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File: 187 KB, 2000x1398, E51F59D3-DE8E-405A-8843-C163EB8B201F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20482704 No.20482704 [Reply] [Original]

Someone for the love of god post the image of some blog/forum where some woman is talking about how she hopes GRRM doesn't kill off the Hound or do anything bad to him because he is so hot and such a hunk that he gets her panties wet. Then GRRM responds to her comment saying the Hound is supposed to be a bad guy and he doesn't understand why his female readers have fallen in love with him instead of Samwell Tarly (Tarly is GRRM's self-insert character).

I've tried searching the archive and I've had no luck. Help a fellow out /lit/. I know someone has that screencap. I've seen it posted so many times, but for the life of me I can't find it in the archive.

>> No.20482717


>> No.20483005

Can an anon at least give me a hint on what to search in the archive to find this??? I've tried /lit/ humor threads and had no luck. What keywords do I need to search? Maybe a woman hate or an incel thread?

>> No.20483009


>> No.20483022

>Samwell Tarly
How was this character in the show?

>> No.20483039

Highly unlikely anyone there could find it because it is a /lit/ meme and highly specific to /lit/.

>> No.20483050

I recall once posting in response to that picture "imagine reaching the age of 70 and still thinking like this".
I'm not gonna search for it because I dont really care, OP already said pretty much everything GRRM said.

>> No.20483051

or in the book

>> No.20483147
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>How was this character in the show

Unrealistic, people like him get bullied out the military and any rough job, they typically run away or do the worst thing and kill themselves. The bullying is not done with malice, people like him invite it upon themselves, you hate them because of what they are and how they act. They make life harder for those around them because they require extra care, energy and resources to meet basic standards.

I suspect GRRM has first hand knowledge of this.

>> No.20483175

>Then GRRM responds to her comment saying the Hound is supposed to be a bad guy and he doesn't understand why his female readers have fallen in love with him
Lol he absolutely does. Old pervert was just playing along

>> No.20483205

I've tried so hard /lit/. I've searched "mummer's farce", "ASOIAF", "Winds of Winter", "GRRM", and "George R R Martin" to no avail in the catalogue. I know this fucking image exists. Someone has got to have it saved on their computer.

>> No.20483243

He don't seem like someone that is naive about human nature based on the books and how he writes characters. Its hard to believe he thought women would love Samwell Tarly as the character seems way to much of a pussy intentionally. Like you can tell he was written to be a pussy. If eh wrote him and self inserting while thinking women would love him then got damn that dude is delusional about human nature. Pretty sure he is not though

>> No.20483253

This is why we need the photo. We need to double check what exactly GRRM words were.

>> No.20483288

The girl that "likes him" is a manipulative sociopath that know he wont leave her, he will raise an other mans child, his book learning will secure her income, he is completely harmless to her

>> No.20483319

>imagine reaching the age of 70 and still thinking like this
Searched this on warosu and nothing came up

>> No.20483350

Phoneposting but look up “grrm tarly” on Warosu and scroll down a bit to the thread with GRRM as the Sun

>> No.20483411
File: 83 KB, 734x766, 1562782235422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who are too lazy

>> No.20483427

Kek, it's exactly what I hoped for.

>> No.20483453
File: 45 KB, 721x541, Weird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20483464

What a beta

>> No.20483541

Thanks a lot anon. You are a hero!

>> No.20483564
File: 206 KB, 1024x1435, Unkiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sansa and Sandor relationship is patrician through and through.

>> No.20483738
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He is selective in where he applied his 'gritty, harsh realmism'. Samwell, the author self-insert, is one of them. He suffers a little but stands to gain the greatest pay off.

Even in the show, the fat, weak child who physically can not defend himself is able to secure the affection of a desirable woman. And further; protect her and child from the predation of a litteral army of rapists, thieves and killers.

GRRM is a terrible author with no consistancy and will likely mill The Hound out of spite for women liking his bully over him.

>> No.20483764
File: 47 KB, 680x485, 1654036958238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real?

>> No.20483783

Yes. It's from his blog.

>> No.20483794

>secure the affection of a desirable woman
But she was hideous wasn't she? Both of them where very ugly and undesirable which is why they ended up together.

> And further; protect her and child from the predation of a litteral army of rapists,
So despite being weak, ugly, clumsy and all that he still manages to have something redeemable about him. even though he was weak and a coward, when the moment came he showed some bravery and usefulness in a dangerous situation. Which means he might not have been completely hopeless. He also had the talent or capacity to be a gifted scholar. He was a man in the wrong environment that despite his weakness and cowardice had something good about him.

>> No.20483834
File: 193 KB, 885x1111, 1653268426686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But she was hideous wasn't she? Both of them where very ugly and undesirable which is why they ended up together

Men, without women, will fuck the most womanly of them given enough time.

>So despite being weak, ugly, clumsy and all that he still manages to have something redeemable about him. even though he was weak and a coward.
In a novel that prides itself on the grit and the grime of war and violence, those attatched to Samwell seem to fare quite well and be spared the worst. Having him do X by author fiat is lazy writing and poor creative thought.

