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/lit/ - Literature

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20493152 No.20493152 [Reply] [Original]

So today I was talking with a girl at work. And she asked what I did in my free time. Well I have bad experiences with women so I stopped really caring what they think. So I told her I just read all day.
Then she said
>Oh! Really? What do you read?

To which I told her “The Greeks”.

Turns out she’s a history major and she’s all interested and wants to talk more so she asks me the last book I read.

Now here’s the issue, I haven’t read any Greeks for two years(I’ve moved past them at this point in my literary journey) the last person I’ve actually been reading is McCarthy.

Two reasons I didn’t say this

1. She wouldn’t know who he is(ironic since he’s the greatest writer our country ever produced)

2. He’s racist(not really but you know how normalfags and NPCs are)

So I told her the last greek book I read(the trial and death of Socrates)

And then she started drilling me! She asked me whether or not Euthypro was justified and I couldn’t remember why even was at the court.
She asked me what I thought of Socrates final words and the parallel it has to the death of Christ and I couldn’t remember what his last words were or even what Jesus’ last words were on the cross(and I’m a Christian!)

I started to become abashed so I switched to the republic and the she asked me what I thought of Socrates vs Thrasymacus and I couldn’t even remember why they were arguing in the first place. Eventually the conversation turned really dry as I realized I know less than this stupid cunt who is dumb enough to be a HISTORY MAJOR.

I also thought back to a lot of books I read these past 2-3 years and realized I can’t really remember much. I could give a synopsis sure but I can’t remember as well as I can recall an anime/manga, song, or movie. I fucking know over 600 pokemon and their abilities for christsakes. Anyone else in the same boat? What can I do? Take notes while reading?

>pic related, the girl who’s in debt to study history

>> No.20493160

Lol you got btfo by a tranny.

>> No.20493165

That's after I just got done nutting on her face. You'd think she'd clean up before she took her next picture but no, I guess she was proud of it.

>> No.20493168

i like to write keywords on my arm in marker
>he drank WINE
>spooky alert
>Diogenes, boo!

>> No.20493169

>I fucking know over 600 pokemon and their abilities
This girl is smarter than you.

>> No.20493172

You're a very sad individual, anon. Maybe you'd feel better about yourself if you tried "acting" like a better person?

>> No.20493173


>> No.20493182

You must develop a specific interest in literature, which includes a variety of topics you're genuinely interested in, to retain information that is related to these topics. Or you would accept the fact that you're just a pretentious fag, who treats literature as a hobby and thus should kys.

>> No.20493185
File: 41 KB, 657x591, 47D1BDD3-A4E6-4087-AD7B-C886169DC2FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m an EE major so likely not.

>> No.20493187

>she wouldn't know who McCarthy is
jesus fuck you're up your own ass, aren't you?

>> No.20493191

Oh, you're just a moron? Don't even worry about it.

>> No.20493197

those are pretty basic questions Anon. you should feel embarrassed for not knowing how to respond to basic questions

>> No.20493201

When did /lit/ become so cucked? It’s a fucking roastie fuck off man

>> No.20493205

Lol you don’t even have formal schooling let alone a degree.

>> No.20493209

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.20493218

dumbass lmao

>> No.20493228

And you got BTFOd by her. I would be ashamed.
You should stick to pajeetshit.

>> No.20493229

>waah waah waah!
>4chan told me all women are stupid whores and now I look like a fucking moron!
>waah waah waah!

>> No.20493232

>petty EE Major unable to accept that some rando outwitted him with questions from HS English
My man, you're a creepy retard (assuming any of this is true, which I doubt).

>> No.20493235 [DELETED] 

You guys are just putting me down because it makes you feel better. We’re all in the same boat in this globohomo world with people literally trying to drive us to extinction. But whatever. She has a pretty face right? Fuck off man.

>> No.20493239

You ruined the bait

>> No.20493244

>Eventually the conversation turned really dry as I realized I know less than this stupid cunt who is dumb enough to be a HISTORY MAJOR.
You are too proud, man. You judged a book by it's cover and you still can't admit it. She didn't sound stupid at all. Actually, you were the ignorant one in the topic you discussed while she tried to start an decent discussion.
If you weren't so proud you could have asked her for the tips you are now asking strangers on 4chan and start, at least, a friendship with someone who genuinely likes to read things that interest you (most of the people here don't even read, specially ancient works, they just come to shitpost or give their unfounded opinions).

