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/lit/ - Literature

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20485870 No.20485870 [Reply] [Original]

Book suggestions if I have this nagging feeling I might drop dead at any moment? This could just be an anxiety thing, so literature around that is also welcomed.

>> No.20485874
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>> No.20485908

No longer human - Osamu Dazai

These two short stories:


>> No.20485932

oops forgot to type the book name:
>Doctrine of Awakening

>> No.20486902

It's anxiety. I'd read V. by Pynchon to accelerate your inevitable pychosis.

>> No.20486947

Anon, psychologists see anxiety everywhere, and because our modern religion is psychologism many people with actual illnesses come to believe they are just anxious.

Cancer was often dismissed as anxiety and sometimes continues to be even today.

Multiple sclerosis was called just anxiety before we invented brain imaging techniques.

Take care of your health, don't be gaslighted.

>> No.20486956

Why worry? It's a release, and, if spontaneous, instant.

Chin up.

>> No.20487116

>I have this nagging feeling I might drop dead at any moment?
Sorry to tell you, but you might. Either Balcony in the Forest of The Sheltering Sky would be good. The latter might be a bit much since it sounds like babies first existential crisis, but if you want to revel in it all it would be a decent book for that.

>> No.20487628

>Sorry to tell you, but you might.
I think this is the problem. Its like one day my brain realized there is a non-zero chance any of us could drop dead at any moment and now its throwing all its energy at this sudden "problem".

>> No.20488132

>my brain realized
the most retarded and obnoxious redditism invented yet
I want to strangle everyone who says shit like this

>> No.20488138

instead of being a negative nancy you could tell me how I should say it.

>> No.20488202
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Sounds like a mechanical problem with your car or your home. Have a mechanic go over your car and call in a home inspector and a mold inspector to check for bugs very thoroughly. Rarely somebody could be stalking you and plotting your downfall. Try hiring a countersurveillance expert. It happens more frequently than they like to admit. The nerves are very trained at noticing subliminal dangers like these and prepping you. Many years we had to be afraid of the smallest differences or die. Anxiety doesn't arise in a vacumn.

>> No.20488205

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20488234

Paul's letter to the Philippians.

>> No.20489353

It is just baby's first existential crisis, lots of people go through it in their late teens/early 20s, especially if they have yet to experience a death of someone close to them yet.

>> No.20489412

How do I get out of "baby's first existential crisis"?

>> No.20489482
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>> No.20489777

You realize that nothing has actually changed. But occasionally you have a "close call" and spend a few days telling everyone "if I didn't stub my toe on the way out the door and make myself 2 seconds late I would have been splattered all over the pavement by that car!" and they will be surprisingly patient with you because we have all been there and you will eventually realize that stubbing your toe had nothing to do with it since if you did not stub your toe that means you would not have been stopped by that red light a block earlier or a million other possibilities. Eventually you will even stop having these mini existential crises and might tell a few people "some inattentive fucker almost splattered me all over the pavement." just too get the anger out, or maybe buy a gift or do something special for a loved one or the like; you really have not been doing your part to let them know how important they are to you and that is the sort of person you want to be—the sort that makes sure people appreciate how important they are to you—because at this point in life almost getting splattered across the pavement gets you thinking about what your funeral will look like and it really is not looking good.

You will still have other existential fun in life, just wait until you realize your own mortality through the eyes of the one you love which will also cause you to realize their mortality at the same time, that will really fuck you over. Balcony in the Forest and The Sheltering Sky also deal with this aspect, the latter is especially brutal with this.

>> No.20489882

Not the same guy, but
>I realized
It's pretty easy if you think about it just a little.

>> No.20490015

The two statements are different. OPs suggests a lack of will which goes with the general crux of the whole, he can not stop thinking about it despite not wanting to think about it and never wanted too think about it in the first place. The brain has the ability to think about things we would rather not think about, we don't have absolute control over our minds no matter what we would like to believe. This is generally a good thing since it allows for things like reflex but at times it feels detrimental. His wording was perfectly fine and says more than "I realized." That anon's response was even more reddit, it is trying to force his ideal on the whole—you need to act the way I I think is proper or go back.

It's pretty easy if you think about it just a little.

>> No.20490315

>whoa dude *cough* it's like ride the tiger man like Nietzche says about Plato and uh Dionysus but for me
>The Apollonian Dionysian man is the

>> No.20490441

You have to read at least the Sermon on the Mount before you die https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew%205&version=KJV

>> No.20490486

Just read Anna Karenina my dude

>> No.20490964

You just hopped out of that Dracula thread, didn't you?

>> No.20490975
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OP here. I literally read this book last year and it acted as the prelude to my panic attacks (which I had never had before). After finishing it I jumped straight to the Death of Ivan Ilych and suddenly realized the fakeness and insincerity of my life.

>> No.20490994

Read into literature on the enneagram

>> No.20490997

yeah read the gospels man - that's what drove Tolstoy's whole life