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20500221 No.20500221 [Reply] [Original]

I have thought about this a lot over the past several years. Bowden heavily emphasized reading, listening to music, visiting art galleries and to "think". Sadly it seems that this type of "cultured thug" or Byronic conceptualization of the conservative has gone quietly to the wayside, and most chuds and extremely online types have only the most rudimentary understanding of their own culture both in the high sense and folklorically. Whether the latter is due to deracination of neoliberalism or just that so many young whites are weird shutins now is irrelevent.

Do you agree with Bowden's overall viewpoint that simply belonging to a race, ethnicity or nationality is not as important as wignats would like to believe?

>> No.20500441

I dunno. I can't tell. Have a nice day.

>> No.20500543

You’ve got to love Bowden. As a Windsor man I am especially fond of The Beast of Berkshire!

Yes he’s right

>> No.20500766

what's your favorite speech by Bowden?

>> No.20500780

All I know about this dude is he wrote an incel novel with Thanos as the cover art.

>> No.20500825

Extreme right-wingers don't actually love their countries or give a shit about their culture.
Patriotism is apolitical.

>> No.20500827
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he wrote and drew a lot of freakish comic books when he was a teenager they have been complied posthumously

>Artistically unexplored among Bowden’s obsessions are his morbid fear of obesity, for example, and his troglodytic indifference to technology. At a recent event in the United States, I noticed Bowden, who on previous occasions had refused to eat anything at all, dined out of tiny dessert dishes. When questioned on his rather singular temperance, he explained that he comes from the West country, and that people from his part of the world have a tendency to grow sideways.

shame that it was the weight that got him in the end. or as some say, a heart attack gun

>> No.20500834

Patriotism is only apolitical in a nation-state, when the state no longer works for the interests of the nation then patriotism is hyper-political.

>> No.20500849

I think there is a barbell effect on the online right. There is definitely a large mass of low-to-midling IQ guys on the online right who at best fetishize their culture ala muh wheat fields muh castles muh classical music etc with no understanding of any of it. There is also a group on the upper end that does follow in Bowden's footsteps of actually understanding their inheritance.

>> No.20500957

>Bowden heavily emphasized reading, listening to music, visiting art galleries and to "think".
Bowden spent his life shouting at skinheads in dark rooms above pubs to make up for the education they never got at school. It's only natural that he would emphasise development of the intellect.
>"cultured thug" or Byronic conceptualization of the conservative
Assuming you're a regular /lit/izen and not just a tourist from /pol/, you are probably more in need of "thug" experiences than "cultural" ones. You'd get closer to this ideal by lifting weights than by adding to your reading schedule.

>> No.20501060
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I miss this lad like you wouldn't believe

>> No.20501076

>Bowden spent his life shouting at skinheads in dark rooms above pubs to make up for the education they never got at school
that's legitimately noble and based and we could use that. i personally know some former skinheads who i introduced to bowden and they loved it. his manner of thinking appeals to men with vigor.

>you are probably more in need of "thug" experiences than "cultural" ones
precisely the opposite but everyone could do with both

>> No.20501178

Yes he is right. You either believe in hierarchy being absolute or you dont believe in it at all, you dont get to selectively applied equality to whites jbc you like them. He fairly criticized racial movements as being pseudo-socialistic in nature

>> No.20501208

I think BAP correctly claims that many of these right wing larpers would rightfully consider the countryside and its communities to be unbreable and despicable. I live in the countryside and i can tell you that is not the traditional society that a lot of these urbanites imagine, it is actually pretty degenerate.

>> No.20501242

I think guys like this would have you live in a museum for all eternity.

>> No.20502083

>when he was a teenager
Source? I just know he was an outsider artist all through his life.

>> No.20502086

no way, he was an eccentric bohemian if there ever was a truly right wing bohemian in the 21st century.

>> No.20502109

I don’t see how. Seems like a guy who made all his speeches about days’ gone art and architecture while only doing bizarre post-modern performance art.

>> No.20502134

I enjoy reading old Anglo-Saxon epics and Appalachian folklore, so I'm definitely not one of those wignat types

>> No.20502251

>Seems like a guy
so you really have no idea

>> No.20502264

>"to read about your own culture is a revolutionary act"
>am American
The revolution was over before it began lads

>> No.20502311

Bowden has just the video for you?


>> No.20502313

Yes, I live somewhere somewhat rural in my country but within driving distance of a city. I wouldn’t consider it rural. But it lacks the car park comforts of cities and metropolitan areas.
Work or surf in the day, drug use and alcohol in the night. Localism is the most defining quality of the ‘countryside’. Urbanites will never assimilate into these communities, for a lack of patience and nuance. Through virtue of birth right they have no opportunity to realise their online fantasy’s. If they were to attempt them, they would be sorely disappointed by the realities

>> No.20502463

I clearly do given the description

>> No.20502466
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>>am American
this is precisely what he means though isn't it, America does have rich literary, artistic, theatrical, scientific and engineering achievements in its own right. Hell even just finding copies of FoxFire books can get you some insight into deep Americana

>> No.20502502

>Scientific and engineering
For now.
>artistic and literary
I would say that only "literary" applies, here.

At any rate, it's difficult to engage in any sort of appreciation of historical American culture because in retrospect it's trending towards "Let's use 'Harrison Bergeron' as an instruction manual for organizing society." People like this Jeffers fellow are just an aberration.

