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File: 196 KB, 780x520, the040419_p16_peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20484232 No.20484232 [Reply] [Original]

>"The masculine spirit is under assault. It's obvious."
>"The idea that women were oppressed throughout history is an appalling theory."
>"Free speech is not just another value. It's the foundation of Western civilization."
>"Identity politics is a sick game."
>"It's in responsibility that most people find the meaning that sustains them through life. It's not in happiness. It's not in impulsive pleasure."
>"Last year I was called a nazi and a jewish shill in the same day, which was a high point."

Why does 4chan hate him again?

>> No.20484241

Trannies hate them because he calls bullshit. Racists hate him because he doesn't hate Jews. Pseuds hate him because he's a media figure.

>> No.20484244

He's another surrogate father figure who has a drooley army of fatherless tards that worship him.
JP is the tradlarper, Joe rogan is the cool hippie, and Elon Musk is the cool secular materialist

>> No.20484246

>Joe rogan is the cool hippie, and Elon Musk is the cool secular materialist
decent bait

>> No.20484247

>Pseuds hate him because he's a media figure.

>> No.20484248

immediately proving his point

>> No.20484250

Private property is the foundation of western civilization, not free speech

>> No.20484252

Your dad will never respect yoy

>> No.20484258

I should have added "inb4 you have no dad and he's a drug addict"

>> No.20484266

Is it because he's a self-help, snake oil salesman that targets the lost man children of the Internet?

>> No.20484269


What makes you think the “product” that he’s peddling is necessarily snake oil?

>> No.20484272
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>"The idea that women were oppressed throughout history is an appalling theory."
Is this nigga serious

>> No.20484276

Don't forget that Christians hate him because he's not fundamentalist

>> No.20484278

Because it's a simplistic take based on a media personality. Pseuds disregard his decades-long career as a clinical psychologist personally counseling people with severe mental illness.

>> No.20484282

More like Western people are the basis of Western civilization

>> No.20484289
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>it's more complicated than that

>> No.20484290

Jordan Peterson is a real life version of Xavier renegade angel

>> No.20484299

It'd be one thing if he told his mentally ill clients to love themselves, buy consumerist products, and repeat his patented affirmations in their dirty mirrors. Instead he tells them to pursue responsibility in their lives, confront uncomfortable truths in their lives, and avoid ideological extremism. Is this wrong?

>> No.20484305

He's been in the trenches and most of his critics haven't. Simple as.

>> No.20484307

1. The fundamental assumptions of Western civilization are valid.
2. Peaceful social being is preferable to isolation and to war. In consequence, it justly and rightly demands some sacrifice of individual impulse and idiosyncrasy.
3. Hierarchies of competence are desirable and should be promoted.
4. Borders are reasonable. Likewise, limits on immigration are reasonable. Furthermore, it should not be assumed that citizens of societies that have not evolved functional individual-rights predicated polities will hold values in keeping with such polities.
5. People should be paid so that they are able and willing to perform socially useful and desirable duties.
6. Citizens have the inalienable right to benefit from the result of their own honest labor.
7. It is more noble to teach young people about responsibilities than about rights.
8. It is better to do what everyone has always done, unless you have some extraordinarily valid reason to do otherwise.
9. Radical change should be viewed with suspicion, particularly in a time of radical change.
10. The government, local and distant, should leave people to their own devices as much as possible.
11. Intact heterosexual two-parent families constitute the necessary bedrock for a stable polity.
12. We should judge our political system in comparison to other actual political systems and not to hypothetical utopias.

>> No.20484322

You're right. The people here who hate him are just mentally ill leftists who don't want to take responsibility for their own flaws.

>> No.20484346

the issue is that his message is so muddled with unnecessary allegory. i feels like his teachings will inspire someone who can refine the ideas into a more comprehensive message.

>> No.20484357
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>"Free speech is not just another value. It's the foundation of Western civilization."

brb Jordan gonna criticise the emperor in ancient rome and tell everyone that christianity is bullshit in the middle ages

>> No.20484371
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That is a fair criticism. Not everybody is attracted to his leanings on theology and mythology. Do you feel like >>20484307 was clear and comprehensive? Also pic related?

>> No.20484438

Because this place would be nothing without identity politics.

