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/lit/ - Literature

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20493005 No.20493005 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite commentaries?

>> No.20493008

Fair warning that jannies are now just removing the threads and not banning the bakers so that we don't notice they're doing it.

>> No.20493207

Is that from Easton Press? It looks like their binding style.

>> No.20493215

Indeed. We must pray for our enemies, the hell bound Satanic faggot fucking jannies, that they might find the LORD God Almighty, that He might have mercy on them and allow them at least some crumbs from a table in the Kingdom of God. Bless them that curse us.

>> No.20493241
File: 1.22 MB, 2390x1000, 1654469320942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what do we do about this janny? Surely there is some kind of oversight that can tell this faggot to stop or demod him

>> No.20493298

The janny sounds based. Fuck christcucks.

>> No.20493368


>> No.20493410

Part of it is because there's a forced rule that religion and philosophy threads are supposed to be on /his/, just because moot put "& Humanities" in the title for no reason. But it's an unnatural rule because you can see people mostly use /his/ for history, while people reading the Bible or some other religious text or philosophical text are more likely to be on /lit.

But that's only part of it. I think there's also a bias against anything "right wing" or traditional. I've seen a Guenon/Evola discussion thread get moved to /his/, then later get deleted by another janny there. So apparently such books aren't allowed to be discussed anywhere.

There's also nerds who want /lit/ to be about consooming fiction, something more similar to other boards like /a/ and /v/ and /tv/. You see them bitching about philosophy threads sometimes, and I can see jannies falling in with them.

>> No.20493485
File: 204 KB, 1052x1119, 1633714698628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based jannies deleting threads about a middle eastern desert jewish derived religion

>> No.20493504

Prove me wrong:

>Best Pentateuch: Genesis
>Best Prophets: Isaiah
>Best Writings: Psalms
>Best Deuterocanon: Wisdom of Solomon
>Best Gospel : Matthew
>Best Paul : Romans
>Best John (besides GoJ): 1 John
>Best Peter: 2 Peter