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/lit/ - Literature

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20461062 No.20461062 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone here who can compete with this literary genius from Reddit?

>> No.20461085

>anyone here who can compete

well, lets see...

Glynn Stewart is the author of Starship’s Mage, a bestselling science fiction and fantasy series where faster-than-light travel is possible–but only because of magic. His other works include science fiction series Duchy of Terra, Castle Federation and Vigilante, as well as the urban fantasy series ONSET and Changeling Blood.

Writing managed to liberate Glynn from a bleak future as an accountant. With his personality and hope for a high-tech future intact, he lives in Southern Ontario with his partner, their cats, and an unstoppable writing habit.

>escaped his wage slave job
>has a bestselling book series
>good personality and optimistic outlook on life
>supportive wife
>kitty cats
>strong work ethic

yeah, i'm gonna have to say no.

>> No.20461086

I wonder if his vocabulary changes between the first book and the last one

>> No.20461092

F Gardner

>> No.20461096

Sanderbros...how can we compete?

>> No.20461097

He's got that white supremacist beard going

>> No.20461115

You should read them and find out :)

>> No.20461270

>a bleak future as an accountant.
99% of the time, an accountant has a much better future than a wannabe sci-fi writer

>> No.20461287

>writes dozens of books
>not one single masterpiece
a real /lit/ autist would spend years living in poverty writing strange fetish erotica for a subsistence wage while constantly rewriting page after page

>> No.20461288
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"go back"

>> No.20461296

99% of the time a person with a decent career will have a better (or at least more financially stable) future than a wannabe writer of any genre, but you've kind of missed the point.

>> No.20461330
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I wonder why this thread was started today--
>I'm running a kickstarter in June 2022

>> No.20461334

F Gardner
At least I heard of him before today

>> No.20461379

Which am I if I used /b/ in the mid naughts, then left until ~2018?

>> No.20461412
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>go b-ACK

>> No.20461422

Ponder the odor.

>> No.20461436

/b/ was basically synonymous with 4chan for me in 2004. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

>> No.20461438

Yeah, I barely knew there were other boards.

>> No.20461442

I knew about 4chan as far back as 2005, but never used it until they changed the captcha system.

>> No.20461943

What does he smell like?

>> No.20462027
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Probably those overpriced Reddit soaps

>> No.20462072

this graph makes me really sad, being a /b/tard in middleschool during the chanology days felt so right
you could see a tripfags post one day and then call him a fag in a tinychat the next... I want to go back bros...

>> No.20462086

I'm gonna guess you're the guy in the pic. I'm a STEM fag autist /lit/-let, ignore my shitpost (if I'm wrong).

>> No.20462119

What was /b/ like before turning into a porn board?

>> No.20462149

>has a wife who loves him and is proud of his achievements
No, I cannot compete with this at all, genuinely. I could react with malice or haughtiness but it would be a poor show of cope.
Nonetheless, congratulations to the plebbitor with a hairline like that, a neckbeard fashioned into something that looks like an actual beard, and an undeniable achievement in publishing writing. If he can gain both love and succes, perhaps there is hope.

>> No.20462155

I found 4chan in summer of 2008 after finishing 8th grade faggot

Verification not required

>> No.20462161

>>kitty cats
Only thing I dislike.

I envy him, but wish him the best nonetheless.

>> No.20462188

>dr. squatch squad

where's the joke fuckley

>> No.20462194

Who else /2008 Chanology newfag/ here?

>> No.20462207

I started browsing 4chan last year, seethe

>> No.20462227

Reddit is cringe. Vomit.

>> No.20462231

That it’s a ton of money for just regular soap?
For basically every product there’s some version of it that spends a bunch of money on Reddit ads and is marked up 400+%. Soap, underwear, protein powder, everything.

>> No.20462234

If cats didn’t piss and shit in your house they would be the perfect pet.

>> No.20462258

Me but I got there a year before after I heard the mudkipz meme. Will never forget that dumb meme ruined my life kek

>> No.20462272
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/lit/ is more about scholarly study of literary classics than original genre plebbery

>> No.20462278

I'd rather be an accountant than be surrounded by this nerd shit all day

>> No.20462294

>Glynn Stewart

it's his goodread page
most of his books are 4.5 rating which is very good
maybe it's just his niche readers?

>> No.20462337
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It’s crazy how there are just so many people on earth now that there are a night infinite number of things that are wildly popular that you’ve never heard of in your life.

>> No.20462349

Huh, I followed a similar path. Spent a lot of time on /b/ in 2008-2010 and occasionally other boards too (I watched Code Geass and Toradora with /a/ as their aired) and then I left until 2015 when I somehow stumbled back to /pol/.

>> No.20462354
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>tfw you're a phoneposter

>> No.20462700

Most of those are probably fake ratings he's made himself. F. Gardner did the same thing. It's best to check his Amazon page, because you need to have purchased the book to leave a review.

