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20472497 No.20472497 [Reply] [Original]

>thing happens in novel
>characters says:
>this is like something straight out of a novel

>> No.20472503

>sudden, fleeting insight into the horrific truth behind reality

>> No.20472507
File: 30 KB, 600x630, Goodbye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>landscape exists
>Victorian novelist describes it

>> No.20472510

Stupid frogposter.

>> No.20472519
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>Character written by a writer starts glorifying writing.

>> No.20472537
File: 129 KB, 820x642, 685-6851651_62ki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waiting for Godot
>He doesn't show up

>> No.20472756

Stupid frogposters.

>> No.20472892
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>novel begins with a description of the weather

>> No.20472906
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>novel features a rodent character

>> No.20472938
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>a man goes on a journey
>a stranger comes to down

>> No.20472958
File: 1.11 MB, 1469x1442, 320506816234211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character's name is Mr G_________
>name is censored for some reason
>he live in the town of P________
>name is censored for some reason

>> No.20473787

Man I love that shit. Fuck coming up with a name. Act likes redacted. Glowie shit.

>> No.20473813

A barometric low hung over the Atlantic. It moved eastward toward a high-pressure area over Russia without as yet showing any inclination to bypass this high in a northerly direction. The isotherms and isotheres were functioning as they should. The air temperature was appropriate relative to the annual mean temperature and to the aperiodic monthly fluctuations of the temperature. The rising and setting of the sun, the moon, the phases of the moon, of Venus, of the rings of Saturn, and many other significant phenomena were all in accordance with the forecasts in the astronomical yearbooks. The water vapor in the air was at its maximal state of tension, while the humidity was minimal. In a word that characterizes the facts fairly accurately, even if it is a bit old-fashioned: It was a fine day in August 1913.

>> No.20473940
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>Oh come on MC-kun, we're not in a manga!
They are in a manga, though.

>> No.20473955

>The isotherms and isotheres were functioning as they should.
You know what an isotherm is but make a nonsense statement about them "functioning" "as they should". Why?

>> No.20473975

Or you have a really shitty translation of a book that was originally written in English, you fucking dork

>> No.20473976

Good thing I don't read shit books so I never have to experience these tropes

>> No.20473982


>> No.20473983

Not me, that's Robert Musil

>> No.20474006
File: 7 KB, 259x194, BE5F6EDA-A97E-4DFB-8B2A-DBF5C2BEB759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The caterpillar is very hungry

>> No.20474037

Ebullient clouds closed over the glaucous mid-afternoon sky, driven by the stiff summer breeze that made Mr. R_____'s tail shiver.
"This is like something out of a novel," remarked Mr. B_____.
"That's because it is," uttered his companion in profound, ebullient realization of the nature of their being.

>> No.20474178

This was due to censorship in the Russian empire. Works of fiction often couldn’t use real people as characters or real locations because they didn’t want people showing up to these places. So Kamyenniy Bridge would be censored to K—-.
Eventually it just became a sort of way of spiting censors to write things like G—- in the original manuscript. It also made the reader at the time feel as though they were reading something historical and real because the censorship indicated these were actual people and events, even if they were just creations of the author.

>> No.20474199

Jesus christ.

>> No.20474215

My characters do this with increasing frequency until they're mentioning it several times a chapter.

>> No.20475732

Even happens in War and Peace, when Nikolai rescues Princess Marya

>> No.20475736

Fuck, breaking all the walls down. You can’t compete with that.

>> No.20475765
File: 132 KB, 517x321, 1648742001590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone posts a frog
>someone else replies
>>stupid frogposter
Stupid stupid frogposter poster

>> No.20476037
File: 1.01 MB, 952x506, do9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rude! It was ackshully from an English language short story. But it reminded me of what I've often seen in Russian novels, see post by >>20474178
Also, if the writer censors the names in the original text, why wouldn't the translator do the same in the English translation?

>> No.20476044

post excerpts