>> No.20484471

He was cool on /pol/ in 2015 before going mainstream. It was kind of pathetic how he couldn't answer the JQ, then when he did, he claimed it was because of IQ, which is easily refuted.

>> No.20484477

This is true. I don't like him a whole lot, but certainly don't hate him. He at least provides some good practical advice for young people in the satanic, judeo-masonic lunatic asylum of the current mainstream.

>> No.20484488

He said blacks have lower IQs and social programmes that fail to take that into consideration are doomed. (I was in his section of Psychology of Personality before he blew up and it's from the second half of the course which isn't on YouTube).

>> No.20484503

Now that his daughter is married I'm wondering if the incels are going to focus less on calling her a whore and more on the fact she married a guy also named "Jordan."

>> No.20484538

Because he's a midwit, a junkie and became popular on Reddit.

>> No.20484572

>obvious pandering and grifting
>lol why do you hate this?

>> No.20484622

He's a sheltered petit bourgeois stooge for the liberal world order who worked for the United Nations and is so out of touch with the real world that he epitomizes the OK boomer meme; he seems to think it's 1985. His advice is bad and will get you wrecked in this society but fatherless zoomers will not be able to tell the difference. Peterson has also stated that his entire modus operandi is to prevent young men from upsetting the neoliberal status quo. Further, that is the goal of his entire profession of psychology, they all attempt to justify the system, call it the best ever, and keep everyone working for Mr Schmekelberg. Another criticism is that he debases religious traditions as the self-help of a previous age and gives them all a materialist basis as emergences of "evolutionary psychology" implying a denial of transcendental reality. Peterson is pro-AI, technological "progress", liberalism/capitalism, individualism, materialism, et cetera. He wants to you to feel powerful as you are atomized and poorer than ever living in a totalitarian dystopia. The system tolerates him and profits off of him because he offers no threat and is in fact a shill for it. Just another Tony Robbins style conman. You might as well consume PUA garbage. Don't trust anyone that's been on Joe Rogan.

>> No.20484689

Give one source for your claims. He may well be a charlatan but to me he's sincere. In a way to me Peterson is the embodiment of the West. He is the West. Old, frail, emotional, decaying, etc.

>> No.20484719


>> No.20484779

>"Identity politics is a sick game."
Because of this. He's just lulling people back into bootstrap conservatism, which is completely incapable of opposing intersectional identity politics. It's a "false consciousness" so to speak, a "deradicalization". The people who go searching for him are primarily white and right of center and if they fall for his schtick they'll end up right back where they started.

>> No.20484793
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He worships Solzhenitsyn but will not respond to any questions about pic rel. He is a pied piper who points out the evils of collectivism but deliberately avoids noticing coincidences about who leads these political movements. He instructs you to always tell the truth but perpetuates the big lie.

>> No.20484839
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Women had less rights but had to do less work than men. 99% of men throughout history had barely any rights, and could be oppressed by those above them at the drop of a hat.

Its very much a "women look at successful men and seethe, ignoring unsuccessful men" thing. Happens a lot nowadays too.

>> No.20484873

That's antisemitic

>> No.20484897

Okay who ought I be listening to then?

>> No.20484905
File: 1.48 MB, 1500x2461, 1645948291321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books against slave morality and demotic chauvinism

>> No.20484910

>Weomen admit they are repulsed by men who cry and show vulnerability.

Glad we're making headway.

>> No.20484919

pretty sure that book wasn't even available in English until like a couple years ago, and it was specifically translated by a bunch of wignat autists so they could corner Peterson lmao

which is pretty funny but come on, that's not fair. he's not even that sanctimonious about it. I remember him live responding to the Solzshenitsyn tactic with
>I can't do it!
instead of resorting to trite, patronizing insults. which is pretty good for a public figure who doesn't want to get canceled. you'd think it'd be easy to regurgitate some canned philosemitic lines, but he didn't want to do that.

>> No.20484924
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I don't think scholarly study of folk religion is going to help me overthrow the people who are currently running the simulation. Thanks though.

