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20486357 No.20486357 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on the new international version?

>> No.20486361

Both are fine.
I don't understand what you mean by "too stupid to read KJV"

>> No.20486369

The old English is just too difficult for me to read and I'm too focused on figuring out what it actually says instead of considering it's meaning

>> No.20486376

Just stop being retarded
Or read RSV

>> No.20486474

lol. KJV is modern English.

>> No.20486545

Most translations are that way even without the early modern English
You probably wouldn't believe for example that what is translated as "heart" in most references in the old testament iirc is actually kidneys in the original texts because that's the organ which was symbolic for emotions at the time.

And MUCH more subtle textual and cultural differences abound to make reading the Bible basically an anthropological exercise
(or more likely akin to an astrological one, the way I see most fags on tiktok reading it "ooh this verse sounds pretty" and "this is SOOO right OMG God's truth and light!" when they're basically reading a bunch of platitudes)

>> No.20486551

There are better versions but it'll get the job done. Consider ESV as well.

>> No.20486558

I understand ESV over NRSV, but why would you choose ESV over RSV?

>> No.20486568

It's the one I'm more familiar with, that's all. I think I have an RSV or another version based on it, but I'm not familiar enough to say much about it.

>> No.20486614
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Most christcucks are too dumb to understand their own jew book so it doesn't really matter which translation you use
You're not gonna be going through asking any important questions about what God actually wants for you since you're just gonna be saying to yourself "wow praize God, yasss, jesus is King jesus is King!"

For example:
Does Jesus want us to follow all, part, or none of the 613 commandments in the mosaic law?
If all, wouldn't that exclude the vast majority of even people who call themselves Christians?
If part, which parts and why does he never say so?
If Jesus is in fact the messiah come to establish a new covenant on Earth then why are the ten commandments (as well as the OT) relevant in the first place? (the real answer is: to give the cult some ancient, established clout back in Roman times when it was still weird and new)

>> No.20486623

Every rare now and then the NIV has the best possible reading of a verse/passage.

>> No.20486636

The NIV84 is good, the NIV11 is cringe.

>> No.20486649

Paul has soms letters he'd like you to read.

>> No.20486660

70% of the ESV is untouched from the RSV71. The other 30% the ESV dumped is archaic pronouns, more "Biblical" English vocabulary, and the proper use of the word "nor," all of which the RSV had.

>> No.20486718

>So um basically I think you don't need to follow the jewish law but um acktually I think they're right on some things involving homos, but also this one time Jesus said "love one another" so I'm gonna say that basically sums up the entire jewish law - including the parts about circumcision, diet, and the sabbath (which I don't recognize tho becuz the law is also a worldly creation)
>Thx, hope that answers your questions :)
>t. Paul

>> No.20487339

Was that a real post?

>> No.20487357

Yep, and it consolidated the evangelical christcuckery of the far american right. That it should happen on /pol/ is hilarious, since american evangelicals are the reason Israel even exists, since these christcucks believe there must be jews in Israel before the apocalypse and judgment day, where the second coming of christ will ensure they get promoted and all their middle school bullies go to hell.

Mindnumbing, life-denying, masochist and the most profoundly cucked ideology of all time.

>> No.20487398

Just read it.

>> No.20487478

NIV is the official version for my roommate's church

>> No.20487515

based Paul. look forward to read him myself.

>> No.20488400

how do we feel about the Good News Translation, or Today’s English Version

>> No.20488406

I got the 21st century king james and the new king james version. I personally read them both

>> No.20488492

Good thing there is almost two thousand years of writing by some of the smartest people ever born on this very subject. You are just mad that Daddy made you go to church on Sunday

>> No.20488505


>> No.20488526
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Avoid. It's tainted by a sensibility that renders and reshapes meaning in passages that aren't meant to be understood in alignment with an explicitly modern context. Read a general introduction to the history of Christianity instead (pic-related).

