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[ERROR] No.2047047 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of Philip K. Dick?

>> No.2047053

I liked Ubik. What should I read next??

>> No.2047056

I quite like his pussy.

>> No.2047058

I absolutely love his work, he's a great writer. Great at writing about reality and perception and very sf takes on these themes, but at the same time also a real mensch.

>> No.2047064

I liked the Do Androids Dream of Sheep or whatever Blade Runner is called story. I had a hard time reading the rest of his stories though. They just seemed dated.

>> No.2047127


>> No.2047218
File: 32 KB, 470x312, pkd_robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was a robot.

>> No.2047248

Read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and A Scanner Darkly. Androids was really really good at the beginning but the end kinda sucked(was weird in the bad way, I guess it was still interesting though but compared to the amazing start it blew).
A scanner darkly was awesome as well. It is simultaneously the best advocate for and against drug use. The movie did it a lot of justice but wasn't well received.

I'm wondering what to read next but I have so much on my list. Catching up on ASOFAI and have some Ursula LeGuin, Neal Stephenson and William Gibson to catch up on. Also that book about Jew cops I gotta get into. PKD's books all have shitty titles so I never really know what I'm suppose to expect until I read.

>> No.2047259
File: 24 KB, 420x646, Man in the High Castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still in my eyes the best realized Alternate History story.

Man is it a good read.

>> No.2047264

Because it's not an alternate history series, as the genre usually works.

>> No.2047270

Man Valis was an awesome read but I am not sure if I would recommend it to someone.

>> No.2047278

Read androids - not bad but still left me wanting something - might read it again but don't really care.
Read flow my tears - enjoyed that one more except the epilogue - the writing was good.
Read a few short stories meh.
Read part of a scanner darkly - enjoyed the writing but didn't get to finish it unfortunately - I'll check it out from te library soon or finish it there.

I like the movie adaptations better - blade runner and minority report.

>> No.2047280

Omfg, I LOVE Dick. I can't really say why. His prose is so meaty; it's got some real balls to it. His voice comes right at me, splattering all over my face. It's veiny, and throbbing, pulsating in my hands and, when I read him aloud, it pulses violently agaist my tongue and down my throat.


>> No.2047370


>> No.2048602

He's good at science fiction but terrible at writing.