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/lit/ - Literature

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20494418 No.20494418 [Reply] [Original]

>Doctors are... Le bad!

>> No.20494448


>> No.20494475
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>too rarted to hack it in STEM
>shits on it instead because daddy issues or something
>ignores medical advice because he thinks it's a hoax
>dies because of it

>> No.20494482

Yes they are

>> No.20494492

Justified, we learned a great deal about it. Life has no inherent value.
>Shirō Ishii
Did nothing wrong.
Better than doing nothing, would be ideal to adopt his methods on modern day prisoners and they would be happier for it if it meant their sentance would be commuted or their is a chance of death reprieving them of the burden of life.
What was his reasoning? Aristotle thought physicians should allow and practice euthanasia and infantacide, provided there was a valid reason for them such as deformity or poverty of the parent.
Low IQ grifter that doesn't appreciate the evolutionary benefit of disease. AIDS eliminated and put a stop to rampant homosexual behavior and COVID-19 wiped out useless old people and fat people.

Foucault is right but you're completely spooked offering these is counterexamples as their instances of medicine being applied for sake of experiment rather than control (with the exception of Fauci, he's a good example of the midwit Foucalt is critiqueing in birth of the clinic).

>> No.20494524

health insurance and pharma companies have done more damage to the human race in the last 20 years than any physician in the history of ever.

>> No.20494529


>> No.20494545

Le what?

>> No.20494547

Don't think Foucault would have had a problem with that one...

>> No.20494579

Not really. The main harm in medicine is it's entire approach to treat obese, old, and genetically sickly people rather than just euthanize them. This is predicated on Hippocratic ethics, which is a spooked moralfag outlook that causes perverse incentives and dysgenic outcomes. Aristotle categorically REFUTED it and all its tenants. As for insurance and pharma companies, they act in self-interest. If it wasn't for cucked doctors being the front soldiers for dysgenic practices (say mass vaccination), pharmaceutical companies would be based.

>> No.20494608

All the interesting profs I had in uni shit on Foucault (except one). One of the worst ones I had obsessed over him.

>> No.20494616


>> No.20494626

Those who can't do, teach. Anyone excelling at being a professor is evidence that they're midwits and taking their admirations and opinions seriously tells me that you're one as well.

>> No.20494691
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Pic related.
I went to a top-tier uni; the profs to which I was referring each published multiple successful books (for academic audiences as well as a few meant for the general public). "Those who can't do, teach" is a generic cliche midwits who went to a shitty college like to say to make them feel better for only attaining the level of message board pseud. Foucalt was a pathological homo who died of fagplague.

>> No.20494704

>le edge
Ad hominem, non argument, this isn't reddit: refute or leave. Also to the other paragraph, bragging about being at a 'top-tier' institution for undergrad (kek) and simping for your professors' accomplishmentfaggotry like publishing books is proof that you're a a total and complete midwit swooned by human respect and appeals to authority. You're not smart.

>> No.20494743

>Ad hominem
Cry about it. Coming from a faggot who advocated medical murder based on their oh so edgy take that the lives involved were worthless, it only reflects hypocrisy. Cope.
>muh fallacies tho!
Keep crying, faggot. The point is that those profs are more impactful and successful than you'll ever be. I'll bet you didn't even complete a Bachelor's Degree. kek.

>> No.20494772
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>> No.20494796

Ad hominem is a logically fallacious argument, not an insult, not crying about it, merely am pointing out that you are wrong. Saying an argument is wrong because it is "edgy" is not a refutation. In like manner, saying someone is more intelligent and successful and impactful doesn't validate what they say. You've done nothing but confirm that you're a complete midwit.

>> No.20494808
File: 125 KB, 1036x811, copes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even meme properly. What a pathetic embarrassment.

>> No.20494825

I made fun of you for being an edgy pseud because that's the level you're "arguments" are on. The point I made about the profs was in relation to you being a retard spouting cliches. You're a retard. Cope.

>> No.20494826

That wasn't even me who responded with the image but man, you are SEETHING right now to make this meme attempt after I BTFO'd you so badly.

>> No.20494839

So no argument still and more fallacies. Ok, midwit.

>> No.20494850

All quotes from your posts. You're a loser, man.
Keep crying.

>> No.20494885
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I'm not even him.

