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20466145 No.20466145 [Reply] [Original]

I have quite some books to read, be it for finance, trading, etc... but I'm a master procrastinator and I have never read any book out of joy, if I read I read a books first hundred pages in a single run and never read it again. I no longer want to be a retarded brainlet that doesn't read and actually amplify my knowledge, but I just can't get used to reading, what do I do?

>> No.20466183

Obligatory "turn off your phone" and "delete social media".
I like to sit outside and smoke a pipe while reading. Extremely clichee and larp, I know, but I enjoy it and depending on which pipe and tobacco I pick it blocks the next 45 to 90 minutes.
So maybe find something like that, that keeps you from doing other stuff but isn't too demanding itself.

>> No.20466237


Nike. Or if you prefer, Shia_LaBeouf.webm.

>> No.20466388

Bump because I'm in the same boat as you op, online classes turned me into a brain fried degen neet type dweller with a completly shot attention span that can't get even past a few pages without sperging out
Also can't balance any routine at all an just procrastinate the whole day

>> No.20466399

just start by trying to read 10 pages a day

>> No.20466532

By reading.

>> No.20466859

Yeah, the online classes did it

>> No.20466924

By reading.

>> No.20466929

Just force yourself to read for 5 minutes

>> No.20467004

Read some fiction or something that tries to be fun and entertaining.

>> No.20467355

Think about it like lifting weights anon. That thirty pound dumbbell feels really heavy at first. The more days you lift it, the lighter it feels. Reading is like that. You struggle at first until more difficult books become easier and easier to read.

>> No.20467367

A) get evaluated for ADHD to get drugs if you want
B) audiobooks while doing something with your hands

>> No.20467376

I think about 20% of people just cannot work from home for whatever reason.
I’m fine as long as I have to be somewhere at the same time outside of the house every day, but without that my sleep schedule collapses and I become pretty worthless. It’s annoying because everyone wants to WFH forever now.

>> No.20467389

Keep trying at least half an hour a day, no excuses. Don't rush into it. Don't make "reading goals" with page count or number of books, only time spent reading. Do this for a couple of weeks. If you still can't read for shit, maybe this isn't for you: stick to videogames and pornography.