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File: 275 KB, 1322x573, night watch template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2046952 [Reply] [Original]

We can totally talk about our opinions.

I loved The Night Watch so goddamn much. It was just a fun ride and just the whole fantasy cold war thing was a great idea. They got a bit off the rails by The Final Watch (by which time Light has like 5 Magicians Beyond Classification) and the whole "power level" thing makes it a bit juvenile.

Still, a lot of fun.

>> No.2046957
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I saw the movie and thought it was garbage.

>> No.2046960

Stone was just disappointing. I expected a interesting tale about a guy investigating the technology to kill the inhabitants of a world with a kinda noir-esque twist on who is pulling the strings.

Instead I got heaps of "I'm going on a holiday! This is how my society works! Whoops, I'm near the end of the book, let's just wrap this shit up quickly."

It's been a little while since I read it, granted.

>> No.2046963
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Forgot the image, whoops.

>> No.2046966
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And a template for you guys.

>> No.2047004
File: 213 KB, 1322x600, catcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because fuck Holden and fuck Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.2047066

You were dumb to expect the thinker.
You are even dumber to perceive an emofag.

Holden has a good bullshit detector (or a nose for phonies as he would put it), the problem is that there isn't much one can do about all the phonies.

>> No.2047220
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>> No.2047240

The problem is that Holden is a phoney himself.

>> No.2047247

that's the whole point numbnuts

can't tell if trolling....

>> No.2047252

That was my point; that it was the whole point. Obviously, you aren't supposed to sympathize with Holden. You're supposed to realize what a whiny little emo brat he is.

>> No.2047258

hardly, if that was all you got out of it then it's nothing special indeed.

It''s a coming-of-age story. Holden's frustrations are legitimate but he himself is at fault to a degree as well. There is no solution to it ll unless you choose to ignore it leading to a somewhat dismayed result. Holden doesn't descend into nihilism and neither should you

>> No.2047266

Then why is he such a hypocrite? He complains about actions that he later performs. Holden isn't someone you are supposed to emulate or sympathize. You're supposed to relate to him, yeah, but that is because it should spur on self-examination, and the elimination of hypocrisy in your own life. THAT is the point.

Your reading seems far more simplistic and superficial than mine. I hope to god you aren't right, because if you are, that means Catcher in the Rye is a pretty mediocre book.

>> No.2047274

the thing you are speaking of is a step in what I am speaking of. Self examination is self explanatory, as is the idea of relating to him in a fundamental sense.

>> No.2047276

Your point sucks. Holden is in the transitional phase from childhood to adulthood and therefore reflects both assimilation and alienation. He is able to see the bullshit and call the bullshit, yet he is also in the process of being made to assimilate to the bullshit and thus displays some of the same characteristics he despises. This doesn't mean that you're supposed to despise him. It means that he's a complicated anti-hero. Further, it does not absolve the society around him from his criticism (if you can even call his inarticulate protestations criticism), but rather it merely demonstrates human frailty on his part.

>> No.2047290


There is a part in "Catcher" where he tells some guy "nice to meet you," and then comments that it's phoney and he's not at all glad to have met the guy. Then, he says something about how you have to do these things to "stay alive."


It sounds like yours is the more simpler reading.

>> No.2047291

Your point sucks. If it is a coming of age story, then the hole thing is a cliche and not worthy of attention.

>> No.2047293

Then why does every idiot who picks up the book conclude with you and the other guy? My reading of it rules, and you're all jelly because you didn't think of it first. Deal with it.

>> No.2047294

>hole thing

sure is high schooler in here

>> No.2047296

Haha. Because a proper reading of the book is just too mainstream, right, Ariel?

>> No.2047299

> You're supposed to relate to him, yeah, but that is because it should spur on self-examination, and the elimination of hypocrisy in your own life. THAT is the point.

What makes you think that Salinger wanted to tell us how to live our lives? Is every book didactic? Could it not be that Salinger was only trying to convey a situation and that the book is descriptive rather than prescriptive?

>> No.2047303

Hey asshole, you know why the coming of age story is cliche? Because a bunch of people read Catcher in the Rye and tried their own hand at the coming of age story. See also: Mafia movie cliches taken from the Godfather.

>> No.2047305

you are unintelligent. too unintelligent even for this board, leave and don't come back until yo are out of high school. I am guessing you are a sophomore in high school, as that is usually when this book becomes required reading. Just listen to the points the teacher makes, as it's pretty hard to screw up what Salinger is doing.

>> No.2047324

How do you know it's not? It's called an interpretation. You offer one that is better. Oh wait, you'll just say the same thing about it that everyone else does. Wow. What deep thought that must have required.
>implying The Catcher in the Rye was the first, most influencial the best coming of age story
Judging by your banal articulations, you must think hurling insults must make one smart huh? Well then suck a dick faggot. iz i da smart now?

You people are sad.

>> No.2047328


Yeah okay. Are you 16?

>> No.2047330


>Implying the Iliad didn't do it better

>> No.2047331

Hebbity derrrrrrp! I'm gonna claim false superiority by coming up with an interpretation that isn't at all evidenced by the teeeeeeeext.

>> No.2047332


Why would he write a book describing a nonexistent person in a nonexistent situation, if not to give us a message?

>> No.2047334


>I'm 12

>> No.2047335

Are you kidding me? If you think becoming an adult is "conforming to bullshit" you're just as bad as Holden. He ended up in a mental hospital because he couldn't let go of the past. He doesn't know bullshit from reality, that is his problem.

>> No.2047337

1. Well the way literary interpretation goes is that you point to evidence in the text and the author's biography that the author has certain intentions. So if you're going to claim that the goal is to teach us to eliminate our hypocrisy, then point to where that goal comes out?

2. It wasn't the first, but it has left a strong impression on the genre.

3. That was the other guy, but he's right.

>> No.2047338

But it is. Go read it again. Unless you're afraid you'll realize how right I am.

>> No.2047341

No, you.

>> No.2047342

"Citing the entire book is poor form."- MLA guide

>> No.2047343



>> No.2047344

I guess I should invent quotes like you.

>> No.2047346
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>> No.2047353

So that he could make a fortune and become a recluse.

>> No.2047375
File: 475 KB, 1319x581, rickslade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2047693

If becoming an adult isn't about conforming to a bunch of bullshit, then why can a man only go through about 25 years of adulthood before hitting a midlife crisis? Holden was only ankle-deep into adulthood and already he had to order scotch and sodas when he really would rather be drinking frozen daiquiris.

>> No.2048512

>angsty teenager detected

not everyone goes through a midlife crisis. looks like you can't tell bullshit from reality either.

>> No.2049170

You better get your teen detector tested, I'm 30. When you're older you'll see that a lot of the things that people do because doing them is "the adult thing" are really just imposed on them by the expectations of those around them and are, in fact, bullshit. It's true that not everyone has a midlife crisis. The people who don't have the midlife crisis are the ones who can spot the bullshit ahead of time and don't end up at a job they hate and go home to a woman they hate and children who despise them because someone told them to "man up" and started placing obligations on them that restricted their right to do what they please, fuck whom they please, pay only for themselves, etc.