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20477127 No.20477127 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the smoke has cleared, does this essay still hold up today?

>> No.20477284

Whats the backstory for this guy? Is he just some American new England nerd who autistically writes books for women, or is there more to it?

>> No.20477359 [DELETED] 

OK, I just read it. He ignores (I think — I read it fast) two vitally important facts.

1. The USA doesn't have a gun violence problem. It has a spics & niggers with guns problem. If the USA had the racial makeup the Founding Fathers intended, gun crime would be on a par with Switzerland.

2. The main point of the 2nd Amendment is that the population should be sufficiently well-armed that their government can't push them around too much. Hunting is a side issue.

All, and I mean ALL, neo-liberals delight in emphasizing how puny and impotent the "armed Second-Amendment crowd" are. Every single one of them adores the thought of the Federal Government sending a helicopter gunship to splatter a bunch of right-wing insurgents.

Firstly, they're wrong. If they've forgotten about Vietnam, you would think that Afghanistan would have reminded them.

But secondly, and more importantly, if they really think the Federal Government is powerful enough to crush any civilian uprising, and they believe in the ideas of the Founding Fathers, they should be clamouring for *more* powerful weapons in the hands of the population. (Or less powerful weapons in the hands of the government.) They don't do this because they are, at heart, Stalinists who have no problem whatsoever with a tyrannical state apparatus, as long as they themselves are on the side of the state (as they fondly imagine they will be).

tl;dr SK can piss off

>> No.20477363

Maine native writes a lot, no one cares, starts writing horror, becomes big deal, starts writing other shit, people only still care because of horror

>> No.20477379
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Good post. King's arguments didn't hold up when he first published them, and they haven't gotten any better with age.

>> No.20477456 [DELETED] 

>the problem is that reality isn't how I want it to be!
God I fucking hate Americans trying to argue about politics.
Also good luck with your civilian uprising when the military has Drones, more military hardware than the entire world combined and an intelligence agency that keeps track on every shit you've taken in your life, if you think a civilian uprising is anything but a gigastomp for the federal government you're a fucking retard.

>> No.20477466

>the problem is that reality isn't how I want it to be!

That's what he said King's problem is. Correct.

>> No.20477470 [DELETED] 


>They don't do this because they are, at heart, Stalinists who have no problem whatsoever with a tyrannical state apparatus, as long as they themselves are on the side of the state (as they fondly imagine they will be).

Okay but this is also true for the growing strain of fascists and militias in conservative circles. Trump fans literally tried to overthrow the government because they wanted to be kept under the sway of a charismatic dictator as long as he kept attacking groups they didn't like or approve of.

>> No.20477475

Firstly, I'm not American.

Secondly, if a decent proportion of the USA population rose up against the Government, the Government would have no chance.



I vaguely remember reading some years ago a recently-declassified analysis by Russian (!) intelligence of exactly this scenario. I think the Russians were considering whether, if it happened, they should send people to help the insurgents. Their conclusion was there would be no need because the insurgents would win almost instantly without any help. I forget where the paper was; I keep meaning to hunt it out.

>> No.20477496


>Hey Vietnam good luck trying your peasant guerilla warfare against one of the most powerful militaries on Earth you retarded-ass motherf--
>What do you mean they won?

>> No.20477502
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>> No.20477505

I remember when I thought NPR was a legitimate source of news too

>> No.20477510


Making some very funny assumptions about me, Anon.

>> No.20477522

Don't overdo it with the bait if you want engagement

>> No.20477560

The Jan 6 riot was a joke of an insurgency kek. No weapons no plan, totally performative. The crowd was also mostly 40-60 somethings that took time off of work to be “part of something” Not exactly the revolutionary demographic

>> No.20477565


>relays a matter of historical fact

Are you a Trumper or just schizo, then?

>> No.20477576


No shit, Trump didn't exactly attract rocket scientists and Rhodes scholars.

But there were organized insurgent groups there, three different members of the Oath Keepers have pled guilty to seditious conspiracy because they 100% intended to use the boomers as a smokescreen while they tried to infiltrate the building. There's hours of footage and text messages between members planning for a couple.

Not that you'll believe it

>> No.20477604

That's even worse, you've debased yourself to being an american in thought.

>> No.20477609 [DELETED] 

Please stop watching CNN for the sake of your mental health

>> No.20477626


>I can't argue against the points being made, better just rattle off some letters and hope he goes away
>Next time I'll try to work "CDC" and "Fauci" into my reply because it's literally all I have

>> No.20477647

>The USA doesn't have a gun violence problem. It has a spics & niggers with guns problem.
This. 13% of the population commit 54% of violent crimes.

>> No.20477650

>getting this defensive over your propaganda sources
Calm down sir

>> No.20477660

Blacks were unironically happier as slaves and after an initial hissy fit, they would love remancipation

>> No.20477672

The media only cares about the 0.01% commited by mentally ill white boys. Note that the media likes to play up the number of mass shooting in America by declining to point out the number is so staggering due to gang violence. Granted the definition of a mass shooting naturally encapsulates gang violence, but the idea of a mass shooting the media depicts is not a gang dispute over territory or wearing the wrong color in public.