>> No.20484970

That drawing has nothing to do with it lmao, it’s a joke about Peterstein seething at a plus size model on twitter out of the blue lmao

>> No.20484974

>which is pretty good for a public figure who doesn't want to get canceled

But this is the point. One of the central tenants of his instruction is "always tell the truth". To illustrate this, he gives the example of a figure who wrote a book about how everyone lying to themselves caused the great calamity of Soviet Communism. But when he is asked to respond to what this author also said about the jews his response is "I can't". Saying Solzhenitsyn was right would get him canceled, saying Solzhenitsyn wrote an entire book of bullshit undermines all of Jordan's other lectures. Once he fell into the "always tell the truth but I can't tell the truth or else I will get canceled" most people abandoned him.

>> No.20484986
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>he thinks someone external is running the simulation

>> No.20484987

Hobbes and Locke are NOT the foundation of this civilization and I am tired of pretending they are, Americans and their Anglo handlers give me migraines.

>> No.20484996

>One of the central tenants of his instruction
Are these tenants... rent-free?

>> No.20485006

we're stuck in the equivalent of an empty tf2 server rn

>> No.20485017

>dont be a slave and stuff lmao
>no one is running the simulation we're trapped in

pick one anon

>> No.20485074

saying that he couldn't confront the issue is more or less the truth. I don't understand why you're going after him for not saying anything, when he could have very easily landed some sanctimonious cheap shots.

>> No.20485092

I'm going after him because I find it hard to believe that someone who relies so much on the work of one author has no familiarity whatsoever with another work by the same author.

If a person was selling out auditoriums giving lectures about how you need to be an uberman because Nietzsche was right about everything, but he responded to questions about Beyond Good and Evil with "I can't, never read it" I would assume he doesn't follow the advice he sells.

>> No.20485170

"Antichrist is the intellectualization of Christian principles or Christianity without Christ"

>> No.20485203

Yeah don't be a slave and get mad that other people in the simulation appear stronger, healthier, better than you are. It's your simulation, you are the one assembling the images and evaluating them. The real spooks were the thoughts we had along the way.
Not just any server but one of those fun custom map servers that has been extinct since 2013

>> No.20485252

>they way to not be a slave is by constantly comparing yourself to others
/r9k/ is that way lil fella

>> No.20485276

Radical individualism does not work.
A chair is a chair because it belongs to the category of "something to sit on", which is a group identity. Nothing has identity in a vacuum. A chair can have individuality but it cannot be a chair or have any identity without group association.
God is that which provides multiplicity to all things, or the father category/group identity that gives reality its coherence. For Peterson, God is a principality and not a being. This means that under JP's worldview God is a tool for human advantage, a "key", rather than the spirit which is meant to be glorified by those who worship.
Peterson justifies all ethical principles around the axiom of sovereign individuality which only permits self-interest. He does this subtly and intentionally. He even redefines love in order to pragmatize it in this way, describing it as "acting out the will to another person's best interest" (which implies that people who waste time together do not love each other, or love each other less than if they would if they were more responsible towards each other). Peterson's doctrine is logically incoherent, antichristian, and ultimately psychopathic.

>> No.20485281

You need to get better reading comprehension. Unfortunately they don't sell that on Amazon with next day delivery

>> No.20485299


>> No.20485320

Shitwit. You don't understand the world nearly as well as you think. Not a single one of the West's accomplishments could have been done without free speech. We'd have no science, no social progress, no political progress, and no notion that private property must be protected. Without free speech, we'd have stayed in the situation of other backward cultures like imperial China, where nobody had private property, private capital, the right to start businesses, because the emperor would swoop in and take everything from you any time he felt you were gaining too much power.

Study for 10 more years and shut the fuck up. You're still stuck at level 0.

>> No.20485323

>A chair is a chair because it belongs to the category of "something to sit on", which is a group identity. Nothing has identity in a vacuum. A chair can have individuality but it cannot be a chair or have any identity without group association.
Also, because identity of any kind requires an external entity of association, people who are godless either identify with something media-related (politics, sports, music) or develop their identities interpersonally, meaning they develop their own self-image based purely off of what other people around them seem to think and admire (which is normal but without a God their conscience isn't fully realized and therefore their personality/identity is unsolid).

>> No.20485332

tranny+lefty /pol/ raiding after being displaced from their containment board.

