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/lit/ - Literature

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20458981 No.20458981 [Reply] [Original]

In Fyodor Dostoevsky's seminal novel, "The Brothers Karamazov", one of the most memorable scenes is when the titular brothers (one, a monk, the other, an atheist) engage in an unconventional debate about the existence of god.
The older of the two brothers posits that the multiple evils of this world, that even children are subjected to, indicates that god must be a malevolent entity, and that promises of paradise after death are simply taunts.
"It's not that I don't accept god, I just most respectfully decline him the ticket," Ivan Karamazov declares.
Ivan rejects all notions of god's benevolence, but even further than that, he does not consider the debate about whether god exists to be important, rather, the question of whether or not we want to exist in this world.
In summary, for us, the victims of an uncaring creator, life is nothing more than A Cruel Angel's Thesis (1995)

>> No.20459005

I wish my lgf would take a pic like this

>> No.20459010 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 932x1242, Screenshot_20220426-210142_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I wasn't a slave to pussy

>> No.20459102
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Why are people allowed to post pics like this

>> No.20459140

i love being a little pussy slave baby bitch boy fuck i want her to tell me how pathetic i am so bad

>> No.20459147
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>> No.20459150
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If God is conceivably malevolent, that should give you more impetus to worship Him, not less.

t. Pascal

>> No.20459167

You are ugly.

>> No.20459188

if you think about how feminine beauty ( a farce ) effects the male observer it should be REQUIRED to post phonography in every post.

>> No.20459189

is this all /lit/ has? surely someone can do better

>> No.20459200

I'm literally going to jerk off right now. I didn't read a single word in this thread. Asuka is leagues better than that soulless excuse for a human that I won't bother to name.

>> No.20459215
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>> No.20459219

In my imagination I hear Ivan saying this in a very monotone drawl as he is cryptically fatalistic. He says it but he he does not say it. He could not care or care not. It is all steps choregraphed and whether he smiles at it or frowns was written in the books long before

>> No.20459242

and with that i have achieved climax, thanks for helping me jack off faggots.

>> No.20459257
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>> No.20459307

Fuck. Fuck. 4 days. Just that.

>> No.20459340

Seminal. Heh.

>> No.20459357
File: 267 KB, 763x770, 1632674140632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit uncanny how similar Asuka is to me. She's almost the same age as me. She has the nearly exact same ethnic makeup as me. We have similar trauma issues. It's like Anno looked into the future, saw me, and decided he would turn me into a hot anime babe.

>> No.20459401


>> No.20459415
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She's would be 20 years old if she was real now, like me.

>> No.20459500
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If you say so...

>> No.20459509

I hate women except how hot they are and I hate that too because it's annoying to deal with

>> No.20459535
File: 61 KB, 750x501, XBO5RHd-ZvwT45YfQ7xpVw_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think Dostoevsky would have been an asukafag?

>> No.20459543

You remind me of someone I once knew
I did not like that person

>> No.20459737

oh? and why didn't you like this person?

>> No.20459769

yep, its distracting how hot women are
i have more important business to deal with it, stop being hot!!

>> No.20459819
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For a long period he made his entire personality based around his own self-pity. You remind he of him because the way he spoke was very similar to your post.
He started dating my ex about a week after a period where I had been confiding in him the heartbreak I was going through, which was about a month after we had broken up.
Frankly I blame myself, if I wasn't such a sperg in highschool i should've seen it coming a mile away. I actually didn't realize that any of this was wrong until much later, as I had never felt a single pang of jealousy because as I mentioned due to his self-pity and general low self-esteem, the relationship did not last more than a few months and from the outside just looked like she was pitying him, as he had had a strong crush on her for years well before i knew either of them. He ended up confiding in me his love woes the same way I had him, and I told him to end it as genuine advice to a friend as the whole situation looked emasculating.
Frankly I'm glad it ended that eskimo bro bullshit was bothersome

>> No.20459847

It's on topic janny!!!! NGE is very heavy on literature and philosophical themes, it is one of the most philosophical tv shoes ever made.