>> No.20477685 [DELETED] 

The media is a Jewish tool for control of goyim populations. They are currently in the process of replacing the white American golem with a brown/black one so they can go genocide germanics under the guise of social retribution

>> No.20477691

>everything I disagree with is propaganda

This is your brain on American public education

>> No.20477705

>every single scary gun nut insurrectionist forgot to bring their guns to the big insurrection
>BLM was just a protest btw lol
This is your brain on NPR and CNN. Now stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.20477720

Neoliberal doesn't mean "modern day Democrats" it refers to the return of economic liberalism in the 1980s - privatizing national amenities, cuts to social spending, etc. Neoliberalism is a rightwing vision of economic policy - Thatcher, Reagan, etc. Please start using this term correctly and stop embarrassing yourself trying to look smart throwing around ten dollar words.

>> No.20477743

Can you stop whining for one second?

>> No.20477774
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Lol, this nerd just out-nerded that other nerd.

>> No.20477787


>I can't argue against the points being made, better just rattle off some letters and hope he goes away

>> No.20477817

You need to go back to /pol/

>> No.20477823

>i can't think critically, I can only regurgitate left wing propaganda
Please just stop, nobody cares how well you know the NPR narrative

>> No.20477833

Just rebrand "slaves" as "kangz" and they'd sign right up lmao. Give them a pair of Nikes to wear while they work the fields

>> No.20477846

>Also good luck with your civilian uprising when the military has Drones, more military hardware than the entire world combined and an intelligence agency that keeps track on every shit you've taken in your life, if you think a civilian uprising is anything but a gigastomp for the federal government you're a fucking retard.
How is it that poorly armed leftists were able to take over several city blocks in Seattle and Portland for several weeks a year or so ago, and were never curb-stomped by the feds?

Do you really think that a better organized and armed 'uprising' of right-leaning folks would fare *worse* ?

>> No.20477851


That is the third time you have name dropped NPR while just babbling "propaganda propaganda la la la la la"

I'd ask if you have any shame, but most right-wingers lack the self-awareness to comprehend shame

>> No.20477871

Why are you so obsessed with defending NPR?

>> No.20477894

>lmao USA got BTFO by rice farmers
>lmao USA got BTFO by goat herders
>lmao police were too scared to stop one guy in an elementary school
>oh but yeah there's no possible way the American people could stand up against tanks and drones
A "fiery but mostly peaceful protest" in the Capitol building made the government shit its pants. The whole MUH DRONES meme needs to die.

>> No.20477899

I have never been a victim of gun violence, but I grew up in a home that was destroyed by alcohol and eventually pharmaceuticals. I'm sure my take is very emotionally charged, and I know it's not fair to compare the two, but I don't give a shit about gun deaths so long as these same people don't bat an eye at smoking, drinking, and other silent killers and home wreckers in the USA.

>> No.20477909

They don't care about gun deaths either. They care about disarming white Americans even if they have to use dead children as props and manipulate the emotions of well meaning people in order to do so

>> No.20477944


Why are you so obsessed with bringing them up instead of addressing the substance of the argument?

>> No.20477963

The substance of the argument is that you're regurgitating propaganda without critically thinking about it. The protest at the capitol was not an insurrection. And if it was, the Fentanyl floyd riots were an insurgency

>> No.20477969


>you're regurgitating propaganda without critically thinking about it
>the Fentanyl floyd riots were an insurgency

See my previous post about lacking self-awareness

>> No.20478011

Thanks can't enforce curfews, drones can't make door to door raids. In the end you need boots on the ground and sporstic guerilla terrorism will absolutely browbeat the fuck out of an army.

>> No.20478034

No Anon you don't understand, it's all so simple, we'll just slaughter millions upon millions of civilian insurgents and military defectors and destroy the entire country's infrastructure with our tanks and drones and nukes. We're the good guys btw

>> No.20478110 [DELETED] 

>How is it that poorly armed leftists were able to take over several city blocks in Seattle and Portland for several weeks a year or so ago, and were never curb-stomped by the feds?

Because they were allowed to. If you want to see what it looks like when the government actually wants you gone, look up what happened to Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Remember : these are the people calling you retards.

I never understood this bizarre fetishism of american lefties (as someone who's not american) with having the big daddy government splatter the brains of actual proles and working class people out. Is it because the majority of those proles are white?

>> No.20478156

Well, sure, but I'm talking about my fellow citizens I guess. I know the government doesn't care. I've expressed my drugs/alcohol vs gun violence sentiment at work and everyone always REEE's at me.

>> No.20478214

Good post/reply

>> No.20478312
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> If the USA had the racial makeup the Founding Fathers intended, gun crime would be on a par with Switzerland.

Absolutely delusional, your culture is riddled with a cancer and it produces lunatics. No one in Switzerland shoot up schools and that's primarily done by white Americans you dumb fuck. The main difference is that the Swiss are human, and Americans are almost certainly not whatever their skin colour is.

>> No.20478318

Dumb fuck himself barely addresses the anons concerns deflects and acts like a winner. Holy fucking retard lmao. Whats it like being a retarded fucking nigger?

>> No.20478381

Get a job where you work with better people then