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20468383 No.20468383 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to convert to Christianity (Catholicism). I was told to pick up a study Bible.
People keep telling me to get the Didache Bible, but there are two versions.
What's the difference and which one should I get?

>> No.20468620

Get the NABRE. It's a nice translation with good footnotes.

>> No.20468626

Is the NABRE version missing any content?
I know the green one has extensive commentaries based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church,

>> No.20469092

>What's the difference and which one should I get?
The difference is the translation used -- the NAB vs. the RSV Catholic Edition. Both are good. It's a matter of taste.

I am not a connoisseur of study Bibles, but you might find some useful guidance in these two articles:



Also, consider trying a one-year subscription to Magnificat -- it's *very* good, very well done.

Also, here are some thoughts on Bible study from the redoubtable Michael Lofton, who has a ton of interesting Catholic commentary on his channel:

>> No.20469112

idolatry thread

>> No.20470444

Why do you want to convert to Neo-Judaism?

>> No.20470452

Stop falling for /lit/ memes. Just get https://bibles.com/product/categories/bibles-and-new-testaments/nrsv-hardcover-bible or something.

>> No.20470510

Bible's shouldn't cost money, it goes against God.

>> No.20470524

It depends on what approach to translation you want: dynamic equivalence or formal equivalence. Simplified: dynamic = idea to idea translation; formal = word to word translation. NABRE is dynamic and RSV2CE is formal.

>> No.20470540
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The straight path is most clarified in the Quran of which there is only one version

quran.com has many useful annotation for everyone from the curiousity inclined to savant believer

>> No.20470546

Wait NABRE is more mixed than I thought, according to Wikipedia. (I'm not a Bible scholar whatsoever.)

>> No.20470556
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>he thinks he read the Bible
>when he didn't read the New World Translation

>> No.20470728


>> No.20470759
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Get lost

The Quran is probably the worst Holy Book ever written by human hands. Just an absolute mess. Also it's boring and repetitive as fuck.
80% of the Quran is 'believers heaven/Disbelievers hell + God is good'.
Then you've got bits scattered about that deal with Moses and Egyptian magicians.
But shit is just so random and just pops out of nowhere in the middle of verses.
Did Prophet Muhammad not have an editor? Oh wait, the Quran is supposed to be the word of Allah, LMAO.

No wonder people are forced to read it in Arabic rather than in English.
As soon as you read the Quran in a language that you can actually understand you begin to realise that the 'Quran came down from heaven' meme is just straight up bullshit.

For those of you who don't believe me...

Here's the link: www.quran.com

>> No.20470775
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Yeah go to www.quran.com (remember to press play and listen to it)

>> No.20470789

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlhNYQLrJpE This will explain the structure of the Quran al-Majeed for you

>> No.20470833

My brother gifted me the green one for my birthday, and I've enjoyed using it, so I say green.

>> No.20470848
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There are no prophecies in previous Scripture predicting Muhammad. Muslims deny obvious historical facts such as the crucifixion. Muslims have no proof that the Bible is ‘tahrif’ or corrupt in anyway. The Qur’an is filled with errors, saying that Mary is the sister of Aaron and daughter of Amram. The Qur’an was not preserved. The greatest reciter of the Qur’an had a different mushaf. Verses were left out, as Umar said regarding the verse about stoning. Multiple musahif with different amounts of surahs and different readings of the rasm exist. The Qur’an is plagiarized from Syro-Aramaic Christian texts. Islam is a meme inspired by the devil.

>> No.20470897

Were the commentaries useful? Did they help you understand things better?

>> No.20470967

nice copypasta

>> No.20470978

just use this

>> No.20470982

Nice pasta but one objection
>There are no prophecies in previous Scripture predicting Muhammad
Same could be said for Jesus. Don't @ me, I am a perennialist with Christian sympathies. I prefer you guys over literally every other faction, but I refuse to be made a liar.

>> No.20470992

>There are no prophecies in previous Scripture predicting Muhammad
Well, technically there is. Matthew 7:15
>Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

>> No.20471371

Judaism expects a Messiah and fulfillment of the Covenant, it’s literally coded into their view of history and prophetic books. As to the nature of how that Messiah works and if Jesus qualifies for it is a whole different topic but is still much more closely related than the literal nothing in Judaism or Christianity that predicts a whole new religion that is technically a restoration of “original” religion from a random foreigner in a far off land. You are being deliberately obtuse if you can’t see the difference here.

>> No.20471445

>convert to Christianity (Catholicism)

If you want to burn your money, you don't need a "religious" group for it.

Here is the reality of joining the Church
>you have to pay like 10 % of your income as some kind of church tax
>you HAVE TO (or you are a sinner) visit the church EVERY WEEK, NO EXCUSE (the only excuse is if you are literally unable to physically move)
>every time you visit the church, you have to donate money to the church (or you are a sinner. And boy don't you even dare cut the money donation too short, or it's hell for you)
>you need to do certain "upgrade events" for you and your family where you have to waste money EVERY TIME SOMEONE UPGRADES. Upgrade events happen at least 3 times in your church life and can be up to around 7 times
>you have to give an extra large cut for religious holidays or it's hell for you
>there are outside church activities which also require additional money donation

Now and if you ask yourself "Where is the religion", then you need to understand that the DONATION is the religion and nothing else. If you want to believe in the Bible, just read it on your own. The church is only there to take your money.

>> No.20471468

American hands typed this