, ahistorically, as the perennial truth of globalism.

The universities, the culture of elite education, scholarship, etc., all these things were already absorbed by the WASP-Jew variant of the deep state leviathan in the 20th century. WASP concerns always dominated the universities, and Jews conformed to WASP concerns out of gentile envy. The universities and academia were already dying in the '60s as the transition to a post-WASP, internationalist orientation took place. All we are seeing now is the final, actual death rattle, which only seems more violent and disturbing than the long period of decline and decay when you look on it from insufficient distance. "Scholarship" was only a real thing as long as the WASPs "regressively" maintained it as an autonomous, parochial priority. And as they were diluted as a class, their ability to understand, delimit a space for, and maintain the standards of "scholarship" was also diluted. Now that they are dead or outnumbered, there is no reason for the system to keep servicing what is, from the system's perspective, this irrelevant and irrational distraction. "Scholarly standards" and "academic integrity" are as real from the perspective of the deep state and its multicolored servitors as Chinese classical calligraphy is. Its husk can be maintained insofar as it can be sold at street fairs or in boutiques to multicolored servitors.


>> No.20502254

Your thread has nothing to do with the contents of the book you attached. Your prose and convention of numbering your posts marks you as a twitter migrant. If you want someone to masturbate with over your pseudo-intellectual dribble then fuck off back there.

>> No.20502329

>but these organs quickly became a leviathan that got away from the old elite and became "for hire" and joined with its equivalents in other European countries, and the whole mess became a free-floating polycentric polycratic technocratic machine that ends up controlling and shaping the people who think they control it (the origins of Peter Dale Scott's "deep state").
Sounds pretty spot on. The book expertly goes over the change of Language, and the overall Bourgeois liberation ideology to Civil Rights doctrines to Wokism. The beginning of the Cold War and the alphabet organizations going lose while Elite structures start becoming ‘liquid’ post-WASP orientation isn't a coincidence.

>> No.20502338

POV: You will never know the tender love of a woman.

>> No.20502341

>copypasting someone else's posts and attaching a random image

>> No.20502360

liberalism fails as soon as it succeeds

>> No.20502370

OP is reposting his own posts from another thread.

>> No.20502455

the deep state bureaucracy exists to institutionalize the actions of elite individuals. just as the federal reserve bank exists to perpetuate the ghost existence of j.p.morgan and his intervention powers in finance so too do deep state structures are sponsored by various members of the elite to ensure their influence actively continues long after their death. in a way, the federal government is really a haunted house, with various ghosts of long-dead individuals clanking their chains and rattling the doorknobs

>> No.20502462

Next time be nice to us WASPs

>> No.20502471

What are you going to do? Marry a Jew?

>> No.20502570

Reminder that liberals aren't the same thing as leftists.

>> No.20503074

Do I become immune to jewry if I marry a Jew? Honestly I dislike being under the effects of jewish control but I like Jews themselves, I think they are smart and interesting people. And I do, in fact, like Jewish women and their Khazar milkers.

>> No.20503232 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20503592

Lasch said it better

>> No.20503754

the modern definition of leftist is a retarded attack dog for the liberal globalist order. the older modes of leftist thought are completely irrelevant. there's not much reason to bother distinguishing.

>> No.20503766

Modern liberals are just authoritarian Marxists, actual liberals are considered right wing now

>> No.20503774

Why do all leftists argue like teenagers?

>> No.20503909 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 800x1073, d9mpwu3-ed19a760-4dee-4456-84dd-ff5380b3aa9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second op's opinions. But I think he's missing a coda. Which I will supplement with hopefully some *briefer* thoughts of my own.

I'm no economist (more like economically ignorant) but I keep seeing serious discussions (not just conspiracy memes) pertaining to a "controlled destruction" of the US and wider world economies, since many of these extremely important national and indeed global economies have become multi-decadal Ponzi schemes, the popping of which can no longer be postponed much longer. So the options for the world elite are uncontrolled economic destruction (i.e. an apocalypse relative to what we've seen so far) or controlled economic demolition under the pretext and sign of various disparate, but seemingly accelerating/overlapping regional and international, forces majeures, designed both to conceal the unavoidable and indeed accelerating approach of the world capitalist system's mega crash; its true causes; the endemic scale and nature of elite corruption that in no small part contributed to it; and–when it comes–the very reality or nature of what hit us and thereby what is being done about it.

A permanent retraction of world economy, thereby precipitous decline in wealth/standard of living for billions (including in First World to be sure), is the obvious end result per the logic of such a macroeconomic/geopolitical hypothesis. Wealth of plutocrats and oligarchs will decline as well, relative to the rest though, they will remain firmly in control. Indeed perhaps their hold on power will be even greater as a result of new and varying, but more or less universalised, permanentized authoritarian measures and regimes, justified under the most varied and politically disparate (ostensibly opposite) ideological regimes.