> He also had the talent or capacity to be a gifted scholar.
The world is based on strength and the capacity to do violence, that is one of the central themes of his books. Sam is not able to condone or commit violence, yet is able to thrive for reasons that can not be explained except author self-insert.

>He was a man in the wrong environment that despite his weakness and cowardice had something good about him.

None of this is good, meekness is not a virture. To be good you must have the capacity to do bad, Samwell does not, thus he is not good he is simply a powerless victim.

His namesake Sam Gamgee had the capacity for violence, having threatened Aragorn, fought ringwraiths, orcs, goblins and bullied and treated Smeagol cruelly when he was lying. Yet was capable of controlling that darkness when the Ring came in to his possession.

This is how to write a brave and morally good character.

>> No.20483839

>But she was hideous wasn't she?
You're thinking of Brienne, she's a different character.
>So despite being weak, ugly, clumsy and all that he still manages to have something redeemable about him.
His point is that the only reason Sam survived is because GRRM likes him. Sam has no survival skills yet outlasts characters that do, simply because he is the author's stand-in.

>> No.20483922

>>But she was hideous wasn't she? Both of them where very ugly and undesirable which is why they ended up together
>Men, without women, will fuck the most womanly of them given enough time.
i don't think you are saying anything here.

>The world is based on strength and the capacity to do violence, that is one of the central themes of his books. Sam is not able to condone or commit violence
There are many ways to do violence and navigate that world, intrigue, scheming, politically and all that. Just because the theme of the show is about violence and power games doesn't mean every character have to be the same and use the same ways of behaving. The book is exploring how the different characters are making the way in the world. Why can it not happen that one coward get something? There is also plenty of characters that rely on brain power and political maneuvering other then physical force. Sam thrives in the book because he met good people with he allied him self with, he also showed giftedness in intellect and book smarts. Being knowledgeable and having knowledge that says the day.

>None of this is good,
Having talent for something, is better then not having talent for anything, regardless if the talent cannot shine in his given situation. There was something good about him.
>meekness is not a virture.
Nobody said it was.

>This is how to write a brave and morally good character.
Not every character is meant to be that.

>> No.20483954

hahahhahahaaa is this fucking real?

>> No.20483977

>posting an E-fascist image
I'm guessing you're like that character yourself

>> No.20484002

this. you can be a weirdo if you can atleast do your job right, but the moment you start becoming a liability to deal with people will pounce on you.

>> No.20484014

It’s over.

>> No.20484176
File: 953 KB, 800x800, 1653225184817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't think you are saying anything here.
I am, the point was raised that they were both ugly and that was used in defense of their pairing. That is not a defense for women, as men will fuck ugly women as a goal. Women will not fuck ugly men without a reason.

>There are many ways to do violence and navigate that world, intrigue, scheming, politically and all that. Just because the theme of the show is about violence and power games doesn't mean every character have to be the same and use the same ways of behaving. The book is exploring how the different characters are making the way in the world. Why can it not happen that one coward get something?
By violence it is not simply physical violence by one person. Cersi is capable of great violence though it comes not from her hand directly. If they accidently they cause suffering, that is not evil. Indifference to it is not evil, the willfull infliction of pain on another human is. Sam is entire incapable of this, even in his own defense.

>Sam thrives in the book because he met good people with he allied him self with, he also showed giftedness in intellect and book smarts. Being knowledgeable and having knowledge that says the day.
Sam thrives because he has plot armor every bit as thick as Denerys. His choices never backfire and cause misery or undue suffering. None of the troubles that afflict others, afflict him.

>Having talent for something, is better then not having talent for anything, regardless if the talent cannot shine in his given situation. There was something good about him.

>>meekness is not a virture.
>Nobody said it was.
You said, or the person i debate did say that he is 'good'. He is not.

>>This is how to write a brave and morally good character.
>Not every character is meant to be that
His entire character is basicially a poor downtrodden lad who keeps failing upward. He is badly written and damaging to the narrative.

Grow up.

>> No.20484190
File: 48 KB, 478x787, olewcea3nev41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appologies, on phone

>Having talent for something, is better then not having talent for anything, regardless if the talent cannot shine in his given situation. There was something good about him.

There was nothing good about him as he has not suffered from any of his actions. He suffers from the exact same problems Ray Skywalker suffers from. Failing upward. I am far more sympathetic to his father, whom has a reputation as a great leader and warrior to have a child that refuses to embrace any sort of responsibility and simply enjoy the perks of a noble life without any of the duties.

>> No.20484196

>Grow up.
No offense anon but you're probably some 20 year old who grew up in the suburbs

>> No.20484204

Nigga ahh with these yee yee ass 2017 fashwave memes bruh fuck are you even doing my brother in christ

>> No.20484389
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>> No.20484428
File: 91 KB, 700x869, a46PDbaB_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forget about them. My position on the matter is uncontested.

>> No.20484639

>nooooo you're supposed to fall in love with my self-insert!