>> No.20493246

She btfo’d you so you run to 4chan to make a thread hoping that incels will back you up, maintaining that she’s the stupid cunt and even going so far as to post her pic. There’s no coming back from this.

>> No.20493265

That's a cute tranny alright

>> No.20493271

You don't care what women think, yet instead of autistically blurting out McCarthy not giving a shit if she's "woke" or not, you tried to impress her with your knowledge of 'the Greeks' and got totally owned. Then smarting from what this woman thinks of you, you downloaded her picture from social media, and posted it onto a mongorian basket weaving board hoping other virgins petrified by the actual concept of talking to a vagina-haver face to face would somehow think you were a chad for, once again, letting this bitch live rent free in your fucking brain?

>> No.20493276

Good bone structure
Next time stick to the truth! As “cringe” or weird as you think it is it will only hurt you to lie. You spend to much time on 4chin if your reaction was to spout off “t-the greeks” and if you truly believe she wouldn’t know McCarthy, and even if she didn’t, why is this a reason to lie?

>> No.20493281

>EE major
That explains so much that's just beyond your comprehension.

>> No.20493284

Exactly. Instead of getting schooled, OP could have provided insight or had a real discussion.

>> No.20493303

Do you honestly believe he can talk about McCarthy without using memes or buzzwords?

>> No.20493308

Considering the fact that she buttblasted you on the Greeks with apparently minimal effort, I wouldn’t be surprised if she could.

>> No.20493309

I would mention his unique use of historical prose, his ability at making antagonists and showing how racially centric everyone was despite ultimately showing in his novels that most of the time race didn’t matter. I know McCarthy.

>> No.20493311

>Philosophy majors hotter than history majors
Take your statistics and shove them up your electrical butt socket.

>> No.20493324

OP is, per definition, a faggot but this goes one step beyond.

>> No.20493332

I don't remember any character names either, or even dialogue names. If she had asked what I thought about Thrasymachus's argument, or about the Meno, I'd have no idea. If she had asked what I thought about the dialogue about virtue being taught or innate, I would remember though.

>> No.20493335

You know what OP? FUCK YOU. You get BTFO'd by a tranny because of fucking plato? FUCKING PLATO?! You'd think that one would make such a mistake if one had read Plato five years ago, but TWO YEARS? YOU FORGOT PLATO IN TWO YEARS? I'm fucking done with faggots like you ruining this fucking board. I'm fucking out.

>> No.20493337

Memorize a few words from the sociologist's toolkit.
>I found Plato to be antipositivist in his interaction with Euthyphro, it caused a social stratification. This was a good book.
>Socrates vs Thrasymachus was a classic example of the apartheid conformist vs. the deviant illegitimate opportunist. Well, you know how that goes...

>> No.20493346


>> No.20493362

that's a man

>> No.20493371

didn't happen, but effective bait

>> No.20493421

Lean to read

>> No.20493449

I laughed. Good thread OP

>> No.20493464

ok dude

>> No.20493502

>STEMcel is just a pretentious dork who doesn't understand anything he reads
Now that's funny.

>> No.20493686

> stopped caring what girls think
> doesn’t just come out with “actually it was while back and my brain is retarded”
Poser. Real antisocialites are more open that that.

>> No.20493693

You shouldn’t have engaged with her(his) questions. Just say
>what is this a pop quiz? Why are you being so aggressive?

>> No.20493703

I don't think it's possible to retain such a vast amount of information unless you have a really good memory in which case you might as well become a doctor. Even academics, specifically historians in this case, don't remember every single detail. If they do, it's because they have been teaching it for decades otherwise they constantly read references and so on.
So the best you can do is keep taking notes and rereading different books on the same subject

>> No.20493790

Caroline Polachek looks like THAT?

>> No.20493797

>My IQ is very high! I'm reading ALL the time!
>Oh yeah? What do you like reading?
>Um... Uhh... Euthypro
>I love Euthypro! Do you think Socrates deserved to die?
>Hmm haha, actually I can't remember anything from it (haha)

You are truly a faggot, OP. Why not just talk to a fellow book-lover about books rather than grandstanding over how smart you are? Nobody outside of /lit/ cares whether you are "read" or "cultured" or "highbrow".

>> No.20493811

>I fucking know over 600 pokemon and their abilities for christsakes.
This isn't surprising. Your brain was still developing. The older you get the less plasticity you have. The "secret" to remembering things is to recite out loud or in your head without looking at your books or notes. You have to do this at intervals or it might fade. I like HDWMMM: I Hour, 1 Day, I Week, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months.