>> No.20485409

The irony is you thinking the West (I dare you to delimit its borders) has ever had free speech.

>> No.20485411
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>> No.20485463
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Guénon and Evola. Unironically.

>> No.20485485 [DELETED] 
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Fuck, that's actually pretty smart. Have to give him that much.

>> No.20485496

I liked him up until his wife got cancer and *he* started going nuts. This guy is trying to tell us how to be men? And on top of it, that awful daughter had him on a leash. Spoke over/for him. Not someone I want to learn from.

>> No.20485595

I posted earlier in the thread but I also agree with these posts and appreciate them.

>> No.20486294

(which implies that people who waste time together do not love each other, or love each other less than if they would if they were more responsible towards each other)
? That's right though. Toxic love and toxic love do exist

>> No.20486298

because he seethes over dumbshit so hes a normie

>> No.20486303


>> No.20486346

>"The masculine spirit is under assault. It's obvious."
This is true
>"The idea that women were oppressed throughout history is an appalling theory."
False and retarded, plays into the identity politics he decries.
>"Free speech is not just another value. It's the foundation of Western civilization."
False and retarded.
>"Identity politics is a sick game."
True but he is part of it.
>"It's in responsibility that most people find the meaning that sustains them through life. It's not in happiness. It's not in impulsive pleasure."
Mostly true
>"Last year I was called a nazi and a jewish shill in the same day, which was a high point."
Just a jewish shill.

I'm gonna have to pass on him.

>> No.20486355

>We'd have no science, no social progress, no political progress, and no notion that private property must be protected.
lmaoooo I love when midwits try to act smart.

>> No.20487244

>I'm going after him because I find it hard to believe that someone who relies so much on the work of one author has no familiarity whatsoever with another work by the same author.
You do realize that that book you’re referring to wasn’t even translated into English until like a couple years ago, right? You’re acting petty.

>> No.20487294


>> No.20487321

>ywn fuck memerson’s hot daughter while laughing at his shallow outlook on life and occasionally stealing benzos from his cupboard
Why even live?

>> No.20487325

I saw an old black woman reading Jordan Peterson on the bus the other day. I don't like Peterson, or black people, but I thought that was pretty funny.

>> No.20487333

>it's not being attacked it has been killed
>false yet true for modernity and aspects of the west, mainly Anglo
>modern, yes; all else is normal
>false yet necessary to believe to live contentedly
>everyone is called that these days
Never read any of his books nor listened to his whatever. He's fine. Nothing spectacular but standing up for the young single-mothered boys group is admirable in itself, even if the primary justification is merely monetary.

The modern world is a farce. It's necessary to keep the facade intact to keep the people suppressed. Modern technology is slowly removing the need for the facade to begin with, as technology moves in, changing the traditional upkeep of society from a dual-pillar of tech/culture, to a unitary pillar of tech.

>> No.20487334

He's right that men have been usurped of their responsibility in society, but he seems unwilling to take this idea to its logical conclusion, which is that giving women rights is to blame.

>> No.20487411

What the fuck is your point. How is "Bootstrap conservatism", or any other point of view that doesn't believe in identity politics, unable to oppose idpol? Are you just saying idpol is a fundamental truth? Because It seems to me that he's doing a damn good job at opposing it and the world has done quite well without it for a while.

Also "False consciousness" is such a retarded term because the opposite is also true. "You don't see inequality in capitalism because you believe in it" is just as valid as "You only see inequality in capitalism because you don't believe in it". More bullshit leftie cope hocus pocus.

>> No.20487439

>"The idea that women were oppressed throughout history is an appalling theory."
So the state of women thought history was not that of being oppressed.

So it was alright.

So we could totally return to any of those states, it and would be okay, and not oppression.

Why won't he plainly state that we can get back to arranged marriages, not allowing women to vote, decriminalizing domestic violence and marital rape, and it would be totally okay?

>> No.20487463
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Calling fat women ugly is based.
God I hate fatties and fat acceptance.

>> No.20487470
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>> No.20487486

I dunno guise, I think I would.

>> No.20487584
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>> No.20487624

He jumped the shark here. I already knew he was low test for always crying during interviews. But why make this comment? The worst is that there are pussy boys out there who wouldn’t be down to rail that goddess.