>> No.20494892

Blessed thread.

>> No.20494901

was Foucault the original antivaxxer?

>> No.20494927

At this point, I don't even care to defend my original points, but I do enjoy seeing someone this riled up that clearly lacks faculties related to reasoning and rhetoric. You try to make up for your shortcomings by pointing to total irrelevancies and throw a complete fit when these are deconstructed as being illogical and exposed. As to being a loser as a disqualifier, or a point or lack of university education, you sink deeper into the midwit fallacy stockpile. I call you a midwit because this is what they do because they lack critical thinking skills, they back up their arguments with fallacies (eg, the experts say to take a vaccine or man write book so he smart!). I would love to see you take a Stanford-Binet or LSAT IRL.

>> No.20494970

I thought it was Jenny Mccarthy

>> No.20494979

I'm not reading all of that, faggot. You probably just cried about fallacies some more and coped about not going to a good college (you're obessed with that for some reason).

>> No.20495019

Ipso facto midwitry on full display.

>> No.20495095

Are you going to keep responding so you get the last word and feel like you accomplished something? In the end, you'll still just be a pseud who sperged out over "logical fallacies" because a stranger posted a goodboy meme making fun of their edgelord status. Seethe.

>> No.20495109

Mickey Fuck

>> No.20495150

Heil Fauci, bitch. Don’t insult the Fuhrer.

>> No.20495314

You must be 18 to post on this site

>> No.20495382

>*denies the existence of AIDS and then dies of ... le AIDs*

>> No.20495414

I didn't sperg, I'm not upset. You on the other hand are personally offended evidenced by your overly emotional replies, meme making, and all caps.

>> No.20495437

You will worship science and still die you savior-seeking midwit.

>> No.20495452

so just like rightist chuds like Herman Cain
>denies existence of COVID
>dies of COVID
no wonder why so many reactionary dipshits like this chrome dome.

>> No.20495458

I love that fags try to excuse Foucault being a degenerate bugspreader even though everyone already knew it was endemic within the gay community long before the Science ™ had to admit the truth since bisexual niggers started spreading it everywhere through buttsex and sharing needles.

>> No.20495511


stop with the homophobia

>> No.20495601
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I'm not reading that

>> No.20495658

MDs don't make a fucking cent on the dollar to what pharma makes on those vaccines. health insurance as a business concept is an unethical scam, now idea how it's even legal, if a physician at work ever refused to treat someone because a patient can't pay in advance then that doctor shouldn't be allowed to practice at all. and like you said, nerds in a pharma lab and suits at an office never have to interact with patients at all, let alone get an MD, so it makes complete sense that they want to sell everyone insurance and get everyone pills so they fund politicians that support universal insurance laws and allow nurses (with a fraction of the education and training as a physician) to be able to prescribe schedule ii drugs. in the end, insurance rates go up, health care goes down and everyone gets fucked.

>> No.20495662

you WILL suck the cock, you WILL die of aids

>> No.20495701
File: 319 KB, 816x982, didnt upset not sperg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't sperg (>>20494927)
>I'm not upset (>>20494850 ur quotes)
Keep telling everyone on an anonymous message board that--you sad, pathetic, wannabe edgelord tryhard FAGGOT. ALL CAPS!!!! OH NO! ANOTHER MEME!!!! AM I MAKING A FALLACY! HOLY SHIT!!

>> No.20496199

I don't even care about any of the original points. You're just a midwit that's been exposed as such (along with your esteemed professors) and you can't stand it. Each post proves it and there is no recourse, simply posturing about success status and credentials. The edginess isn't what even bothered you. It's the response to your other paragraph in your initial post (the bit addressing your seething about those who can't do, teach) that has been sending you in a tizzyy.

>> No.20496246

Have mercy for God's sake.

>> No.20496262


>> No.20496484
File: 221 KB, 1316x476, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it going, sperg.

>> No.20496487


>> No.20496549

>The main harm in medicine is it's entire approach to treat obese, old, and genetically sickly people rather than just euthanize them. This is predicated on Hippocratic ethics, which is a spooked moralfag outlook that causes perverse incentives and dysgenic outcomes.
You sound like an actual psychopath. Wouldn't want to be your parents...