>> No.20493828

Engineer to be exact. Of course he's retarded.

>> No.20493903

Only computer science nerds are worse than Engineers.

>> No.20493950

>I fucking know over 600 pokemon
everything's going as Nature intended

>> No.20493958

>Nobody outside of /lit/ cares whether you are "read" or "cultured" or "highbrow".
even inside of /lit/ nobody cares

>> No.20494015

That isn’t anywhere near comparable to what was written. Quit hearing what you want to hear.

>> No.20494057

You sound like you’re filled with resentment.

>> No.20494080

>this thread
Things that didn't fucking happen, the OP.

>> No.20494388

women are so fucking retarded that they took a copypasta'd bait thread seriously

>> No.20494410

The woman is irrelevant, you behaved in a way that's embarassing and you should be ashamed of it.

>> No.20494424

None of these replies read like women wrote them because there aren't any women on this board

>> No.20494490

To retain information, one must first retain semen.

>> No.20495653

Jordan B Peterson what are you doing on this board.

>> No.20495669

lmao retard

>> No.20495675

And gay. Which is why he was flirting with an obvious troon.

>> No.20495756

>I’m an EE major so likely not.
More like true. I'm an EE major too and most people I know in my uni are all fuckting dumb. Both in humanities and stem things, most of them all failed their first time on Calculus.

>> No.20495776

Man the amount of people I saw getting filtered by calc 2 was priceless. Like how hard is that shit just learn your proofs and brush up on your algebra.

>> No.20495898

>Eventually the conversation turned really dry as I realized I know less than this stupid cunt who is dumb enough to be a HISTORY MAJOR.
Ironic you're still in denial and looking down on her after such a blatant exposing of you being a pseud who reads to feel good about reading instead of reading to actually absorb knowledge.

>> No.20495906

Oh dear this post seems like a nightmare scenario.

>> No.20495927

Imagine if that chick is itt and she feels guilty for putting OP on the spot like that even though she was just interested in having a conversation of Plato

>> No.20496493
File: 410 KB, 1200x1804, 1200px-Nietzsche187c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did /lit/ become so cucked? It’s a fucking roastie fuck off man

>> No.20497602

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.20497637

why is x-axis in reverse?

>> No.20498686


>> No.20500100

should've just asked to be reminded, it's really not egregious to forget names

>> No.20500611

>in which case you might as well become a doctor
Lmao doctors don't retain any of the information they study. They either cheat, pay for their degrees or scrape by and then when they actually "work" they just google shit.

>> No.20500627

You are such a giant fucking loser its unreal, but that "graph" was so pathetic and full of cope I'm certain you aren't even baiting and genuinely think and act like this. Neck rope

>> No.20502080

sorriest shit i ever read

>> No.20502091

>Well I have bad experiences with women so I stopped really caring what they think
>Two reasons I didn’t say this

Anon are you aware of the cognitive dissonance here?

>> No.20502101

Neither him nor anyone posting in this thread saw that.

>> No.20502103
File: 11 KB, 188x264, 0cjm8b43avn11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20502105

only reason why everyone took the bait is because OP's an engineer

t. engineer and read more than you

>> No.20502112

My gf got mad because she went to a dermatologist to get rid of a nasty skin infection and the doctor was clueless and was googling shit right in front of her. Lmao. Chinks are so fucking useless.>>20500627

>> No.20502116

Man...you need to get your shit together

>> No.20502144
File: 32 KB, 700x483, 954D14C8-5F7E-4F47-AAB4-CB9C329F510F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re hopeless.

>> No.20502157

>only reason why everyone took the bait is because OP's an engineer
OP is the personification of /lit/.

>> No.20502194

It's sad, but true.

>> No.20502198

You need to make flashcards to remember these things if you're going to try to use them to show off to women.

>> No.20502440


>> No.20502474

There is no need for that. Do you use flashcard to not words of your own language? Probably not because you see most of those words everyday while reading texts and posts.
Anon reads one book only once and expects to remember everything about it forever. Since this doesn't work, he decides to make a flashcard deck to help him. Maybe what anon needs is to read that book more than once. If that is not important, why should he care about someone that can remember a book well enough to discuss it?
I really hate how prople think good books are meant to be read once. And any book you read until the end should be considered a good book, unless you read just to say you have read n books. At that point, there is no reason to care about what others know or think about any book you read.

