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[ERROR] No.2045959 [Reply] [Original]

Racial Comrades:

Anyone wishing to receive a free copy in .pdf fomat of Northwest Novel #5, entitled Freedom’s Sons, Volume One, should e-mail me at nwnet@earthlink.net. The attachment is 455 pages and 220,000 words in length.

I will be printing a very small number of galley copies for top supporters. These are extremely expensive to produce and cannot take the place of actual book publication, which will be discussed at a later date.



>> No.2045971
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>> No.2045975
File: 128 KB, 352x330, aged_crop_45-85-352-330-352-330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home before the storm, boys and girls. It's the White thing to do.

>> No.2045976
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>> No.2045978

is this a Deus Ex viral?

>> No.2045986

Not at all. This is the last great drive for whites to have a true homeland where white children can grow in peace.

>> No.2045994
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>> No.2045998
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>> No.2046009
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>> No.2046020
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>The Northwest Front is a political organization of Aryan men and women who recognize that an independent and sovereign White nation in the Pacific Northwest is the only possibility for the survival of the White race on this continent.

They could write a fucking masterpiece and I still wont read it on principle.

Fuck these cunts.

>> No.2046023
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There is nothing wrong with seeing the realities of the racial imperative. If you're not white, or if your head is full of liberal mush maybe you won't see this.

But if you are white I urge you to come home before the storm.

>> No.2046028

They did. It's called Twilight

>> No.2046031
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>> No.2046035

If the white race dies out, it will be because it is weak and genetically inferior. Weak races deserve to perish and should not be protected on artificial reservations like the PNW.

Answer that one Aryans.

>> No.2046052
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>> No.2046056

> believes in "races"

well, I guess you are also still doing research on the "ether" and cure illnesses with leeches...

>> No.2046062
File: 30 KB, 500x377, ladysovdembreast2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have racial imperative, what we do need is Social Imperiative.
Class is where the real problems begin my friend, not the race of people.

>> No.2046068

I offer a dissenting opinion.


>> No.2046075

lol @ lady sovereign
She likes doing that a lot.
She is a silly rapper.

>> No.2046086
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>> No.2046089
File: 61 KB, 413x553, ladysovmorebreastises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's face it, if we had breasts, we would do the same.
You are a bad man, and I too am a bad man for smiling.

>> No.2046088

Stop speaking our language you mongrel. And electricity, which we harnessed, and the internet, which we invented and computers, which we designed :)

>> No.2046100


>> No.2046103

God dammit why does this have to be in the Northwest.

>> No.2046109

What's wrong with that? It's the highest concentration of whites still remaining in America.


>> No.2046112

And the continent you stand on was earned through gunpowder, which you learned how to make from Asians. Shut up.

>> No.2046114

They may have come up with a very primitive form which they never fully developed. But we also conquered you asians with the gunpowder you didn't invent :/

Seriously stop speaking my language. No one cares about whatever box of spoons you babble at home. Or more likely don't.

>> No.2046123

Because it's generally a cool place and you fags are ruining it. Stay in the semi-arid bit at least.

>> No.2046128
File: 208 KB, 490x700, ladysovlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just so adorable.

>> No.2046129

I am a white male. Besides, did YOU personally invent any of these things? No, of course you didn't. You are too genetically superior to actually do anything of use, right? Instead you waste your mental power on emoticons poorly forced into blocks of text in an attempt to make your point logical.

>> No.2046132

What fags would that be? People who want to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children?

>> No.2046139

I'm studying microbiology, specifically astrobiology. I don't want to fight with you, cousin.

>> No.2046148


You guys sure do love those children.


>> No.2046155

Are you even implying I am a pedophile? If this is your level of argument we have already won.

>> No.2046167

There is absolutely no reason to believe yourself superior to any other race. You're so called superiority is only derived from being lucky enough to come from the most fertile continent on Earth. And being lucky enough to have a small but divided land, one that basically forces competitive thought and innovation. If anything, the precious tests that white supremacists state prove Caucasoid superiority also indicate a mongoloid superiority over them.

>> No.2046180
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I thought the same way, once not too long ago. Something happened in my life that brought my old way of thinking into question. We ARE different. Western society is what we created, but I don't expect you to change your mind today, or even tomorrow. But keep an open mind, I hope.

And always remember the lesson of Haiti.


>> No.2046189
File: 389 KB, 1300x654, evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /new/

~ Leonidas

>> No.2046191


Those who lie down with dogs...