Furthermore, I really do wonder if all this endless manufacturing of "culture war" grotesqueries–the MSM as psyop machine to whitewash bourgeois dominative imperatives/capitalist reality/reality of its material conditions (and the systematics of its sustainability or lack thereof)--are just so much peanuts on the plane as the world economic jetliner reaches the final trajectory of its inevitable cataclysmic date with the granite-faced, Himalayan-scale destiny of total economic collapse and/or controlled elite demolition. One that might be summed up as acceleration of infinite capitalist demands divided by an even greater acceleration of the finitization of macro-scale capitalist-necessary energy resources. Something's gotta give...and it won't be the elites!

>> No.20503951
File: 70 KB, 800x1073, d9mpwu3-ed19a760-4dee-4456-84dd-ff5380b3aa9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second op's opinions. But I think he's missing a coda. Which I will supplement with hopefully some *briefer* thoughts of my own.

I'm no economist (more like economically ignorant) but I keep seeing serious discussions (not just conspiracy memes) pertaining to a "controlled destruction" of the US and wider world economies, since many of these extremely important national and indeed global economies have become multi-decadal Ponzi schemes, the popping of which can no longer be postponed much longer. So the options for the world elite are uncontrolled economic destruction (i.e. an apocalypse relative to what we've seen so far) or controlled economic demolition under the pretext and sign of various disparate, but seemingly accelerating/overlapping regional and international, forces majeures, designed both to conceal the unavoidable and indeed accelerating approach of the world capitalist system's mega crash; its true causes; the endemic scale and nature of elite corruption that in no small part contributed to it; and–when it comes–the very reality or nature of what hit us and thereby what is being done about it.

A permanent retraction of world economy, thereby precipitous decline in wealth/standard of living for billions (including in First World to be sure), is the obvious end result per the logic of such a macroeconomic/geopolitical hypothesis. Wealth of plutocrats and oligarchs will decline as well, relative to the rest though they will remain firmly in control. Indeed perhaps their hold on power will be even greater as a result of new and varying, but more or less universalised, permanentized authoritarian measures and regimes, justified under the most varied and politically disparate (ostensibly opposite) ideological differences.

Furthermore, I really do wonder if all this endless manufacturing of "culture war" grotesqueries–the MSM as psyop machine to whitewash bourgeois dominative imperatives/capitalist reality/reality of its material conditions (and the systematics of its sustainability or lack thereof)--are just so much peanuts on the plane as the world economic jetliner reaches the final trajectory of its inevitable cataclysmic date with the granite-faced, Himalayan-scale destiny of total economic collapse and/or controlled elite demolition. One that might be summed up as acceleration of infinite capitalist demands divided by an even greater acceleration of the finitization of macro-scale capitalist-necessary energy resources. Something's gotta give...and it won't be the elites!

>> No.20504164

OP I think you’re underestimating the regressive potential of third-world elites. I was driving back from a penis appointment 5 years ago and like a flash of lightning the idea of an illiberal third-worldism came to mind. We just have to crush the international perception of anglo-jewish institutions and values and drive the first world into economic depression so relatively rising countries are free to develop along their own ethno-cultural trajectories and hopefully raise armies to defeat leviathan with the assistance of chud fifth columnists

>> No.20504199
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>yfw you're these posters

>> No.20504214

As soon as you said Libshit...... man that's not a way to start an argument over a shitty fat sperg philosophy written during French Enlightenment or Revolution in some Western European Ghetto.

>> No.20504630

What's is this acronym strained gibberish supposed to mean?

>> No.20506035


>> No.20506112

Well you’re not wrong about how the liberal world order works but this book hardly touches on anything you said

>> No.20507545

illiberal constitutionalism is the way of the future, unless the climate collapses so hard that we revert to literal apolitical agrarianism

>> No.20507564

Way off the mark. Jews are giga-cancer and push most of the bullshit of our society. They absolutely did not integrate into WASP culture at all, in fact WASPs instead integrated into judeo-Satanic practices and perversions. All protestant culture is basically dead at this point, the Jews have reigned victorious. Meanwhile Indians are the Jews best sidekick he could ever want. Jews, Indians and single, urban White women make up the power trifecta pushing degeneracy today.

>> No.20507570


>> No.20508351

>copypasting someone else's posts and attaching a random image

>> No.20509220

>Meanwhile Indians are the Jews best sidekick he could ever want. Jews, Indians and single, urban White women make up the power trifecta pushing degeneracy today.

>> No.20509588

>This is far superior to the old Anglo-American-Jewish elite, from the system's perspective, because they are less likely to have any "regressive" (again from the system's perspective) tendencies to maintain their own roots or "irrationally" channel their capital back towards those roots (e.g. by residing in and developing Bulgaria).

It's interesting because the United States first experienced this on an interstate level in the early 20th century as communications technology progressed.

The ultra-rich used to reside in the cities where their assets were located out of efficiency and necessity, so they built up wealth and extravagance around themselves to make it tolerable (because, like you said, who wants to rule over a shit hole?). Now, they own assets all over the United States but can administer it all from an office in New York or their vacation home on the Great Lakes. First, via telegraph, then telephone, then fax, now via internet. It just gets worse and worse.

Elites are no longer rooted and therefore have no vested interest in their assets other than wealth-extraction.

>> No.20511578

Very good point.

>> No.20511600

Liberalism and leftism are axiomatically almost identical

>> No.20512986


>> No.20513217

paul virilio wrote about this extensively, he called it "dromology"