>> No.20487630

he cries during interviews?

>> No.20487660

You pig fuckers disgust me.
Yes. He said antifa is cain, angry because they made bad sacrifices that didn't please God, and seek to destroy those that made the right ones.
Then he cried.

>> No.20487697


>> No.20487711
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I've noticed you have corrected yourself in the same sentence. It's almost as if "singular they" was an impulse rather than ignorance. This further supports my theory that singular they is less of a grammar mistake and more of an infectious parasitic spore-induced mental illness

>> No.20487738
File: 66 KB, 710x710, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Zizek purely on the basis that he doesn't take everything so seriously.

>> No.20487775

Wouldn’t you have to read the bible first to truly understand nietzsche

>> No.20487779

Traditionalism is bolder and better than Peterson's philosophy. He gets many things right though

>> No.20487836


Lmao even those coming to defend this pseud call what he has to offer a 'product' - you obviously have no idea what philosophy is about, just like daddy Peterson

>> No.20487845

>False and retarded, plays into the identity politics he decries.
Cope. Read Peglia.

>> No.20487850
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Lol buy your cards.

>> No.20487906

>the issue is that his message is so muddled with unnecessary allegory
And the retards who'd benefit the most instead keep digging through the air, like the guy with the speedrunning twitter thread.

>> No.20487912
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Tell me you had your sexual awakening watching Free Willy without telling me you had your sexual awakening watching Free Willy,

>> No.20487920
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>> No.20487925

Moreover, they weren't treated as disposable like men. Didn't get conscripted in the army to go fight and die to protect to prince's right to have a harem of all the cutest girls.

>> No.20487946

I don’t get why people laugh maliciously at guys seeking father figures. Are you saying that lonely men that weren’t taught anything should pull themselves up by their bootstraps or something? Is it because you think fathers don’t need to/shouldn’t exist anyways? Or is it just asinine hatred of the specific surrogate figures?

>> No.20487947

He doesn't read

>> No.20487950

"Waste time together" doesn't mean something is toxic. It just means that they're not obsessively maximising eachother's self interest. Why are zoomers so dang trigger happy with that word?

>> No.20487959

>political progress
>predicated on my right to call people niggers.
I like how you think.

>> No.20487969

I'm not sure what you think "self interest" means, but resting is certainly within a person's self interest.

>> No.20487973

So what’s up with Peterman? Never bothered to look into him.

>> No.20487988


>> No.20487993

Gotta love that man..Those bookshelves are so based

>> No.20488178

I can tell this is going to get tedious. I'm not talking about "resting". I'm talking about normal human behaviour in which sometimes, for even large swaths of time, people do things that are not consistent with the maxim of self interest maximization. Sometimes they even act in ways contrary to self interest. Sometimes people do to each other things that are not consistent with optimal self interest. Everyone I know, including myself does things to the people they love that are contrary to the self interest of the people they love. They even do this out of love. Love's just a feeling. It can be wonderful, and it can be retarded. It can be a vice sometimes or even "toxic". For some reason, GenX thought that love had to be something really special and beautiful (oh, doesn't it just make your heart just flutter? ) so they wasted a lot of time trying to suss out the supreme meaning of it so that they could place it at the top of the totem poll, but love is just a feeling.

>> No.20488429

Does he even read? Those books look crisp and new.

>> No.20488477

>Love's just a feeling.
I'm the one who's point you're defending. I agree with you entirely except here.
Pageau's definition of love in the Christian sense is "the capacity for diversity within unity", which is a lot more sophisticated than Petersons'. In order to unify with someone there has to be some principle or thing that you both serve (for example, soccer players unify with each other by playing the same game on the same team), and without unity there can be no diversity as I've already explained >>20485276. Christianity brought people together under Christ which provided everybody's individual value (your character is judged in the reflection of Christ's image) and what we call love today is precisely that phenomena, usually removed from its religious context.

>> No.20488512

when women judge the worth of men, they are measuring all functions relative to other men. this means no one, not even JP, can 'solve' men because even if the majority of men were millionaires, in relative terms the woman would only respect billionaires. even though the things women like such as status are malleable, over entire society they cannot be improved en-masse. there is nothing except hacking woman's brains with magnets or genetic engineering that will change this. woman also measure status relative to themselves, which means a sensible society actively supresses them.

