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20486757 No.20486757 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most interesting philosophical insight made in the last 20 years?

>> No.20486761

things are not always what they seem to be

>> No.20486762

That you will never be a woman

>> No.20486766


the ultimate truth is that life is meaningless, no matter what you believe or who the power may be, life is utterly void of any intrinsic meaning, everything in life is nothing more than us trying to fight boredom

>> No.20486770

>in the last 20 years

>> No.20486773

Can you prove this?

>> No.20486778

t. 12 y old redditor
I pity anyone who thinks that this is insightful

>> No.20486788

Doesn't need to be insightful it's just true.
I know who's legs these are. God I love being terminally online and autistic.

>> No.20486792


>the ultimate truth is

okay, time to hear it

>there is no ultimate truth

begone immediately self-contradicting pseud

>> No.20486794

negarestani, robert brandom

>> No.20486800


I came into this world with a "blank slate", everything I know and am capable of was predetermined. The only thing that is 'ME" is my consciousness attached to this body. Every emotion, thought or dream was not organically produced by me but rather a product of what I was born into. Everything is merely filling in the void and time is what makes us bored. Boredom only really exists when you exist or when you are occupied by something but even that is meaningless when you really think about it.


yo momma

>> No.20486803

the ultimate truth is that the purpose of the cosmos is for a soul to be responsible for its own godhood(through natural mysticism), realized in humanity.

>> No.20486808
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Yup. This thread will most likely turn into a shit show in the morning. (You) can help prevent by not replying to this already garbage thread and letting it die.

>> No.20486811

>calling a thread bait because the replies are shit

>> No.20486813

>feet pic
>dumb question
I think you know what I know

>> No.20486925

Girards mimetic theory.
The old guard at universities are shitting themselves knowing they can't have a career shilling the Hegel/Nietzsche twin pillars.

>> No.20486932
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>> No.20486934

there hasn't been a single philosophical insight made for 150+ years. the last one was made by Feuerbach

>> No.20486942
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>> No.20486965

>life is meaningless
>god i love being alive
coherent take, thank you anon

>> No.20486978

That looks can determine success in life. Of course no professional philosopher will admit that, just me.

>> No.20487036
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Sex, Ecology, Spirituality (pic very related) came out in 1995, so a bit more than 20 years ago but I hope it still counts
It introduces the Twenty Tenets, which are an expanded view of holons. The list of Tenets isn't sufficient for a full understanding - you need to read chapter 3 of the book to see the explanatory text, but here is the list: https://www.integralworld.net/20tenets.html

For reference: a holon is a part of a whole, as well as a whole made of parts.

>> No.20487078

Rene Guenon in "Call of the Crocodile"

>> No.20487096

go back to pol chud

>> No.20487199

>I came into this world with a "blank slate",
Objectively false, read Leibniz's essay on Innate Knowledge. I normally don't do this stupid shit of saying "lol wrong read XYZ," but his essay is so short and clear that its worth it even if it doesn't convince you.
>everything I know and am capable of was predetermined.
Determinism hinges on a poor account of causality that doesnt make a distinction between different varieties of necessity.
>The only thing that is 'ME" is my consciousness attached to this body.
I agree with you if by ME you mean SELF, however the body is inextricably linked with the relationship between actions and habits. Aristotle explains this well in the Ethics.
>Every emotion, thought or dream was not organically produced by me but rather a product of what I was born into.
Not necessarily, that's a very contemporary notion which came about as a response to a universal position on Reason. Since I've already committed the sin of namedropping books ill continue or, for reading, I think Plato's Meno and Descartes's Meditations in conjunction give a convincing account for the independence of Reason. Where that falters is in the willing and introspection of any given individual, leading to what you see as culturally determined thinking

>Everything is merely filling in the void and time is what makes us bored.
With your attitude maybe!

You've described a philosophy of abject meaninglessness, non-telology, what is known by the moderns as philosophical pessimism. It is predicated on materialistic axioms, in other words, is as indemonstrable as God. If you arent at least a little swayed by my words, consider the internal logic of your argument. If everything is predetermined by the circumstances of birth then why is your position, of total meaninglessness, the exception? By your own logic you only think this because of your personal circumstances, that is to say, it is baseless outside of yourself and cannot be advanced toward those outside of yourself. Therefore, meaninglessness as you've described is something only you are subject to, and even then is not necessarily true if you think that those circumstances are anything beyond static. And how could they be? Consider Heraclitus on change!

Though I speak polemically, I still love you anon and am here if you want to talk.