>> No.20459862
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It's a bunch of hack bullshit thrown together because the director "though it looked cool".

>> No.20459872

Baby-tampon-boy pilled.

>> No.20459890

and it started well.
i think the most amazing thing is the answer to that question about God, in both the Grand Inquisitor poem and in the interaction between the two brothers; it's a kiss.

before anyone even thinks of it
>for Russians, as for many Eastern Europeans, kissing on the lips (same sex) is more significant than shaking hands. It indicates deep friendship and love.

>> No.20459893
File: 137 KB, 1080x1440, caterpillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got a big one

>> No.20459905
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Thank you anon
this will do well in my coom folder

>> No.20459909

he would have been a reifag, no question about it
>It's a bunch of hack bullshit thrown together because the director "though it looked cool".
you sound like a stupid faggot

>> No.20459918

Being a stupid faggot doesn't mean I'm wrong

>> No.20459927

are you kidding me? Dosto is about the soul (rei doesnt have one) Asuka is literally a dosto character.

>> No.20459941

Sometimes that turns out to be very intriguing because the creator makes something meaningful accidentally. He says he did it for no reason, but we can't say for sure there wasn't a subconscious intention at work. Reason would dictate there was.

>> No.20459943

beats frogposting

>> No.20459947

where's the bulge

>> No.20459955

Rei, (at least in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time) is all about that orthodox christian compassion and forgiveness, her whole thing is forgiving shinji and loving him when he cannot love himself, while asuka is off doing her tsundere bs

>> No.20460013
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cool double dubs

>> No.20460100

Irrelevant, that's not canon.

>> No.20460112

Can we stop pretending anime is anything more than pretentious garbage for children? There's no such thing as a well written anime.

>> No.20460317

God. I feel sad.

>> No.20460338

why not. what's it to you:?
>noo, why don't we have less rights, please, moderators, constrain our freedom further

>> No.20460543

Nah, Ghost in the Shell kinda slaps

>> No.20461003

OP what are you trying to get at with the text part of your post?

Is that an excerpt somewhere for NGE.

I would welcome a serious discussion about TBK and NGE to be quite honest with you, but if this thread is gonna be jsut about her camel toe and wanting to be degraded then why bother

>> No.20461020

I really like penises but think men are (mostly) ugly. I would like to date a pretty tranny some time.
Also I don't know what this thread is even about. Just stopped for frog perspective waman and replied, because of penises.
I should sleep, sorry.

>> No.20461022

Sleep deprivation is based actually

>> No.20461028
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>> No.20461116

Ye, maybe. Needing little sleep is definitely based.
But I usually am barely capaple of making it through one day. So I need chemical aid to skip a night, which in turn exceberates my penis craving quite a bit.

>> No.20461348

is that a big fuzzy room?

>> No.20461361

How is criticising your shitty kids cartoons on a literature board no fun allowed?

>> No.20461372

3dpd trying to imitate pure 2d upsets me

>> No.20461582

>NGE is very heavy on literature and philosophical themes
It's for pedophiles, actually.
Ghost in the Shell? Tranny astroturf.

>> No.20461652

>trusts tsurumaki
>philosophical = religious
>themes = imagery

>> No.20461709

Do elaborate. In detail preferably.

>> No.20461793

Congrats now finish the book faggot

>> No.20461798

Be careful this can get you perma banned from the entire site kek

>> No.20462040

Where do I see her completely naked?

>> No.20462656

I've got a big one now too

>> No.20462777

If God is evil it would indicate he is less than all powerful in at least some way, because evil actions tend to come from a deficit(incomplete knowledge, greed, fear) so you would probably be vest to find some other entity to throw your lot in with.

>> No.20462947


>> No.20462983
File: 1.35 MB, 1373x1193, this is going to sound edgy as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many such cases

>> No.20462986

gundam was close and then shit the bed in the second half

>> No.20463027


>> No.20463491

Thanks anon