>> No.2046196 [DELETED] 

Then explain how Western economies are imploding if we are so superior. All the niggers, right?

>> No.2046207

I don't use words like that, because I don't hate other races. You might think I am lying and that's your choice. I love my race, white people and I celebrate OUR culture.

When that has become socially unacceptable, I find society lacking. Take your time, watch the video with open eyes. It might just save your life.

>> No.2046206

That picture basically states that you and mongoloids are both superior. Just blacks that fall behind.

>> No.2046212

>Aisa for asians
>Africa for africans
>South America for hispanics
>White nations for everyone?

>> No.2046215


have fun with your melanoma, skim milk

>> No.2046217
File: 15 KB, 259x195, boers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is white genocide real? Ask the Boers.


>> No.2046223

Wow, what?

>> No.2046225

This is now a bebo thread:


>> No.2046229

Now who's the racist? You reveal yourself anonymous.

>> No.2046233

Except there are people all over the place. Whatever. I hope you realize Hispanic isn't really a race, and that evidence has showned they assimilate well into both America and into Spain.
I don't mind that.

>> No.2046236


im white but im a race traitor


>> No.2046238

You don't mind racism against you? It offends the shit out of me. And why won't you stand up for your genetic line?

>> No.2046241
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I love how the "evidence" for your claims comes in the form of youtube links and paint .jpegs.

>> No.2046247

You're not a race traitor unless you're killing whites. You're a misogynist, like I was once. But she was taken from me by her own people. They called me things like milkey, and mayonnaise too. This was before the physical assaults came.

We, whites, are the most confused people on earth right now.

>> No.2046249


>implying i don't kill whitey

>> No.2046250

What claims? I don;t need evidence to discern the color of the sky. I don't need evidence to tell me what is right in front of my face.

I've traveled overseas, extensively and I am sure you have not. I am not the one you want to be arguing with.

>> No.2046252

It's all a big joke to people like you. You still have that luxury.

>> No.2046259

What would happen now if I said I was a half Central American, half German American male, age eighteen. Would your sympathy evaporate?

>> No.2046269

nazi punks fuck off. get this bullshit outta here.

>> No.2046272

No. I'm not a monster, no matter what the media portrays white nationalists as. I stand for civilization in an age where that is becoming increasingly unpopular.

>> No.2046275

I'm not a punk and why are you suddenly against free speech and literature? Would you ban this book if you were able?

>> No.2046288

>replying to this thread

>> No.2046291

You just replied.

>> No.2046309

I just don't see where mixed races would fit in your society.

>> No.2046313

I don't understand why anyone wanting to protect their offspring and cultural heritage from adulteration by immigrants is wrong. In fact, go back to your own countries and protect yours from what white culture has been doing to the rest of the world since the rise of Europe. Get out of my country.

>> No.2046319
File: 105 KB, 1513x983, 1311194280673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wouldn't. They can have the whole rest of the United States for their own. We're not trying to deprive anyone of life or liberty, we simply recognize that the white race is under 10% of the planet and falling rapidly.

At current levels it will soon be impossible to arrest extinction. There are plenty of everyone else, other than the Semite races. We're only advocating a portion of what we built for our own use.

>> No.2046322

This is a crude, crude map that was not made by any of us. But until a better one is made it gives a basic idea of how we see the US possibly breaking up as the federal government looses control.

>> No.2046331

And there you lose any sympathy.

>> No.2046339


ew can we not have indiana please?

>> No.2046342

We don't want your sympathy, make no mistake. WE recognize that the white race around the planet is being over run. Is anyone invading african en masse for a better life? South America? The middle East? India? Of course not.

What we want is a homeland of our own to raise our children in peace and tranquility without third world problems and constant threat of racial annihilation.

>> No.2046347

Well, I'm sorry that your dream will be unrealized.

>> No.2046353

LOL! This is all in the formative stages though our numbers swell every day. Before now, white flight has meant a disordered flight away from the problems. For the first time in US history we have designated a place to flee to.

Get involved early and often.

>> No.2046358

My dream of whites existing in 200 years? So you're saying we have no cause to fight for our survival? We don't need your permission to do so.

>> No.2046368

Your dream of segregation. You'll exist regardless.

>> No.2046374

You have not done even the basic modicum of research into the topic and I would suggest you recognize that.

>> No.2046389

why does this have so many replies come on guys seriously this is unwarranted, threads about books and literature and the English language and writing are falling off the front page while you continue to bump this

>> No.2046396

B'aaaaaaawwwwwwww! No one responded to mah threads imma cry!