>> No.20488522

>what about men liking women
men are mainly attracted to fertility, which is absolute but unfortunately not very malleable

>> No.20488532

>he doesn't know

>> No.20488542

I didnt know how many people were obesity apologists, even people on here. Who knows what the average American is going to look like in 50 years

>> No.20488568

lel, underrated

>> No.20488569

Love is something you can become. It is an all inclusive sweetness of emotion. If you generate this within yourself, you become lovely and your activity is loving. You're thinking of infatuation, affection, or attraction. Love is distinct from this, though you're correct in that it has little to do with romantic, 90's movies gestures. A look or a softly spoken word can convey and generate more love than a truckload of roses. "And if I love you, what should it matter to you?"

>> No.20488571

The type of mindset Peterson preaches has systematically lost every single political fight it has been drawn into over the past 60 years. It has lost every single cultural and social debate it has had with the intersectional left, it has lost control of every single institution it once dominated, it has been completely ineffective at meaningfully reversing any of this, let alone coming up with a view of the world that is anything more than "what if 1950s but colorblind!" It's neither compelling to outsiders nor particularly politically effective for its followers. The only value Peterson has ever had is as a stepping-stone to ideas that lie farther right than his limp-dick Norman Rockwell conservatism, ideas that his followers otherwise would never have been exposed to.

Give me some examples of how he's doing a "damn good job" lmao.

>> No.20488581

>plus size model
What a phrase

>> No.20488638
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The difference is that free speech is the default, whereas private property is a social invention.
The fact is that private property is the foundation of civilization as a whole, the first property was women (being owned by men), and the first and most effective instance of socialism was monogamy.
Capitalism/monogamy/patriarchy are the definition of civilization itself, and leftism is pure civilization-destroying chaotic evil.

>> No.20488647

Didn't he just cry a week ago? Not very masculine bro

>> No.20488659

He is a great man because he speaks the truth. Being a psychologist is detrimental to this. I wish he would just stop saying “I thought a lot about this.”

>> No.20488680

based and truth pilled. free speech probably peaked in 90s USA, and it turned the world to shit.

>> No.20488750

More free than most. The most popular meme examples meant to show how it wasn't like Galileo all fall apart under scrutiny and show the opposite.
In places where the individualist northern hunters and the group oriented southern farmers meet in cities attempts were made to formalize the best of both worlds into things like principles of free speech.

>> No.20488851

I hate him because he doesn't hate jews and he's an idiot. He talks a lot about postmodernism but it's clear he barely knows anything about the thinkers that can be called postmodernist

>> No.20489107

and those who read philosophy hate him because he is neoliberal, bourgeois, modernist, etc.

>> No.20489340


>> No.20489359

>free speech peaked

what the fuck are you even saying

>> No.20489419

His main problem is capitulating to materialists. For fuck's sake just tell Sam Harris his idea of truth is retarded and based on a nonsense philosophy and call it a day.

>> No.20489424

>free speech is the default
lmao, even

What series of events could cause someone to genuinely think this?

>> No.20489447
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>> No.20489449

>"Identity politics is a sick game."
Everyone says this, nobody thinks identity politics is good. JP himself proves the irony of this statement in action, as he consistently engages in identity politics, in fact it's what his entire foundational rhetoric is founded upon.
Just like how he made his own "free speech" platform that you have to pay subscription to access, and which hides sufficiently-downvoted comments. He's also engaged in plenty of frivilous lawsuits against people who are exercising free speech, he just has a problem with people saying things about him he doesn't like.

>> No.20489611

Will he be the next Yukio Mishima?

>> No.20489634

We're so far removed from the genesis of Lockean liberalism that people don't have enough context about where these things derive to talk intelligently about them. It's all just knee-jerk feelings at this point.

>> No.20489672

>attracted to fertility
They're attracted to signs of it, which are malleable. Why else would weebs be attracted to in principle infertile images of anime girls?

>> No.20489679

>nobody thinks identity politics is good
There are no politics outside of identity.

