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20467418 No.20467418 [Reply] [Original]

>Conversations with friends: why men need to read more novels

>"According to Nielsen, despite men famously making up half the population, they only account for 20% of the audience for literary fiction. Part of this may be down to the changing landscape of authors themselves. In 2000, men made up 61% of the UK’s top selling hardbacks. By 2020, this number fell to 43%. Where straight white men used to dominate bestseller charts and prize shortlists, now it is people of colour, LGBT people and women who are both at the avant-garde of writing and driving sales in stores."

>"Celebrity authors and those with big fan bases, like Richard Osman and Lee Child, may shift product, but creatively, straight white men haven’t kept up with those who’ve previously been consigned to the margins."

>"Aside from some notable exceptions – Sean Thor Conroe’s Fuccboi being one – male writers who aren’t otherwise talking from a marginalised perspective have largely abandoned the novel as a means to make sense of cultural change. Faced with the challenge of articulating themselves as themselves, it’s like straight white men have given up on the subtleties of literary fiction and said: “Fuck it – I’m doing stand up about cancel culture instead.”


Is the author right here? Have straight, white men failed to keep up with women and non-whites in writing literary fiction?

>> No.20467427

I have read conversations with friends THOUGH

>> No.20467429

well-read women are just leftoids, worthless creatures that you can freely discard with no worth other than their flesh

give me a nice church-going 20 year old any day of the week, preferably a virgin

either way, obviously that retard is right that men are not well-read today, but neither are the women of the jungle creatures they side with, reading marxist slop does not make you well-read

>> No.20467430
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Aren't all publishers women and fags now?

>> No.20467431

>be white male
>write book
>don't get published
>give up

>> No.20467435

>implying they read "marxist slop"
Women can't even hold it together to read literary fiction that preaches to their ideological choir, they just read trashy YA-tier shit

>> No.20467438

>straight white men are underrepresented in publishing

That's prima facie evidence of discrimination.

>> No.20467440

There isn't a single 21st century novel worth reading. Even the 20th century has merely one or two dozen.

>> No.20467443

>Have straight, white men failed to keep up
more accurate to say they are targeted for removal by new gatekeepers

>> No.20467444

here are the retards representing the nonreaders

>> No.20467446

Still not reading Harry Potter. Sorry not sorry.

>> No.20467452

speaking volumes here pal

>> No.20467454

still not reading Foucault, you fucking nonce

>> No.20467456

Try reading Schopenhauer's "On Reading"
Educate yourself young one.

>> No.20467474

>it is people of colour, LGBT people and women who are [...] at the avant-garde of writing

>> No.20467489

What would it even look like to escape from this mollycoddling woman driven freak and weakling worshipping pussy culture

I feel like all that comes after this is zoomers and mixed race people going YOOOO-O-O-OO-O THAT'S DOPE into cameras. There is no cyclical return to quality. Woman and loser culture will just yield the floor to Brazilian sports drink slang catchphrase culture

>> No.20467560

>Even in the novel’s 19th Century heyday, reading fiction was a feminised activity – there was something a bit sexy about women who allowed books to activate their passions (Henry James wrote that one lady’s reputation for reading a lot “hung about her like the cloudy envelope of a goddess in an epic.”)

>But men who spend too much time indoors, reading novels and living their lives vicariously through the trials and tribulations of others, were widely considered cucks.
Yes, that's why I don't read. All you males who read books are cucks.

>> No.20467565

>says literary fiction
>it’s all YA schlock

>> No.20467569

>and driving sales in stores
no less. Those two are in contradiction to one another, as any nonretard would know...

>> No.20467582

>I was born in le wrong generation, why isn't modern music as good as le queen or le ac/dc

>> No.20467640

You have no argument so you resort to lazy readymades. Looks like I win.

>> No.20467682

>you don't bother to engage with my obvious bad faith? Hehehe, looks like I win

>> No.20467737

Name one 21st century novel worth reading.

>> No.20467756

there's a big music festival in my country right now. the main stages are exclusively played by 90s/early 00s bands. bands who hit their peak 20 fucking years ago. And it's the same for other festivals, just check the line-ups.
imagine playing music from 1967 at Woodstock, people would look at you like you're fucking insane.
And this phenomenon is much worse forr novels.

>> No.20467761

*from 1947 at Woodstock

>> No.20467778

>all of humanities academia and the publishing industry is gatekept by BPD bitches on a HR powertrip who keep men out
>why aren't men participating in this anymore anymore???????

>> No.20467810

op, you're looking at this totally backwards. this is the first time in my life there's a real demand for white dudes, whatever that means. i've been using a south asian pen name and have gotten published in the school paper twice so far. superficial problems like this are not difficult to work around.

