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File: 506 KB, 1868x1740, President-Trump-Official-Portrait-scaled-e1591897715552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20499294 No.20499294 [Reply] [Original]

Best fair, unbiased books on Donald Trump's presidency?

>> No.20499305

Dear there is no unbiased with him, you either vote for him or not vote. That is very hard to be middle of that

>> No.20499308

Wait 50 years, it’s too soon

>> No.20499335

I don’t have the time to write it. I don’t care to rehabilitate the dope. He’s no savior of the party much less country. Wait for the second and disastrous term

>> No.20499336
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Samuel Francis predicted Trumpism 20 years in advance

>> No.20499520


If "unbiased" is your code word for "makes this fat, barely-literate retard look good because I hate the libs so much I'd vote for Kanye West over any Dem" is your criterion, you'll be disappointed in any actual book about the man. There's nothing that can be honest that'll make him look good.

Though to answer your question, probably Michael Cohen's book. I can't justify its purchase, but I can justify checking it out of the library, buying it used, or pirating it.

>> No.20499536

why? he wasn’t particularly novel or innovative despite what pumped and dumped /pol/ is in denial about

>> No.20499561

>Wait 50 years

History will probably remember him as a case study in the pattern of media character assassination, but this doesn't reflect well on him at all, as 'most people' already knew this and he seemed unaware when he decided to go into politics, so it makes him seem like a bit of a dummy anyway - especially that he couldn't actually make it stop by sitting down and talking with the people who were doing it, as anybody else would think to do.

He might be the only man in history, however, who this tactic was actually employed on to the point that he was voted out of office because people were just so sick of having to hear about him all the time.

>> No.20499590

>media character assassination
trump was a coastal urban elite who bamboozled the heartland hicks for personal gain. nothing he did was particularly controversial, all of his policies were a continuation of whatever the dubya and obama administrations had started and he just signed whatever paperwork the republican senate caucus sent him at least up until january 2019. he was a complete and utter nothingburger. can’t help but respect the hustle t b h.

>> No.20499624

>can’t help but respect the hustle t b h.
oh that is so naive, he didn't go into politics with the intent to become the worlds bukake slut for 5 years. 'hustle' gimme a break. This is like Mark Dice forcing himself to laugh and pretend that a terrible thing happening to his champion is somehow 'good'.

> nothing he did was particularly controversial, all of his policies were a continuation of whatever the dubya and obama administrations
> bamboozled the heartland hicks for personal gain
well that aspect of the 'hustle' is kind of true, i suppose. Still, I don't think people in that position are capable of that deep a level of introspection about their own actions,

e.g. no tv news anchor can mentally comprehend that because they are personally considered scum by everybody watching, that whoever they advocate 'for' will be actively impeded by the public - so they're not capable of utilizing themselves in an effective manner; if they did then their obvious pride would result in them not showing up for work anymore.

>> No.20499628

>trump was a coastal urban elite
i do agree that his grandfather would be turning in his grave about him even before he became unpopular.

>> No.20500408


There's no chance of this for the next 50 years or so. I plucked the "50 years" number out of my head before reading this post >>20499308
, interesting. But even then such a study will probably be rare. Both sides are intent on solidifying a historical understanding of him, and sadly it looks like the anti-Trump folks are going to win that war in the long term. Which is pretty remarkable when you consider how objectively terribly the current presidency is going.

Nixon started to get revisited/rehabilitated in the later 2000s. Generational time has to pass.

>> No.20500508

No they won't. He said extremely retarded shit 4 years straight. He assassinated himself.
His policies were fine but that won't be the point.

>> No.20500533

My youtube meme compilation with dancing pepe's and photoshopping him to Warhammer 40k characters

>> No.20500538

>His policies were fine
But at least you admit he spoke like a retard, acted like a retard, and was glorified by his base for being a retard.

>> No.20500540

All my lawyer friends are convinced Trump will go down in history as the most clearly corrupt president and the legal excuses for why they didn't prosecute him may destroy our country.

"He ordered someone to do something illegal but the person didn't follow the order so Trump didn't do anything wrong."

His character was assassinated because the only other option is to limit executive power which... with how useless our legislature is, would seriously hurt America too.

>> No.20500549

Someone sounds mad, unlike the other poster.

>> No.20500575


>> No.20500990

>Someone sounds mad
One can never be mad when expressing something, never ever. Such is the rules of 2009 internet image macros.