>> No.20502518

He just needs to know what happened long enough to get some hoe into bed man, don't over-intellectualize it.

>> No.20502528

According to him, he did get that hoe to bed, but it still mad she knew more about some dialogue than him.

>> No.20502823

It's absolutely possible and I've been seething my entire life over it. I remember the plots of everything I've consumed going back at least a decade with some stand outs going back 20+ years. In school I never had to study for final comprehensive exams because if I learned something in September there was no way in hell I would forget it by December. I do not understand how others can consume information and not retain it. It is deeply upsetting to only encounter 1/10000 people who actually possess a working memory.

I'm not a fucking savant. This isn't photographic perfect recall word by word autism. I recall information not because I memorize anything but because I process it into my own internal understanding.

The universe was kind enough to give me a beautiful girlfriend in my youth who possessed an even greater memory than my own. She has ruined all other women for me in her absence. I no longer expect any level of memory from anyone but I will eternally miss what once was.

>> No.20502859

What happened to your gf?

>> No.20502873

Why do I get the feeling she's actually the OP making fun of some retard.

>> No.20502890

Girls are on /lit/?

>> No.20502918

He's on /lit/, it's not hard to guess.

>> No.20502946

Not sure if you’re still checking thread but I’d say you fucked yourself with all the presumptions about the girl. You told her you read the Greeks in particular despite not remembering shit about them because you guessed she wouldn’t like or know McCarthy..? McCarthy isn’t some esoteric writer, she also doesn’t sound like a complete retard, and even if she pulled the “he’s a racist” thing it would’ve made for more interesting conversation than attempting to bs your way through fragmented Greek knowledge. I’d just recommend being a bit more open both in the sense of what you actually like and open to the possibility that this girl doesn’t fit your meme portrayal of her. I think most bookish kids have had similar experiences to this though so don’t feel like you’re the only one. I got mentally pantsed like this in a bar in Raleigh when I first got into philosophy and thought I was some sort of irl Gandalf for having read a few existentialists.

As for memory, I think the setting you read in and how much thought you put into the book play a big role. If I read something in a quiet place and am actually actively reading at the time I have no problem remembering it. I could give pretty damn good plot summaries for c&p, heart of a dog, cannery row, and other books I haven’t touched in 4+ years. Meanwhile, I read past master a couple weeks ago while on a flight and couldn’t tell you dick about it

>> No.20503050

Didn't happen.

>> No.20503500


>> No.20503538

You need to have a Mnemonics phase, consider it a kind of Meta-Study for actually retaining whatever future phases you have. Look into The Art of Memory, Method of Loci, shit like that.

>> No.20503559

>I've stopped caring
>so I lied due to insecurity
Should've just told her "I've been reading Cormac McCarthy recently but I was reading the Greeks a lot for a while."
Then she would've asked you questions about the Greeks and you could've been like "Oh can you remind me what that dialogue was about?" And let her feel like she's teaching you something (she is, but let her feel like it).
You didn't even have to bullshit your way through the conversation but you could've done that too.

>> No.20503574

You brought shame to to lit. You must rerread the greeks you dumb ass how could you forget it?

>> No.20503679

He never he said he got her to bed. Please learn to read.

>> No.20503696

See >>20493165

>> No.20503700

You really think that was OP? You really think she took that picture after a bukkake? Are you a virgin?

>> No.20503701

actual good bait, OP

>> No.20503775

hahahaha, man I love 4chan

>> No.20503885


>> No.20503937

here face looks a little bit like Guenon's

>> No.20503981

We both went to different unis. Her on the east coast, I on the west coast and broke up before the day we left because of the distance. Also because I was naive and thought I was doing the right thing by not holding her back from experiencing college independently without having to worry about me. My idealism conflicted with nature. Women easily get over past mates and move on. Wasn't so easy for me, but I've never bothered her or even checked how she is doing for a decade. If she wanted to she could have reached out to me. The silence is all the answer I need. Not that I have or had any expectations of her doing so. Everything went exactly by the book of our stated intentions, I just got a rude awakening that my intentions and my unvoiced thoughts were not on the same page.

>> No.20504112

>Using your major to justify intelligence.
Filtered. Maybe if you're a math/physics major, but even then, I've seen brainlets everywhere.
>t. Chemical Engineering with physics minor.

>> No.20504127

>t. 300k starting at wallstreet.

>> No.20504134

You will never pass troon.