>> No.20489750

You are so far removed from any genuinely laissez-faire government that you're not qualified to talk about how free speech works in practice.
You think medieval governments policed the speech of their subjects the way that right-wing speech is policed today? Do you think that pre-modern governments even had the capability to police speech to the extent we do today?
>B-but they didn't have the first amendment!
These days, jews wipe their ass with the first amendment. Your life can be ruined by stating scientific truths about certain groups.
And the problem is going to get worse before it gets better.

>> No.20489765

>"The idea that women were oppressed throughout history is an appalling theory."
absolutely embarrassing
he's completely wrong, women were oppressed throughout history

>> No.20489767

To add onto this, free speech is literally "the default" because one has to invent institutions to limit it, whereas private property must be enforced by an authority.

>> No.20489772

Can this obvious faggot die already?

>> No.20490030

>he claimed it was because of IQ, which is easily refuted.

>> No.20490042

>You think medieval governments policed the speech of their subjects the way that right-wing speech is policed today?
One got executed, the other got banned from Twitter.

>> No.20490043
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There are literally so many examples throughout history of not even just random people but major historical figures who got into serious, often existential trouble for saying things that were illegal, heretical, or just flat out annoying to the contemporary authorities of their time that I don't even know where to start, so I'll start simply I suppose. Why was Plato put to death?

>> No.20490059

I'm sorry, Socrates. Your post is so schizo it's making me retarded just trying to reply to it.

>> No.20490166

Fewer people found Socrates guilty than sentenced him to death. Nuance faggot.

>> No.20490200

How did they lose? Let me guess...
>trust me, bro

>> No.20490644

>First example took place in a democracy
I accept your concession

>> No.20490721

Because Peterson’s milquetoast stuff is considered to be Nazistic or Nazi-adjacent and part of a radicalization pipeline by the people that control culture and politics today. Appeals to “common sense” and “classical liberal values” are now considered ideological, creepy, outmoded, or silly by the overwhelming majority of the “thinking classes”. All this is a testament to the failure of these ideas. They’re getting pushed further and further towards being considered fringe. That’s why people say appealing to them is pointless; if you’re going to get lumped in with right-wing extremists anyways, you might as well be an actual right-wing extremist. That’s the /pol/trad/natsoc take

>> No.20490861

You literally claimed that pre-modern governments were not capable of policing speech, the only one who has conceded anything here is you.

This has nothing to do with what was being argued.

I don't understand your contention, do you think America was always some morbidly obese, fentanyl-soaked rainbow land devoid of any unifying religion, obsessed with Afro-centrism fueld by white self hatred, teaching gender slime pronoun ideology in schools, enforcing Maoist struggle sessions in the work place? Do you think every major corporation, every major university, every major institution, and the government itself were always throwing their weight behind these things top-down? I don't see how your post makes any sense unless you think America always was the way it is.

>> No.20490868
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Everything went to shit when we had to stop shaming fat chicks -Dick Masterson
I may have messed up the quote a bit. Denying reality is hell.

>> No.20490877
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Don't forget the reason she's where she is--she bought her way into modeling with money her family made by ripping people off in the stock market.

>> No.20490885
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She also used to be a healthy weight when she first started.

>> No.20490888

Jesus Christ that is repulsive.

>> No.20490897
File: 158 KB, 700x1050, throw it back!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Imagine what the non-photoshopped pictures must look like.

>> No.20491589

I honestly don't think most people experience love in that case.

>> No.20491593

This sounds like a pretty compelling account. Ill check out the Pageau video. Thanks.

>> No.20491735
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>enforcing Maoist struggle sessions in the work place
I love the American penchant for hyperbole and comparing things to "Maoist struggle sessions" when the real thing frequently ended in the death of the target at the hands of teenage girls who'd beat you to death in front of a crowd.

>> No.20491809

>nominally alt-right but draws the line right before naming the Jew
>faulty semiotics that discards european antiquity in favor of semitic antiquity
>this is your brain on Christianity
Disregard Juden Peterstein and take the Evolapill.

>> No.20491848
File: 452 KB, 762x760, 1654432366824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's read a lot of books. Just watching him talk you'll see him make many references to books. I would bet he's extremely well versed in philosophy.
It seems the main thing he does with his time is watch movies and read books.

>> No.20492328

Slavoj Zizek is a funny man. Jordan Peterson is not a funny man.