>> No.20487245

Incredibly blessed post. I'm baffled that you took the time to attempt to enlighten a mouth breather that will in almost all likelihood ignore your delicious knowledge and suggestions.
The one deserving of love and listening is you, friend.

>> No.20487264

if humanity would gradually degrade not as civilization but as a species nobody could do anything about it

>> No.20487306

Truth. It's all a cope for the fact that we have to suffer this BS to begin with. There's no justification in it but itself.

Upvoted. Christ is le heckin king!

>> No.20487314

stoning homosexuals and adulterous women was the correct course of action all along

>> No.20487320

Kek atheists are at the reality-negation point where they have to pretend reddit is christian and not the epicentre of atheism

>> No.20487328

I must hide this thread, I am attempting to retain semen and these feet are making it very difficult

>> No.20487330


>> No.20487354

Retard. The reddit/4chan distinction arose when the internet was still a community of disparate groups united BY the fact that they were internet communities at all. See the latest shooting: modern internet groups follow all sites. The old distinction is literally now kept up as a joke. Exactly like the experiment with the monkeys, banana and ladder. Both sides hate eachother for they know not why, are prevented from reconciliation by having they know not what views, when both of these have in fact changed so much that the old logic is no longer applicable to the modern sites. Pure tribalism of a false kind, both living in the same general grouping.

Retard. faggot cocksucker

>> No.20487363

whatever you say reddit tranny, nobody is fooled by that bullshit

>> No.20487373


>> No.20487374

Enactivism slowly but surely BTFO'ing even more ridiculous retard remnants of positivism left over in all the """hard""" sciences concerning the human bean and its cognition.

>> No.20487376

the notion of affordances isn't new, nor is the frame problem

>> No.20487379

No, it's all rehashed Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, however, the insight only arises in opposition to idiotic cognitive science and neurology.

If you want only original pure insight there literally hasn't been any since Plato.

>> No.20487412

There haven’t been any.
Analytic philosophy has reached a stasis point and can no longer advance in any meaningful way. People are only allowed to take up a narrowly defined range of positions in a narrowly defined set of debates that have already reached a deadlock. Any attempt to radically question the methods and assumptions of analytic philosophy simply wouldn’t be published, because by definition it would lay outside of analytic philosophy. Perhaps journals will soon start publishing nigger rap lyrics as if they were “philosophy” papers, under threat of the accusation of racism, but this would simply be the destruction of the field, it wouldn’t be a new philosophical insight.
Continentals have nothing to contribute either, they can only dutifully repeat and systematize the thought of other people from 50+ years ago.
Perhaps the historical conditions are simply not right for philosophical insights. The greatest advance ever in the history of thought was the discovery of the scientific mode of thinking, and although this is often attributed to Descartes, it was only made possible by the work of scientists like Galileo who laid the foundation. Philosophers did not generate it ex nihilo.

>> No.20487423

>50+ years ago
And in fact you’d have to go back even further to find a truly original continental thinker. Most of 20th century continental philosophy was just a repackaging of things that were already said by Nietzsche or Marx or Hegel, and now you have the current crop of continentals like Zizek who are repackaging the repackagers. It’s basically an admission that their project has reached its theoretical endpoint.

>> No.20487451

The meaning of life is to live. You see, your current worldview only sees life as a means to some end. Life is the end in itself. If you read Kant, this would be apparent, but it appears some depressed fag grasped ahold of you. I can understand that life seems empty when the ultimate end is death with no resolution. But if life is simply a means to the end of death, then that go against everything we currently understand about life itself. If matter can neither be created nor destroyed, life is continuous in some form or another. So by this logic, living in any form is the means to the end which is life in itself. Denying meaning in life is equivalent to denying the purpose of all the structures in the universe. There are beings way more simple than you that live without contemplating what their ultimate end is. It is not to die. It is to proliferate life in itself.

>> No.20487468

I'd agree

>> No.20487510

shave your fucking legs, gross

>> No.20487518


>> No.20487528


>> No.20487565
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my dog ate those slides shortly after this photo

>> No.20488740

Rebranding of Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality,
same way Solzhenitsyn was rebranded slavophile.

>there hasn't been a single philosophical insight made for 2300s years. the last one was made by Aristotle
Fixed that for you.

>> No.20488892

Utterly cringe, please suck yourself off *before* entering this board

>> No.20488926

god is an AI that will be created sometime in the future

>> No.20489116

> "life is meaning less" good so far
> "everything in life is nothing more than is truing to fight boredom" yeah stfu you hedonist

you are a victim of the search for meaning, enjoy your one chance in life while also being good and moral. Its not so hard , life having no meaning doesn't mean you cant find purpose or that it isn't valuable. Your actions matter, you have responsibilities, duties and there are consequences hence life is much more than what you think of it, since ultimately certain things matter and you should take action for or against them. There is much more than this , do something with your chance man.