>> No.20467816

harry potter

>> No.20467836

Novels have been obsolete for at least a century now. Of course men got bored with them and moved on to more advanced forms of art like film and video games. Everything that could be done with novels has already been achieved and men require more novelty. Women are the only ones still read novels because they are fucking stupid.

>> No.20468140

embarrassing post

>> No.20468175

Why the fuck does she care? Let me read whatever I want and you read whatever the fuck you want. Just leave me the fuck alone, i don't want you to do anything, leave me in peace and do your thing, it's that too much to ask?

>> No.20468190

Anything by Colm Toibin, Rachel Cusk or David Keenan. Leave the house more

>> No.20468202

>despite men famously making up half the population
what the fuck

>> No.20468205

I actually recently made the shift from film and vidya to novels specifically for the opposite reason. I've exhausted all that interests me in that media, and I'm finding that books have way more to offer me than the others ever did.

>> No.20468206

>Indeed, he bears all the hallmarks of a fully reconstructed man: NTS on the radio, bell hooks on the shelf, a yoga membership used at least thrice-weekly.

It's hilarious how the author just comes out and calls her bf total fucking onions.

>> No.20468217

Lack of participation does not equal demand

>> No.20468219

>Part of this may be down to the changing landscape of authors themselves. In 2000, men made up 61% of the UK’s top selling hardbacks.

This is so fucking retarded. These morons think that representation is everything. No one gives a damn about how many men write fiction. If men wanted to read fiction they would. No one heads into a bookstore looking for a book but leaves bc he can only find books written by women.

How can people write such shit?

>> No.20468226

onions = s o y

>> No.20468227

>No one heads into a bookstore looking for a book but leaves bc he can only find books written by women
I do this. Never read a book written by a woman in my life and I never will.

>> No.20468278

The Wake

>> No.20468290

>According to Nielsen, despite women famously making up half the population, they only account for 5% of the audience for nonfiction.

>> No.20468300

If all you look for in fiction is identity, there is no other way to explain changes in the fiction produced and the audiences who read it than their identity, making the whole conversation a pointless exercise in demographics and power, and in this case, of a great replacement.

>> No.20468303

>He peers over at the pages of my Jane Austen, and wrinkles his nose. “It’s all chitter-chatter.” I ask him to explain what he means. “Well, there’s just a lot of talking.”
Exactly how I feel about newer novels

>> No.20468306

Reading novels has always been the domain of women and gays. Reading novels was a legit symptom and predictor of hysteria until the Freudians got the term banned by being weirdos.

>> No.20468313

>now it is people of colour, LGBT people and women who are both at the avant-garde of writing
lol, lmao

>> No.20468355
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What a weird idea, mentioning the idea of how men traditionally read with some purpose in mind, and then bashing it. Also, why are these articles in gq? I thought this was a magazine about suits and cologne

>> No.20468360

Goy Quarterly isn't about anything. Magazines died in the 90s

>> No.20468365
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>here's your Gentleman's Quarterly feature writer bro
what type of eunuch reads this shit lol

>> No.20468373

the only GQ I'm invested in is Gassing Queers

>> No.20468382

Isn't this the pajeeta whore who said "I'm literally a communist you idiot" or something like that the Penis Morgan?

>> No.20468438

She’s just bitching about
1. her boyfriend not giving a fuck about Jane Austin
2. Franzen not giving a fuck about Oprah
3. Martin Amis not giving a fuck about Bernadine Evaristo

That’s it.
No deep analysis required

>> No.20468469

Yes. There's a push for more women and fags and who would read that shit? Only women and fags.

>> No.20468489

isnt it just that men turned to video games

>> No.20468496

>literary awards start pushing for more women and fags, choosing to give those awards more to such groups
>publishers choose to publish the same shit over actual talent
>industry focus on muh race and muh gender and muh sex
>"Straight white men cant keep up"

>> No.20468523

>we're so oppressed
>give us everything for free and don't hold us to any standards

It's funny, 'avant-garde' sounds a lot like bitching to me

>> No.20468547


>> No.20468550

Imagine catching a whiff of her brap-circle after she gobbles down a feisty jalfrezi. Nirvana.

>> No.20468572

Based and truthpilled.

These are people with only a hammer and all they see is nails.

>> No.20468605

>despite women famously making up half the population, they account for 80% of the audience for guttertrash kitsch, like romance novels

It's a religious turn. These naval gazing modernist tomes are being shit out of every social media orifice in a symphony of maudlin one-upmanship every waking microsecond. Adding to the hive psymatics is a crime. It is time to create the art of the future. That requires a clean break from the fictions dominating the present.