>> No.20462737
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>> No.20462760

If you read the reviews on Goodreads where people actually write something, most of them are 3 or 2 star reviews. All of them complain about how there's no editing, lots of grammatical mistakes, half sentences, and the author has a bad habit of reexplaining things that were just explained in the previous chapter. Not to mention this dude tried to make himself more "legitimate" by saying his self-published books are published by his "self-owned" press which only publishes him. Yeah dude's a loser. But honestly we all knew that since he's writing Eragon in space or whatever gay cuck shit makes his asshole tingle.

>> No.20462787

Either way isn’t he making enough money to live on? Unless he quit his accountant job to be supported by his gf/wife while he became a NEET that writes a bunch of shit books and loses even more money astroturfing about them. Even if it is that, that’s marginally better than writing nothing at all, maybe.

>> No.20462796

F Gardner.

He’s literally some insane schizo flat earther from 4chan who keeps writing horror novels. I’ve only read “Call of the Crocodile” and “Call of the Arcade”. But based on those it’s the most insane book series I’ve ever encountered. Worth reading just to see how off the rails and nuts it is.

Just to give you and idea, the twists are the most baffling I’ve ever seen in any books. Stephen King and JK Rowling are both characters in Call of the Crocodile. It’s beyond lunacy. Overall, Call of the Arcade was much better than Call of the Crocodile. But I’m aware Croc is more memed here than Arcade.

>> No.20462806

I don’t get why you would waste any part of your one life on earth on this stupid garbage.

>> No.20462808
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Oh definitely gardner

>> No.20462817

Jigoku is his best. It’s literally just Pokémon. It’s about kids who kill themselves because they think they can go to the world where Jigoku (the Pokemon esque world) exists in the afterlife. Really fucked up and hella entertaining.

>> No.20462839

Probably him.

>> No.20462913
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I thought the same before I read some of Horror’s Call. You really don’t know what insanity you’re missing mate.

>> No.20462939
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I’m not reading your stupid schizo book Gardner fuck off

>> No.20463058
File: 41 KB, 500x619, 6774BB2C-8962-40EA-9C05-D00A74FEF480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to compete with reddit cringe is using even greater reddit cringe.

>> No.20463105

This. F Gardner even made himself a character in his books where he’s viewed as a famous writer everybody loves. And one of his books is a Pokémon ripoff that’s edgelord as fuck. He’s the 4chan version of Chrischan except way more fascinating when you realize he genuinely thinks things like the earth is flat and that he can somehow write all these books and think’s he’s the next Shakespeare.
I’ve become an ironic Gardnerchad ever since falling down the rabbit hole that is F Gardner. His books really are something you need to experience to know what I’m talking about. Otherwise it doesn’t make much sense and seems like a meme. Which I guess it certainly is. But the meme status of Call of the Crocodile and everything just kind of makes it that much more fascinating when you realize you’re actually reading the works of a genuine schizophrenic who can somehow write cool horror stories.

>> No.20463159

I'm going to kill myself soon.

>> No.20463167

This guy that is clearly posting this stupid shit about himself in every other thread needs to be a bannable offense. There needs to be a report->reason->”Gardner post” workflow.

>> No.20463199

Joe Rogan would flip his shit if he ever discovered F Gardner. Every single one of his books is like

>Dude, DMT!
>Dude, Machine Elves!
>Dude, Flat Earth!
>Dude, Biblically accurate angels!

Gardner even has the fucking Backrooms as the plot of one of his books. I couldn’t even make up a more batshit insane idea for a series. It’s like someone condensed the entirety of /x/ creepypastas and turned it into an entire book series.

>> No.20463245

Shut the fuck up

>> No.20463269

What do you mean 'before'?

>> No.20463538

At least he writes. Which is more than can be said about /lit/.

>> No.20463584

F Gardner alone has written like a dozen books and he’s from /lit/

>> No.20463977

Lmao. Extremely accurate

>> No.20464019

>footnote 62
fucking kek

>> No.20464290

member all of the spam before the captchas?

Think of a much smarter, less serious and less political version of 'peak' /pol/. It was basically nonstop shit posting with racism and misogyny. It was pretty fun.

>> No.20464301

Then you can suck my cock off and eat off my cum, fucking faggot.

>> No.20464321

>Publisher : Faolan's Pen Publishing Inc.; 2nd edition (December 15, 2014)
>Faolan’s Pen Publishing is a professional author-owned publisher dedicated to the works of author Glynn Stewart.
These fake "publishers" owned by the author trying to mask themselves as non-self-published are even worse than just actually self-publishing.

>> No.20464323

>no children
lol loser

>> No.20464329


>> No.20464361
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Saw this in another thread.

>> No.20464370

Sure seems like the fag is you

>> No.20464374

Well if he’d just gone through more to cover his steps it wouldn’t be so bad.

>> No.20464380

This is exactly as bad and stupid as I was expecting.

>> No.20464440

Is it depressing that /lit/ can’t beat this?

>> No.20464443

Almost anything in the writing generals beats this