>> No.20502519

>in retrospect it's trending towards "Let's use 'Harrison Bergeron' as an instruction manual for organizing society."
can you elaborate on this? i don't really follow.

>> No.20502554
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I don't get why Oikiophobia is so common among us burgers today. It really is astonishing.

>> No.20502559

I have never seen that one before. Where can I get the entirety of Kalajic's work?

>> No.20502560

Sure. To me, American culture is fundamentally "about" a continuously-expanding idea of human equality (envision it as being proclaimed by a Revivalist preacher in some burned-over district for bonus points). As you probably know, in "Harrison Bergeron", citizens are forced to wear various handicaps to make everyone exactly equal. In the US, we call this "Disparate Impact".

Because the American reverence for victimhood is disgusting.

>> No.20502598
File: 120 KB, 645x773, asdaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching bowden's fire and energy slowly but obviously going out in his later years

>> No.20502604

sounds like a faggot

>> No.20502615

I guess but one could say the same for those in European identitarian movements

>> No.20502620

Also the United States originally was not really about 'equality' despite 'all men are created equal'

>> No.20502641

Maybe, but ask yourself who won every theological or quasi-theological battle over time.

I'm not exactly an identitarian. Well, I don't think a positive conception of American identity is really possible now, but even if I was a Euro, I don't think I would be one. I oppose stuff like third-world mass migration because I think it's tremendously unwise, for example, not out of extreme nationalism. Not attacking nationalists here.

>> No.20502691

>Sadly it seems that this type of "cultured thug" or Byronic conceptualization of the conservative has gone quietly to the wayside, and most chuds and extremely online types have only the most rudimentary understanding of their own culture both in the high sense and folklorically. Whether the latter is due to deracination of neoliberalism or just that so many young whites are weird shutins now is irrelevent.
I see the opposite, although maybe that's just my friend circles. Most of my friends either became right wing because they had an appreciation for culture and saw it was under attack, or developed an appreciation for culture as a result of getting deeper into rw politics. You also see it more on the internet and 4chan, this is kind of a dumb example but think of all those LDA montages. Or the increasing interest in figures like Spengler and Evola here.

>> No.20502697

>kind of a dumb example but think of all those LDA montages
i agree on principle if that leads to zoomers actually engaging with actual works rather than reposting memes. like how zyzz actually did get a lot of nerds into lifting

>> No.20502712

I have to imagine SOME of them will get into the actual works, even if it's a large minority, which is ultimately a victory

>> No.20502729

What is an LDA montage?

>> No.20502733

The decline is embarrassing. People.think Peterson is an aristocrat.

>> No.20502750

I'm who you responded to originally and I agree. I live in a somewhat wealthy suburb, on the outskirts of one of the wealthiest in the country outside of NYC. The problems among the people I've grown up with here are the same. The idiots end up completely illiterate of their heritage and addicted to heroin. The middlings go off to state college and get indoctrinated into a liberal tradition they don't buy, once they have kids it naturally transitions into right-of-center conservatism. The high IQs go to good schools and become the next foot-soldiers of the regime's dominant woke ideology. If your lucky 20% of these people across the board dissent and end up in right-wing shit.

>> No.20502774

little dark age

>> No.20503117

Im the one of the BAP comment and i agree.
Some guys here are right wing in a casual "lol screw the commies" manner, but there is something else most rw online autists dont consider when they claim to want to move in these areas; people here are only concerned with their immediate surroundings, they dont read, they dont care about history and they know almost nothing of politics nor do they care. Any conversation woth them ends up being either gossip or alcohol stories, i am not sure how these "based and redpilled" spergs intend to socialize here, i get on by just fine coz i have social skills anf i dont hate normies just because, but i think some of these guys are better off in the city where they have a higher chance of finding other schizos.

>> No.20503172

>actually understanding their inheritance
The waters are far muddier than this. When people joke about the average /pol/ poster looking like La Creatura it's not far from the truth.
Fewer and fewer people today have anything remotely close to the homogeneous cultural and racial background of their geographically relatively static forebears. Most people who identify as or pass as "White" are a mystery meat of various stocks. This has long been true of Americans and is increasingly true of Western Europeans. I may have paler skin than 99% of all humans outside of the British Isles, but actually I'm 50% Wasp, 25% Iberian, 25% Alpine and have never even lived in the country of my nationality.

You forget that the founding stock of America has mostly died out, been swamped by the past 150 years of immigration or has transitioned into the global superclass and probably doesn't really consider itself American much any more.

>> No.20504324

>if you begin your married life in a urinal in manchester you will die of a sexually transmitted disease

>> No.20504389

Maybe it's different where you live, but I'm in the Northeast and generally people aren't super mixed. Irish and Italians are usually "pure" in the sense that they grew up with 4 grandparents who were immigrants from Ireland/Italy. Italians especially have a strong passive tendency to favor pairing with other Italians. The white people from here who aren't Irish/Italian are WASP/Germanic, and while they're pretty derascinated culturally they're fine genetically. I grew up lifeguarding the beaches here and interestingly almost all of the lifeguards were phenotypically Nordic white people with WASP/Germanic heritage despite the fact that at least 70% of the white people around here locally are Italian/Greek/Irish. This sort of leads to a sorting effect where the Germanic white people end up pairing together via shared interest in things like surfing and swimming.

>> No.20504435

this, after listening to his speeches in order you can see he is getting sick and speaking with less vigour. He was a great man