>> No.20504190

Suck it faggot, I'm a straight man with a hige dick. I will get /fit/, get women a plenty and eat good with 9 of my kids running around my house. And my CS/mathematical affinity will be the thing that feeds all of them one day.

>> No.20504198

You need to get off /pol/.

>> No.20504210

Yeah but the other party is a woman. He is automatically smarter than her by virtue of being a man. The STEM field contrasted with her liberal arts degree is just the icing on the cake

>> No.20504223

Get off /r9k/.

>> No.20504403

This is why I'm just honest about what I read recently so I can actually talk about it with people. Yes, that means that the last ten books I read were Japanese light novel translations, but at least I read them all in the last seven days so they're pretty fresh in my memory and I can discuss them and give recommendations. If I want to talk about something less trashy I discuss books I've re-read multiple times, like the Dune series or books I have great recall of, like books on personal finance or investing.

OP is a fool with his head up his ass who claims he doesn't care what people think, but then lied because he cared what a thot thought and revealed his foolishness.

>> No.20504628

you really need to take a break from this website, OP was clearly a tard and got outed on a shitty lie by an art chick, whoch makes him more rarted than the average hobo you eats rats in the street

>> No.20504971

Unironically the person in my life who knows the most philosophy is a woman. She is based and doesn't just regurgitate what she reads she also develops her own perspective. We always laugh about some of the insane shit philosophers said. Essentially these were autists who lived in insular high trust communities. They didn't experience a broad range of living conditions and environments they were just shooting the shit with their small band of bros. Their hubris and obliviousness to the power of norms is usually what creates a comic declaration. So same as any other contemporary autist.

>> No.20505084

>You are too proud, man. You judged a book by it's cover and you still can't admit it. She didn't sound stupid at all. Actually, you were the ignorant one in the topic you discussed while she tried to start an decent discussion.
>If you weren't so proud you could have asked her for the tips you are now asking strangers on 4chan and start, at least, a friendship with someone who genuinely likes to read things that interest you (most of the people here don't even read, specially ancient works, they just come to shitpost or give their unfounded opinions).
This. The girl is too based to be true.

>> No.20505091
File: 9 KB, 227x222, A88A3D14-9572-40DC-98BE-DCF1462A38B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically the person in my life who knows the most philosophy is a woman. She is based and doesn't just regurgitate what she reads she also develops her own perspective. We always laugh about some of the insane shit philosophers said. Essentially these were autists who lived in insular high trust communities. They didn't experience a broad range of living conditions and environments they were just shooting the shit with their small band of bros. Their hubris and obliviousness to the power of norms is usually what creates a comic declaration. So same as any other contemporary autist.

>> No.20505100

realizing how shit 4chan users are at socializing is amazing. Dude she is asking you a question and the whole point of you answering with an author she doesn't know is so she can ask follow up questions and then interject with her own thoughts on similar works etc. She was trying to start a conversation with you and it would of gone fine if you had just said mccarthy. Most people have at least read 'The Road' or heard of 'Blood Meridian' it's really not that obscure.

>> No.20505109

How the fuck is she based? Get the dildo out of your ass holy shit she shouldn’t even be allowed to pursue higher education fucking retard

>> No.20505118

This dude is gay. Talking about lit with foids lol

>> No.20505140

Yeah, women can read too. Maybe if you actually tried talking to them you could get laid.

>> No.20505193

>How the fuck is she based?
She really knows her Plato, OP is a poser.
It's not my fault he crossed paths with Aspasia.
He should stop crying, learn his philosophy and bang the cutie, instead of making shitty threads on lit/.

>> No.20505196

She needs to be hung for perpetuating globohomo

>> No.20505201

Don't need to talk with holes to get their pussy.

>> No.20505207

>Automatically smarter by virtue of being a man.
Not in today's so(y) world anon. Also, op is a faggot. He should've been honest with the girl and told her he's forgotten a lot and did it as a hobby. Then she would've offered him advice and if she's good looking, maybe op could've gotten a gf.

>> No.20505236

>She needs to be hung for perpetuating globohomo
I fail to see how that's her fault.

>> No.20505243

>He should've been honest with the girl and told her he's forgotten a lot and did it as a hobby. Then she would've offered him advice and if she's good looking, maybe op could've gotten a gf.
Sane person.

>> No.20505249

This place is really weird. Do we all have autism? What’s with taking everything at face value?

>> No.20505418

No one here reads and everyone larps.