>> No.20468615

What books written now will be considered classics in a hundred years?

>> No.20468662

>Brazilian sports drink slang catchphrase culture
As much as I hate living here, this isn't our culture at all, in none of the regions.

>> No.20468678

Now i need to see the original

>> No.20468710

Does the "literary fiction" of the quoted statistic include Harry Potter?

>> No.20468748
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Imagine how many amazing authors are languishing in obscurity
Imagine how many aspiring writers will never tell their stories because some certifiable faggots don't like anything that isn't explicitly about marxism or buttsex, dedicated to the destruction of all that is good in this world

It's a fucking shame

>> No.20468759

Exactly this. They only pretend to read marxist slop for literal brownie points. Guarantee that the average college aged slut-middle aged bitch has never read a single page of anything pertaining to their beliefs.

>> No.20468773

How in the fucking hell can his person not see that the downturn is from the publishing side? Does she have stats on the sexes of who's sending in manuscripts?

>> No.20468778

My foremost hope is that when the current regime and its culture are replaced, that the diehard adherents of the current regime are made into 2nd class citizens in the next one.

Mass formation penance. Anything less would be unsatisfactory. I want these people to experience what a true existential crisis looks like personally. Each and every one, as any vestiges of power and relevance they had in the old society is ripped away from them, and all that remains is an empty, cold void.

>> No.20468780
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>Imagine how many amazing authors are languishing in obscurity

>> No.20468784

They're so up their own asses and detached from reality, that the things they say and the way that they choose to say them just sounds utterly ridiculous.

>> No.20468794

We know. We aren't a summerfag like you.

>> No.20468805

Nonfiction is for fags who heckin love science.

>> No.20468809


>> No.20468811

Also on the reader side, it's been years of telling men that their opinions on literature don't matter. Half of this article is saying that and then somehow wants more participation in discussion? I know this is bait but God I'm so exhausted with this shit.

>> No.20468819

If they're lucky, they'll be seen as a living novelty of a bygone age of modern barbarism. If they're unlucky, the angry masses will do far worse than banish them.

>> No.20468820

cant force me to buy your diverity lgtqbbq novels you kikes

>> No.20468824

Abandon words.

>> No.20468827

What a fucking boring article constructed out of plug-n-play talking points from the 2010's.
That's five minutes of playing video games or jacking off to hentai I will never get back.

>> No.20468877

>jacking off to hentai I will never get back.
based SJWs

>> No.20468920

Greatest game of all time just came out.

>> No.20468965


>> No.20468971


>> No.20468985

>people of colour, LGBT people and women who are both at the avant-garde of writing
This word has really lost all of its meaning, hasn't it?

Umm, sorry, but Cookie Clicker came out in 2013

>> No.20469020

Last of Us 2?

>> No.20469024

>women start writing more books, men throw a tantrum and stop reading
sounds about right

>> No.20469029

Super Mario 64?

>> No.20469050

>First, women and LGBTQ are NOT avant-garde. They are not coming up with anything experimental and new. We are NOT going to see a female or gay James Joyce come out of our era. Nothing actually new is being made except books from minority “perspectives” which isn’t new at all. Richard Wright published in the 1930s and 40s and he was black and considered literary. I also know from experience that this female and lgbtq “driven” sales experience is in mindless romantic and thriller novels, NOT literature. Most girls don’t care about lit.

>second, the change is due to a massive influx of women in the industry. An agent told me, from a major agency, that her agency’s goal was to “right the wrongs of the white man” in publishing. If women only publish women and minorities, it has nothing to do with white guys giving up on subtleties of expression and everything to do with a new bigotry in the industry. And the industry is easy to break into for agents and easy to study in college.

>also white guys read they just don’t feel the need to join book clubs and drink wine with female alcoholics who just want clicks on their Instagram.

>finally, good post op.

>> No.20469054

who'm are you quoting?

>> No.20469057

switch sports (specifically badminton)?

>> No.20469059

they’re really not worthy of that epithet

>> No.20469088

none, apprently, since the people frequenting the literature board seem to agree that literature (their hobby) was finished a hundred years ago

>> No.20469090

Kao the Kangaroo 4

>> No.20469152
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>> No.20469224
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It didn't have to be, Anon. It didn't have to be.

>> No.20469232

As they don't link to the Nielsen study that gives the 20% number, it's impossible to say how true it is. But let's at least speculate. Nielsen is
>a global research and consulting company focused primarily on global information and media. It conducts research and data analysis to measure some information mainly about marketing: fast-moving consumer goods, consumer behavior, and media such as television, can provide that kind of insightful analysis
So if this is about consumer behavior, it's not how many read books, it's about how many buy books, and of those, probably those who buy books via Amazon or Chapters.