>> No.20488545

I've wondered if there was any difference between the 21st Century KJV and the Third Millenium Bible translation, since they both seem like gimmicks that came out at the same time like all the other Y2K gimmicks. It turns out they are the same thing from the same people, with the only difference being that the TMB contains the deuterocanon and the apocrypha from the 1611.

>> No.20488564
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The 21st century king james is pretty good. It just removes archiac words but is the same thing. Not a almost complete rewrite like the new king james. Here is some examples in pic related. I still want to get a regular king james bible. With the apocrypha, cause right now if i wanna read that i gotta read it in the new kjv

>> No.20488637

I mean, I kinda understand where the KJ21/TMB were coming from, but at the end of the day, their changes are accommodated in other editions of the KJV by just adding new marginal/footnotes with the modern words, so I kinda don't. As for your request, the KJV Cameo Reference Bible with Apocrypha is inevitably what you're looking for.

>> No.20488646
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Alright ill keep that in mind. Thank you for the reccomend

>> No.20488676
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It's more easily readable than the KJV to modern eyes but has a tendency towards paraphrasing, sometimes in ways which significantly alter a passage's meaning.

I'm partial to the CSB, which is nearly as accurate a translation as the KJV while creating an easy-to-read literary flow - essentially the same translation philosophy as the KJV itself, but reading like modern literature. Other translations (ESV, KJV, NKJV) are preferable if you care more about word specificity and less about readability, most translations are worse.

>> No.20488698

Note though that it's also easy to overstate how bad the NIV's tendency towards removing anthropological nuances, and altering meanings thereby, is. It's a perfectly serviceable translation if it's all you have available, glaring issues only happen in a handful of passages.

>> No.20488717

So what is *the best* translation out there, that perfectly balances readability and accuracy? Short of just learning Greek and reading the original of course

>> No.20488734

I generally find the HCSB and CSB to balance those best. If you're more comfortable with antiquated literary styles, the KJV is great for that purpose too. More word-for-word than that and translations start becoming clunky, or needing notes to explain why they chose a word equivalence which doesn't carry cross-culturally over a meaning equivalence in this or that metaphor.

>> No.20488778
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An alternate popular translation chart.

>> No.20488804

The ESV16 and the CSB, in conjunction with the RSV71 for better and more tasteful word choice in several places, I'd say. As >>20488734 said, though, the more literal you get, the clunkier it gets. One of the famous criticisms of the RV/ASV was that, while they were more literal than the KJV, that quest for more literalness was at the cost of worsening the English in all the places they made their revisions. Never forget that "literalness" =! "more accurate"; you can translate a poem "literally," but the result won't be "accurate" to the poetry.

>> No.20488817

Hmm, only using New Testament verses makes this methodology dubious. Most widely disputed translations in the KJV are Old Testament-only, understandably considering knowledge of Koine Greek was better in King James' day than knowledge of Biblical Hebrew.

>> No.20488916
File: 527 KB, 1366x768, RGJ - Masoretic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an OT chart, too, but it's to consider MT literalness vs. LXX/DSS literalness.

>> No.20488949

king james vi was a high ranking mason

>> No.20489725

the old law was given to raise the Israelites to a bare minimum baseline of morality such that it would not be unfitting for Christ to be born among them

but it backfired due to the sins of man and left them more evil than if no law had been given (see Romans).

The new law of love which Christ pours into our hearts, which is the Spirit, more than fulfills the commandments. The commandments are like the borderlands of a vast continent (on whose borders the Israelites dwelt), love is the continent itself

>> No.20489728

I have found it worse than the ESV/RSV on enough occasions that I no longer bother with it.

When a passage is tough, look up the interlinear translation. The original Hebrew/Greek might surprise you.

>> No.20490191

Kek, no wonder you don't have any friends.

>> No.20490209

Inb4 the pseuds who say “umm ackchually it’s not in Old English”