>> No.20496563
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>he trusts doctors to solve your health problems... putting themselves out of business

>> No.20496575

Wait until you see a soft science researcher utilizing "statistics" or any sort of math

>> No.20496577

The best way to refute foucalt is to take his postmodernism to the logical extreme. Same way to refute Marx.

>> No.20496586 [DELETED] 

and refute it how? by moralfagging?
the absolute state of /lit/ - literature

>> No.20496588

I'll admit the first post was contrarian bait. But my critique of your attempts at arguing remain valid.

>> No.20496640
File: 83 KB, 400x240, cope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was being retarded on purpose

>> No.20496653

The "le" meme is funny when you're referencing an actual frenchman.

>> No.20496670

The subsequent replies that made you mad weren't examples of this. All of them had valid criticism of your argumentation with its clear gaps in logic.

>> No.20496689


>> No.20496834
File: 83 KB, 488x436, 1635027174282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The "le" meme is funny when you're referencing an actual frenchman.

>> No.20496851

>valid criticism of your argumentation
I called you a retarded edgelord and made fun of you for seething about it. Holy fucking cope. This wasn't a game of chess you pretentious projecting retard.
>I was being retarded on purpose b-but making fun of me was a fallacy a-and there were clear gaps in your logic...
Holy shit you're pathetic. Good luck with the autism.

>> No.20496864

What angered you wasn't the edginess but you and your professors being called midwits and the posts that followed was about that. If you didn't feel personally slighted you wouldn't have fallaciously "joked" about needing to prove your success and credentials to /lit/.

>> No.20496882


This is the best post that I have read on 4chan in this year to date. I have not fully followed the train of argument and frankly probably won't bother, but the immediate response here is sound in every way. I especially liked the uncommon "swooned" usage and very simple coda. The idiot seethes, it seems: >>20494743

>> No.20496894

This is the best samefag that I have read on 4chan in this year to date. I have not fully followed the train of argument and frankly probably won't bother, but the immediate response here is sound in every way. I especially liked the common agreeing with oneself. The idiot seethes, it seems:

>> No.20496901

Why are you so mean

>> No.20496934


>> No.20496944

It's not worth reading but I think I actually broke him. Maybe he didn't get into college because he was homeschooled or something (he seems really primed on the idea of academic achievement and keeps going back to it without feedback).

>> No.20496989

.. is anyone going to talk about the book or?

>> No.20497077


I think you're onto something. t. not you and dunno about the homeschooling angle but I really liked that well-placed "swooned", good job sir.

>> No.20497123

drugs don't help and cause damage more often than not yet are treated as legitimate and pushed hard

>> No.20497127

Insys/Subsys scandal
Bextra scandal
Recent Astrazeneca lawsuit

>> No.20497378

>Insys/Subsys scandal
Holy fuck, I knew the opioid epidemic was worsening, but this is some chilling shit.
>“...we knew that if we got a patient on the drug, over time, they would become a greater revenue stream. The longer the patient stayed on the drug, the higher the dose that they were going to use, and the more revenue it was going to be worth to us.”
This is their fucking CEO.
>Instead of relying on doctors’ offices to communicate with pharmacies, the company built its own reimbursement center, where workers were paid commissions based on insurance approvals of Subsys. The workers were taught to tell insurance companies and pharmacies they were calling from doctors’ offices rather than from Insys, and they learned to game the system by saying patients had tried other drugs that were not effective, and most importantly, that they had cancer when they did not.
How the fuck do you even begin to fix a system this broken?
I'm more and more convinced each day that drugs are the greatest evil mankind ever stumbled onto. One day they're clearly going to be the end of us.

>> No.20497386

how do you even reply to a thread like this 70 times over? are you all GPT bots?

>> No.20497419

Why does anyone bother to discuss post-structuralist charlatans like Foucault in 2022? Him and his clique of French faggot theorists can all suck a giant dick. Deleuze and Guattari are the only ones worthy of discussion and 98% of this board is too stupid to understand them anyway. Stop wasting your time with deconstructivists ffs

>> No.20497596

>that they had cancer when they did not.
Kek, they had some recorded phone call and it was something like:
-So, this is a medication for cancer pains. Does this patient have cancer?
-Yes, she has been going through a great deal of pain
-Ok, we will approve

>> No.20497604

Also, their manager recruited a ruthless stripper to bribe doctors kek

>> No.20498171

It isnt chilling shit, the opioid epidemic is exagerated and chronic pain exists and tolerancr and taxylchyphalaxis exists which are exactly what is being described. You're just a medical illiterate that zero understanding of this and believe a false narrative by the media. As for insurance approvals that makes them great for assisting with prior authorizations which can make patients life hell. Iatrogenic addiction is seldom a consequence and there is extreme scrutiny by doctors and pharmacists for signs of abuse.