>> No.20501082

well i don't care for Trump even a little bit but on the front of actual 'illegal things' the clintons, bushes, bidens and obamas objectively did far worse and were never punished for it.

>His character was assassinated because the only other option is to limit executive power which... with how useless our legislature is, would seriously hurt America too.
that's a solution; the framework of the federation of the united states doesn't require the election of a temporary-king (or queen) over the sovereignty of each states senators anyway, and this election is used as an excuse to shirk responsibility.

And the real basis of the 'president' is that of the Speaker of the House (i think they call it; it's Chief Whip in UK Parliament), which already exists as a separate job title. So there's no functional basis to the office anyway.

>He said extremely retarded shit 4 years straight. He assassinated himself.
He also 'did' extremely retarded shit 4 years straight which the press never mentioned, and were content to broadcast childish nonsenses about him instead; one of which led to the failed impeachment which only bolstered him in the eyes of his supporters.

Honestly, if I was ever in that position I know enough about false news and libel laws to have that kind of thing shut down immediately, and probably much faster as being a head of state. Why it's tolerated I have no idea.

>> No.20501110

Donald Trump was the worst president the United States has ever had. I am happy to pay $6.00 a gallon fuel prices if it means the Orangeatan is out of the oval office. I also am happy to see deplorable poorfags (trumpers, marxists, and other social rejects) seething about the price. They don't have skills and they are upset. Funny how all the smart, rich and successful people agree.

>> No.20501155

i actually forget that biden and bill are accused rapists with every bit of validity to the charges as any other accused rapist.

I also tend to forget that after 60 or so years of liberalism that we're dumping weapons into the hands of neo-nazi paramilitary groups in ukraine and conducting baseless unlawful restrictions on all russians, in a manner identical to the treatment of the japanese during ww2. having learned nothing in all this time.

but hey ho, that's the world right now.

>> No.20501195
File: 23 KB, 333x500, 41yaLHeXlbL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Case for Trump

>> No.20501210
File: 122 KB, 1000x667, DRUMPFLU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20501212


>> No.20501223

digits of dead.

>> No.20501230

now i have been blinking even harder at your attempts at word.

>> No.20501237
File: 209 KB, 618x410, gettyimages-654591548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His son is going to take over. All shall bow to him. It has been foretold.

>> No.20501241

Thus sir, you see what human nature craves:
Most men are cowards, all men should be knaves.
The difference lies, as far as I can see, [170]
Not in the thing itself, but the degree,
And all the subject matter of debate
Is only: Who’s a knave of the first rate?

All this with indignation have I hurled
At the pretending part of the proud world, [175]
Who, swollen with selfish vanity, devise
False freedoms, holy cheats, and formal lies
Over their fellow slaves to tyrannize.

>> No.20501244
File: 57 KB, 640x512, former-u-s-first-lady-melania-trump-and-son-barron-trump-news-photo-1625780999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail your forever leader, your lord god emperor Baron Trump.

>> No.20501252
File: 918 KB, 1189x636, tiberius julius caesar germanicus drusus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a certain resemblance.. trump looks a bit like marius for that matter. hmm

>> No.20501286

I didn't pay attention much during his presidency but anyone who lived/lives in New York should know how much of a crook Trump was. He should never have been able to stand a chance due to his past, but Hillary was quite possibly the worst Democrat candidate in history.

>> No.20501522


>> No.20501975


I voted for Trump twice but Victor Davis Hanson is clearly not unbiased on the topic. Contemporary hackery (on both sides) is the exact opposite of what the OP is looking for, and it's already been explained that the literature the OP is looking for won't exist for decades. When Roe is struck down it'll just make the American "left" even madder since they'll remember that the decision was made possible precisely by Trump's three appointments. They threw the kitchen sink at Kavanaugh and it didn't work. Shortly before he lost, I said to myself that if he successfully flips the RBG seat that's almost, pretty-much worth the single term, a delicious fuck you to their precious meme justice. I don't think that people who sport RBG merchandise are able to name three decisions that she participated in.

>> No.20502621

Adding on to
Trump's legacy will probably be about how he fits into the larger picture of political polarization and the role of the media in politics, not any of his particular policies.

>> No.20502634

I'm a Marxist Leninist and I voted for trump twice.

>> No.20502646

Won't exist. Media spin's too strong. Even now Obama's remembered as hypercompent despite being
>the only nobel peace prize winner to bomb another nobel peace prize winner