>> No.20489120


>> No.20489122

How’s middle school?

>> No.20489133
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Life is just one big cope, then you die

>> No.20489177

>ultimately certain things matter
Morality is 1000% subjective

>> No.20489193
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that you can go through anything as long as you have a big titty goth gf by your side, as theorized but not tested by me.

>> No.20489324

based Nael knows what's up

>> No.20489432

Elon Musk plays Deus Ex Helios Ending
P.L.A.T.O. and the Indra Net
Chinese National Socialism

>> No.20489436

I tested this and you cannot go through financial collapse and having to move back in with your parents at the same time as your other millenial siblings (who now have kids)

>> No.20489547
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Imagine assuming that any kind of positive feedback is samefagging
I think I can safely assume nobody has every commended you for a single post you've ever made.

>> No.20489782

>It is predicated on materialistic axioms, in other words, is as indemonstrable as God.

God is quite demonstrable

>> No.20489791

pale skin and black hair is pretty much the perfect phenotype. If only I liked Asians I'd be set.

>> No.20489825

Well? We're waiting

>> No.20490178

Highschool tier. People who have nothing and no desires think this way. It's the same as broke college kids jumping on communism. Try to consider a different point of view other than your own shallow one.

>> No.20490233

>Leibniz's essay on Innate Knowledge

We very well could be reincarnated and that plays a role in "innate knowledge" but even if that were true it wouldn't disprove that life is meaningless. Innate knowledge could very well just be explaining how certain 'skills' are passed down to your offspring. Kind of how if your dad was a good carpenter then you will most likely be a good carpenter.

>Determinism hinges on a poor account of causality that doesnt make a distinction between different varieties of necessity.

What I mean by that is that we do not choose our bodies or anything, it is like if someone chose the game you were to play and your character in a video game, you are merely playing out what someone else had in mind

>I agree with you if by ME you mean SELF, however the body is inextricably linked with the relationship between actions and habits. Aristotle explains this well in the Ethics.

My view is that there are different layers of the self. It is like if we were to play a video game, you would act differently depending on the character you are playing

>Every emotion, thought or dream was not organically produced by me but rather a product of what I was born into.

lets keep this simple, every person has a different set of genetic makeup that make them the way they are, no one here is capable of doing that, the only "thing" capable of that would be a "God"

>Everything is merely filling in the void and time is what makes us bored.

what I am trying to say is that there is nothing that lasts forever, even happiness AND even if there was a "heaven" or 'nirvana" , the question, "whats next or what now" would still exist, it's as if we have to constantly go from one high to another, the only thing that is free from that problem is "death' or a god*

i appreciate you giving me that feedback

>> No.20490266


you just talked in circles and didn't disprove my point


those distractions are still meaningless in the grand scheme of things and I am not someone that spends their time moping around but you're right I need to find good copes that will help me forget the truth just like how cows spend their days outside eating until the times comes for them to get slaughtered

>> No.20490285

Using your hands, like slapping or choking, while fucking with a small dick, but strong stroke game beats having a big dick but no stroke game

>> No.20490317

This is true but it's neither interesting nor insightful, nor was it discovered in the last 20 years

>> No.20490339

The way you orient yourself (your body, your actions) in the external world (the objects and environment around you) is inherently meaningful in the literal sense, each day you wake up - you have a set of things you do, interacting with objects around you (like sitting on a chair, at a desk) in a goal directed way

On a secondary level, your reflective thoughts (introspection) you may find the first level of pre-reflection meaningless. It seems mundane and somewhat absurd. Though, in the secondary level, this is where you can reflect and try to understand what you want on a deeper level. This can create meaningful goals and direct you to living your life, subjectively in a more meaningful way. To categorize both levels as 'meaningless' altogether, is itself a quite a banal realization born out of dissatisfaction with every day life. That's not to say I disagree with the dissatisfaction, but there's a deeper level of understanding you can reach with this
Existential philosophy touches on this better

>> No.20490382

what level of goth was your gf?

>> No.20490499

In what way did I "talk in circles"? You can't even give your definition of "meaning".

>> No.20490614

The earth is a hologram

>> No.20490685

then do it senpai.

>> No.20490874

eat my balls

>> No.20492357

Fact Checking

>> No.20493525

Its not necessarily insightful. Its just the way it is

>> No.20493796


>> No.20493803

>I'm doing my part!