>> No.20498196

You're the one seething and sperging, kek.

>> No.20498204
File: 389 KB, 1600x2417, CD202C10-AD37-4DFD-AD8E-B5D712B5F014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medicinebros… it’s over

>> No.20498208


>> No.20498242

Oy vey why did they keep the curly sideburns

>> No.20498316

>a false narrative by the media
Anon, Insys settled for billions of dollars and multiple people involved in the drug ring (executives, sales management, a prostitute on their payroll, and doctors who happily accepted six-figure bribes) are currently in prison.
Go to rural West Virginia, talk to the people in those dying coal towns, and tell me the opioid epidemic is an overblown myth. You are retarded.

>> No.20498381

>Go to rural West Virginia, talk to the people in those dying coal towns, and tell me the opioid epidemic is an overblown myth.
It is. Anyone with any opioid in their system counts as a drug related fatality regardless of the cause of death. They have an incentive to pump the numbers as high a possible to get more federal and state funding for their beurocratic programs and law enforcement. Total incompetence to line their own pockets and easy votes from gullible idiots like you.

>> No.20499212

Counterpoint: Young Healthy people aren't given any opportunities and are neglected and not prioritized in ERs and medicine whenever they are the most valuable and are disenfranchised whenever society allocates resources, housing and jobs to an older generation over them. Case in point, they shut the entire economy down and forcded novel experimental vaccines over a flu because boomers had an existential crisis.

Good middle ground:


>> No.20499287

Because young people are strong and likely to survive unlike old geezers without medicine

>> No.20499378

You make fair point but the other anon was not just saying we should devote more resources to the young, but that we should euthanize the elderly and weak.

>> No.20499394

Also I have to disagree about covid. You say only cause "boomers" had an existential crisis, but imo thats a pretty callous outlook. Personally I'd rather my parents don't die but that's just me.

>> No.20499398

We live in a society rife with scarcity. It would be nice to give everyone support but we cannot, at least at current population levels. This sounds like a cold utilitarian view but is it really worth spending $1.5 Million dollars for Grandma to have a two more years of life? I loved my grandma and might have said yes to this but personal feelings for family aside, I think that money could have been better used.

>> No.20499407

He's right. And among the vulnerable its only those in LTCs who are significantly most at risk.

>> No.20499414


>> No.20499881

I'm not a medical expert so I'll take your word for it. But if theres even a %5 chance my 60 yr old parents can die from it, seems like it would be worth being vaccinated against it.

>> No.20499901
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That's the entire point in mass vaccination. It's not for up, it's for the old fucks whose bodies die at the slightest provocation. Can't wrap my head around how 4chuds simply can't digest that.

>> No.20500125

shut up faggot

>> No.20500187

Was it worth shutting down the entire economy and mandating the experimental vaccines on the younger generations for their 5% benefit? Surely the detriments of this have been cumulatively worse for the majority of humanity than its boons.

>> No.20500194
File: 53 KB, 640x521, medieval torture device circumcision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20500201

Monarch to the kingdom of the dead

>> No.20500209

Why do you type like a retard?

>> No.20500217

Circumcision leads to higher IQ. That's better than muh dik pleasure.

>> No.20500233

You probably listen to red scare

>> No.20500303

The copes just get weirder and weirder.

>> No.20500404

>worth shutting down the economy
Possibly not, depends on the area. I know some countries didn't fully shut down and still did okay.
>mandating the experimental vaccines
So far am not seeing any problem with the vaccines. If they passed clinical trials and have little risk I see no issue with mandating them. If you want to argue that the government should provide more incentive for low income people by paying then for their time, I'm not going disagree.

>> No.20500439

>putting fauci on the list with nazis and unit 731
>expecting anyone to take you seriously
Who am I kidding, conspiracy-theory-addled election tourists are the only people left on this website.