>> No.20469432


>> No.20469434

Idgaf about any music.

>> No.20469435


>> No.20469438

What happened to the uber rich American elites? I'd be fine with our current overlords if they used their money to make beautiful monuments like that, but none of them seem to want to.

>> No.20469493

The upper classes turning into a bunch of technophile nouveau riche assholes with no taste is in itself an argument for aristocracy.

>> No.20469498

Then what could you possibly know about good literature?

>> No.20469585

Where are all the women who read literary fiction? All the female readers I know stick to historical fiction and romance published in the last 50 years. They're not any more well-read than my male friends who stick to science fiction and fantasy.

>> No.20470473

>video games
bing bing wahoo!

>> No.20471429

Strange formatting, great post

>> No.20471512

The game of life?

>> No.20471552

Women are antithetical to male enjoyment.
They’re the ‘death of fun’ gender.

>> No.20471601

I figured this out a while ago.
Imagine a guy steps into a taxi, and the taxi driver, and prank, starts singing. So dudes will laugh and sing along.
Women won't, because they have to assume they're about to be raped and murdered by a lunatic. So yeah, they're "the death of fun" but they have a reason.

>> No.20471607

The only way for a white man to get published is to know someone or pretend to be a POC womyn

>> No.20471611

I'm not sure bestsellers lists are all that reliable, at least in the US a lot of smaller bookshops are run by leftist scum and buy in relative bulk, and libraries are full of leftists at this point and won't even carry conservative or centrist books unless you ask them 500 times about a specific title. It doesn't help that east coast publishers are also leftists too.

>> No.20471614

Go the bookstore and look at the best sellers. 99% will be terrible, semi-erotic trash which will be forgotten faster than it was written.

>> No.20471616

Checked and /thread

>> No.20471709

im pretty sure i saw an interview with sally rooney where she said the 'literary' novel had become little more than a status signifier for upper middle class yuppies
sounds like she was right

>> No.20471710

imo most men arent that drawn to fiction and if they are, why read some "up and comming avant-garde auteur" when greeks exists, or russian classics.. what im saying is the best literature is already completed..
Maybe its fun reading the newest books(like following music, discovering bands) but is it worth it when there are hundreds of goat books freely available?

>> No.20471740
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Not my problem

>> No.20471746

It is fact, I consoom contemporary fiction like potato chips and the literary shit is always about some rich cunt from NYC or CT or MA and goes on and on describing ugly suburban developments like they are amazing and tend to include at least one Jew. Absolutely disgusting to anybody outside that elitist circle of world class dicks.

>> No.20471748

Wouldn’t lunatic rapist cab drivers be more likely to rape them if they didn’t sing along?
Nobody likes a lm uppity bitch.

>> No.20471789

ever been in a situation where you thought you were gonna be raped?

>> No.20471953

Pong came out in the 70s, Anon

>> No.20471967

>who are both at the avant-garde of writing
What works are they even describing? If it's what I think it is, then the term "avant-garde" has lost all meaning.

>> No.20472228

Scifi was the last bastion and now women dominate it.

>> No.20472250

does it not create a demand for labor and production? tech companies are going to eat shit q4.

>> No.20472255

How to make friends?

>> No.20472266

>Imagine a guy steps into a taxi, and the taxi driver, and prank, starts singing. So dudes will laugh and sing along.
Is this something a normal western person would imagine? You guys are mentally ill, I swear.

There was a passage very much along those lines in "Normal People". It was the best passage in the novel IMO, though it also had some oddly dumb implications. I'll go dig it up if you want.

Not him, but I have. What has that got to do with anything?

>> No.20472268

don't be a bitter loser

>> No.20472330
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>unironically reading this shit

>> No.20472394

>Is this something a normal western person would imagine?
It's something that I saw a video of once. As a femoid, I was always jealous of the chaotic, fun energy dudes seemed to have, and I spent a long time thinking about it. Then I saw that video and I realized what it was; all the girls were scared. It was a bummer.

On a brighter note, I've seen some cute "prank" videos (the one where a dude nudges a watergun towards strangers so they can have a waterfight in public), and when women feel safe, they enjoy them just as much as guys do. There's just a lot less situations.

>Not him, but I have. What has that got to do with anything?
the point I was trying to make was that it's pretty hard to act jovial, or play along when you're in that kind of situation.

