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20459161 No.20459161 [Reply] [Original]

What book would you teach in a high school English class? One that isn't already widely taught

>> No.20459177

maybe some Plato?

It's hard because you have to keep in mind they are highschoolers who for the most part do not like to read

>> No.20459179

Do americunts really not study philosophy in highschool?

>> No.20459182

Ashtavakra Gita

>> No.20459185

Sad and true

>> No.20459224

Whatever is popular.
If you're a good enough teacher you should should be able to show how themes and structure work with pretty much anything.
I'm pretty sure the only reason kids still have to read Catcher in the Rye is because most teachers are dead inside and they can just read a lesson plan that somebody else wrote in 1972 ensuring that they don't have to think of things themselves.

>> No.20459229

It would have to be as easy to read and entertaining as YA but as substantial and thought-provoking as philosophy

>> No.20459232

The problem is that it's an "English" class.

>> No.20459250


>> No.20459275


>> No.20459280

anything by Milan Kundera would work

>> No.20459295

Diary of a Drug Friend. It's fast paced, fun, but also fantastically well written and insightful. Although given its subject matter and Crowley's (deservedly) poor reputation, you'd probably get complains from parents if they found out

>> No.20459326

The Metamorphosis

>> No.20459328

I was a English major and didn't study a single piece of philosophy through all of high school and college In USA

>> No.20459331

We read The Metamorphosis in HS, as well as The Stranger. The theme of the semester was "Alienation"

>> No.20459384
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>> No.20459631

Seconding this. The book of laughter and forgetting specifically because its segmented nature would work well with assigned reading structure.

>> No.20459868

I dont think OP wants to get fired

>> No.20460189

I did a little back in the day but its mostly Epics we study.

anyways, Concept Of The Political would be my answer.