>> No.20500440

It's novel technology that has never been used in an approved product before COVID and has skipped an approval process that takes a decade and any benefit is practically and statistically insignificant for healthy young people.

>> No.20500473

>states of a bunch of his personal opinions like they are facts
>shitty, edgy personal opinions at that
>offers zero justification for his stance
>then unironically says "ad hominem" and "refute or leave" on 4chan while invoking le reddit boogeyman
No, it's totally justified in this case to assassinate your character - no person like you has well-reasoned opinions.

>> No.20500494

>Life has no inherent value.
If life has no inherent value, what is the value of learning anything in the first place? What's your utilitarian construction that allows you to suggest knowledge is worth having if the people who would learn it and have it aren't worth being alive to learn or know it?

Fucking retard.

>> No.20500516

>this site
Wonderful, then leave.

>> No.20500534

Except the blatant trolling isn't what even made that guy mad. It's the dig about him and his professors being midwits and everything that followed afterwards.

>> No.20500542

>It's novel technology that has never been used in an approved product before COVID
And how exactly is that any different from other vaccines? A new disease will require a new vaccine. I wouldn't expect it to be used before COVID because it didn't exist before COVID.
>and has skipped an approval process that takes a decade and any benefit is practically and statistically insignificant for healthy young people.
I'd imagine the benefit is more for older people or people that can't get the vaccine. It took me like 5 or 10 minutes to get the vaccine . I really dont see what's the big deal.

>> No.20500574
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>calls others reddit
>spouts fallacies like it means literally anything

>> No.20500585

>And how exactly is that any different from other vaccines?
Other vaccines do not use your cells to manufacture the antigen. Vaccines for other diseases either inactive viruses or protein subunit with an adjuvant. The majority of the ones given EUA or fast track approval (Pfizer, Moderna, AZ, and J&J) are either MRNA or adenoviral vector vaccines.

>> No.20500610

Reddit is the foundation of fallacious modes of argumentation.
>Orange man bad
>You must be fun at parties
>It's almost as if (followed by an appeal to hypocrisy).

>> No.20500621

>the main harm in medicine is that it heals people

>> No.20500680


>> No.20500795

>The majority of the ones given EUA or fast track approval (Pfizer, Moderna, AZ, and J&J) are either MRNA or adenoviral vector vaccines.
Okay and so what's the problem with that?

>> No.20500812

>dying before you're too weak and decrepit to wipe your own ass is............. LE BAD!!!!!

>> No.20500863

Is there a point to this thread?

>> No.20500961

They're novel technologies and their cellular manufacturing of the antigen poses risk with genome integration and autoimmune disorders. The risk of these paired with incidence of side effects outweighs the near non-existent benefit. Making them mandatory is of benefit to an aging population (I don't doubt their efficacy or risk-benefit to them), at the expenses of the younger. Why should I be a guinea pig for your 60 year old dad?


>> No.20500975


>> No.20500981


>> No.20501116

Boomers are the most selfish generation that's ever existed. 100 years after they die out we'll still be picking up the bill.

>> No.20501327

no, millennials and zoomers are and you prove it.

>> No.20501431

They're getting more retarded unfortunately, my Grandfather was a doctor, but more and more people his calibar are just not going into the field anymore. It is very grim.
Don't much care for this reddit shit, however.

>> No.20501889

One of my exes became a doctor. She was a gook who believed you could die if you slept with a fan in your room, Asians evolved from a different ape than other races, and sticking your finger in your belly button while under water could cause internal damage up to and including death. (Her dad was also a doctor and he had escaped from North Korea as a teenager).

>> No.20501982

>getting pozzed is...Le good!

>> No.20501994

>you could die if you slept with a fan in your room
Bizarre but whatever
>Asians evolved from a different ape than other races
I could buy it
>sticking your finger in your belly button while under water could cause internal damage up to and including death.
Not willing to test this one out

>> No.20502547


>> No.20502553

Absolute sperg


>> No.20502562

Millennial whining.

>> No.20502568

Every culture has this retarded shit. Pop Rock's and cola. Pigeons got blamed for polio. Go back far enough and it's "mmmmm Mercury is medicine because shiny!! Time for leeches and snakes! Oooooo gotta get the bad blood out!!"

>> No.20502602

HIV and especially AIDS are a hoax.