>> No.20472400

>dismissing good books because of their release date
you're the one who's ngmi anon

>> No.20472404

>Turning to standup instead.
Lmao since when? Standup has been abandoned for the most part on the large stage. Small stage is still there, (and if you can find a local gem that hasn't been snuffed out by those who seek to snuff such ideas out) and I would suggest going as much as possible and even trying it out.

Other areas are growing for more open-minded and free thought(both male/female) are more in the digital space imo.

>> No.20472422

Gay niggers in outer space: the inter galactic battle of communism

>> No.20472484

I'd argue that as music changes so does the venue's and audience they seek to entertain.
You mentioned music festivals in your town, and I see the same thing here in Ontario with established ones playing it safe. I think that is inevitable for established events.
I find better music in niche areas that fit new genres and artists who wouldn't be able to "fit in" with the regular audience.

I am seeing a lot of great artists move into VR for example.

>> No.20472504


Your missing out my friend. Lots of great authors whom are women that are not pozzed.
Frankenstein is an example.

>> No.20472521

Clam digger?

>> No.20472674

>It's something that I saw a video of once.
Yeah, it sounds like a video, not even remotely like reality. Those prank videos are 95% scripted.
>I was always jealous of the chaotic, fun energy dudes seemed to have
As a faggot I prefer to call it annoying as fuck dudebro/bydlo energy. There's nothing fun about it, it is idiotic and forced and autistic in the original sense of the world, loud simulation of emotional exchange with utter emptiness on the inside.
>the point I was trying to make was that it's pretty hard to act jovial, or play along when you're in that kind of situation.
I dunno, I'd expect a possible rape to come with some signs less vague and ridiculous than "a guy started singing out of the blue".

>> No.20472743

>There's nothing fun about it, it is idiotic and forced and autistic in the original sense of the world, loud simulation of emotional exchange with utter emptiness on the inside.
Well, it certainly looked like fun from the outside

>"a guy started singing out of the blue".
well, if you're trapped in a moving vehicle with him, it's a lot scarier, and it's less about the singing in itself, and more that he's now proven himself to be unpredictable. From experience, the kind of person that spontaneously bursts into song is also capable of bursting into spontaneous, violent rage. Maybe he's just being funny, and maybe he's not, but the problem is that you just don't know.

>> No.20473039


>> No.20473823


>> No.20473841

>Jewish publishers assemble minority writers to push victim narrative
>Male writers are left out
What? No Way!

>> No.20473852

I love how much they need us lol

still not going to consoom your shit, ever

>> No.20473932

This young lady is being retarded on purpose for clicks

>> No.20473934

WASPs died out and got replaced by the much more aggressive and tribalist jewish elites that rule the US today.

>> No.20473947

Standup is fucking dead. It doesn't exist anymore. It's all toothless, neutered shit nobody cares about nowadays.

>> No.20473956

It's not dead, it's just tightly controlled by a circle of gatekeeping grifters and their podcast friends.

>> No.20473960

So it's for all intents and purposes dead.

>> No.20473985

2666 by Bolaño
Neapolitan Novels by Ferrante

>> No.20473997

LMAO touch grass faggot, you probably have never been to a comedy club.

>> No.20474086
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I’m pretty sure publishers just don’t read any more, they’re too caught up in their manuscripts and Twitter drama. You read the blurb for some books and they make completely retarded and objectively false claims to shill their queer bipoc tranny writers. Stuff like totally ignoring James Joyce to pretend that they’ve published the first ever work of avant garde fiction written about working class people, or claiming that science fiction is a genre dominated by anglo writers as though fucking Lem, Zamyatin, the Strugatskys, Kobo Abe etc. Never existed. They think they’re so fucking clever pulling the intersectionality bullshit when all they’re doing is exposing the fact that they’ve either barely read the genre they’re claiming to be an expert about or if they have read it they’ve stuck completely to straight, male, anglo authors like some sort of white rights advocist.
Find this hard to believe. Women absolutely love those faggy memoirs like Deborah Levy or that Lisa Taddeo one, and every Robin DiAngelo book ever sold has been sold to a white woman.

>> No.20474117

>nigger tranny writes broken english sentences about being a faggot.
>"Wow! This is so avant-garde!"
>Hymie Rosenbaum of the Guardian gives it five stars.

>> No.20474118

>men famously making up half the population, they only account for 20% of the audience for literary fiction. Part of this may be down to the changing landscape of authors themselves.
men are playing vidya games
vidya game take all the time

>> No.20474129

call of the crocodile

>> No.20474147

the world is so thoroughly bougie-fied that there's nothing 'manly' left to write about. there's no love anymore for even the tamest of outlaws. pussy planet